So the first Scotland specific GE polling has been carried out by IPSOS MORI
52% would vote SNP
23% would vote Labour
10% would vote Conservative
6% would vote Liberal Democrats
6% would vote for the Greens
If the swing was uniform that would leave Labour with 4 seats and the Lib Dems with 1. Now that won't happen (although the number of Scottish Lib Dem MP's might be right) and this will probably be the high mark of the SNP support as the UK wide coverage focusses on the UK parties, although I wouldn't be surprised if they get a post Salmond bounce themselves (although this might actually be happening just now), Salmond although competent was both divisive and a lightening rod for Labour attacks on the SNP. Independence aside, the SNP's policies in Government are far more popular than the party itself polls, I wonder how many voters are largely happy with their performance in Government but disliked Salmond.
I don't see how Labour can tack a policy course suitable to the support which has left them and still be palatable to England. Just saying "we'll stop the Tories" isn't going to be enough. And if they think Jim Murphy is the answer they're even more deluded than I thought, he's actively detested by the left of the party which is the portion which has upped and left. And frankly Murphy has a million skeletons in the closet (did you know he spent 9 years at university and still doesn't have a degree, that should rule him out of office imho.) most notably his expenses.
I have some mates that are like that, and I wouldn't want them leading any political parties!