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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Last night's 10 o'clock live

Slightly better now that the expectation of a Not the 9 o'clock news style of show has worn off. Campbell walked all over Mitchell. That "terrorist expert" was a complete and utter scumbag. You'd think a Professor would be able to think of arguments that weren't so flimsy.


Zenith said:
Last night's 10 o'clock live

Slightly better now that the expectation of a Not the 9 o'clock news style of show has worn off. Campbell walked all over Mitchell. That "terrorist expert" was a complete and utter scumbag. You'd think a Professor would be able to think of arguments that weren't so flimsy.

Yes he was quite awful.

Enjoyed brooker making fun of gray and keys.
As daft and flimsy as he was, it annoyed me that the other two wouldn't let him speak... like Mitchell said - "if his argument is silly, it'd be better for you to let him finish it" - or something to that effect.

I enjoyed it more than the first episode but the segments seem so rushed - there are too many in too little time. Just as anything threatens to get interesting they have to stop and do the next bit. Its no coincidence that the timed and rehearsed bits - like Jimmy Carr's news roundup, the hilarious Andy Gray and Richard Keys bashing and the David Mitchell rants - are the 'best' bits of the show.

Lauren Laverne's little monologue on companies like Serco was too shallow. I work in public service, and we do use contractors like that, and we often get screwed in contract negotiations, and then end up taking the flak for the shitty jobs that private contractors do -- so yes, I agreed with her argument, agreed that such contractors should be subject to media scrutiny and be made to be transparent... but she said at the top of the show - "i'll be taking a look at the murky world of serco" or something, and then spent 10 seconds talking about it.

The show needs to be longer or they need to cover less in the time that they've got.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
the job seakers is going down tough on people who have been on more than a year, take this first hand from me, they have me going in every single week now (used to be every two weeks)
Kentpaul said:
the job seakers is going down tough on people who have been on more than a year, take this first hand from me, they have me going in every single week now (used to be every two weeks)

My condolences, it must be very hard for you.
10 O'Clock Live was much better this week, and shows why everyone was a bit overly high in expectations for the first one.

They still need to work on the rushed element - push it another 10 minutes with the same amount of content to give the desk segments more breathing space, and do more on stuff like Serco. It's once a week, do something controversial and have no adverts or just make it a bit longer.

However they've got better at using Laverne, who is pretty essential in holding the show as a whole together.


It feels like the government in place has seen it neccessary to dig deeper into poorer pockets.

On the otherhand, the government appears to be putting the onus on the individual, with less handholding and charity it seems.


venison crêpe
What's going on in Egypt is "incredible exciting," according deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, who still hasn't mastered the language of international diplomacy.

Talking on ITV Daybreak. Oh Nick. Such a fool.


Thnikkaman said:
So, along with Jeremy Paxman interviewing the leader of the English Defence League and offering almost no opposition, our prime minister states that multiculturalism has failed.

While I think of a way to respond, enjoy (oh lol) these morsels.

Ed: Okay, so the more I read the article the more I agree. We wouldn't have bastards like the EDL if the government was actively tacking all extremist groups.

Paxman is a shit interviewer, his whole tactic is ignore what the other person is saying and try and get a rise out of them. Kudos to the EDL guy for not rising to his tactic. EDL not my cup of tea, but it's nice to see there are at least a branch of Englishmen out there who arn't skinny, jeaned apathetic sheep.


Prodigal Son
Raydeen said:
Paxman is a shit interviewer, his whole tactic is ignore what the other person is saying and try and get a rise out of them. Kudos to the EDL guy for not rising to his tactic. EDL not my cup of tea, but it's nice to see there are at least a branch of Englishmen out there who arn't skinny, jeaned apathetic sheep.
So "muslims out" is your idea of something that's nice to see? The EDL are skinny, jeaned racists who just can't help disliking Arabs and assaulting policemen.


Thnikkaman said:
So, along with Jeremy Paxman interviewing the leader of the English Defence League and offering almost no opposition, our prime minister states that multiculturalism has failed.

While I think of a way to respond, enjoy (oh lol) these morsels.

Ed: Okay, so the more I read the article the more I agree. We wouldn't have bastards like the EDL if the government was actively tacking all extremist groups.

Ed: Tacking? Tackling.
I called it. Shame there isn't a gif for such an occasion.

Edit: grrr, I meant to bold your first edit but I am not good with iPhone :(


Raydeen said:
Paxman is a shit interviewer, his whole tactic is ignore what the other person is saying and try and get a rise out of them. Kudos to the EDL guy for not rising to his tactic. EDL not my cup of tea, but it's nice to see there are at least a branch of Englishmen out there who arn't skinny, jeaned apathetic sheep.

EDL are identical to BNP. In fact they go on far more "white power" marches.
Zenith said:
EDL are identical to BNP. In fact they go on far more "white power" marches.

Anti Islam marches. They don't even bother hiding behind the they're only against extreme Islam pretence any more.

The problem is a lot of people are falling for it, black, white, Sikh, Indian, etc...they are swelling their ranks with drecks of society, the ones who get all their news from the Sun, Daily Mail, etc. Those who are more than happy to twist facts to make something appear more evil/sinister than it really is. (Sharia civil courts are seen as the beginning of Sharia law in the UK, whereas they are no different from the Jewish civil courts that no-one has any problems with.)

They are far more of a threat than the BNP ever were, it's just fortunate that they are all universally stupid and not able to form a political party, although I suspect they'll soon turn attentions to politics as they attract more and more ex-BNP members/those who seek to take advantage of the group for their own ends.


(Sharia civil courts are seen as the beginning of Sharia law in the UK, whereas they are no different from the Jewish civil courts that no-one has any problems with.)
I have a problem with them. I disagree with any parallel court system for any religious grouping.


Deadman said:
Seriously. The Tories are changing the tax system to effectively make it easier for corporations to launder money through our country! Why are the media not covering this? Oh, that's right.

It'll take people having to queue for bread rations before they rise up Tunisia-style and force these Thatcherite scum out of office. I knew this sort of thing would happen if the Tories got in again, but no - everything's alright as long as the Lib-Dems get in and we get our Alternative Vote*, right?

GAH! You're all a bunch of idiots! And I am, too, for ever trusting you guys!

*Don't get me wrong, I want a new voting system as well. But it's nice to dream, isn't it?
The problem with UK politics at the moment is that the current Government is still blaming everything on Labour and everyone (including the media) just eat it up and rarely bother going into more detail.

The above article from the Guardian hasn't been mentioned once on any of the main headline news programmes, all of them are instead leading with the 'surprise' announcement of Osbourne charging the banks more money. (nice smokescreen there, throw around big numbers is a sure fire way to keep the dullards at bay and show you actually care about them. :/ )

Hell, the Tories could bring back the Poll Tax, blame its coming back on Labour/the deficit and people would just accept it...this is how far we've fallen. :(


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Sir Fragula said:
I have a problem with them. I disagree with any parallel court system for any religious grouping.

Need to be careful there. It is a fairly basic principle that two parties who are in dispute can settle their dispute in any legal way they choose - such as for example tossing a coin, or asking someone else to mediate or judge on the dispute.

If you admit that (and surely you must, as otherwise society just couldn't work and the courts would be totally clogged up), then you must allow that people can choose to settle their differences according to Sharia law, or the rules of a golf club, or arbitration by a family friend, or whatever.

And if you allow that, then there can't really be any objection to a Sharia court system in this country, provided that it doesn't exclude or contravene English law. Which it can't, there's always the possibility of bring an action in the English courts.

So there's no problem. None at all.


gonna write a letter to my MP. I suggest you all do the same. I've done it before and I received a well written and informative personal response (I hand wrote mine, apparently that helps).

My MP is Julian Sturdy (CON), York Outer btw


phisheep said:
Need to be careful there. It is a fairly basic principle that two parties who are in dispute can settle their dispute in any legal way they choose - such as for example tossing a coin, or asking someone else to mediate or judge on the dispute.

But what powers of compulsion could be arrogated to those courts ?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Salazar said:
But what powers of compulsion could be arrogated to those courts ?

I'm not sure what you mean - I guess you meant "abrogate" rather than "arrogate" but even then it isn't awfully clear. So I'll try to answer the question(s) that I think you are asking. Forgive me if I get it wrong.

Q1: How would the (Sharia/other) courts enforce their judgments?

A1: By agreement of the parties, societal pressure, cost of taking the dispute further etc etc. Just the same as any other civil court. If the dispute ends up being escalated to the English courts then the evidence before, and maybe even the judgment of, a (Sharia/other) court is likely to be admissible evidence. The (Sharia/other) court knows this, just like every arbitrator/mediator does, and knows that being overturned in the High Court is a bit of a blow to its reputation, so in general they are pretty careful to not get overturned.

Q2: What parts of English law would the (Sharia/other) courts take over or render ineffective as between the parties?

A2: None whatsoever. There is no mechanism to exclude the operation of the English courts without the agreement of the parties, and if they agree it wouldn't come to court anyway.

Q3: But what punishments would such a court have at its disposal - you know, fines, chopping off hands and so on?

A3: None whatsoever. Except those agreed by the parties. Besides, you might be getting civil law and criminal law confused. There's absolutely no (serious) suggestion, even from Muslims, that a Sharia criminal code would have any place in England or Wales.



Financiers in the City of London provided more than 50% of the funding for the Tories last year, new research revealed last night, prompting claims that the party is in thrall to the banks.

A study by the Bureau for Investigative Journalism has found that the City accounted for £11.4m of Tory funding – 50.79% of its total haul – in 2010, a general election year.

This is of course in no way related to my earlier link.


phisheep said:
I'm not sure what you mean - I guess you meant "abrogate" rather than "arrogate"

Nope, arrogate. In the sense that the courts would, by their operation, be claiming authority.

But, as you indicate, they wouldn't be taking it 'from' anybody, so to speak.



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Salazar said:
Nope, arrogate. In the sense that the courts would, by their operation, be claiming authority.

But, as you indicate, they wouldn't be taking it 'from' anybody, so to speak.


Hey! Glad to hear that. People using words right and that sort of stuff. Yoohoo.


Must admit I'm still not awfully sure what you were questioning in the first place though. May be my fault for getting lost in a flurry of posting while having a damnable head cold.
Tory peer: Bus drivers and Waitresses "unimportant"

Wanting to populate his waste-of-time panel with an exclusive 'elite' would be easier to swallow if he wasn't so sneeringly snobbish and insulting about it. An "unimportant" "lay person" would come to the wrong decision?... oh, so the final judgement of the committee is decided before the committee is even composed? I see.


radioheadrule83 said:
Tory peer: Bus drivers and Waitresses "unimportant"

Wanting to populate his waste-of-time panel with an exclusive 'elite' would be easier to swallow if he wasn't so sneeringly snobbish and insulting about it. An "unimportant" "lay person" would come to the wrong decision?... oh, so the final judgement of the committee is decided before the committee is even composed? I see.

There's a social club for old folks—bus trips to the seaside, that sort of thing—that advertises around my grandad's flat. To join, you have to provide proof that you "achieved eminence, or a high degree of community respect" during your career. Grandad (a miner and then a cook on a sub) is a bit old for full-blown bouts of hysterical laughter, but those posters can still get him.


Another one bites the dust:

Lib Dem Lord Oakeshott resigns after attack on banks

Lord Oakeshott has stood down as a Lib Dem Treasury spokesman in the House of Lords after making an outspoken attack on the government's bank deal.

A Lib Dem spokesman said his resignation, at about 1845 GMT, was by mutual consent.

The peer and the party agreed he could not speak for the party when he did not support its policy, he said.

The peer had branded the Treasury's deal on reducing bonuses and increasing lending "pitiful".

Under Project Merlin, the largest UK banks will lend about £190bn to businesses this year, including £76bn to small firms, curb bonuses and reveal some salary details of their top earners.
Pity he was only a Lord, I would have loved it if this issue was the one that split the bloody quislings from within. Oh well, there's still the AV referendum to go yet. Looking forward to it, whatever the result.
Will be voting for AV, btw, despite everything


Double post because at least some Lib-Dems remembered where their true loyalties lie:

Lib Dem council leaders attack spending cuts

More than 90 prominent Liberal Democrat councillors, including the leaders of 18 local authorities, have criticised the scale and pace of government cuts.

In a letter to the Times, they say cuts will have "an undoubted impact on all front-line council services, including care services to the vulnerable".

They also accuse ministers of "denigrating" councils in the media.

Lib Dem Communities Minister Andrew Stunell urged his party members not to "fall out" over "pointless debate".

The signatories, who include the leaders of Newcastle, Milton Keynes and Hull city councils, say they are facing the bulk of the cuts to their budgets in the coming financial year - giving them little time "to spread the cost of reorganisation and downsizing".

"Rather than assist the country's recovery by making savings to the public in a way that can protect local economies and the front line, the cuts are structured in such a way that they will do the opposite," they write.

The councillors also say they are being "let down" by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles and accuse the government of engaging in "gunboat diplomacy".

[He continued] "I think it will be much better to direct all our energy to solving these problems rather than falling out between ourselves”

"The secretary of state's role should be to facilitate necessary savings while promoting the advance of localism and the Big Society. Unfortunately, Eric Pickles has felt it better to shake a stick at councillors than work with us.

"Instead of chastising and denigrating local authorities through the media, the government should deploy all its effort to help councils minimise the impact on vulnerable communities and front-line services."

Let's not let this thread die, guys.


As someone who works for police staff (applications developer - trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork etc police have to do!) I can say it is indeed worrying times, especially when they announce in the local paper there will be 30%+ staff cuts before it was ever announced here.

The above about the banks is a joke, I'm actually rather ashamed that I voted Conservative now.


Hey everyone guess how much corporation tax barclays paid in 2009? They made £11.6billion in profit and paid £113 million in tax. Yeah thats 1%. 1%.


Oh and they gagged the guardian from releasing this.


This completely dispells the myth that we cant be harsh on bankers because 30% of our gdp comes from the city. Maybe 30% does come from there, but it also stays there, doesnt go anywhere near the taxman.

Cant really explain how angry i am.



think about the jobs we could save or investment in things like education we could protect if we had that full 28% of £11.6 billion.

and to think people spend so much of their time bitching about benefit fraud.
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