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UK military steps up contingency planning for Iran attack amid fresh nuclear fears

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There is no appetite for war in the UK. Zero. We're fucking done, Afghanistan and Iraq were unpopular here and a massive waste of money. No way the Liberal Democrats would okay this (they were the only party to vote against the Iraq war), if the Conservatives went through with it the government would break down. Nobody wants war.
Schattenjagger said:
Somehow mostly everyone here seems to ignore this
This is pretty much what every US officals and probably Euro offical fears. Nobody fears Iran launching a missle at Israel. The Saudis and other gulf states were lobbing hard for this and with Iran actually planing attack I'd imagen that that has gone up.

If Iran gets nukes the Saudis will needed them next and the US and the West wouldn't be able to really stop that... I thinking the military strike is looking more and more likely. I dont think it is going to be an Iraq though if it does happen just coordinated strikes at military targets with Obama yelling at the top of his lungs he doesnt want a wider war.


zomgbbqftw said:
Yup, anyway, I think Clegg is pretty much our guarantee against unwarranted military action on the Iraq scale. Who would have thought the Lib Dems would actually prove useful!
Hahahaahaa. Clegg won't do shit. :(
Mammoth Jones said:
Ugh. Fuck that. I'm tired of war. Can't we just not bomb anyone for like 10 years. Try it out? See how we do?

Yeah, when has that ever happened in our lifetime?

There practically nothing in this world that convinces me that the need for war isn't part of human nature.


Sir Fragula said:
Hahahaahaa. Clegg won't do shit. :(

No way the Liberal Democrats would stay in coalition if it came to it. No. Fucking. Way. If you think they would then you are out of touch with reality.


The Incarnation said:
Yeah, when has that ever happened in our lifetime?

There practically nothing in this world that convinces me that the need for war isn't part of human nature.
Our lifetime? Has there been a solid ten years of peace across the globe in anyone's lifetime?


Obsidian fan
Meadows said:
No way the Liberal Democrats would stay in coalition if it came to it. No. Fucking. Way. If you think they would then you are out of touch with reality.
Sir Fragula
cry moar lol
(Today, 05:24 PM)
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Meadows said:
No way the Liberal Democrats would stay in coalition if it came to it. No. Fucking. Way. If you think they would then you are out of touch with reality.

David Cameron: "I agreed with Nick, and now Nick agrees with me... FOREVER"
Meadows said:
No way the Liberal Democrats would stay in coalition if it came to it. No. Fucking. Way. If you think they would then you are out of touch with reality.

Yup, the Lib Dems took a lot of convincing for the Libya intervention and there was a clear case of war crimes in Libya. I can't see how they could continue in a coalition government angling for an unwarranted invasion rather than an intervention.

There is absolutely no chance of an Iran invasion. The only thing I can think of is if they start a military campaign against Israel, but even then I think it would be a US invasion in which we would have a secondary role with intelligence, special forces and air power rather than troops on the ground.
Ignis Fatuus said:
The real fear about Iran obtaining nukes is not that Iran will actually use them against Saudi Arabia or Israel or any other enemy in what is sure to be a suicidal bid. The fear is that the ensuing nuclear arms race will result in proliferation throughout the region with potentially unstable countries obtaining them and then losing track of one.

A terrorist group with a loose nuke is what everyone is actually afraid of. We already have enough to worry about with Pakistan becoming destabilized.

Israel has nukes. They are the first country in the region to obtain them, so if there is a nuclear arms race, they have already started it. Why punish Iran for Israel's actions? If the US wants to be taken seriously on stopping nuclear proliferation, how about it cuts off funding to Israel until they give up their nukes? Then it can talk to Iran.


I swear if the UK got involved in any more military action like this, I'd actually get my arse down to London and protest, especially if the Lib Dems agree.

And if I can be arsed, everyone can be arsed.
crazy monkey said:
Don't US and UK have any thing else to do? Other than getting scared at every movement and going to war or preparing for war.

I know. I'm fucking tired of it too, our governments cry because they have no money yet they spend billions inventing wars.


Has problems recognising girls
You would think that after the UK screwed around with Iran and Mohammad Mosaddegh that they would learn what the possible repercussions are and leave the region alone.
Meadows said:
I swear if the UK got involved in any more military action like this, I'd actually get my arse down to London and protest, especially if the Lib Dems agree.

And if I can be arsed, everyone can be arsed.

Send me a message should the situation arise, I would go an protest as well. Though a whole day with lefty socialists might be too much, so I would probably go home early! :D
zomgbbqftw said:
Send me a message should the situation arise, I would go an protest as well. Though a whole day with lefty socialists might be too much, so I would probably go home early! :D

I'm in London and I'd join you.


It'd just be the three of us looking like bellends.

Nah, but seriously, the people of the UK are weary from hearing "A Soldier from X platoon was killed in Helmand province yesterday after a large IED explosion. Next of kin have been informed" and then the day after: "The soldier killed in Helmand yesterday has been named as Lance Corporal X. He is survived by a wife and two children.". We've had enough. If people thought the Iraq protests were big, then the Iran ones will be fucking insane.


Something Wicked said:
I didn't realize the CIA is currently trying to initiate conflict within nearly every country in the Middle East...

I know, sometimes people forget.

False evidence provided to engage war in Iraq,leading to death of hundered and thousand of civilians . A pre-emptive attack

Putting Saddam andBath party in power, leading thousand of death by saddam

Iran-Contra affair, giving weapons to Iran

Wikileaks has reported that the US government has been covertly funding the Syrian opposition

This just top of my head. Of course all this even though 6,211 miles away.

ooooh. Iran. we are doomed.


el retorno de los sapos said:
This is pretty much what every US officals and probably Euro offical fears. Nobody fears Iran launching a missle at Israel. The Saudis and other gulf states were lobbing hard for this and with Iran actually planing attack I'd imagen that that has gone up.

If Iran gets nukes the Saudis will needed them next and the US and the West wouldn't be able to really stop that... I thinking the military strike is looking more and more likely. I dont think it is going to be an Iraq though if it does happen just coordinated strikes at military targets with Obama yelling at the top of his lungs he doesnt want a wider war.

Meadows said:
It'd just be the three of us looking like bellends.

Nah, but seriously, the people of the UK are weary from hearing "A Soldier from X platoon was killed in Helmand province yesterday after a large IED explosion. Next of kin have been informed" and then the day after: "The soldier killed in Helmand yesterday has been named as Lance Corporal X. He is survived by a wife and two children.". We've had enough. If people thought the Iraq protests were big, then the Iran ones will be fucking insane.

And the Government will just ignore them, just as they did the Iraq war protests.
chaostrophy said:
Israel has nukes. They are the first country in the region to obtain them, so if there is a nuclear arms race, they have already started it.
No, see, no matter what you think of Israel this is factual nonsense. The arms race in question is about the Sunni and Shiite divide. Saudi Arabia has publicly announced on several occasions that they will pursue a nuclear program if Iran does obtain a nuclear weapon and you can expect other Sunni states to follow suit. It has shit all to do with Israel. House of Saud would've pursued that nuke a long time ago if Israel was really the catalyst.

This is like saying the Chinese obtaining the bomb was what started the nuclear race between India and Pakistan. Nonsense. People like you who support Iran's bid for nukes play right into Tehran's hands by promoting the idea that it's about Israel when the real threat is an ancient religious blood feud that's threatening to go nuclear.

And regardless of who "starts" the race, the end result of mass nuclear propagation throughout an unstable region should give any pragmatic mind pause. The reason western governments are so threatened by the possibility of a nuclear Iran is precisely because they want to avoid that nightmare scenario.


Iran should be allowed a nuke although I'd prefer they didn't. The US and UK have enough to destroy the entire world. Iran isn't stupid, they won't use it as a weapon. Nukes are used as deterrents. Even Iran would know if they used a nuke, they would be the one who would suffer so much more. It's nothing but beating their chests.


Speedymanic said:
And the Government will just ignore them, just as they did the Iraq war protests.

suicide. The coalition would fall and Labour, who presumably would go against the war, would win by a landslide in the snap election

I fucking hate Labour, but if this happened even I would vote for them, Zomg would consider it too, but he hates poor people more than Arabic people so he's stick with Dave.


Ignis Fatuus said:
No, see, no matter what you think of Israel this is factual nonsense. The arms race in question is about the Sunni and Shiite divide. Saudi Arabia has publicly announced on several occasions that they will pursue a nuclear program if Iran does obtain a nuclear weapon and you can expect other Sunni states to follow suit. It has shit all to do with Israel. House of Saud would've pursued that nuke a long time ago if Israel was really the catalyst.

This is like saying the Chinese obtaining the bomb was what started the nuclear race between India and Pakistan. Nonsense. People like you who support Iran's bid for nukes play right into Tehran's hands by promoting the idea that it's about Israel when the real threat is an ancient religious blood feud that's threatening to go nuclear.

So let me get this straight.

Sunni nation wants nukes if Iran gets it. Makes sense. Kind of like how Iran wants it because israeli has it.

So basically a circle jerk started by israel
beast786 said:
So let me get this straight.

Sunni nation wants nukes if Iran gets it. Makes sense. Kind of like how Iran wants it because israeli has it.

So basically a circle jerk started by israel
I'm not here to defend Israel. If you want to blame Israel, go ahead and blame Israel. I think that is actually misplaced and that Iran would've sought the bomb anyway for the obvious strategic benefits it would lend them, but let's go ahead and blame Israel.

Say that it's all Israel's fault. Are you still cool with loose nukes all over the middle east? If no, then Iran needs to be stopped.


Meadows said:
No way the Liberal Democrats would stay in coalition if it came to it. No. Fucking. Way. If you think they would then you are out of touch with reality.
Just sayin' - I thought that about Tuition Fees and everything else so far. I'm just not at all convinced that Clegg would force an election and suffer early obliteration at the polls, rather than keep in line with Cameron and hope everyone forgets in three years time.

I'd love to be optimistic when it came to the LDs, but fool me once...
Meadows said:
suicide. The coalition would fall and Labour, who presumably would go against the war, would win by a landslide in the snap election

You put too much faith in the Lib Dems. They've shown on numerous occasions that they are willing to go against what they believe in/what they've promised to stay in power, what makes you think they'd suddenly go back to their old ways if war were declared?
Darklord said:
Iran should be allowed a nuke although I'd prefer they didn't. The US and UK have enough to destroy the entire world. Iran isn't stupid, they won't use it as a weapon. Nukes are used as deterrents. Even Iran would know if they used a nuke, they would be the one who would suffer so much more. It's nothing but beating their chests.

So the Iranian regime should be aloud to have a weapon that would ensure that that rotten, antidemocratic, autortarian theocracy can´t change?


Ignis Fatuus said:
I'm not here to defend Israel. If you want to blame Israel, go ahead and blame Israel. I think that is actually misplaced and that Iran would've sought the bomb anyway for the obvious strategic benefits it would lend them, but let's go ahead and blame Israel.

Say that it's all Israel's fault. Are you still cool with loose nukes all over the middle east? If no, then Iran needs to be stopped.

For the sake of balance of power and making sure it WONT be use. The best answere is for nation to have them or none at all. Attacking nations because they are acquriing weapons for themself is the most idiotic reason to go on war.

If Japan had Nuclear bomb do you think we have used it?


The things the Lib Dems gave up to the Tories were premeditated in the coalition agreement. A war with Iran would NOT fly. If Clegg didn't have the backbone to go against it, and Labour went against it, you'd probably see a lot of defections to Labour or failing that, a lot of resignations, a la Robin Cook.
beast786 said:
For the sake of balance of power and making sure it WONT be use. The best answere is for nation to have them or none at all. Attacking nations because they are acquriing weapons for themself is the most idiotic reason to go on war.

If Japan had Nuclear bomb do you think we have used it?
You're avoiding the question. Loose nukes in potentially unstable states, y/n? In a perfect world no one would have them, yes. We do not live in a perfect world.


Ignis Fatuus said:
You're avoiding the question. Loose nukes in potentially unstable states, y/n? In a perfect world no one would have them, yes. We do not live in a perfect world.

You mean like former USSR?

Are we creating these scared tactics based on what facts? You are going to carry a nuclear bomb by road and throw it like a football?


No way would the UK get involved in this, the only concern of the government at the moment is not spending any money, i'm sure David Cameron would pull the troops out of Afghanistan to save cash if it didn't mean pissing of the US
beast786 said:
You mean like former USSR?

Are we creating these scared tactics based on what facts? You are going to carry a nuclear bomb by road and throw it like a football?
We're having enough trouble securing shoulder launched missiles in Libya. Imagine if there were nukes lying around Gaddafi's stockpiles and you might understand why western governments are spooked.

The House of Saud won't be in power forever. If you're fine with nukes sitting around when the Kingdom collapses then you're basically willing to roll the dice on the future of the region if not the world.


Ignis Fatuus said:
We're having enough trouble securing shoulder launched missiles in Libya. Imagine if there were nukes lying around Gaddafi's stockpiles and you might understand why western governments are spooked.

If your are coming shoulder launch missiles to nuclear weapons, then you obviously have no idea. You are exactly the perfect candidate of spreading the fear tactics.

There is a reason only the very few can create a single nuclear weapon after billions of dollar spend in R&D. Its not a freaking shoulder launched missile for love of god.

How many of these nuclear bombs since the collapse of USSR?


beast786 said:
You mean like former USSR?

Are we creating these scared tactics based on what facts? You are going to carry a nuclear bomb by road and throw it like a football?

load it up in a container and ship it to New York? Who knows what rogue elements of the revolutionary guards could do, we've seen that fanatics are capable of of total evil..


Rourkey said:
load it up in a container and ship it to New York? Who knows what rogue elements of the revolutionary guards could do, we've seen that fanatics are capable of of total evil..

This does not even make sense for a horrible B movie.


beast786 said:
They were also behind the attempted coup in Gaza some years back. Hamas caught wind of it and ran the PA completely out of Gaza. The CIA and MI6 probably played their part in instigating the Iranian election protests in 2009 too. Not sure there's any concrete evidence on that though.
beast786 said:
Attacking nations because they are acquriing weapons for themself is the most idiotic reason to go on war.

Trying to premptivly prevent a weapon that can be used aganist you or your allies is the "most idiotic reason to go to war"?
Igo said:
They were also behind the attempted coup in Gaza some years back. Hamas caught wind of it and ran the PA completely out of Gaza. The CIA and MI6 probably played their part in instigating the Iranian election protests in 2009 too. Not sure there's any concrete evidence on that though.

Both of you guys have some crazy opinions. The US and/or western powers helping democracy protestors is now bad?


beast786 said:

As an American:

I view the CIA as a more inept version of ONI from Halo. All the big CIA operations tend to end up FUBAR.

As far as bombing Iran and the Middle East goes....how about we try not fucking around in their playground and see if they like us more?

I'm all for justifying our insanely high military budget by doing things that are useful to the world (like the Navy protecting global trade routes, and the Army performing humanitarian work in Japan and Haiti, or putting the money towards R&D that could lead to huge technological break throughs e.g. Economist article about relationship of military research to consumer products--> GPS, Internet, advanced computers...etc.

Also I'm all for going to war when it is justified. Afghanistan was justified (arguably). Iraq was not (Bush: "B..b...but he tried to kill my daaaaad" "Hey look WMDs"). However at the moment there is no justifiable reason to go to war with Iran.

So let's start fixing our own house before shitting on someone else's again. Let's not invest in attacking countries that haven't really done anything that horrible (at least nothing that would constitute overt military action), and put our money towards something more useful to the American people, such as focusing on rebuilding our infrastructure which is teetering on the verge of collapse


zomgbbqftw said:
Yup, anyway, I think Clegg is pretty much our guarantee against unwarranted military action on the Iraq scale. Who would have thought the Lib Dems would actually prove useful!

Ice cold.
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