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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Kentpaul said:
In this day in age its no longer a case or "work or starve to death" and with very few bills to my name i can get past on job seakers funding to get me past. But FORCING people to work and if they refuse cutting there funding is legal murder

What a load of Bullshit


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Kentpaul said:
I'd take an outdoor job (Grass cutting) in a heart beat but now i could be forced to take any job going (Thus making me sad and dread waking up in the morning basicly ruining my entire life, fuck that shit i hope i'm in a job before this new rule in enforced.

Are you looking for a specific career path?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Meadows said:
Don't want to judge, but if everyone had that attitude, you'd be dead on your lazy arse. I'm a full time student that would kill for a minimum wage 16 hour a week job at a petrol station as a cleaner for fucks sake. Get off your arse.

Don't the college system pay your ass to ?


Kentpaul said:
In this day in age its no longer a case or "work or starve to death" and with very few bills to my name i can get past on job seakers funding to get me past. But FORCING people to work and if they refuse cutting there funding is legal murder

I like where murder fits in my vocabulary and moral sense of the world. Stern, even harsh, government welfare policies go in a different box.


Scary Euro Man
Kentpaul said:
In this day in age its no longer a case or "work or starve to death" and with very few bills to my name i can get past on job seakers funding to get me past. But FORCING people to work and if they refuse cutting there funding is legal murder

Bullshit. You could kind of almost claim that refusing to work when a job's offered is legal suicide if you want to make shitty analogies, though.

Why should I pay for your upkeep if you're refusing to work through choice?

PS: If you want to make a bit of cash on the side, contact Closer magazine. I hear they're looking for stories about welfare recipients with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement to horrify Daily Mail readers...


Kentpaul said:
Don't the college system pay your ass to ?

A loan, yes, which I have to pay back at some point. I don't get any grants or free money. I'm looking for a job to actually be able to live by my own work, and not have to live off £3000 a year, which to me, feels like dirty money.


Kentpaul said:
In this day in age its no longer a case or "work or starve to death" and with very few bills to my name i can get past on job seakers funding to get me past. But FORCING people to work and if they refuse cutting there funding is legal murder
You're the reason I hate the benefits system. Not the 'Closer' articles with 53 kids. Not the winos that mean my local off-licence insist on selling single cans of beer. It's you and your like (can work, but why the fuck should I?) that make me hope the system implodes and you're all left hanging from an empty tit.

Iapetus said:
PS: If you want to make a bit of cash on the side, contact Closer magazine. I hear they're looking for stories about welfare recipients with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement to horrify Daily Mail readers...
And are we wrong to be horrified? Is the attitude not abhorrent?

No, I'm not a Mail reader but on this issue, I might as well be


We have enough bums like

we don't want or need anymore


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
I'm gonna ask this again. Are you looking for a specific career path?


Salazar said:
Thatcher's empty tit, at that.
Exactly. A cold tit that emerges from the bra as a friend, develops a dependency, breeds resentment and then slides back inside the bra as an enemy.

I hate Thatchers tits.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
SmokyDave said:
You're the reason I hate the benefits system. Not the 'Closer' articles with 53 kids. Not the winos that mean my local off-licence insist on selling single cans of beer. It's you and your like (can work, but why the fuck should I?) that make me hope the system implodes and you're all left hanging from an empty tit.

You take a seat in front of that job centre clerk and be told theres a job thats came up and you need to work from 2pm till 10pm everyday nearly and you should be ready for nightshifts. I'd be like a mindless bot excluded from the world, Shut of from everything i love , trust me its usally they shitty boring soul crushing factory jobs that everyones offered

I'm getting depressed just thinking about it. Give me a job i want and i will take it in a heartbeat.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Kentpaul said:
You take a seat in front of that job centre clerk and be told theres a job thats came up and you need to work from 2pm till 10pm everyday nearly and you should be ready for nightshifts. I'd be like a mindless bot excluded from the world, Shut of from everything i love , trust me its usally they shitty boring soul crushing factory jobs that everyones offered

I'm getting depressed just thinking about it. Give me a job i want and i will take it in a heartbeat.


What do you want?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
curls said:
I'm gonna ask this again. Are you looking for a specific career path?

Grass cutter , done abit of it when i was 17 and loved it , 8am till 4.30pm everyday just cruising along with my lawnmore cutting the grass and enjoying the sun

Ps. spending 3,4 hours a day just skiving in the van reading the paper and having a crack with the work crew were the best days of my life


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Kentpaul said:
Grass cutter , done abit of it when i was 17 and loved it , 8am till 4.30pm everyday just cruising along with my lawnmore cutting the grass and enjoying the sun

Ok, do you want to expand on the outdoor bit. Building work, carpentry, horticulture, farm work even dog walking etc...

Do you have any qualifications?


Kentpaul said:
You take a seat in front of that job centre clerk and be told theres a job thats came up and you need to work from 2pm till 10pm everyday nearly and you should be ready for nightshifts. I'd be like a mindless bot excluded from the world, Shut of from everything i love , trust me its usally they shitty boring soul crushing factory jobs that everyones offered

I'm getting depressed just thinking about it. Give me a job i want and i will take it in a heartbeat.
You need to wise up mate, see when you get (in the future) responbilites like wife and kids etc you'll take any job you can get so you can put food on the table and still have yor self respect


Scary Euro Man
Kentpaul said:
Grass cutter , done abit of it when i was 17 and loved it , 8am till 4.30pm everyday just cruising along with my lawnmore cutting the grass and enjoying the sun

Ps. spending 3,4 hours a day just skiving in the van reading the paper and having a crack with the work crew were the best days of my life

So let's get this straight. You want an easy outdoors job where you spend half the day skiving, you refuse to work at any job that doesn't meet these criteria, and you think that you should be entitled to my money (and more importantly the money of other people who work at jobs they hate so that they're not leeching off society) to pay your upkeep until someone offers you such a job?

Hell, a few more posts from people like this and I'm joining the SmokyDave Nationalist Party.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
curls said:
Ok, do you want to expand on the outdoor bit. Building work, carpentry, botanical work, farm work even dog walking etc...

Do you have any qualifications?

I can't handle building site work , i tried some demolition work a few years back and only lasted a few days. , Farm work , dog walking , cutting grass, putting cones at the side of the road , grass cutting , that sorta thing. I may be coming of as a lazy little shit to some of you guys but i'm still young and can get away with it for the meantime.


iapetus said:
So let's get this straight. You want an easy outdoors job where you spend half the day skiving, you refuse to work at any job that doesn't meet these criteria, and you think that you should be entitled to my money to pay your upkeep until someone offers you such a job?

Hell, a few more posts from people like this and I'm joining the SmokyDave Nationalist Party.

I though we already joined his self proclaimed country


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Kentpaul said:
I may be coming of as a lazy little shit to some of you guys but i'm still young and can get away with it for the meantime.

Not a good attitude to have, and how can you not handle building work think of how buff you will get. Chicks love that. :lol

I'm just saying if you get in somewhere working for a person you like it can open up doors, maybe you could have your own frim in the future.

Don't waste your life with no direction.

Edit: how old are you anyway?


iapetus said:
So let's get this straight. You want an easy outdoors job where you spend half the day skiving, you refuse to work at any job that doesn't meet these criteria, and you think that you should be entitled to my money to pay your upkeep until someone offers you such a job?

Hell, a few more posts from people like this and I'm joining the SmokyDave Nationalist Party.
That'd be a hell of a PR coup for me, in the short term. You don't need to agree with all the policies. Just infiltrate the military and overthrow me down the line. Honestly, Closer Sets You Free.

operon said:
I though we already joined his self proclaimed country
Yup. I got you, Numble, Chinner and hopefully, soon, Iapetus.

Not sure about 'SmokyDave Nationalist Party' though. Sounds a bit fascist. I should put a friendly word like 'Socialist' in there somewhere.


SmokyDave said:
That'd be a hell of a PR coup for me, in the short term. You don't need to agree with all the policies. Just infiltrate the military and overthrow me down the line. Honestly, Closer Sets You Free.

Well 500,000 gets you access to the "DUKE" and a possible toe suck, how much to gain access to the Queen


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
curls said:
Not a good attitude to have, and how can you not handle building work think of how buff you will get. Chicks live that. :lol

I'm just saying if you get in somewhere working for a person you like it can open up doors, maybe you could have your own frim in the future.

Don't waste your life with no direction.

I get what you are trying to say , but to much direction (and all the stress it brings trying to get there )is just as bad as my lack of direction.

And a thanks to the hated labour (Who i voted for) I'm getting put in a 13 week programme at any kind of i want (A big list of jobs i will choose the best looking one)

so you guys are still getting fucked over , i will be working under the pay of the goverment (They pay the company to take me on)


Kentpaul said:
I get what you are trying to say , but to much direction (and all the stress it brings trying to get there )is just as bad as my lack of direction.

And a thanks to the hated labour (Who i voted for) I'm getting put in a 13 week programme at any kind of i want (A big list of jobs i will choose the best looking one)

so you guys are still getting fucked over , i will be working under the pay of the goverment (They pay the company to take me on)

Not when you the company we have founded in the list, we'll work you had boy:D


operon said:
Not when you the company we have founded in the list, we'll work you had boy:D

When I read this aloud, it sounds both Scottish and oddly menacing.

The more menacing
and dare I say it, the more Scottish
for not being readily comprehensible.


Salazar said:
When I read this aloud, it sounds both Scottish and oddly menacing.

The more menacing
and dare I say it, the more Scottish
for not being readily comprehensible.

Knew I should have fixed that, though Scottish is close to Irish


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
operon said:
Doh, then you'll know which one not to pick


I bet its something to do with that , Don't worry yo i will be picking some out-door work


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Kentpaul said:
I get what you are trying to say , but to much direction (and all the stress it brings trying to get there )is just as bad as my lack of direction.

Disagree. Having a direction is what motivates you. Having a lack of direction will ensure that you will never amount to much. Aspire and enrich yourself, you now have the world's knowledge at your disposal.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
curls said:
Disagree. Having a direction is what motivates you. Having a lack of direction will ensure that you will never amount to much. Aspire and enrich yourself, you now have the world's knowledge at your disposal.

I'm always on wiki and checking out wonderfull new music and movies and tv shows, life tips i'm making the best


Kentpaul said:
I'm always on wiki and checking out wonderfull new music and movies and tv shows, life tips i'm making the best
Do you feel that you owe anything to the people that allow you to live like this?

Do you plan to 'give back' to society later on?

dalyr95 said:
SmokyDave's Nationalist Socialist party?? Don't think even I'm that right wing!
You're right, it sounds bad. I'll shorten National Socialist into something a little friendlier. The NaSo party or something.


Scary Euro Man
Sir Fragula said:
Come on, Kent Paul can't be a real person.

Joke character or welfare scrounger - you decide. :D

(The avatar should be a clue, but I'm not sure which way it points...)


Sir Fragula said:
Come on, Kent Paul can't be a real person.
I'm starting to see why you lot think I'm nuts on certain subjects. I'm surrounded by Kent Pauls and the rest of you live in some leafy glade in Surrey.

There are so many people with this mentality. So many that feel leaving school gives you choices other than 'work' and 'further education'. The only silver lining to this cloud is Kent Paul is male and unable to produce a brood of 'ethically-challenged' offspring on the taxpayers dime.


Scary Euro Man
SmokyDave said:
The only silver lining to this cloud is Kent Paul is male and unable to produce a brood of 'ethically-challenged' offspring on the taxpayers dime.

You may find the information in this top-secret document interesting yet horrifying.

The tldr version: Kent Paul may actually in the future be involved in such production despite his lack of ovaries.


SmokyDave said:
I'm starting to see why you lot think I'm nuts on certain subjects. I'm surrounded by Kent Pauls and the rest of you live in some leafy glade in Surrey.

There are so many people with this mentality. So many that feel leaving school gives you choices other than 'work' and 'further education'. The only silver lining to this cloud is Kent Paul is male and unable to produce a brood of 'ethically-challenged' offspring on the taxpayers dime.

I've met my share of benefit scroungers in the leafy, Surrey-based glade I used to live in.


SmokyDave said:
I'm starting to see why you lot think I'm nuts on certain subjects. I'm surrounded by Kent Pauls and the rest of you live in some leafy glade in Surrey.

Yep, that's me!! :lol


iapetus said:
You may find the information in this top-secret document interesting yet horrifying.

The tldr version: Kent Paul may actually in the future be involved in such production despite his lack of ovaries.
If we support asexual reproduction or artificial wombs on the NHS I will tear my Daily Mail in half in a fit of pique.

sohois said:
I've met my share of benefit scroungers in the leafy, Surrey-based glade I used to live in.

I knew that was coming unless I said Henley-On-Thames!

Cue Henley-On-Thames resident with doley neighbours...


SmokyDave said:
I'm starting to see why you lot think I'm nuts on certain subjects. I'm surrounded by Kent Pauls and the rest of you live in some leafy glade in Surrey.

There are so many people with this mentality. So many that feel leaving school gives you choices other than 'work' and 'further education'. The only silver lining to this cloud is Kent Paul is male and unable to produce a brood of 'ethically-challenged' offspring on the taxpayers dime.

Bethnal Green is like a haven for the great unwashed. The bloke downstairs from me refuses to work as he thinks he is too old, in his mid forties. Tower Hamlets really is a strange borough, such a great location next to the city, beautiful parks and sites such as the Tower of London, Canary Wharf etc yet people don't want to work themselves out of the gutter and get a better life, I just do not understand it.


Kentpaul said:
In this day in age its no longer a case or "work or starve to death" and with very few bills to my name i can get past on job seakers funding to get me past. But FORCING people to work and if they refuse cutting there funding is legal murder
Idiot. How do you expect the country to continue running if everyone lives on Jobseeker's Allowance for their entire lives?


SmokyDave said:
If we support asexual reproduction or artificial wombs on the NHS I will tear my Daily Mail in half in a fit of pique.


I knew that was coming unless I said Henley-On-Thames!

Cue Henley-On-Thames resident with doley neighbours...

You should check out Belfast, here the go down to the shops in the middle of the day in the pjamames, I didn't believe it til I saw with my own eyes


SmokyDave said:
I'm starting to see why you lot think I'm nuts on certain subjects. I'm surrounded by Kent Pauls and the rest of you live in some leafy glade in Surrey.
West Sussex actually.

What's "posher" - Sussex or Surrey?
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