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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT| of 9 Years Urley

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Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Deadpool is Cable?

oh Marvel...

That one totally fits though considering they had a long run of buddy cop style shenanigans in Cable and Deadpool. It's a nice and fitting homage.
So I was playing against QisAnObstacleCourse yesterday and I thought, hey, I need to beat some projectiles and you know who beats projectiles? Thor! We haven't talked in a while so I phoned up my old friend and asked him what he thought about evildoers. Into the demon's nest we flew!

Like young Icarus once knew, how quickly it is the wax binding you to the heavens can become unfurled, the sunlight in Shuma's eyes melting the dreams of once mighty men.

Fuck Thor.
Ra1den said:
PR Rog saying he's gonna make a video soon showing how good Vergil/Wesker/Strider are together. He thinks the game is already broken :(
I know this may hard to swallow because he is a top player, but they are sometimes wrong. That said, I have a strange feeling that zoning might not be as effective as I like a to think.
Oldschoolgamer said:
I take it the Deadpool alt is a reference to the "Bodyslide by 2" accidents they were having together?

Its actually from here.

Cable & Deadpool is probably the best Deadpool ongoing there has ever been. Well worth reading.

I think they rebranded all the trades as "Deadpool & Cable" recently, which is really funny to me.


Terareflection said:
I know this may hard to swallow because he is a top player, but they are sometimes wrong. That said, I have a strange feeling that zoning might not be as effective as I like a to think.

Yeah for sure, but he's talking about the easiest unblockables he has ever seen. That is cause for concern.


God's Beard said:
So I was playing against QisAnObstacleCourse yesterday and I thought, hey, I need to beat some projectiles and you know who beats projectiles? Thor! We haven't talked in a while so I phoned up my old friend and asked him what he thought about evildoers. Into the demon's nest we flew!

Like young Icarus once knew, how quickly it is the wax binding you to the heavens can become unfurled, the sunlight in Shuma's eyes melting the dreams of once mighty men.

Fuck Thor.

Just use Dr. Strange against him from now on and DHC into someone whose hyper can be followed up into combo afterwards.
Ra1den said:
Yeah for sure, but he's talking about the easiest unblockables he has ever seen. That is cause for concern.

Bu that's what Marvel is. You bust out your most abusable shit before the other person busts out his most abusable shit and rake in the damage.

Regardless, knee jerk reactions for the win. Much like people thought Sentinel was the devil for Vanilla at first.

Anyway, Dark Phoenix is going to break shit anyway, and even Wolverine is going to go back to herp derp ways once people figure out how to cover that Berserker Slash.


Haven't played mvc3 since I sold it when UMVC3 was first announced. I don't even think I'll win one game online because I'm so behind :(
vocab said:
Haven't played mvc3 since I sold it when UMVC3 was first announced. I don't even think I'll win one game online because I'm so behind :(
Don't get discouraged. If anything you catch up to the rest much faster if you keep playing and don't mind losing for awhile with it.

Btw, I assume most of the street breaking is in NY, correct?
Thanks Max!

Oh and Karst you are a douche for wanting firebrands level 3 to be longer than 10 seconds LOL
:p A man can dream!

Should be permanent buff like Frank's level up. :D
Honestly, in his reveal trailer I thought it was, since there was no timer!

Firebrand is the best training dummy. I've got like 20 years of salt to pour on that guy.

I'd be glad to return the pain. ;-)

Actually I'm the best on PSN but I'm not PSNgaf so it doesn't count.

Fuck gafchat.

I'll challenge anyone on PSN to a FT10 next weekend, new characters only.
I'd rather play characters I like. :p

From Sephi:
Getting banned on GAF sucks. The thread seems un-hype without Enzo, Dahbomb and the others. Could you link my video over in the OT? I have a feeling they will enjoy the credits.

vocab said:
Haven't played mvc3 since I sold it when UMVC3 was first announced. I don't even think I'll win one game online because I'm so behind :(
Just hit the lab, I plan to spend at least a week in it before I hit online.

mr. puppy

Karsticles said:
From Sephi:

i agree with that. i know its probably going to be a bad idea, but how do we get them unbanned? can we petition the mods? they've been running this show more than anyone and just made some bad mistakes.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Thank you sephi for making these videos from beyond the grave.

Azure J

Looks like Gamestop came through with the clutch urley stock of Ultimate, I just got a phone call saying I can pick up tomorrow and I do think I'll be taking them up on that. :D

Now then, about grabbing a 360... :lol


vocab said:
Haven't played mvc3 since I sold it when UMVC3 was first announced. I don't even think I'll win one game online because I'm so behind :(

Don't worry, there's still all those smug "I didn't buy vanilla because I knew Capcom was going to do this" players that you can beat on. :D


AzureJericho said:
Looks like Gamestop came through with the clutch urley stock of Ultimate, I just got a phone call saying I can pick up tomorrow and I do think I'll be taking them up on that. :D

Now then, about grabbing a 360... :lol

Im thinking of going early too.


Getting banned on GAF sucks. The thread seems un-hype without Enzo, Dahbomb and the others. Could you link my video over in the OT? I have a feeling they will enjoy the credits.



Iron Fist is gonna be tricky as hell to deal with on Rushdown. The ability to kara kancel into chi during block strings will be great considering it can absorb 1 hit free letting you have the option to hyper punish any normal they throw plus the ability to have a hitbox on it at 0 distance for throws will be a nice option up in dat ass!

The ability to empty cancel to trick people even further with high lows, the ability to make H and rekkas safe by canceling into chi, the ability to cancel a rekka and still have its hitbox active during your other rekka that you canceled into, and the biggest thing of all being the ability to say screw your advanced guard by throwing kara cancels to hit with low rekka.

GAAAAAH! MANLY PICTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Told you I'd try and keep Dahbomb's catchphrase warm during his absence.


AzureJericho said:
Looks like Gamestop came through with the clutch urley stock of Ultimate, I just got a phone call saying I can pick up tomorrow and I do think I'll be taking them up on that. :D

Now then, about grabbing a 360... :lol

I got an automated call as well but when I called up my local EB personally the guy still said Tuesday.


spindashing said:
Jelly at those who have Ultimate already.

I went with the Newegg deal, so I have no idea when I'll be getting it.
They got me Gears 3 and Uncharted 3 day of release. Fingers crossed for them doing the same with Mahvel.


Mupod said:
I got an automated call as well but when I called up my local EB personally the guy still said Tuesday.
Midnight launch is happening at gamestops on Monday though. Since Assassin's Creed Revelations is getting a midnight launch they threw Marvel in on that so go pick it up.
Bark252 said:
I'm part of scrub360 tier. Added me if u like. GT: Bark252
I'm closer to scrub than pro. Sent you a friend request.

A Human Becoming said:
We should start a scrub360 list. My GT is ICallItFutile
Also added. My XBL is ParallaxScroll.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
haha never read the deadpool-Cable books
The first 16 or so issues of Cable & Deadpool (first major arc) are really fuckin good.
h3ro said:
They got me Gears 3 and Uncharted 3 day of release. Fingers crossed for them doing the same with Mahvel.
That gives me some hope.

Well, things could be worse. I could have ordered from the Capcom store again.


shaowebb said:
Midnight launch is happening at gamestops on Monday though. Since Assassin's Creed Revelations is getting a midnight launch they threw Marvel in on that so go pick it up.

I live in a very special town in Northern Ontario with bylaws restricting midnight releases, so...yeah. I guess they called me just to tease me.


A Human Becoming said:
We should start a scrub360 list. My GT is ICallItFutile
ha awesome, pretty sure you've been on my friends list for a few years (pepperjack). I'm down for a scrub league.

played the game last night w a friend who got it early and loved it. vergil is going to be very popular if online is any indication. I love the revisions to captain and spidey. nova is pretty awesome, kinda disappointed with iron fist though.
h3ro said:
Never again. I don't care how urley they put out Ultimate.

Dartastic said:
And then you would have gotten the game urley. =(
The Capcom Store is my #1 most hated thing in the world next to tartar sauce.

Well, I have a friend who already got it urley and he'll bring it to campus tomorrow. Too bad I have class all day... =(

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
spindashing said:
Well, I have a friend who already got it urley and he'll bring it to campus tomorrow. Too bad I have class all day... =(
Fuck school, college is worthless anyway.

I haven't been able to find a job since I graduated in May. :(


spindashing said:

The Capcom Store is my #1 most hated thing in the world next to tartar sauce.

Well, I have a friend who already got it urley and he'll bring it to campus tomorrow. Too bad I have class all day... =(
I don't blame you. I just gotta say, the amount of urley in this thread is really frustrating. Although, Tuesday will be glorious... I will get Mario and Marvel in on the same day, and I'll be done with some really irritating school projects by then. Woo.

A Human Becoming said:
Fuck school, college is worthless anyway.

I haven't been able to find a job since I graduated in May. :(
Dayung sun.

I'm so sorry. I had awful job luck also, and that's why I'm getting my MBA. Hopefully that works out.
A Human Becoming said:
Fuck school, college is worthless anyway.

I haven't been able to find a job since I graduated in May. :(
Egh. I'm sorry, man. I'm trying to find some part time work myself. Applying to just about anything/everything is fun but depressing at the same time.

Dartastic said:
I don't blame you. I just gotta say, the amount of urley in this thread is really frustrating. Although, Tuesday will be glorious... I will get Mario and Marvel in on the same day, and I'll be done with some really irritating school projects by then. Woo.
It really is. I'm never going to order games of this magnitude online anymore when I can easily get it urley from shops around me. Lesson learned.

Also, Mahvel comes out the day after I'm done with midterms so I'm glad.

Karsticles said:
DevilJin on SRK is claiming that Vergil's normals destroy projectiles a la Dormammu and Sentinel. -_-


Basically, he is being described as Sentinel with teleports.
Damn. Vergil's going to be ridiculous, and this is only pre-Day 1 technology.
Ra1den said:
PR Rog saying he's gonna make a video soon showing how good Vergil/Wesker/Strider are together. He thinks the game is already broken :(

My friends been playing this team against me all afternoon... its really stupid...

anyway, with Dante, if you want to still want to do the old bnb, you have to do

whatever into f+h BC volcano, j.h air play S H S then jump cancel teleport, hammer. whatever comes after is up to you, but the best damage I could get out of that was around 690k with mashing super. That combo used to do around 730k :(

with Iron Fist, after fist of fury super you get wallbounce and tremendous frame advantage, so you can reset, snapback or do the spirit of the dragon

whoever said he was assist tier may have been right since he gets zoned so badly BUT time will tell.

Strider's gonna be one of the greatest anchors, just wait.


feel free to send me an invite for scrubGAF games. I didn't get a chance to play MVC3 that much so I'm a little behind.

360: d0c_z5000
ps3: d0c_zaius

I want to use Spencer and Frank West but I'm pretty horrible at figuring out their playstyles. Firebrand and Arthur are awesome though.

Tobe1 said:
derpgil :lol

haha derpgil will be hard to get out of my brain
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