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UK military steps up contingency planning for Iran attack amid fresh nuclear fears

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UK military steps up plans for Iran attack amid fresh nuclear fears

Britain's armed forces are stepping up their contingency planning for potential military action against Iran amid mounting concern over Tehran's nuclear enrichment programme, the Guardian has learned.

The Ministry of Defence believes the US may decide to fast-forward plans for targeted missile strikes at some key Iranian facilities. British officials say that if Washington presses ahead it will seek, and receive, UK military help for any mission, despite some deep reservations within the coalition government.

In anticipation of a potential attack, British military planners are examining where best to deploy Royal Navy ships and submarines equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles over the coming months as part of what would be an air- and sea-launched campaign.

The Guardian has spoken to a number of Whitehall and defence officials over recent weeks who said Iran was once again becoming the focus of diplomatic concern after the revolution in Libya.

They made clear the US president, Barack Obama, has no wish to embark on a new and provocative military venture before next November's US election. But they warned the calculus could change because of mounting anxiety over intelligence gathered by western agencies, and the more belligerent posture that Iran appears to have been taking.

One senior Whitehall official said the regime had proved "surprisingly resilient" in the face of sanctions, and sophisticated attempts by the west to cripple its nuclear enrichment programme had been less successful than first thought.

He said Iran appeared to be "newly aggressive – and we are not quite sure why", citing three recent assassination plots on foreign soil that the intelligence agencies say were co-ordinated by elements in Tehran.

On top of that, the agencies now believe Iran has restored all the capability it lost in a sophisticated cyber-attack last year.

Israeli army test-fires missile capable of reaching Iran

Israel has successfully test-fired a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and striking Iran, fanning a public debate over whether the country's leaders are agitating for a military attack on Tehran's atomic facilities.

While Israeli leaders have long warned that a military strike was an option, the most intensive round of public discourse on the subject was ignited over the weekend by a report in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot that said the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and the defence minister, Ehud Barak, favoured an attack.

That was followed by a report in the Haaretz on Wednesday that Netanyahu is lobbying cabinet members for an attack, despite the complexity of the operation and the likelihood it would draw a deadly retaliation from Iran. An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Netanyahu did not yet have a majority.

An Israeli defence official told the Associated Press that the military tested a "rocket propulsion system" in an exercise planned long ago.

Further information about the test was censored by the military. Foreign reports, however, said the military test-fired a long-range Jericho missile – capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and striking Iran.


Obsidian fan
Don't US and UK have any thing else to do? Other than getting scared at every movement and going to war or preparing for war.


Prodigal Son
All we need to do is send super 'ard solider Ross Kemp to sneak in and photograph the Metal Ge- I mean assess the nuclear materials.
Israel is in a really bad position.

If they don't attack Iran, they will become nuclear capable very soon and Israel will no longer have an option of preemptive attack against it and will face possible annihilation in the future.

If they do attack, Iran will retaliate with a possibly very lethal attacks possibly drawing entire Middle East into the war.

With the recent fall of pro-Israeli Egyptian goverment, the entire country is practically encircled by militant Arabs which want to settle down 60 years of military defeats.


Lagspike_exe said:
Israel is in a really bad position.

If they don't attack Iran, they will become nuclear capable very soon and Israel will no longer have an option of preemptive attack against it and will face possible annihilation in the future.

If they do attack, Iran will retaliate with a possibly very lethal attacks possibly drawing entire Middle East into the war.

With the recent fall of pro-Israeli Egyptian goverment, the entire country is practically encircled by militant Arabs which want to settle down 60 years of military defeats.

So its ok for Israel to worry about its future but not iran. Ok.
Can someone explain exactly why Iran shouldn't have nukes? Given the aggressiveness of the US and Israel in the area, it seems like a perfectly reasonable form of defense- not to be used, but as a deterrent. Preventing an Israeli invasion could save Iranian and Israeli lives.


chaostrophy said:
Can someone explain exactly why Iran shouldn't have nukes? Given the aggressiveness of the US and Israel in the area, it seems like a perfectly reasonable form of defense- not to be used, but as a deterrent.

Yup, seems like fear-mongering to me. When was the last time Iran actually instigated a war?


Ever since that news report about Iran being behind an assassination attempt broke I knew America would be up to no good again. So after fucking up Iraq and Afghanistan Iran is next. What an absolute joke.


Lagspike_exe said:
Where did I say that?

Your theory is based on Iran firing a missile/plane over iraq, carrying a Nuclear bomb and dropping it in Israel which has muslim people and historic place. Will some how benefit Iran some how gain rest of muslim countries support. As if all muslim country are in support of killing muslim and drop Nuclear bombs on innocent people.

So , to get rid of this paranoid. You have this justified solution of a pre-emptive war.

The fact israel has Nuclear is deterrent enough for any country to risk anything. This is just balance of power.


Lagspike_exe said:
Israel is in a really bad position.

If they don't attack Iran, they will become nuclear capable very soon and Israel will no longer have an option of preemptive attack against it and will face possible annihilation in the future.

If they do attack, Iran will retaliate with a possibly very lethal attacks possibly drawing entire Middle East into the war.

With the recent fall of pro-Israeli Egyptian goverment, the entire country is practically encircled by militant Arabs which want to settle down 60 years of military defeats.

everyone faces possible annihilation in the future, the u.s. has thousands of nukes. Stop the fearmongering. If Iran gets a nuke they know if they use it Iran would be completely wiped out.

Iran getting a nuke is them protecting themselves.
beast786 said:
Your theory is based on Iran firing a missile/plane over iraq, carrying a Nuclear bomb and dropping it in Israel which has muslim people and historic place. Will some how benefit Iran some how gain rest of muslim countries support. As if all muslim country are in support of killing muslim and drop Nuclear bombs on innocent people.

So , to get rid of this paranoid. You have this justified solution of a pre-emptive war.

The fact israel has Nuclear is deterrent enough for any country to risk anything. This is just balance of power.

My theory is based on a possibility of a war, which is extremely real in Middle East. By acquiring nuclear weapons, Iran will severely limits Israel's possibilities of reaction to possible future threats from virtually anyone. Israel naturally doesn't like this and will most certainly attempt to prevent them from doing this (as they have by infiltrating a virus into the uranium facilities).

I never said Iran shouldn't make nukes, if I was on their place this would be my #1 national priority as well.

imtehman said:
everyone faces possible annihilation in the future, the u.s. has thousands of nukes. Stop the fearmongering. If Iran gets a nuke they know if they use it Iran would be completely wiped out.

Iran getting a nuke is them protecting themselves.

It's not just the question of military supremacy, there are diplomatic factors in play when nuclear weapons get acquired by a country's military.


the sad thing is, iran is an amazing country with some of the most warm hearted, pro-america people i've ever met. this is coming from an american who spent some time in country and extensively traveled the world.

persian women are some of the hottest, kind hearted and most loyal (!!!) in the world.
Meus Renaissance said:
2016 Presidential Elections:

"Bring our troops home. Why are we even in Iran? Where are the WMDs?"

Yup, anyway, I think Clegg is pretty much our guarantee against unwarranted military action on the Iraq scale. Who would have thought the Lib Dems would actually prove useful!


Lagspike_exe said:
My theory is based on a possibility of a war, which is extremely real in Middle East. By acquiring nuclear weapons, Iran will severely limits Israel's possibilities of reaction to possible future threats from virtually anyone. Israel naturally doesn't like this and will most certainly attempt to prevent them from doing this (as they have by infiltrating a virus into the uranium facilities).

I never said Iran shouldn't make nukes, if I was on their place this would be my #1 national priority as well.


do you know why both Pakistan and India have not fought a war for a while. Because of the fact both have nuclear weapons. When both parties have nuclear weapons that is the biggest reason not to go on war. the fact one country bullies other not to have is just power bullying .
beast786 said:
do you know why both Pakistan and India have not fought a war for a while. Because of the fact both have nuclear weapons. When both parties have nuclear weapons that is the biggest reason not to go on war. the fact one country bullies other not to have is just power bullying .
The real fear about Iran obtaining nukes is not that Iran will actually use them against Saudi Arabia or Israel or any other enemy in what is sure to be a suicidal bid. The fear is that the ensuing nuclear arms race will result in proliferation throughout the region with potentially unstable countries obtaining them and then losing track of one.

A terrorist group with a loose nuke is what everyone is actually afraid of. We already have enough to worry about with Pakistan becoming destabilized.
zero_suit said:
Yup, seems like fear-mongering to me. When was the last time Iran actually instigated a war?

Hmmm... how about just Iran:

-arming Hezbollah in Lebanon

-arming Hamas in Gaza

-having strong ties to the Syrian government, which is currently slaughtering its own people

-arming Shia militias in Iraq, supplying them with IEDs that have killed many US/Iraqi/Coalition forces

-arming Taliban forces in Afghanistan- particularly with IEDs

-arming Shia rebels in northern Yemen, who also plotted assassinations of Saudi officials

-attempting to fund and initiate a civil war in Bahrain

-calling for the complete destruction of Israel

-having contacts with North Korean and Pakistani nuclear scientists

-not allowing the International Atomic Energy Agency to fully conduct its investigations

-crushing it's own people's call for reform and having thousands and thousands of political prisoners

-the very recent assassination plot of a Saudi minister on US soil

... and that is Iran without a nuclear weapon


Something Wicked said:
Hmmm... how about just Iran:

-arming Hezbollah in Lebanon

-arming Hamas in Gaza

-having strong ties to the Syrian government, which is currently slaughtering its own people

-arming Shia militias in Iraq, supplying them with IEDs that have killed many US/Iraqi/Coalition forces

-arming Taliban forces in Afghanistan- particularly with IEDs

-arming Shia rebels in northern Yemen, who also plotted assassinations of Saudi officials

-attempting to fund and initiate a civil war in Bahrain

-calling for the complete destruction of Israel

-having contacts with North Korean and Pakistani nuclear scientists

-not allowing the International Atomic Energy Agency to fully conduct its investigations

-crushing it's own people's call for reform and having thousands and thousands of political prisoners

-the very recent assassination plot of a Saudi minister on US soil

... and that is Iran without a nuclear weapon

I wonder how that list will compare to CIA


Pretty sure we have contingency plans for lots of likely scenarios like us invading France etc.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
lol, if this happens we'll be having to un-scrap ships and rehire people in a hurray.

WW2 saved FDR's legacy. Will Obama start WW3?

NWO conspiracy.gif


Obsidian fan
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Not the feared 49 Para! Ross Kemp, Sean Bean and Bear Grylls learned everything he knows from them.
One day Cyril Clunge will write of their exploits.
Deku said:
WW2 saved FDR's legacy. Will Obama start WW3?

NWO conspiracy.gif

I was referring to the fact that, here in Britain, we're sending ships and planes to the scrapheap or bargain bin in record time. The US military could lose half of it's ships and planes and still dominate every sea and major air-route.


Gabriel Knight
Ignis Fatuus said:
The real fear about Iran obtaining nukes is not that Iran will actually use them against Saudi Arabia or Israel or any other enemy in what is sure to be a suicidal bid. The fear is that the ensuing nuclear arms race will result in proliferation throughout the region with potentially unstable countries obtaining them and then losing track of one.

A terrorist group with a loose nuke is what everyone is actually afraid of. We already have enough to worry about with Pakistan becoming destabilized.
Somehow mostly everyone here seems to ignore this
MechDX said:
United Kingdom Fuck yeah!!

Just doesnt have the same ring to it. :(

United Kingdom sounds SO much better than the United States of America. Yes, I'm prepared to upset people with this statement.

Also, shit.
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