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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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The SFIV patch is today too. So much stuff going on right now!

...wait, looking at the Vita screenshot, are they going to add replays?
Sorry, the 360 and PS3 versions don't have enough RAM for that.
Guys I want to play Frank and Spencer. Any ideas on a good 3rd character?
Anyone with a nice hyper that gives you a lot of hits. Wolverine, Amateratsu, Skrull, Ryu, Akuma, etc.

Just look for good assists, solid full/mid screen hypers, solid damage and great synergy. Spencer could go in anchor position pretty well which gives you the choice of making two teams. One with a new anchor character(but reduced level ups from Frank) or one with a new character on point/second slot(for more level ups from Frank).
We are so not Hsien-bros anymore. :(
You and Karsticles have both thrown your opinions into the mix. You are the only guy who actually agreed when I mentioned the Pursuit mechanic and ES moves too.



Santa May Claus
And on another note... my Dante/Spencer reset works quite well, as I've found out today. Tried it in six different situations, against four different players... it worked every time. And I was just doing the most simple of the mixups possible from the setup. I have even crazier mixups with that setup... did you guys know that Dante's Grapple forces a neutral tech? You cannot roll forward or backwards when you recover from it. Yeah... you can imagine the bullshit that happens from that.


So if I combo into Grapple, and just let it ride, it sets up an unavoidable mix-up/unblockable?
It was fun to talk about Hsien Ko before the changelog notes just to see if Capcom would implement the changes she needed. She didn't get what she needed and hence remains a character most people don't really include in the game's high level meta. I still think her assist is top but you are fucked over more severely in this game due to slower meter gain. You really need to make sure you get it going without any hitches.

Maybe for the 3rd edition.
Yeah, I'm not holding my breath at all anymore. I'm not all that excited about Ultimate so I'll probably wait around for Pringles edition if I want to play seriously again. Gene, Megaman, Captain Commando(or Jin) and some Marvel characters I like would be the guys I'd be interested in trying.

The year 2012 belongs to Vampire Savior, Skullgirls, DOA, Soul Calibur and MAYBE KOF XIII if I can get over the lack of spectator mode.
Okay, gotcha... I thought you were genuine with that masochist comment LOL.
I was just messing with you lol.
Health: Well, this one is easy. Her health is below average, making her easy to kill in one or two combos. I believe she hovers somewhere around the 850k mark, correct me if I'm wrong.
Her health is okay in my eyes. Her Darkstalkers version is in the bottom three for health(dat vagina tax was at 1940s WWII levels damn)
Mobility: A thing I heavily noticed with her. All of her mobility options are garbage. Her walk/hop is ridiculously slow. Her little dash teleport, although pretty cool in concept, is far too short and slow to be of any use. Her airdash... let's not go there. The only real opportunity for her to get in is the pendulum and this is stupidly unsafe cause so easily punishable, and not even cancellable. If the both dashes would've been buffed in speed and range, and the pendulum would be cancellable, she would actually be quite good. But with what she has, her approach is terrible.
She'd be pretty fuckin' cheap if they buffed her ground/air dash and gave her the simple one button cancel. I'd love that shit.
Getting In: Her biggest problem. Although her Item Toss is not THAT bad, she will win no firefight. So she has to get in. But she has pretty much no real option to open up an opponent or any safe approaches, partly because of her terrible mobility, so she's pretty much screwed. Her gongs, albeit useful on paper, are too short-ranged and slow to actually help against keepaway, as well.
Her item toss is pretty shit. Her items used to go through projectiles in Vampire Savior(which means it had SOME durability). They only have one low projectile durability point here(Ryu's hadouken has five for instance). Her gongs are actually pretty good framewise though. They are on par with Vampire Savior gongs at worst. The problem they have is that shitty reverse dragon punch input. It is not a friendly input for a move that needs to be spammed for safety or pressure...
Damage Output: I would say she actually would do OK here if her only reliable OTG option wouldn't require spending a bar or having an assist. So in this regard, she's probably below average. She can't follow up throws, even her command throws, but if she does get in, her damage is average, I'd say. She thus has a hard time getting the momentum into her favor, her comeback factor is really low, and it's really easy to get her back into the disadvantageous position as soon as she eventually has to end her combo.
Yeah, I used to think that she didn't need cr.H OTG, but she does need an OTG normal for loops and damage off command grabs. She needs it BAD and fixing that one thing would be a major MAJOR thing imo.
I would say those are her 4 biggest negative factors, and all of them would actually be easily fixed. Health is not as much of a problem honestly. But give her better mobility options and a cancellable pendulum. Have her claw-on-the-floor attack (c.H. I believe?) OTG. Gongs with slightly better range. If she gets those things, she actually would be really solid.
Yeah, those things would actually make her somewhat tournament viable. She'd be very good with those things alone. I'd prefer a change on input for gongs over changing it's other properties though.
MIX UPS: Her two best options for mix ups are her jump cancellable normals and command throw. Both of them are mitigated by her poor overall mobility and even if you land the mix up you don't get enough out of it. She also has terrible options from an air throw. Her mix ups just aren't anything worth discussing because most of the time she is rarely within range to perform said mix ups.
Her terrible mobility, bad launcher(does not mesh with her good to great normals AT ALL) and lack of a normal or special OTG moves is harsh. Red covered those areas nicely and buffing the mixups won't do much until she gets the pendulum cancel for increased mixup left rights and overheads.
MOBILITY: Biggest fault on the character. It's completely garbage in the air and on the ground. Extremely susceptible to punishment or air grabs. Can't do shit about Advancing guard. Ground dash while unique in it's properties doesn't help her move around the screen effectively enough.
Oh, such a terrible terrible fault. She is 1/4 the size of Sent and is three times less mobile. No dice on this one.
ZONING: Gong no where as good as it should be. Anki Hou is random bull shit, there should be some way to control which items you throw out without it being some crazy 1 frame link. Basically Hsien Ko's ability to restrict the opponent's mobility sucks, it's only at it's best when they are within the range of her normals.
Yeah, she got a dizzy after every third diagonal item toss(I believe this is the case) and she didn't get bombs unless it was an ES item toss. The best part was how a dizzy in the air still stuns an opponent when they get up unlike Mahvel. Her gongs feel fine to me framewise(they are actually pretty close to Vampire in speed for frames). The problem is that janky input. All the high level players in tournaments use characters like Wesker, Taskmaster, Hawkeye, Sent, Akuma and Ryu. The pattern here is that all of them have nice spammable projectiles that are mostly QUARTER CIRCLE motions or COMMAND NORMALS. Reverse dragon punch motion is a terrible input for a move that is meant for defense and pressure. It is too susceptible to human error and the added finger motions add extra time which makes it less safe.
NORMALS: Probably her only actual "strength". Normals have good priority/range and can out poke good characters. Doesn't covert into high damage but it's something opponents have to somewhat respect. Due to jump cancellable normals in UMVC3, this is also an aspect that is improved for her as her anti-airs are now better as well as potential mix ups.
Yeah, her normals were actually handled pretty well. Her only weak spot is her launcher and cr.H which both need more functionality. You got it right in your list below.
DAMAGE: Still well below average in the game. I heard she got some better combo stuffs this time around but so did like every other character in the game except for Tron.
I like her normal combo damage, but she is still missing that solid damage off command throw. Those jump cancels would've been a GLORIOUS buff if they were paired with Red's fixes.

*More health
*Pendulum needs to be cancellable. That move is garbage without some extra property on it
*Some control over items in Anki Hou.
*A dive kick/dive bomb move that moves her straight down really fast. This is an area where Hsien Ko is very vulnerable from. Hell if they make this OTG or cause some hard knockdown (while giving her another OTG move) this would be enough to move her up a tier. If it causes a ground bounce that's just as good.
*Needs better frame advantage off of air throws
*Needs a self-OTG move so she can self combo off of ground throws, air throws and command throws
*More time on Gold armor
*Tweaking of her ground dash
*Even less floatyness
*Better damage output, better combos, better hit confirms, better scaling values, better X factor values
*Better start up and recovery on most of her stuff
*Gongs being able to reflect more stuff, activate faster and stay on screen longer/travel further
*Anki Hou and Gong inputs reversed.
*Her "slide" improved in range, speed, hit box and active frame. Should be at least UMVC3 She Hulk range
*Some new tool to put the scare in the opponent at a distance. Possibly a full screen projectile that also causes a wall bounce or even a dizzy. I don't know but she needs a genuinely need tool in her arsenal as far as space control goes.

I have to get a majority of stuff here for me to give a damn about her.
Yeah... my list continues to grow if only because I'm not satisfied with the character at all.

My own...

-Give her the Vampire Savior pendulum cancels with simple S input for the cancel
-Change her launcher into hammer type move with better range so she can get easier combos off her long range normals. Give it ground bounce on connect and it makes her fall faster
-Change the command grab input to half circle back like in Vampire and change input for gongs to qcb.attack or command normal back.attack if the command grab must remain the same
-Buff air/ground dash speeds to XF2 levels at minimum
-Buff durability on all items to 3 low projectile points(compare to one point right now) and bomb instantly explodes on contact with opponent
-Every fourth item tossed causes a dizzy even if they get hit in the air(they get up into dizzy state like Vsav)
-Reduce startup of gold armor from 20 frames to 7 frames. It was faster in Vampire and it should be fast here
-Gold armor gives her Vampire Savior ground dash ability. Make it a wavedash capable ground dash
-Gold armor allows her to drain above average red health in combos if she touches you
-Add five frames of invincibility to Chireitou on startup in order to make it more of an anti air and different from Tenrai-Ha
-cr.H has OTG property for combos off all throws(command too) and ground loops ala Doom
So, are you satisfied with my and Dahbomb's summaries, SP? :p
Pretty satisfied

*tosses tissue into garbage bin*


And on another note... my Dante/Spencer reset works quite well, as I've found out today. Tried it in six different situations, against four different players... it worked every time. And I was just doing the most simple of the mixups possible from the setup. I have even crazier mixups with that setup... did you guys know that Dante's Grapple forces a neutral tech? You cannot roll forward or backwards when you recover from it. Yeah... you can imagine the bullshit that happens from that.

Nice, we'll have to play again. Hit me up, we can run a long set.

Separately, been considering replacing Nova with Captain America. Am I crazy?.



So if I combo into Grapple, and just let it ride, it sets up an unavoidable mix-up/unblockable?
Yup. There are a lot of reasons why I think Dante is still the best character in this game, and this is one of them.

Also, fun fact: Fireworks is actually an OTG capable move, meaning Dante has a total of nine OTG capable moves.


Nice, we'll have to play again. Hit me up, we can run a long set.
Yeah, definitely. It might be a while though, since right now I'm still working on perfecting my mixups/resets, and also trying to figure out what my main team is going to be. Too many characters I want to play, not sure who I want to 'main'. The only characters for certain right now is Dante and Spencer. Last spot is up for grabs, lol.


Help me out GAF.

I want to like this game, but I'm still struggling getting the hang of it all. I do terrible online and offline play isn't very fun. All my online matches go one of two ways, I get full screen projectiled to death, or I get stuck in an endless combo until I die.

I think my biggest problem is lacking a solid team with solid bnb's. So I come to you GAF, requesting a decent team that's easy to learn with some easy bnb's. I know that's kind of a broad question. Even if you can get me started with 3 people I should play, I can probably look up combos from there. Thanks!!
So H&H on 12/19 (1 week!)...
Vita version has replay channel/feature? :lol
Community salt level rising...

Help me out GAF.

I want to like this game, but I'm still struggling getting the hang of it all. I do terrible online and offline play isn't very fun. All my online matches go one of two ways, I get full screen projectiled to death, or I get stuck in an endless combo until I die.

I think my biggest problem is lacking a solid team with solid bnb's. So I come to you GAF, requesting a decent team that's easy to learn with some easy bnb's. I know that's kind of a broad question. Even if you can get me started with 3 people I should play, I can probably look up combos from there. Thanks!!

Most characters are usable, it's just a question of taste or preference; Do you like a character enough to learn them no matter what? Do you need a specific play type that you use in most other fighters?

I know a lot of beginners seem to like Ryu and Captain America -- they both are pretty high life with reasonable easy execution that can grow as you do.


I want to like this game, but I'm still struggling getting the hang of it all. I do terrible online and offline play isn't very fun. All my online matches go one of two ways, I get full screen projectiled to death, or I get stuck in an endless combo until I die.

I think my biggest problem is lacking a solid team with solid bnb's.
So I come to you GAF, requesting a decent team that's easy to learn with some easy bnb's. I know that's kind of a broad question. Even if you can get me started with 3 people I should play, I can probably look up combos from there. Thanks!!
Are you sure the main problem isn't defense?

Joking aside, Wesker.

Also, Wesker.

And Zero.


Help me out GAF.

I want to like this game, but I'm still struggling getting the hang of it all. I do terrible online and offline play isn't very fun. All my online matches go one of two ways, I get full screen projectiled to death, or I get stuck in an endless combo until I die.

I think my biggest problem is lacking a solid team with solid bnb's. So I come to you GAF, requesting a decent team that's easy to learn with some easy bnb's. I know that's kind of a broad question. Even if you can get me started with 3 people I should play, I can probably look up combos from there. Thanks!!

I have poor execution and difficulty doing long combos, but I've had some success with Captain America, Frank West, Ryu, and Hawkeye. [Frank/Ryu/Hawkeye is one of my main teams.] They all have pretty damaging yet simple combos. Nova is another character with huge damage off simple BnBs.


Thanks for the help guys. I'll give Cap, Ryu, Zero, Frank and Nova a try.

Also, I won't deny my defense is a problem, but I also can't ever seem to get much accomplished when I get an opening. I'm hoping that if I just sit down with a couple of characters and practice combo's until I can do them blindfolded that will help me.
Thanks for the help guys. I'll give Cap, Ryu, Zero, Frank and Nova a try.

Also, I won't deny my defense is a problem, but I also can't ever seem to get much accomplished when I get an opening. I'm hoping that if I just sit down with a couple of characters and practice combo's until I can do them blindfolded that will help me.

Have you tried mission mode out -- it's kind of rough if you're new to fighters in general, but if you have some background in fighting games, you can use it to learn the timing on some of your characters special cancels and such. I'm an average player with poor execution and I've managed to do 7/10 for all characters -- when you start bringing in the xfactor cancels and assists, then it starts getting more challenging...

Anyway, my point is to check out mission mode for characters your interested in before you go randomly start training -- it might give you some general ideas and concepts for your character that you didn't realize were possible or good uses for a particular move. Once you learn some of the missions for the characters, then take the few you like into training mode and put your time in.

Mission mode will also force you to learn some techniques you might not have been proficient at previously. It taught me to be good at the whole s.l > c.l > s.m > c.m > s.h > c.h > special move > launch chain.
You'll also learn things like how Hawkeye has trouble using standing or crouching H before launcher.


As in "Heathcliff"
Please don't mistake this post as emo blog.

I wonder who fought me on 360. Please tell me what do you think of my skills?

Do anyone take me as poster, serious? Sometime i just felt that people look at me as hype poster or something. I could be overanalyzed the situation myself. Also do any Gaffers take me as serious for gamer as well. One specific situation led me to believe what I was worried about.

Just that I felt that my good friend don't take me serious sometime but he could be elite prick sometime but he just have too much free time on his hand. He specifically told me that I was boring person to fight against, and he also labelled my other friend same thing, which pissed me off because I tried to get better so I could give him a good challenge.

Me being father to one child and expecting a baby on way soon, so I am trying my best to be better but it was little tough for me to get way way better as I want to. I barely have time to do labs because I would love to go to straight to online lobbies (GAF and Kadey's), players/ranked and playing with friends online instead spending my time in training room to get better. After I look back and started to think I might have to go to lab and learn to do better combos and practice more. I felt that I might have to sacrificed the fun time with online friends and friends in order to get better.

Do anyone have any fantastic website where I can try to learn good bnbs and etc. Thanks!

Funny thing is this good friend that I talked about. He usually is way better than me. However, last time we fought so I literally beat him badly and he decided to leave the room to fight other better fighter. I asked him why and the situation apparently started. I know he may be salty about it but I think he is right that I could be predictable and boring player but who know *shrugs*

mr. puppy

hey gaf, what do you think about putting money together for a ChrisG vs. Combofiend money match sponsored by us through donations at SCR?
Help me out GAF.

The answer, my friend, is always Wesker. Any question you have, it can be answered with Wesker. If it cannot be answered with Wesker, it can be answered with a variation thereof, or something related to him.

So, I would suggest you play Wesker/Wesker/Wesker.

(No but seriously, don't play Wesker, you'll start relying on his derpiness which will lead you to never learn anything)

I wonder who fought me on 360. Please tell me what do you think of my skills?

Do anyone take me as poster, serious?


I do take your posts seriously, and I know you're at least decent at the game from what I saw on Kadey's stream, so no reason to not take you seriously.


The answer, my friend, is always Wesker. Any question you have, it can be answered with Wesker. If it cannot be answered with Wesker, it can be answered with a variation thereof, or something related to him.

So, I would suggest you play Wesker/Wesker/Wesker.

(No but seriously, don't play Wesker, you'll start relying on his derpiness which will lead you to never learn anything)


I do take your posts seriously, and I know you're at least decent at the game from what I saw on Kadey's stream, so no reason to not take you seriously.

Just wait for H&H and the Army of One card. You get to fight Wesker, Wesker then Dark Wesker!


tagged by Blackace
Please don't mistake this post as emo blog.

I wonder who fought me on 360. Please tell me what do you think of my skills?

Do anyone take me as poster, serious? Sometime i just felt that people look at me as hype poster or something. I could be overanalyzed the situation myself. Also do any Gaffers take me as serious for gamer as well. One specific situation led me to believe what I was worried about.

Just that I felt that my good friend don't take me serious sometime but he could be elite prick sometime but he just have too much free time on his hand. He specifically told me that I was boring person to fight against, and he also labelled my other friend same thing, which pissed me off because I tried to get better so I could give him a good challenge.

Me being father to one child and expecting a baby on way soon, so I am trying my best to be better but it was little tough for me to get way way better as I want to. I barely have time to do labs because I would love to go to straight to online lobbies (GAF and Kadey's), players/ranked and playing with friends online instead spending my time in training room to get better. After I look back and started to think I might have to go to lab and learn to do better combos and practice more. I felt that I might have to sacrificed the fun time with online friends and friends in order to get better.

Do anyone have any fantastic website where I can try to learn good bnbs and etc. Thanks!

Funny thing is this good friend that I talked about. He usually is way better than me. However, last time we fought so I literally beat him badly and he decided to leave the room to fight other better fighter. I asked him why and the situation apparently started. I know he may be salty about it but I think he is right that I could be predictable and boring player but who know *shrugs*
You don't have to be super analytic to be taken serious. I certainly don't think your a joke/troll poster. Your a cool dude, man.

I'm half hype poster, half serious. But I make sure I distinguish my posting style between the trolling and the actual discussion. Because of life obligations and stuff, I'm not that (relatively) knowledgeable about UMvC3 and so when we have *actual* productive UMvC3 discussions I stay out of them unless I'm absolutely confident and believe in what I'm saying. Though really, you shouldn't be worrying about what people say about you on the internet anyways.

As for a gamer, I don't know, I haven't played you much at all, and I think it'd be difficult for people to judge off the top of their head how you play unless you ran some mad sets with people. If anything, a single person saying your boring should be motivation for you to get better. Personally, I find it difficult to even consider having a boring match in Marvel. Either it's neck and neck competitive, your doing worse forcing you to find ways to adapt, or your way ahead of the other dude and can troll it up.

Certainly does come off as emo post when you start reading it :p


Santa May Claus
Please don't mistake this post as emo blog.

I wonder who fought me on 360. Please tell me what do you think of my skills?

Do anyone take me as poster, serious? Sometime i just felt that people look at me as hype poster or something. I could be overanalyzed the situation myself. Also do any Gaffers take me as serious for gamer as well. One specific situation led me to believe what I was worried about.

Just that I felt that my good friend don't take me serious sometime but he could be elite prick sometime but he just have too much free time on his hand. He specifically told me that I was boring person to fight against, and he also labelled my other friend same thing, which pissed me off because I tried to get better so I could give him a good challenge.

Me being father to one child and expecting a baby on way soon, so I am trying my best to be better but it was little tough for me to get way way better as I want to. I barely have time to do labs because I would love to go to straight to online lobbies (GAF and Kadey's), players/ranked and playing with friends online instead spending my time in training room to get better. After I look back and started to think I might have to go to lab and learn to do better combos and practice more. I felt that I might have to sacrificed the fun time with online friends and friends in order to get better.

Do anyone have any fantastic website where I can try to learn good bnbs and etc. Thanks!

Funny thing is this good friend that I talked about. He usually is way better than me. However, last time we fought so I literally beat him badly and he decided to leave the room to fight other better fighter. I asked him why and the situation apparently started. I know he may be salty about it but I think he is right that I could be predictable and boring player but who know *shrugs*

Sounds like he was salty. And telling someone that they're boring to fight against is kind of rude for a friend. If he really thinks so, he should suggest ways to change up and improve your game instead of just saying that you're "boring".

Anyway, I take your posts seriously, though you are definitely a hype-up poster as well.

(No but seriously, don't play Wesker, you'll start relying on his derpiness which will lead you to never learn anything)

Really? I wouldn't go that far. To suggest you can't learn anything from playing Wesker is silly.


Santa May Claus
Well obviously you can learn something, but he's so easy to turn into a crutch.

Anything turns into a crutch if you let it. And crutches only take you so far. It's like Vanilla Sentinel users that were content smashing people with Super Armor. It'll work in the lower ranks, but there's a clear ceiling for derp stuff... and in long sets you'll get exposed.

I think the Wesker issue has been blown way out of proportion. Yeah, he could use some tweaking, but rather I'd fight a Wesker than a Zero any day of the week.

East Coast has always been Wesker heavy. We'll see if that holds up in the long term at some larger tournaments.


As in "Heathcliff"
I always want to see Wesker in MVC3 and he finally got in. I want to main him before I know that he is "derp herp" character and I am not going to drop him because I am getting better with him as I hope I am.

And I hate to fight against Zero. He's annoying.
intelliheath said:
He specifically told me that I was boring person to fight against, and he also labelled my other friend same thing, which pissed me off because I tried to get better so I could give him a good challenge.
what's your team? some people just hate zoning/keepaway characters.

zero may be annoying, but he is definitelly not boring.
I just wanted to say thanks to all the contributors in this thread for sharing their knowledge. I was struggling so damn hard in Vanilla, and though I'm not beastly in Ultimate, I'm doing much better that in Vanilla. I'm understanding why I lose, and what I need to do about it the next time it happens. A good portion of this new understanding comes from spectator mode, too. So glad they implemented it for Ultimate.

My defense was non existant in Vanilla, and though I am getting better in it, half the time, I opt to avoid a mix up by running rather than hope I block right. So for the people who are still warming up to things and struggling, keep at it. This game is way too much fun, and I love the frenetic pace of it all.

Also, pick Wesker for instant success ;)

Azure J

First things first, Bar Fights was stupid hype. I hope that's the beginning of something long running because all those sets (with the unfortunate Marn/Combo match) were godlike. The Clockwork set was so stupidly hype for me. I think all the energy from myself that should have went into the "I believe" for Mike Ross went into the Clockwork set, and boy did it pay off. On another note, Justin Wong's Iron Fist is the fucking shit. I am so tempted to try forming a team with him on point after last night's matches.

Late but:

You and Karsticles have both thrown your opinions into the mix. You are the only guy who actually agreed when I mentioned the Pursuit mechanic and ES moves too.


It's cool, I was actually thinking up something to respond with to go with Arremer & Dahbomb's thoughts, but forgot to post until now. Really, Hsien's issues could be solved so quickly:

- Pendulums cancellable with S; Can be canceled early for the ghetto double jump effect seen often in her Vampire Saviour play
- Anki Hou & Gong inputs reversed.
- cr. H OTGs & is launcher cancellable on hit
- High arc Anki Hou items (H version) OTG upon landing (gives her more mixup potential that's true to her style)
- Increased forward momentum & speed off air run/dash & weight to get back to the ground after said air dash.

None of these buffs reach into the realm of stupidity either. She could be the Capcom Captain America (in terms of being just right with another patch or MVC3 incarnation) with just the first three things alone.

Edit: And I need to learn to read through posts better before posting, since literally everything I mentioned was touched on explicitly between Dah, Red & yourself there. :lol

In other news, I'm tempted to do some theory movesets for an incarnation of Megaman between Classic & X that doesn't turn out as derpy as the one I did way back when.

For a final note... Did Doc Strange really pose such a threat with an air dash? It's like watching streams, playing with him the little bit I have the last weekend and understanding enough about the game, he really could have benefitted from a simple two way air dash if they thought he'd be stupid/Phoenix with all 8 directions. Just some musings from someone trying to enjoy Strange (as a fan) for more than READ A BOOK.


tagged by Blackace
GAF 360 scrub lobby is up, but it's private. Ask me for an invite, I'm on the MahvelGAF Tag. GT: arvinater.

Just me and IntelliHeath atm.

mr. puppy

conspiracy theory time: Gootecks/Mike are selling the bar fights DVD, hence why they took off all of the streams from spooky's channel. They had Jago start a fake feud with Mike in order to build up more hype for the matches, and let the stream monsters take over to create a hugggggge amount of post-match drama.


conspiracy theory time: Gootecks/Mike are selling the bar fights videos on their website, hence why sp00ky didn't upload any videos on TS's channel yet (or maybe the dude is still trying to rest from this crazy weekend of being on both coasts in two days.... I dunno, he usually doesn't upload stuff until two weeks later). They had Jago start a fake but friendly feud with Mike in order to build up more hype for the matches... and that's it.

Fixed. :3

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
GAF 360 scrub lobby is up, but it's private. Ask me for an invite, I'm on the MahvelGAF Tag. GT: arvinater.

Just me and IntelliHeath atm.

That last game made me mad salty ^^ Why did I toss that energy gauntlet :(


I just wanted to say thanks to all the contributors in this thread for sharing their knowledge. I was struggling so damn hard in Vanilla, and though I'm not beastly in Ultimate, I'm doing much better that in Vanilla. I'm understanding why I lose, and what I need to do about it the next time it happens. A good portion of this new understanding comes from spectator mode, too. So glad they implemented it for Ultimate.

My defense was non existant in Vanilla, and though I am getting better in it, half the time, I opt to avoid a mix up by running rather than hope I block right. So for the people who are still warming up to things and struggling, keep at it. This game is way too much fun, and I love the frenetic pace of it all.

Also, pick Wesker for instant success ;)

Just chiming in, if you want a training buddy hit me up. I feel like Ultimoo in Vanilla. Always in the chatroom but no one comes.


And I hate to fight against Zero. He's annoying.

I hate to say this, but I get a ridiculous thrill playing Zero. Mainly due to his movement options. He can change directions in the air so many times.

S'why I am slightly scared of swapping Nova and Cap. Nova can also MOVE when he wants to.


Santa May Claus
I hate to say this, but I get a ridiculous thrill playing Zero. Mainly due to his movement options. He can change directions in the air so many times.

S'why I am slightly scared of swapping Nova and Cap. Nova can also MOVE when he wants to.

At least he has a double jump now.


tagged by Blackace
Are you guys still gonna be on in 30 minutes?
We're still here atm. Probably for foreseeable future too. Dunno when I'm gonna leave.

Also, apologies to Chocopolka. I got your message but I was out of the room, I just checked now D:

At least you got into the lobby. But yeah sorry again.


We're still here atm. Probably for foreseeable future too. Dunno when I'm gonna leave.

Also, apologies to Chocopolka. I got your message but I was out of the room, I just checked now D:

At least you got into the lobby. But yeah sorry again.

No problems.

Man, I am terrified of Hulk (and Haggar).

Aww yeah, dropping Hawkeye combos.
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