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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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You never cross FootballGAF with PoliticsGAF, but why not do it anyway?



That's pretty good, for better and worse.

Done my part for Labour, but my constituency is heartland Liverpool so it's not here I'm anxious for.
Will be a fascinating election result to see come in.

Tories - Stand still? Landslide?
Labour - City surge, rural collapse? Youth turnout?
LDs - Tactical voting, strong local campaign? Bad national campaign loses seats?
UKIP - Stays at home?
SNP - Resists the Tories?

I think every party on the left could have a dreadful night in the right circumstance.

- Labour collapse in heartlands, lose 50 seats, many by small margins.
- LD campaigns produce 15 near-misses and a net loss, probably resulting in Farron stepping down.
- SNP lose key Westminster figures as unionist vote does its best to give them a kicking.


From The Guardian. Read the last section.

UKIP confirmed to be the only party and supporters who bought Mass Effect Andromeda.

There's some trolling going down on Twitter where you buy lots of copies of The Sun/DM and either burn or bin them. It's really getting some people going. I mean, okay, it's a bit daft to spend that amount of money on toilet paper, but imagine being the kind of people who have to defend those papers? It's a bit passed a "point of view" when you are trying to declare Corbyn as a terrorist in a roundabout way.
As an Irishman whose country will be affected by brexit more than any country besides Britain itself I sincerely hope you opt for Corbyn. Besides May being a truly awful politician whose only talent seems to be opportunism, the Tories have demonstrated an even further shift to the right on this campaign. Corbyn is a genuine, decent socialist who seems to want to make Britain a more egalitarian country. Unfortunately it's near certain the Tories will but I think they'll only increase their majority by fifteen seats or so. May will be on borrowed time.

The shits in the DUP who desperately think they're a part of an empire are gonna make it tough to have any hope there.
Today marks like the 7th conservative thing I've gotten in the mail.

Meanwhile I've gotten 1 labour and 0 libdem.

Where yo marketing dollars at guys?
Will be a fascinating election result to see come in.

Tories - Stand still? Landslide?
Labour - City surge, rural collapse? Youth turnout?
LDs - Tactical voting, strong local campaign? Bad national campaign loses seats?
UKIP - Stays at home?
SNP - Resists the Tories?

I think every party on the left could have a dreadful night in the right circumstance.

- Labour collapse in heartlands, lose 50 seats, many by small margins.
- LD campaigns produce 15 near-misses and a net loss, probably resulting in Farron stepping down.
- SNP lose key Westminster figures as unionist vote does its best to give them a kicking.

While on the right end of things:
- May doesn't get an absolutely massive majority. Almost certain she'll still have one, but given this whole election was so she can shore up her protection from backbenchers, getting only +5 instead of +50 would be a knock on her personal stature
- UKIP collapses in the popular vote as people return to Labour and the Conservatives. They've always been underrepresented vs the actual share of the vote they take in, so losing that share would be the death knell of the party as a legitimate force in British politics.


Any protest that involves giving a shitload of money to the thing you are protesting is a pretty terrible protest.

Very true...

Ok 50 Quid on Corbyn as next PM at 5/1

Coalition of Chaos: Assemble!

Let's do this.


but our friend Spaced Harrier has just burned his own money lol.

Could've bought some food from ALL the fast food joints mentioned earlier and still had a bit left over for some cans of Tennents Super.
UKIP confirmed to be the only party and supporters who bought Mass Effect Andromeda.

There's some trolling going down on Twitter where you buy lots of copies of The Sun/DM and either burn or bin them. It's really getting some people going. I mean, okay, it's a bit daft to spend that amount of money on toilet paper, but imagine being the kind of people who have to defend those papers? It's a bit passed a "point of view" when you are trying to declare Corbyn as a terrorist in a roundabout way.

When I'm seeing that I'm like yeah, I appreciate the joke, but paying money for either, especially the Sun just makes me die a little inside.
Will be a fascinating election result to see come in.

Tories - Stand still? Landslide?
Labour - City surge, rural collapse? Youth turnout?
LDs - Tactical voting, strong local campaign? Bad national campaign loses seats?
UKIP - Stays at home?
SNP - Resists the Tories?

I think every party on the left could have a dreadful night in the right circumstance.

- Labour collapse in heartlands, lose 50 seats, many by small margins.
- LD campaigns produce 15 near-misses and a net loss, probably resulting in Farron stepping down.
- SNP lose key Westminster figures as unionist vote does its best to give them a kicking.

The more the day goes on, the more I think that this is a real possibility. Where some pollsters have been bullish on the the youth vote, I think they may have completely missed how toxic Corbyn is amongst certain groups of voters. I wouldn't be surprised to see a collapse in what would be 'traditional' Labour areas in midlands/north. Sea of blue, with an occasional red mass to signify an urban area.

I hope not. :/
Today marks like the 7th conservative thing I've gotten in the mail.

Meanwhile I've gotten 1 labour and 0 libdem.

Where yo marketing dollars at guys?

Are you in a safe tory seat?

I've had 1 tory leafleft, several labour and I'm still finding Lib Dem leaflets scattered around my house. (Cardiff Central)


Having a discussion with a fb friend this morning... Tory voter usually, but wavering apparently.

They came out with this corker about the NHS.....

"I take your point but I don't think private health care is that expensive. People always find money to pay for sky tv and other luxuries - I am sure people would find money to pay for medical insurance."

- Labour's strategy of youth vote + strong internet campaign + big rallies being beamed into marginal voter homes + positive message results in last minute changes of heart by canvassed voters back to Labour, and a strong youth turnout blocks the Tories from claiming key swing seats.
- The LDs hyper-targeted campaign deliver them a much better result than 2015 on a slightly-increased vote share. Farron is now backed by a set of new MPs and a number of old hands and the LDs are a far more serious force in parliament as a result.
- The SNP's 2015 voters don't have the heart to swing Tory and the SNP actually hold about 50 seats.

Various positive outcomes:

1. The Labour party either rallies around Corbyn, or Corbyn decides that he's had his fill as leader and steps down, rather than hanging on like Kinnock. Labour rallies around a young credible socialist or Blairite and is in the poll lead by October.
2. Labour splits, a sizeable portion of Labour's MP base defects to a new third party or the Lib Dems, and THAT party ends up in the lead in the polls.
3. Labour descend into a nasty leadership contest, but a slightly stunted SNP and stronger LD force make up for it.
4. The Tories don't get a landslide, promptly utterly fail at the Brexit talks. May resigns amidst an economic crash. The government falls over, and the crisis leads to a general election to elect a government that can fix the mess.

4 sounds the worst at first but it's the best hope of the Tories losing and getting booted as quickly as possible...

The concept of May squatting in Number 10 after a Brexit crash for three or four years seems unlikely to me.

Mr. Sam

Having a discussion with a fb friend this morning... Tory voter usually, but wavering apparently.

They came out with this corker about the NHS.....

"I take your point but I don't think private health care is that expensive. People always find money to pay for sky tv and other luxuries - I am sure people would find money to pay for medical insurance."

Tell them to read that last sentence back until it hits them.



The shits in the DUP who desperately think they're a part of an empire are gonna make it tough to have any hope there.

No I'm in the Republic and while NI is a major part of it as no wants to see a hard border again, it's the economics that are people's main concern. We do 1.2 billion euros if trade in goods and services with the UK every week. Our agricultural industry is especially reliant on UK trade. We're so economically joined at the hip that when the UK economy grows by 1%, ours grows by 0.3%. A hard brexit will fuck us. Please Britain don't vote the Tories in.


London has 6 shake shacks now. Don't know why you'd eat there or 5 guys with all the better alternatives though.

I've been to NYC on a few occasions and I get the craving for that particular brand of burger/shake combination every once in a while.

(Although I've still not ate at a Five Guys yet)


Having a discussion with a fb friend this morning... Tory voter usually, but wavering apparently.

They came out with this corker about the NHS.....

"I take your point but I don't think private health care is that expensive. People always find money to pay for sky tv and other luxuries - I am sure people would find money to pay for medical insurance."

Lol "other luxuries".

You know what, it's always people in good health who say shit like this.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Having a discussion with a fb friend this morning... Tory voter usually, but wavering apparently.

They came out with this corker about the NHS.....

"I take your point but I don't think private health care is that expensive. People always find money to pay for sky tv and other luxuries - I am sure people would find money to pay for medical insurance."

Methinks a lot of people don't understand how much private medical would cost.

I have it for my family, and it's not massively expensive (through work) but it is definitely seen as a top-up to the NHS services my taxes pay for. I don't have a private GP, or a private A&E, for example.


'There are many reasons why people look through the bins for a snack'

'I think it's a good thing that we have bins available for people to eat out of'

Methinks a lot of people don't understand how much private medical would cost.

I have it for my family, and it's not massively expensive (through work) but it is definitely seen as a top-up to the NHS services my taxes pay for. I don't have a private GP, or a private A&E, for example.

I have it through work and it's been basically useless for me as it won't cover pre existing conditions


Having a discussion with a fb friend this morning... Tory voter usually, but wavering apparently.

They came out with this corker about the NHS.....

"I take your point but I don't think private health care is that expensive. People always find money to pay for sky tv and other luxuries - I am sure people would find money to pay for medical insurance."

The usual, you shouldn't be allowed nice things/enjoyment in life. The "oh you have Sky!" rhetoric is often peddled. Let us not forget "90%" of the population have TV/BB and Phone services.

A large chunk of that population still goes out and does a lot of other things/buys other shit/enjoys Amiibos. Many of the poorest or most vulnerable routinely latch onto TV/the internet as some of the only "luxury" enjoyments they have in their lives. Sometimes when you are poor you are expected to sit in a dark room with nothing. Maybe 1 Harry Potter book to read over and over for years.

It's a silly deflection tactic. Do some people genuinely pay out more than they can afford? Sure. Can you just blanket state anyone poor who tries to find small veins on enjoyment in life just shut up shop and have nothing? Nah.
Having a discussion with a fb friend this morning... Tory voter usually, but wavering apparently.

They came out with this corker about the NHS.....

"I take your point but I don't think private health care is that expensive. People always find money to pay for sky tv and other luxuries - I am sure people would find money to pay for medical insurance."

Standard argument really. "They can afford X, why can't they spend that money on what really matters?"
Of course, that's an abstract that doesn't apply in all circumstances, given not all people can afford such things. Such is why we moved away from National Insurance as the basis of healthcare. Plus, private healthcare means having to manage and understand policies, which the average citizen is unlikely to wholly understand. Part of what makes the NHS indispensable is how broad it is.
Final IPSOS Mori poll:

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 44% (-1)
LAB: 36% (-4)
LDEM: 7% (-)
UKIP: 4% (+2)
GRN: 2% (-)

Chgs. with 01 Jun

Overall: Lab on 34-36%, Con on 42-45%, LD on 7-10%.


I'm voting Claire Wright, who looks like she may be the only elected independent and could best a 30 year Tory stronghold. Been very impressed with her, she's worked so hard and given some great speeches locally. I've worked with her in the past and have a good feeling she's right for the job. Not sure how much power an independent could have and I think that's what will possibly cause her to lose today, but time will tell.

Hugo Swire on the other hand, the long term Tory, has basically been a no show and put in next to no effort. Which is pretty much how he's been as an MP actually.
My vote is pretty useless http://www.voterpower.org.uk/bournemouth-west
Although I have done my part and voted Labour still
I feel your pain. I was there back when I was in uni and it was pretty hopeless.

Did my part for my borough Enfield. We're quite labour focused iirc so I'm not worried, just got my fingers crossed that most of the country do the same or at least put up one helluva fight for labour.

Gonna pop into Greggs to work my afternoon shift. If any of you still want that steak combo just come in and I'll give you a discount.

jk, gotta save up for that conservative victory. Soz.


With regards to Taco Bell, though... I thought our TB was good, but then I went to America and sampled the real thing.

No Baja Blast, no triple-stack Crunchwrap, no Doritos Locos Tacos - it's barely even a pale imitation, closer to a cruel mockery!

Yup. I couldn't wait to get to the one in Notts when it opened. Absolute trash compared to what I sampled in a Hawaiian Taco Bell last year.
Today marks like the 7th conservative thing I've gotten in the mail.

Meanwhile I've gotten 1 labour and 0 libdem.

Where yo marketing dollars at guys?

I've had three Labour leaflets in the past 24 hours and even had a Labour councilwoman at my door at 9:45am urging me to go and vote. I guess they're really worried about losing Coventry.
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