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(UK) Theresa May to praise Donald Trump: "Britain and US can lead together again"

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Not sure he could hold Adolf Hitler to account, let alone Theresa May.

You don't know what you're talking about obviously. Carry on talking shite.

Labour should present someone better than Owen bloody Smith then. I still cannot believe they let the Tories get off so lightly in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit vote by infighting rather than showing a united front against a party that was going through upheaval.

Yep, they've not done themselves any favours as a party. Not to mention it being full of lobbyists and idiots.


I reckon he'll quit for some reason or another before the next general election but the Labour Party despite being the only party worth voting for are still in a terrible position and have been since 2010.

I hope so and I supported him in the beginning, I'm pissed off at the whole lot of them in Westminster.

Theresa is very beatable, we just need the public to at least consider voting labour instead of being automatically written off.


You don't know what you're talking about obviously. Carry on talking shite.

At the time when the country needs an effective opposition the most they have the least credible opposition leader in decades with next to zero parliamentary party support. He's a joke.
I hope so and I supported him in the beginning, I'm pissed off at the whole lot of them in Westminster.

Theresa is very beatable, we just need the public to at least consider voting labour instead of being automatically written off.

I feel completely disenfranchised by politics right now as many do, but that's how the Tories like it. Divide and conquer.

I really hope they can turn this around because I'm not staying in this country if we get another Tory government.

At the time when the country needs an effective opposition the most they have the least credible opposition leader in decades with next to zero parliamentary party support. He's a joke.

It was orchestrated by his own party to undermine him, he didn't have a chance. So you have them to thank for him 'being a joke'. Oh and the media didn't exactly help.

He should quit before the next GE and in that time they need someone better than Owen fucking Smith.
God forbid she have an opinion on America-Mexico relations.
To be honest, that's how it should be. Equally, I would prefer it if Trump stopped getting involved with our UK-EU relations with his unsolicited remarks about Brexit.

I feel completely disenfranchised by politics right now as many do, but that's how the Tories like it. Divide and conquer.

I really hope they can turn this around because I'm not staying in this country if we get another Tory government.
Better start making preparations to leave then because Corbyn is intent on staying on the helm until the next election (and maybe beyond). And too many people (myself included) will never vote for Corbyn.

At this point, Tories are going to win with an even larger majority (helped by the boundary changes) next time round. There was an interesting article in the New Statesman the other day that hypothesised that Labour is too weak to win, but too big to die and that any resurgence in the Liberal Democrats' popularity will increase the Tories' majority.

He should quit before the next GE and in that time they need someone better than Owen fucking Smith.
Chuka Umunna would be good, but sadly he bottled it.

I actually liked Ed Miliband, but he was not photogenic. I have wondered if perhaps Blair might try and make a political comeback as an elder statesman in time, kind of like how Churchill came back in the 1950s as a postwar PM. But I think the stain of Iraq would ruin any chance of that.

Ultimately, Labour is fucked.
Better start making preparations to leave then because Corbyn is intent on staying on the helm until the next election (and maybe beyond). And too many people (myself included) will never vote for Corbyn.

At this point, Tories are going to win with an even larger majority (helped by the boundary changes) next time round. There was an interesting article in the New Statesman the other day that hypothesised that Labour is too weak to win, but too big to die and that any resurgence in the Liberal Democrats' popularity will increase the Tories' majority.

He says he's going to stay on, just like Cameron said he'd stay on. I don't believe a word any of them say. It's up to Labour to give us a worthwhile alternative to vote for and I will vote for them. I'll vote for them regardless because what's the alternative.

People must have short memories when it comes to the Lib Dems but I wouldn't be shocked by a surge in popularity.

Catching up on your edit: yep they're fucked either way.



But yeah I dunno how Brexit combined with May won't push at least a few more towards being willing to take a gamble on leaving the UK.

Because the surge in people now wanting independence is equally matched by the people who want independence but out of the EU. There's a good article in the guardian today about why the polls aren't changed. People forget there's a decentish group of right wing, anti Eu Scottish nationalists - the party used to be called the tartan tories for a reason. They would rather be in the UK and out of Europe, than out of the UK and in Europe.
She's the Saruman to Trump's Sauron.
What does that make Putin? Morgoth?



Because the surge in people now wanting independence is equally matched by the people who want independence but out of the EU. There's a good article in the guardian today about why the polls aren't changed. People forget there's a decentish group of right wing, anti Eu Scottish nationalists - the party used to be called the tartan tories for a reason. They would rather be in the UK and out of Europe, than out of the UK and in Europe.

It depends where sympathies of the 62% sit. Either way I'd argue the more May fucks up the bigger the chance of knocking up that "45%" a few digits.


Guardian said:
That is a scent Trump understands. What he lacks in book smarts, he makes up for in alpha male gamesmanship. His lifelong training was in real estate, an area in which there is rarely such thing as a win-win deal: the more you get, the more I pay.

He will have seen May as that most desperate of creatures: the housebuyer who rashly sold her old house before she had found a new one.

Interesting analogy.


Part of me wants to feel sorry for her, having to grovel to a man that probably makes her skin crawl. But then I remember that she ran on the promise of fulfilling half the British publics death wish, even though she clearly had no clue what to do just like Borris and his band of fuckheads.
Part of me wants to feel sorry for her, having to grovel to a man that probably makes her skin crawl. But then I remember that she ran on the promise of fulfilling half the British publics death wish, even though she clearly had no clue what to do just like Borris and his band of fuckheads.
Because heaven forbid politicians act in accordance to the electorate's wishes. Ignoring the public's concerns (irrespective of whether they are justified are not) is what got Trump elected. Why do people not learn the lessons of history and revolutions?

I think in the future when people look back at Brexit, they will see it as the moment when an alt-right revolution in Britain was averted. May has effectively neutralised UKIP and their ilk, and that's a good thing.



But yeah I dunno how Brexit combined with May won't push at least a few more towards being willing to take a gamble on leaving the UK.

Financially it would be an even harder sell than last time. The latest figures still show that the overwhelming majority of our trade is with the rUK and the SNP are having budget issues as is.

I'd certainly consider changing my vote if there was an IndyRef2 , but it just feels like we are fucked either way.

It does us no good to pretend we are this super progressive liberal country either. the right in emboldened post indyref and Brexit. I don't think Sturgeon even wants one anyway , the media use it as a nice controversial headline , but there doesn't seem to be any real momentum behind the call for another vote.
Part of me wants to feel sorry for her, having to grovel to a man that probably makes her skin crawl. But then I remember that she ran on the promise of fulfilling half the British publics death wish, even though she clearly had no clue what to do just like Borris and his band of fuckheads.

Don't. She's like him in that her political beliefs change depending on the direction of the wind.


Because heaven forbid politicians act in accordance to the electorate's wishes.
Because sometimes people need to be protected against themselves. Like how Switzerland ignored the immigration referendum as it would have caused a lot of harm with trade embargoes with the EU. The problem is that some politicians aren't competent enough to bring over the message. Brexit is a case of politicians creating the anti-EU feeling in the first place by putting off their bad decisions on them.
Just need to remember which country wanted Turkey to join the EU in the first place. But this makes sense. May is consolidating her Axis of Evil spot.
Please. Dont let facts change the brexiters agenda. Its going to be great. Imigration is only bad if comes from EU countries. It's obvious that all other countries in the world will give something for free to the UK. Or not...

(Sarcasm over/)


Pretty much everyone agrees Corbyn trounces her.

Yeah, this is true. I am not a Corbyn supporter at all, but he makes mincemeat out of her in PMQs. I think since she became PM, Theresa May has only had one clear victory (last week). Other than that, Corbyn does a good job of asking questions that make her squirm. Though that isn't hard, because she's grossly incompetent.


For how awful May is I'm glad she tried to talk some sense into Trump at least. Defending NATO, attacking Russia and telling him torture is not the right answer. It won't help in the end but at least the UK has "some" dignity left. Not much, but some.


What is with this "again" crap? Like, were Britain and the US that far apart under Obama? I'm not sure why it irritates me so much, just sounds like some sort of subtle jab at Obama as if he was some terrible world leader.


Financially it would be an even harder sell than last time. The latest figures still show that the overwhelming majority of our trade is with the rUK and the SNP are having budget issues as is.

I'd certainly consider changing my vote if there was an IndyRef2 , but it just feels like we are fucked either way.

It does us no good to pretend we are this super progressive liberal country either. the right in emboldened post indyref and Brexit. I don't think Sturgeon even wants one anyway , the media use it as a nice controversial headline , but there doesn't seem to be any real momentum behind the call for another vote.

Pretty much, but there are some major fundamentals I would like to directly have control over if it comes to dire straights. Two being Trident, and the NHS.
I don't want to fucking lead. I want to be a nice non aligned island that isn't shitty to foreigners but has enough checks so there aren't over population issues.

have a strong armed forces that we hardly ever use.

keep the nukes (though they'd be useless against the major powers but whatevs)

but stay the fuck out of geopolitics. We had our 400 years doing that.


Because heaven forbid politicians act in accordance to the electorate's wishes. Ignoring the public's concerns (irrespective of whether they are justified are not) is what got Trump elected. Why do people not learn the lessons of history and revolutions?

I think in the future when people look back at Brexit, they will see it as the moment when an alt-right revolution in Britain was averted. May has effectively neutralised UKIP and their ilk, and that's a good thing.

What utter crap. We're now at the point where the UK is now all but guaranteed to leave the single market, a concept even UKIP wouldn't publicly float leading up to the referendum. Nothing has been "averted". It was the Tories themselves that gladly scapegoated the EU for years as cover for their own failures.

Couple that with May's own dismal record at the home office and the outcome is no different than if UKIP was running the show. There is nothing laudable about the Conservatives adopting disgusting, anti-intellectual, scapegoating rhetoric and policy no different to that of UKIP, just to shore up support for their own party.


Do you think May would be cosying up to Trump if not for Brexit as well? Not only do we have to eat shit as we leave the EU but we have to kiss ass and make friends with a horrific racist shit stain. I pity May for the position that she's in - I wouldn't want her job - but I like to think she could call out a racist for being a racist when they're doing something incredibly racist. Fuck.
Yes no doubt May would have committed herself to economic sanctions against the USA if it wasn't for that darned Brexit complicating things. If those yanks gave us any lip back we would simply nuke them with our fearsome trident missiles!


What can we do to stop us getting embroiled in this terrible hornets nest?

I'm sitting here thinking 'we' need to do something, but what? campaigning and getting signatures isn't going to do squat, but we've got to do something, but what?

I am bereft at what's going on, Trump is one thing, but our PM supporting what he is doing is a step too far.
What can we do to stop us getting embroiled in this terrible hornets nest?

I'm sitting here thinking 'we' need to do something, but what? campaigning and getting signatures isn't going to do squat, but we've got to do something, but what?

I am bereft at what's going on, Trump is one thing, but our PM supporting what he is doing is a step too far.
I think 'support' is going a bit far. She is representing Britain's economic interests.

There's a case for putting principles above economic self-interest, but judging by the number of people who want to ignore the result of a democratic referendum and stay in the EU in the interest of economics, you can't really have your cake and eat it.


I think 'support' is going a bit far. She is representing Britain's economic interests.

There's a case for putting principles above economic self-interest, but judging by the number of people who would want to ignore the result of a democratic referendum and stay in the EU in the interest of economics, you can't really have your cake and eat it.
Support by proxy of not denouncing what he has done,is still support.

Her cosy up to him because she knows were fucked otherwise is a terrible situation.

If Britain's economic interests rest squarely there, then it's a very bleak proposition.
Do you think May would be cosying up to Trump if not for Brexit as well? Not only do we have to eat shit as we leave the EU but we have to kiss ass and make friends with a horrific racist shit stain. I pity May for the position that she's in - I wouldn't want her job - but I like to think she could call out a racist for being a racist when they're doing something incredibly racist. Fuck.

She says the immigration ban is 'a matter for the US'.
She'll need industrial cleaner to remove those shit stains on her nose after all the arse licking she'll need to do to get a trade deal.
Of course she can't denounce the bastard, economically it's too big a risk with Brexit and all. Still hate it, and I'll still mock her for brown nosing when we still have the opportunity to align with the EU.


Of course she can't denounce the bastard, economically it's too big a risk with Brexit and all. Still hate it, and I'll still mock her for brown nosing when we still have the opportunity to align with the EU.
She can, she won't.

Big difference, no respect for weak politicians in a time were strength should be paramount.

If she is really concerned about our economic well being she'd do something about the mess that is Brexit.
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