You are aware that there are opinions that might differ from your own and still be valid right?
Sure. I'm not sure what gives you the idea that I don't think other peoples' opinions might be valid. I guess the bit about not pretending that there are good and bad sides to everything?
But there are some things we dress up as opinions which are just facts that we express as opinions so that when we're wrong we can fall back on 'well that's your opinion and I have mine'.
For example, if people support policies that increase income equality, and say 'well I just don't think there's anything that bad and it has no effect and it's just my opinion', well look here's a bunch of studies that demonstrate that in fact relative income quality is a bad thing for society: it makes people unhealthier, unhappier, less socially mobile, etc. So while they're entitled to their opinion, that income inequality isn't that bad and doesn't have much effect, they're wrong.
For example, I think it's just factually wrong to claim that a pessimistic attitude is what caused the economy to shrink in Q4 last year. I think it's factually wrong to claim that the Japanese earthquake and Royal Weddings caused it to shrink at the beginning of last year. I think that these are all excuses to make up for the fact that the government's poor policy is what did cause, and continues to cause, poor economic performance. And the longer we claim it's pessimism or lack of confidence, or whatever, that's causing economic doldrums, the longer we're making excuses for avoiding having to confront the fact that government policy is bad.
I can sit and pretend that these are good, constructive views of what's gone wrong, but I find that very difficult.
I don't want you to stop posting and I apologise if I come accross as being needlessly confrontational, but I think it was Steve who said a couple of pages ago that there are some people who seem to be clamoring to post negative economic news (and then go quit when good news does come through). I don't mind it when it's justified, it can just become very grating after a while. I also cringe whenever I look at the US poligaf threads and see how partisan/polarised they have become. Quite frankly, we're better than that.
I just don't want to see this thread become a cesspool of Red vs Blue, Labour vs Tory bullshit.
I don't think you're needlessly confrontational. In fact if there's anyone in the thread who's confrontational, it's probably me. I just really don't like the Tory party.
As for everything else in the thread, well, eh. I'm finding myself more and more disenfranchised with this country. I don't feel like I belong here any more and I don't feel like I want to stay here. I have nothing I feel proud of as a British person any more. Disliking the Tories is just about the only thing I stand for in British politics any more.