AV is bollocks, It was Cameron screwing over a very naive Clegg. I wasn't criticising your argument about AV, just pointing out what I feel should be important about any reform.
AV is an effective half-point between constituency representation and full PR.
AV's biggest benefit would be to kickstart voters into putting their
real first preference on the ballot paper rather than their tactical choice. Many people don't vote for minority parties because they don't feel they've got a chance. But as soon as you know your vote won't be wasted, your decision making changes.
I don't think AV is perfect, but it's a million times better than the mess we have right now.
Anyway, this is becoming a bit circular (admittedly I haven't done much to stop that). Shall we discuss our first preference (ha!) electoral system?
I read something recently about how the Pirate Party in Germany was organised; each person was given one vote on decisions, but also given the right to delegate their vote on issues to another person, who in turn could delegate further up. With modern technology I think this could be rather workable - especially with full transparency on who's delegating to who.