Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck cunting FUCK
There's a real chance the surgery is going to put me out of action for 2 weeks which means I'll not be able to take the 8 week contract job with the media company. I knew things were going too well for me...
You see, Kentpaul? This is a real FUCK MY LIFE. Not having to wait for a postman so you can upgrade your GFX card, you melodramatic Scot.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck cunting FUCK
There's a real chance the surgery is going to put me out of action for 2 weeks which means I'll not be able to take the 8 week contract job with the media company. I knew things were going too well for me...
You see, Kentpaul? This is a real FUCK MY LIFE. Not having to wait for a postman so you can upgrade your GFX card, you melodramatic Scot.
My eye.What are you having surgery on/for? Usually they sign you off for two weeks as standard but that's not to say you need two weeks.
I've just had some good news, my temporary payrise has been extended until the end of July, thank fuck!
What kind of mouse is that?
lol kent and his 560ti. a card for babbies.
you are correct.
but as long as we all agree life constantly kicks us all in the face.
my life is pretty sweet today
the thing is huge, glad it fitted in my case!
Is there an Edinburgh-GAF ?
Isn't that basically England-GAF?
Isn't that basically England-GAF?
blurry bed side drawer is blurry.
try harder.
Is there an Edinburgh-GAF ?
I'm Edinburgh GAF! I usually just lurk here though; watching for KentPaul to go to work or sleep so I know it's safe to travel to my parents house.
you smoking weed agiain its perfectly detailed.
look at that wall not v detailed and the geometry is quite simple. lighting is flat and theres only about 4 colours in the entirety of that game.
yes yes i know, your eyes are probably exploding from seeing a game with good art design.
Looks like there are enough Scots here for a ScotGAF meet up at some point?
I imagine we'd all end up at some night club in Falkirk high on Mkat. Sounds good but!
Glasgow when the Old Firm aren't playing sounds better!
im eating, i will pwn you once i finish.
I've been there, it's fucking terrible. Dusk in Stirling is a classy establishment compared to that and it's one of the worst nightclubs I've ever been to. Fucking Scotland man, SO MANY SHITTY NIGHTCLUBS.
dusk is tiny as fuck.
and wtf is with the small mirrors all over the bathrooms in dusk eww.
For nightlife you can't beat Glasgow*. Probably beats out most of the UK too.
*So long as you stay away from Sauchiehall st, the merchant city and the "alley pubs" are much better imo
nice convo in that cap