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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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they could have done a better job publicising the mayoral elections, but 30 percent for the west of england one is shocking. 13.52 percent in bath and north east somerset!

these results are looking absolutely grim so far. labour's vote collapsing, ukip vote collapsing to the tories benefit, lib dems making no progress. real shitty stuff.


If you want to see right wing under 25s then go on thestudentroom. There are even a few far right wingers on there. I was talking to a 20 year old woman who was a massive UKIP supporter during the last election. She was kind of crazy tbh.

The UKIP type is very common among the young in my area. I would assume it is common among many council estates. It's the poorer communities that have to deal with the influx of immigrants and they don't like it one bit.


Watching the live updates on local elections coming through. The Tories seem to be eating up seats from Labour, Lib Dem, and UKIP, if I'm looking at the figures on The Guardian's site right.
So it would appear that everyone who forecasted complete doom upon the appointment and re-appointment of Jeremy Corbyn was actually entirely correct.


So far:


Conservatives + 72

Labour + 0

Lib Dems + 1

UKIP + 0

SNP + 0

Plaid Cymru + 1

Other + 10


Conservatives: 228

Labour: 103

Lib Dems: 74


SNP: 0

Plaid Cymru: 2

Other: 71


Conservatives - 2

Labour - 36

Lib Dems - 15

UKIP - 20

SNP - 0

Plaid Cymru - 1

Other - 21


Pretty awful backslide for Labour. I would genuinely expect someone at party HQ is suggesting to oust Corbyn before next month to at least mitigate the damage of having him as party leader. If the GE goes the same way, he HAS to go. He is such damaged goods at this point that there is beyond zero hope of a turnaround.

The Tories having this much power nationally and locally is going to be fucking awful. I know political parties are a broad tent, but some very powerful ideologues in the Conservative party are going to see this as a fire sale for exacting sweeping and likely incredibly dangerous policy when it comes to public services; and the right wing press with their own set of powerful ideologues are going to sell the public on it as a good thing.

The worst part about this is Labour is going to be in such a difficult position for a fightback even with a new leader. Anybody remotely left wing will be beaten down by the Tory press machine, anybody too far right wing will come under the "no true liberal" fallacy and alienate the base. It's going to be a one-party state.

Welcome to 1979-1997 part 2, everybody.

EDIT: The only good thing that will come out of this is that UKIP has likely gone the way of the BNP. The downside to that? UKIP voters still exist, and their positions are going to slowly infect the Tories.


UKIPs demise is greatly exaggerated. They live on in the vile divisive rhetoric that English Conservatives have been adopting wholesale since the referendum.

Unless there are some surprises in results announced tomorrow, Labour's only solace will be the regional mayors.

It puts Labour in an awkward position. There are going to be counsellors who are suddenly out of work, and blaming Corbyn's marmite nature for it. But with 5 weeks to go, there is no time to replace him with anyone who would stand a chance. Turnout looks to have been low, so there's a very slim chance the GE could turn out differently, it could shock some voters one way or the other but reading the tea leaves it looks grim.

I suspect this has as much to do with Mayhem's mad rhetoric / negotiating tactics recently, with England giving it a gung ho seal of approval. The English electorate have apparently LOVED having 6 years of austerity. Or.. They're more amenable to blaming Johnny foreigner for it.

For the first time in my life I'm considering finding work abroad. For the sake of my own sanity and for my future family.


Looks like a horrible night for Labour. Starting to think the GE is going to be worse than anyones expecting. Double figure Labour MPs?

As for young right wing people, I've met a fair few at university/living in London. Young Tories are mostly alright I guess. All the young Brexit/UKIP supporters I've met have been either weird as fuck or utter twats though.
The Tory candidate won the West of England metro mayor election. I'd say his name, but I only know him as "Theresa May's local candidate".

No candidate got over 50% so they had to take into account second preferences (I voted second pref Tory). Turnout was under 30%! Is that worse than PCC elections?

Edit: No the PCC was still slightly worse on 27%

Juicy Bob

I voted Greens to see how my area is looking ahead of the general election.

Amazingly, they actually won in my area. I don't think I've ever had a 'winning' vote in the UK before.

I'll probably go Labour next month as the best tactical option.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
One of my town's electoral wards had a 25% turnout. Turnout that low really fucks me off

Are you really surprised when for most people there'll be four votes in just over a year?

This one is particularly low interest given the NEXT one we have to consider.
Man, I think Corbyn is right. I mean Labour members did literally choose him first off, so who is better? Labour supporters have zero faith in any one else in Labour, who comes across as a huge opportunist who is styling themselves after Blair and his corruption scandals.

Blair really just destroyed the innards of the Labour party. If he turned out to be the man he claimed, and not just a money obssessed hobnobber, things would be very different.

Sad day, but its been on the cards. We pretty much always lean Tory, and god help the poor now. Councils and benefits. I hope they at least will continue to support the most vulnerable. I know they have cut benefits for mentally ill people, I hope they don't go further, because that really makes me ashamed to be from this country.


Not surprising in the slightest. The Tories are ensuring that any media coverage is of them being super cool, professional and fighting the horrors of those damn European beaurocrats for the rights of Britain. Anytime I see labour in the media it's still people questioning the leadership of Corbyn. Labour have been the masters of their own downfall at a time where the country needed them to be strong in opposition.

It's telling that it feels to me like the SNP have been more of an opposition than Labour and I reckon I'm not the only one.

What frustrates me even more is that I actually agree with the majority of Corbyn's policies, he's just allowed himself to be portrayed as this milquetoast width washy character. I still genuinely believe if David Milliband had won the year he went against his car crash of a brother we'd be in a very different situation at the moment.


Hampshire council lost 8 UKIP seats, and gained 11 Tory seats, Lib Dems held at 18.

What a fucking joke. I dislike this county so much.


not tag worthy
Voted for labour ,so did my wife her last time in a local election she can't vote in the general (she is French)

GE labour for me .


it's good that there's many fewer ukip councillors in the country, it's extremely bad that labour are doing as poorly as everyone predicted and even the supposed lib dem surge is non-existant.


No elections here which means our conservative council will continue to drive the district into the ground. All the public services I've used have become a joke in the last few years, and I don't even really rely on them. At least my council tax has gone up >10% while my wages remained stagnant

I'll be voting tactically in June, which realistically here means Lib Dem here. Redwood got over 50% of the vote last time so I'm not sure why I bother.
It's becoming increasingly clear that in Scotland we need to keep as much SNP seats as we can come June. If only to stand up to what is more and more looking to be an extremely strong Torie majority in the rest of the UK.

I think many NO leaning voters here are turning Tory in Scotland despite their mainly left leaning views. They will not vote SNP due to their independence stance, but would not vote for the current Labour party as they probably used to.

I'm worried that this will translate to more Torie seats in Scotland.
I voted lib dem in my district, as Labour never has a chance (in fact, this time they polled fourth with half the vote UKIP had). In the end the Tories held on by just 300 votes. 38% turnout, and to be honest I found it hard to motivate myself to go.
Goddamit at the turnout at some of these,on the slightly bright side UKip wipeout.But as a lefty with a disability,things are looking grimmer by the week 😞


These just go to show how much of a difference the turnout can make to votes.

Just image if 5,000 extra labour supporters had bothered to go out and vote in the West of England mayoral election - they would have won.

It's really depressing.


Junior Member
I had to convince 2 people in my house to vote. The other 4 ignored my messages. It's a student house

Pathetic, but young people do not turn up to local elections.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Man, I think Corbyn is right. I mean Labour members did literally choose him first off, so who is better? Labour supporters have zero faith in any one else in Labour, who comes across as a huge opportunist who is styling themselves after Blair and his corruption scandals.

Labour members is not the same thing as Labour supporters, and neither is the same thing as Labour voters. I don't think Corbyn understands that.


Labour aren't going to recover until they start talking about fucking people over again.

The left is non existent in this country.

Also not surprised the Lib Dems have underperformed. This is what happens when you base your campaign on speaking out against the majority. Pro EU parties are a thing of the past. It's political suicide.
Terrible night for the Lib Dems. Mark Pack had predicted the Lib Dems to be up by around 50, instead they're currently down by 13. Losing seats in Somerset - this does not bode well for June, will they make double digits?

Genuinely thinking now that the Conservatives may be on for 450 seats in June.


All McDonnell and Corbyn care about is how their message is received by Labour members. They are preparing for another leadership election after the GE. That's why Corbyn has been campaigning in Labour safe seats with lots of Labour members. All spin etc should be seen in that context.
Terrible night for the Lib Dems. Mark Pack had predicted the Lib Dems to be up by around 50, instead they're currently down by 13. Losing seats in Somerset - this does not bode well for June, will they make double digits?

Genuinely thinking now that the Conservatives may be on for 450 seats in June.

We will need to properly digest the numbers - it looks like the Tory surge has badly hurt local council election efforts - not a massive surprise, but not the cheery result we were hoping for either.

As it stands if these election results are any indication, which they still may not be, the Tories are looking to onboard pretty much the entire UKIP vote in almost every seat. This almost certainly spells doom for quite a few LD seats at the moment, but there is a month to go.


We will need to properly digest the numbers - it looks like the Tory surge has badly hurt local council election efforts - not a massive surprise, but not the cheery result we were hoping for either.

As it stands if these election results are any indication, which they still may not be, the Tories are looking to onboard pretty much the entire UKIP vote in almost every seat. This almost certainly spells doom for quite a few LD seats at the moment, but there is a month to go.

This, along with the fact my MP is a big brexiteer, is why I expect at least 60% of my constituency to go conservative (despite the fact it was a narrow remain win)

Which is a shame, because Redwood has always been a fairly absent MP at the local level. Things are getting worse and the only communication I've had in his name in the last two years has been him essentially telling residents of my town he doesn't care that the latest boundary review puts us out of his constituency (probably because it's a lower class area than Wokingham)
Just reading Tories have gained five councils in Wales.

Blair probably should've been busy fixing the Labour party behind the scenes in the last 5-10 years, find someone who can run it.
Well one thing seems certain we are heading for the hardest of brexits. Perhaps no such thing is a soft brexit, but crashing out with no deal at all would mean, there wouldn't even be flights between UK and Europe for a few years, because there would be no aviation deal.

I don't think there will be a deal, we'll crash out into the WTO.


I'm not sure how indicative of GE results last night was. It's very unusual for local elections to take place at the same time as a GE, and a lot of people I know (anecdotal yeah, but I've got a diverse range of acquaintances) only recently applied to be in the electoral register, after the GE was called.

It's a different game.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The craziest thing is that I've been comparing the change in votes since the last set of elections, and Labour (and the Lib Dems) have held remarkably solid. For all the complaints about Corbyn, he's pulled in very nearly equivalent votes to Miliband - I make it a 2% decrease. The main story of this election night is that UKIP's extrapolated national share of the vote has fallen from 22% to 3% (not a typo!). It's not that Labour is falling back, it's that they just can't cope with the mass return of UKIP voters to the Conservatives.
This is in the back of my mind. Don't have any particular skills though. I have a CELTA so could resort to TEFL, but not particularly keen on that.

That's the move I'm taking - but I don't have anyone to support but myself, no mortgage or other long-term financial commitments either. If I get on with it, Masters in it, get a decent paying job. If I don't enjoy it, I'll try to learn enough of the local language while teaching that I can later make other skills transferable.
Everyone but the Tories lost, but its interesting to see the libdems overtake Labor. Could this be a sign that the labor have lost their position as the opposition?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Everyone but the Tories lost, but its interesting to see the libdems overtake Labor. Could this be a sign that the labor have lost their position as the opposition?

Not sure what you're reading. The Liberal Democrats haven't overtaken Labour at all. I'm guessing by the lack of u in Labour you're following from abroad?


Everyone but the Tories lost, but its interesting to see the libdems overtake Labor. Could this be a sign that the labor have lost their position as the opposition?

Labour haven't been a credible opposition for a while, I think it's all too far gone, we're in for a solid block of tory leadership (sic) for some time to come.
Everyone but the Tories lost, but its interesting to see the libdems overtake Labor. Could this be a sign that the labor have lost their position as the opposition?

Lib Dems overtook Labour in 2008 and 2009, though back then it was with over 25% of the total vote. The electoral map also fucks over the Lib Dems as support is spread fairly thin, and not cconcentrated like Labour's is. Sorry to piss in your cornflakes there.


Well one thing seems certain we are heading for the hardest of brexits. Perhaps no such thing is a soft brexit, but crashing out with no deal at all would mean, there wouldn't even be flights between UK and Europe for a few years, because there would be no aviation deal.

I don't think there will be a deal, we'll crash out into the WTO.

Once again, for clarity, you don't default to the WTO. Our current membership is via the EU. Once we leave, our membership will no longer be valid so we'll have to re-apply and it's up to the other member whether we're allowed to join. Other members such as the European Union...


This is in the back of my mind. Don't have any particular skills though. I have a CELTA so could resort to TEFL, but not particularly keen on that.

Join us.
TEFL isn't exotic, but stable depending on where you go, and at the least can be a foot in the door to getting something more interesting


I'm not sure how indicative of GE results last night was. It's very unusual for local elections to take place at the same time as a GE, and a lot of people I know (anecdotal yeah, but I've got a diverse range of acquaintances) only recently applied to be in the electoral register, after the GE was called.

It's a different game.
It's unusual for them to happen a month apart, not at the same time though. A lot of council elections were the same day as the 2015 GE. This is the closest we'll ever get to reading into local results for the General, but I agree it's still mostly not very indicative.

There's a lot of campaigning to go, polls will shift, debates might happen, turnouts will be higher, and these results themselves might change things.
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