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Ukraine calls on PlayStation, Xbox to stop supporting Russian markets

Russia needs to be cut off period. It's up to the people of Russia to stand up and demand better from their government
Umm Russia has improved in fact if it wasn't for Bidens department shutting off one of their pipelines they Europe would be reliant on Russia for energy which is great for Russia and would have improved their economy unlike the US sanctions that hurt Russia.


Gold Member
...and fire up the torrents

You keep repeating it doesn't makes it true. There's no 18 on Ukraine. Only paid professionals. If you saw some paramilitary looking guys then it was separatists forces, simple as that. War on Ukraine was happening for 8 years.

Who do you think Ukraine was at war for 8 years? Paid Russian actors? You know what civilian war means? Ukraine still shelling its separatists regions and unlike Russia they're not using precise strikes.

Yes, there was / is a very bad apples among Ukrainian national guards.

Only because they're fighting Russian forces now doesn't makes them innocent. They are literally has no other choice, Putin said he's coming for all of them. The fact that Ukraine let some of their own prisoners go (murderers, rapists) out of prison and gave them weapons to fight Russia doesn't help either.

Now? Yes. Yes, they're hiding their forces in towns full of civilians. How else would you call it?

Wow. You Russian bots are something else.


Threats to take back their own land that was occupied bya foreign power in 2014? Yeah, how dare they.
40 unarmed people burned alive. Civilians. Ukrainians. By other Ukrainians. Not a single person went to jail for that.

As for the land... There was a Minsk agreements. For 8 years Ukrainians refused to do what they signed.


Gold Member
40 unarmed people burned alive. Civilians. Ukrainians. By other Ukrainians. Not a single person went to jail for that.

As for the land... There was a Minsk agreements. For 8 years Ukrainians refused to do what they signed.

Russia is killing hundreds if not thousands of civilians right now, and threatening the rest of the world with nuclear WW3 if anyone tries to stop them. So yeah.

What did the Ukrainians refuse to do that made them deserve this?
Russia is invading a democratic country, conscripting and tricking 18 year olds and sending them into the meat grinder, and has an unstable and insane dictator for a leader... BUT HOLD ON imma post a 5 paragraph idiotic hot take on why murica is bad.
You can replace everything you said with the US and the US is everywhere and installing the leaders it wants whereever. Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the world and we never try to fix Mexico I wonder why....


Gold Member
You can replace everything you said with the US and the US is everywhere and installing the leaders it wants whereever. Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the world and we never try to fix Mexico I wonder why....

A pretty big difference is that the US isn't threatening to destroy the world if anyone tries to get in their way.


This war is ridiculous but has nothing to do with videogames.
Also, russian people have nothing to do with the actions of a crazy dictator.
What’s next?
Playing MW2 “No Russian” level on Twitch to support the ucranians?


Gold Member
You're just in full on blind hate mode. Maybe you are scared too. It's useless to talk to a person in your state. You ignore the reality and prefer to live in a simple black and white world. Enjoy!

Of course I'm scared. Putin is threatening to kill everyone in the west, and I live not far from where this is going on (Sweden).

Anyway, these discussions don't really belong on gaming side I suppose.
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So there's a group of neo-Nazis there, like in pretty much every country. How does that make the government a bunch of Nazis?
Um... you do realize that they ARE part of the official national guard? Legitimate official nazi squads.
Of course I'm scared. Putin is threatening to kill everyone in the west, and I live not far from where this is going on (Sweden).

Anyway, these discussions don't really belong on gaming side I suppose.
Escalation is not the answer. Stay cool.

Hari Seldon

You can replace everything you said with the US and the US is everywhere and installing the leaders it wants whereever. Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the world and we never try to fix Mexico I wonder why....
Maybe you should concentrate on the dictator invading a democracy and shelling innocent civilians and not these idiotic false equivalencies.


Again, another person clueless thinking a group like alqaeda represent the whole country. Looks like the media did the job brainwashing people. We are doomed for real for real.
The state pushes propaganda to the people about Israel, pushing for violence. Suppose that’s inconvenient for your propaganda.

“One religious studies textbook asks students to discuss the “repeated attempts by the Jews to kill the prophet” Muhammad and asks who are “other enemies of Islam,” the outlet said.”

How can you rationalize with people fed that propaganda?


...and fire up the torrents

You keep repeating it doesn't makes it true. There's no 18 on Ukraine. Only paid professionals. If you saw some paramilitary looking guys then it was separatists forces, simple as that. War on Ukraine was happening for 8 years.

Who do you think Ukraine was at war for 8 years? Paid Russian actors? You know what civilian war means? Ukraine still shelling its separatists regions and unlike Russia they're not using precise strikes.

Yes, there was / is a very bad apples among Ukrainian national guards.

Only because they're fighting Russian forces now doesn't makes them innocent. They are literally has no other choice, Putin said he's coming for all of them. The fact that Ukraine let some of their own prisoners go (murderers, rapists) out of prison and gave them weapons to fight Russia doesn't help either.

Now? Yes. Yes, they're hiding their forces in towns full of civilians. How else would you call it?

My apologies. I hadn’t heard any of these arguments from either the left or the right. I’ll have to look into that.

I do stand by my comments regarding Israel, but that is not directed towards you
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Maybe you should concentrate on the dictator invading a democracy and shelling innocent civilians and not these idiotic false equivalencies.
I'm in the US and we are worse when it comes to what you've stated on a much bigger scale it's not even close.

If yiure in the US you as a citizen need to do more Sony and Microsoft should srop allowing us to play games.
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This war is ridiculous but has nothing to do with videogames.
Also, russian people have nothing to do with the actions of a crazy dictator.
What’s next?
Playing MW2 “No Russian” level on Twitch to support the ucranians?

You can’t just silo the things you like off from such a hideous situation. Like it or not, Putin The Goatfucker’s invasion affects all of us, on multiple levels.

Sony and MS should absolutely be boycotting Russia all the time Russian forces are in Ukraine, murdering innocent people.
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The state pushes propaganda to the people about Israel, pushing for violence. Suppose that’s inconvenient for your propaganda.

“One religious studies textbook asks students to discuss the “repeated attempts by the Jews to kill the prophet” Muhammad and asks who are “other enemies of Islam,” the outlet said.”

How can you rationalize with people fed that propaganda?
You know th invasion occurred decades ago right? Half a century to be exact. What you're seeing is hatred getting bigger with time like a snowball and cause and effect.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Russia has actually improved alot over the years the night life is great. I dont know why people want Russian citizens to suffer.
I'm glad to hear they have improved a lot, as they are still shown as extreme poor in the western media.

And yes, so many times this. All these sanctions, it doesn't get to Putin. He doesn't give a fuck about these sanctions, he has the east behind him. He has China.

The common Russian citizen however are those paying for this.


I've been thinking a bit about this. So technically the UN would be the world authority that would facilitate international voting and decide when an invasion is legitimate and when it's tyrannical, right? So back in 2003 when the UN voted no to the invasion of Iraq and the coalition still did it, shouldn't sanctions be applied in the same way?

I know the international community criticized it and many Americans and citizens from other countries protested against it but nothing really happen for the average American (assuming they had no relation to the industrial-military complex) but still, the war still happened and lasted many years.

Who decides which invasion is legitimate and which isn't? At what point should we as citizens start pressuring others to apply sanctions?

I'm also wondering this because recently a Canadian dude posted something on my country's subreddit and said he was disappointed at my country not sanctioning Russia (my country never has done anything like that) and later Americans also got in there and called us cowards.

So far it seems that it depends what the most powerful countries say and if they have a good propaganda machine or not but I don't know... it's such a bleak scenario.

I'm not saying Russia is doing good or anything, just wondering why some conflicts get more backlash than others.


Writes a lot, says very little
Not Russia - it's one crazy man.

Semantics. In order to apply pressure and leverage, the country needs to be hit hard with sanctions and overall publicly they need to be shamed into doing the right thing as either they are going to stop invading that country, or watch that currency degrade, watch investments dry up as many partners leave the country fucking up lots of rick people's money, and watch people rush to pull their money out of banks to save what they can, further fucking up their economy.

So that one crazy man may have made that choice to invade, hope that country has enough um "patsies" to "correct" that issue as their economy is not in the hands of that one "crazy man" bud. We can't force him to stop, but we can make things hard for those around him to second guess how badly they want to support this dumbass. Support him right to the poor house? Starve your children? How badly does such a country want to help 1 man do something like this that doesn't even benefit them?

Those billionaires being hurt by those sanctions might be more likely to move that needle then anything else tbh. They probably have more power and influence then most in Russia and who knows who orders him to be taken out and swept under the rug. Shit changes pretty fucking fast when 1 person can make you from a billionaire to broke.

If Sony and MS pull support, idgaf. Hit them where it hurts lol Apply pressure where it can work. If public pressure can stop Vietnam, this shit can hurt even more in the age of social media.

So I'm 100% ok with companies in gaming cutting support.

Hari Seldon

I'm not saying Russia is doing good or anything, just wondering why some conflicts get more backlash than others.
In the spirit of you asking a serious question and not trolling, the reason why there was less backlash is 1. The American Media machine is ultra powerful and they were 100% bought in to the WMD lies, tricking domestic and foreign populace. 2. No one gave a single fuck about the fate of Saddam who was a homicidal maniac. He had the support of no one. and 3. Outside of WMDs, the stated goal was to transform the middle east into democracy which long term would help solve the terrorism problem and this seemed worthwhile to a country that just had been attacked by terrorists.


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In the spirit of you asking a serious question and not trolling, the reason why there was less backlash is 1. The American Media machine is ultra powerful and they were 100% bought in to the WMD lies, tricking domestic and foreign populace. 2. No one gave a single fuck about the fate of Saddam who was a homicidal maniac. He had the support of no one. and 3. Outside of WMDs, the stated goal was to transform the middle east into democracy which long term would help solve the terrorism problem and this seemed worthwhile to a country that just had been attacked by terrorists.

So it's basically how good the propaganda machine is and how popular the leader of the attacker some some reference to a long term strategy.


Does anyone really know? IF there was a fair referendum that said that they actually wanted to be part of Russia, fine, but there is a LOT of doubt regarding the validity of those results. Unbiased observers weren't allowed, as usual.

Still supposedly it was voted on. Plenty of places are disputed like this. The whole revolution and events after have been strange


Writes a lot, says very little
Yes. Sure. But no. Really. No.

"Since then, the protracted conflict has seen an estimated 377,000 people killed, four million displaced"

People care only about things they know or want to know. Age of social media is an age of a media bubble we prefer to live in.

Poor example, the middle eastern conflict is also one deeply divided based on 9/11......

With Vietnam and even this example with Russia, very little reason exist to defend or support this, as to why you even fucking see those companies pulling out in the first place.

Losing access to games is the least of their problems when Putin is conscripting 18 year olds and sending them to die with no training. The idea with sanctions is to make it so even the most isolated "don't give a shit about politics" person has to figure out why their CC's stopped working and they don't have access to western entertainment.
You don't think putin isn't going to just blame us and say see, they did this. Getting the people more determined and on his side?
That's what hitler did in ww2. We punished the Germans for ww1 (when that wasn't even their fault) caused mass economy issues with "wagons full of Deutschmarks" and he used that as leverage to get people to vote him in.

Still think sending in a strike force of assassins would be the better option, but that could just be too many movies and games talking.


I've been thinking a bit about this. So technically the UN would be the world authority that would facilitate international voting and decide when an invasion is legitimate and when it's tyrannical, right? So back in 2003 when the UN voted no to the invasion of Iraq and the coalition still did it, shouldn't sanctions be applied in the same way?

I know the international community criticized it and many Americans and citizens from other countries protested against it but nothing really happen for the average American (assuming they had no relation to the industrial-military complex) but still, the war still happened and lasted many years.

Who decides which invasion is legitimate and which isn't? At what point should we as citizens start pressuring others to apply sanctions?

I'm also wondering this because recently a Canadian dude posted something on my country's subreddit and said he was disappointed at my country not sanctioning Russia (my country never has done anything like that) and later Americans also got in there and called us cowards.

So far it seems that it depends what the most powerful countries say and if they have a good propaganda machine or not but I don't know... it's such a bleak scenario.

I'm not saying Russia is doing good or anything, just wondering why some conflicts get more backlash than others.
People are in frenzy mode, and if you dont do it, you will be called out. Then there is the live invasion, which billions of people can see it on their tv and phones. You cant cover it up like middle east war. Ukraine knows how to use social media to their advantages.
Technically Saudis attacked us. The taliban wouldn't give up OBL and ALQ which is why we invaded.

I think Clinton did a few missile strikes on their training bases in 99 or 2000.
yep and the taliban was USA made , fighters we trained in iran /contra times (the 80s) . We made the mujahideem(sp) to fight the soviets, which later turned that training and became the taliban. This all started back then. Consequences -> other consequences to a 20 year war. Its a fine line on what happens with history.

That eventually led to 9-11
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Hari Seldon

So it's basically how good the propaganda machine is and how popular the leader of the attacker some some reference to a long term strategy.
Saddam was a straight up homicidal maniac. It wasn't that he wasn't popular, it was that it literally didn't matter if he was popular... if you didn't like him and were Iraqi, his thugs would torture you in an extremely brutal way as a lesson to everyone else. The world is 100% better with him in the ground, just like it will be when Putin is dead.

Hari Seldon

You don't think putin isn't going to just blame us and say see, they did this. Getting the people more determined and on his side?
That's what hitler did in ww2. We punished the Germans for ww1 (when that wasn't even their fault) caused mass economy issues with "wagons full of Deutschmarks" and he used that as leverage to get people to vote him in.

Still think sending in a strike force of assassins would be the better option, but that could just be too many movies and games talking.
Yeah he will, and yes sending in assassins is a bad idea as if it failed, they would just send their own assassins like they did to defectors in the UK.
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