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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Jam Session is incredible with Dormammu. It basically says "no" to anyone but teleporters. Easily one of his top 5 assists.
Jam session is amazing. Too bad I don't have the execution to play Dante.
I only know day 1 vanilla combos with him... :(
I don't think my hands are fast enough for bold canceling.

mr. puppy

Jam Session is incredible with Dormammu. It basically says "no" to anyone but teleporters. Easily one of his top 5 assists.

yeah it was when i was doing firebrand/dorm/dante. always felt like it might be a good team....I was getting a lot of good work out with putting Dorm's Flare on screen and bringing Firebrand in while calling Dante. I think my problem was I always blew x-factor with Firebrand (especially if Dorm died) b/c his damage was shit, and then that'd leave me with a naked Dante who couldn't kill in one hit.

also the jam session timing with Firebrand's unblockable is really tight and not reliable.
yeah it was when i was doing firebrand/dorm/dante. always felt like it might be a good team....I was getting a lot of good work out with putting Dorm's Flare on screen and bringing Firebrand in while calling Dante. I think my problem was I always blew x-factor with Firebrand (especially if Dorm died) b/c his damage was shit, and then that'd leave me with a naked Dante who couldn't kill in one hit.

also the jam session timing with Firebrand's unblockable is really tight and not reliable.
It's a good team, though.

Top 5 Dormammu assists IMO, not in any particular order:
1) Hidden Missiles
2) EM Disruptor
3) Jam Session
4) Dark Harmonizer
5) Plasma Beam

mr. puppy

It's a good team, though.

Top 5 Dormammu assists IMO, not in any particular order:
1) Hidden Missiles
2) EM Disruptor
3) Jam Session
4) Dark Harmonizer
5) Plasma Beam

huh thats funny, i figured things that control the space around him would do better than beams (unless you like teleporting and swiping them mainly) since it helps him against teleporters. stuff like eye of ag, lariat, log trap, jam session, peakaboo, whatever else.
huh thats funny, i figured things that control the space around him would do better than beams (unless you like teleporting and swiping them mainly) since it helps him against teleporters. stuff like eye of ag, lariat, log trap, jam session, peakaboo, whatever else.
Beams do control the space around him if you use them right. FChamp is the master of using beams defensively.

Log Trap only touches the middle screen area, and its hitbox is unreliable, plus Dormammu's poor mobility makes it difficult to always get full combos off of Log Trap. It's not a bad assist, but it has holes and weaknesses. It's best on characters mobile enough to make sure it hits where they want it to.

Eye of Agamotto is a top 10 assist, but not top 5. It assumes that you already have space for it to be useful, because it has such a huge windup period. It also doesn't push opponents away, so you have to move. Jam Session says "get out of here!", is faster, and covers a much wider area.

The thing about Double Lariat is this: what does Dormammu do during Double Lariat? If you're playing a character like Chris, you can use the invincibility frames to go into a blockstring against your opponent and restablish pressure. Dormammu is not so hot at this. Furthermore, the difference between a character like Dormammu, and a character like, say, Arthur, is Dormammu can keep space against players if he plays wisely with a good assist. So imagine you're playing against Wolverine. Scary as hell, sure. Now imagine you get a bit of distance against Wolverine. What's the different between Double Lariat and Hidden Missiles? Well, Double Lariat is going to save you when you mess up and Wolverine gets in. Hidden Missiles will make sure Wolverine doesn't get in in the first place. So, Double Lariat is good, but it's outclassed. It's much better on characters who are vicious at range but can't keep characters out at all, like Chris.

Peekaboo is crap, and I listed Jam Session.
Isn't Bolts better for Dormammu than the Eye? I mean you wanna talk about Defensive beam assists, teleport + Bolts is about as safe as it gets, right?
Isn't Bolts better for Dormammu than the Eye? I mean you wanna talk about Defensive beam assists, teleport + Bolts is about as safe as it gets, right?
I used Bolts for a while and was really impressed with it, but noticed some serious shortcomings:
1) It doesn't help Dormammu at all with creating space, and it also doesn't maintain space.
2) Opponents can duck under Bolts of Balthakk, which means that smart opponents will still get in with patience.
3) Dr. Strange stays out a looooong time. If you play a matchup where Dormammu has to stay mobile, I found that Dr. Strange can rarely be called safely, and he gets bopped a lot.
4) Characters can do things in the holes between the two bolts that make it very risky in some matchups. Like, if you think you can just stand there and charge Dark Spells after calling bolts against Ryu, he'll duck under the first bolt and happy birthday you with Shinkuu Hadoken before the second comes out.

I think Bolts is still a good assist for Dormammu, but not top 5, and I hesitate to say top 10.
So bolts remains the "quick characters with good throw/command throw games assist?
That's what it is to me, at least. I think it's also a good option for Thor, since he has a tridash mix-up and command throw. I could see it working on Magneto, too, or maybe Iron Man. Maybe.
For the MM thing Dahbomb, I think Shiro set that up without really asking Bee as far as I know. I'm not completely in the loop so grain of salt. Didn't really care about it tbh after the first night of MM's where I did pretty good but began to get fed up with the environment. Pretty sure in the Canada Cup thread on SRK, bee said he didn't think he was ready for Fanatiq at least a week before the tournament. Who knows what was said otherwise. That's another reason why big MM's are dumb.

Ehh you guys don't have to crowdsource notes. I just played like a nut after the first match (where I looked prettay good). Jjjjjjitters, I dropped a billion Spider-Stings, Wesker shouldn't have been alive to give me trouble (not to mention Parker wins that matchup). Lots of random swinging around.

If I had just beaten Marn when I fought him I wouldve been okay -- my team can handle Joker's just fine. Marn sliced and diced me though, even knew to snap X-23 to prevent any shenanigans. He only plays Zero but does it pretty much as effectively as you need to.

People calling team Canada free are a little blergh...that team is probably Champ's best and 5 players from anywhere save maybe Josh Wong, Justin, Marlin and other Super Omega Pirates are probably getting 15-1'd too. Shoulda been 15-2 if I didn't suck at those super hard to do half circle backs + 2 buttons ;) A vs A instead of Pokemon style would've been much more respectable, hell I took Champ to 3-4 in our money match the night before. Forgot he had liberation assist in the first match, it's a great bailout and has awesome team synergy. Smart stuff. We all just got Gary Oak'd.

Also there is no question that Bee is the best in Canada. Gave myself a lot of chances to win in our FT5 but he was too solid -- I wasn't :lol Definitely a dangerous player against anyone. And Fanatiq has FiOS download speeds, I was most impressed playing against him. Never saw a Storm like that or someone making as good decisions.

There's no such thing as a good X-23. Quasidomo and Meep have the best ones IMO, though.

In other news, SSX is mad fun ^_^ . And Dante seems like a cool guy (not that I've *actually* played him yet). Looks straight forward enough, just gotta be (relatively) good to use him. Will be a while before I dig back into him/Mavaru, nothing huge is coming up. EVO 2013 is probably my Skyfall.

Canada Cup was my Casino Royale except it ends when Bond gets whipped in the crotch repeatedly T_T

Last super edit: Although it was major win for PR Rog, it's kind of unlegit. That pot was split as hell. Didn't even bother watching GF -- Justin and Rog go way too far back and are too good friends to not -- then there was the level of play. Dudes were having fun, so who cares though.

Last last last edit: Confirmed it myself from the weekend -- the difference between tier 1 and tier 2 or lower players is finishing your combos. Seriously, even if they're unoptimized, just get them done.


I don't know who chose the format for the 5v5 but that format was not the way to go. It should've been Round Robin. It's sort of ridiculous having to go against FChamp first in Pokemon style. Like if that had happened against East Coast and FChamp beat everyone 5-0 people would be saying the same thing (EC = Free tier etc).

I am sure some of you guys on the Canada team would've taken games off of players like Noel, Fanatiq and Knives.
I'm pretty certain it was Pokemon Style only because the 5v5 was pretty slapdash last minute. Not a lot of organization in that regard, which was surprising considering how organized the rest of the tourney was. Marvel stays the delinquent kid in every way possible :lol

The big halloween party in town was that night too, so there was a silver lining, and probably the main reason it was Pokemon style instead of AvsA. That party was mad fun. Dru Hill's music makes people do ridiculous things.
Karsticles, am I lagging really badly?

I also don't know what I'm supposed to do with Strider.
The lag wasn't great, but I've played far worse. It was still better than GB or Beef, even though you're in Japan.

I'm not the best source for Strider tips. This is day 3 of me playing this team, so I'm learning as I go too.

GGs to you. I thought you had said you just bought the game, but maybe that was someone else I'm thinking of?

I don't know who chose the format for the 5v5 but that format was not the way to go. It should've been Round Robin. It's sort of ridiculous having to go against FChamp first in Pokemon style. Like if that had happened against East Coast and FChamp beat everyone 5-0 people would be saying the same thing (EC = Free tier etc).

I am sure some of you guys on the Canada team would've taken games off of players like Noel, Fanatiq and Knives.
Agreed, but maybe this will put Canadian players into overdrive?


Neo Member
The lag wasn't great, but I've played far worse. It was still better than GB or Beef, even though you're in Japan.

I'm not the best source for Strider tips. This is day 3 of me playing this team, so I'm learning as I go too.

GGs to you. I thought you had said you just bought the game, but maybe that was someone else I'm thinking of?

Agreed, but maybe this will put Canadian players into overdrive?

GGs. I don't live in Japan. I just bought this for Guilty Gear and to learn UMVC3 after seeing it so much on streams.

What I'm pretty much doing is from training mode. I guess I need some projectile of sorts to get in? Just switching between Firebrand/Dante/Strider and Nova/Wesker/Mageto.
GGs. I don't live in Japan. I just bought this for Guilty Gear and to learn UMVC3 after seeing it so much on streams.

What I'm pretty much doing is from training mode. I guess I need some projectile of sorts to get in? Just switching between Firebrand/Dante/Strider and Nova/Wesker/Mageto.
Then why do you have a japanese flag on your ID?

I think your teams are both fine, personally.


Agreed, but maybe this will put Canadian players into overdrive?

Threi once said before in SF4 there are alot of good Canadian players that just don't make it out to tournaments.

I think it's the same case for Marvel, I mean it's obvious our average level is lower than US but just the lack of scenes kills our competitive level. I mean I'm from BC and I don't think there was any major Marvel representation from BC. And if there was then I didn't know, that tells you how small the scene is.

Aside from Online monsters it's hard to find a local place to level up, and Vancouver is pretty densely populated, but most of the scenes aren't even on mainland.
Threi once said before in SF4 there are alot of good Canadian players that just don't make it out to tournaments.

I think it's the same case for Marvel, I mean it's obvious our average level is lower than US but just the lack of scenes kills our competitive level. I mean I'm from BC and I don't think there was any major Marvel representation from BC. And if there was then I didn't know, that tells you how small the scene is.

Aside from Online monsters it's hard to find a local place to level up, and Vancouver is pretty densely populated, but most of the scenes aren't even on mainland.

Met a couple guys from BC, unfortunately only name I remember is Stabbotsford, and maybe a Steve? Cool guys. Stab did say how small his scene was, and how it was dwindling even more so they're looking to find more peeps always. Made me realize that we do have a pretty good scene in WPG even if it is spread across pretty much every game.

Also, I like Canada against a good chunk of America, but basically everything you said when it comes to the tippity top. Also, poise -- we don't get as much of a chance to get on big streams and I think that hurts when it comes to the bigger moments. Jjjjjitters. Gotta work with what ya got though -- not a real excuse.
GGs earlier G1itch. I don't think you were lagging at all in my games.

BTW people a good wireless connection with no interference with the console is just as good as wired. Times have changed. As long as the router isn't twenty years old and is actually updated on it's firmware it should work no problem. When I switched to wired I saw little difference.

Anyway.....regarding out games G1itch I thought your second team was a bit better than your first but I also thought your Dante was pretty good. Maybe if you could mix them maybe you could have something awesome. All in all I was impressed for someone who has just started picking up the game. If you wanna improve your Strider I would suggest practicing X-Factor level 3 combos. Having Strider on anchor more likely than not he's going to be burning your X-Factor and that's fine he's an amazing X-Factor character. Learn to Ouroboros while wave dashing instead of regular dashing and teleporting at opportune times. I shouldn't have been able to push block it so easily. Also remember to only activate it when you can because it's not safe. I remember I punished it a couple of times.
Threi once said before in SF4 there are alot of good Canadian players that just don't make it out to tournaments.

I think it's the same case for Marvel, I mean it's obvious our average level is lower than US but just the lack of scenes kills our competitive level. I mean I'm from BC and I don't think there was any major Marvel representation from BC. And if there was then I didn't know, that tells you how small the scene is.

Aside from Online monsters it's hard to find a local place to level up, and Vancouver is pretty densely populated, but most of the scenes aren't even on mainland.
Canadians like to stay inside and play games, I noticed. My WoW guild was like 50% Canadian.

In order to use the JPN PS Store. GG isn't on NA PSN.

Guess it's pretty much learning the match ups? Cause I just like pressing buttons :(
I think you like pressing buttons too much, sir! There's no reason to keep getting hit by Ghost Rider's whip as an incoming character - I do it every time!

GGs earlier G1itch. I don't think you were lagging at all in my games.

BTW people a good wireless connection with no interference with the console is just as good as wired. Times have changed. As long as the router isn't twenty years old and is actually updated on it's firmware it should work no problem. When I switched to wired I saw little difference.

Anyway.....regarding out games G1itch I thought your second team was a bit better than your first but I also thought your Dante was pretty good. Maybe if you could mix them maybe you could have something awesome. All in all I was impressed for someone who has just started picking up the game. If you wanna improve your Strider I would suggest practicing X-Factor level 3 combos. Having Strider on anchor more likely than not he's going to be burning your X-Factor and that's fine he's an amazing X-Factor character. Learn to Ouroboros while wave dashing instead of regular dashing and teleporting at opportune times. I shouldn't have been able to push block it so easily. Also remember to only activate it when you can because it's not safe. I remember I punished it a couple of times.
I can always notice the difference. Wireless is always going to have more lost packets and blips. I have an up-to-date router from Comcast with good internet, and my wife and I can notice the difference in Netflix loading times between her laptop and the PS3.

Since Slasher mentioned Ouroboros, I'll bring that up too: sometimes you are overzealous in your button pressing while the orbs are up, and you create true blockstrings while teleporting. I'm not amazing at blocking your teleports, you just had a habit of keeping me in blockstun so the teleports weren't actually mix-ups.
Also a basic rule of thumb is don't be afraid to burn X-Factor if one piticular character is giving you trouble or when trying to block an incoming mixup. (sometimes you have no choice)

Every team and player plays different. That's why it's best to play a couple of rounds and try to learn what, what that one person relies upon in that team and just take it out. If you thought my Wright was giving you the most trouble, there's no shame in burning a X-Factor level one to take out your biggest problem. Or maybe Hulk is becoming too annoying for your liking, throwout a Snapback during a combo and get rid of the threat. Marvel is a big team oriented game. Sometimes removing one character can really devastate someones gameplan. I hope this helps a little.
Also a basic rule of thumb is don't be afraid to burn X-Factor if one piticular character is giving you trouble or when trying to block an incoming mixup. (sometimes you have no choice)

Every team and player plays different. That's why it's best to play a couple of rounds and try to learn what, what that one person relies upon in that team and just take it out. If you thought my Wright was giving you the most trouble, there's no shame in burning a X-Factor level one to take out your biggest problem. Or maybe Hulk is becoming too annoying for your liking, throwout a Snapback during a combo and get rid of the threat. Marvel is a big team oriented game. Sometimes removing one character can really devastate someones gameplan. I hope this helps a little.
On this note, never burn X-Factor to save your first character unless it's going to net you a dead character. The bare minimum X-Factor should do for you is lead to one dead character. It's almost never worth it to burn X-Factor 1 to safe a character getting punished with Chaotic Flame.

Also, regarding Slasher's team, I always safe X-Factor for the inevitable anchor match after two characters die to Wesker unless he has Wright in Turnabout mode. Then it's worthwhile to expend every resource to take him out.


Mrs. Harvey


Neo Member
GGs earlier G1itch. I don't think you were lagging at all in my games.

BTW people a good wireless connection with no interference with the console is just as good as wired. Times have changed. As long as the router isn't twenty years old and is actually updated on it's firmware it should work no problem. When I switched to wired I saw little difference.

Anyway.....regarding out games G1itch I thought your second team was a bit better than your first but I also thought your Dante was pretty good. Maybe if you could mix them maybe you could have something awesome. All in all I was impressed for someone who has just started picking up the game. If you wanna improve your Strider I would suggest practicing X-Factor level 3 combos. Having Strider on anchor more likely than not he's going to be burning your X-Factor and that's fine he's an amazing X-Factor character. Learn to Ouroboros while wave dashing instead of regular dashing and teleporting at opportune times. I shouldn't have been able to push block it so easily. Also remember to only activate it when you can because it's not safe. I remember I punished it a couple of times.

Does he have a decent BNB or anything with/without X-Factor? The most I've seen are people using Ouroboros and just teleporting everywhere.

GGs I liked your Phoenix Wright but I hate that shield thing.

Canadians like to stay inside and play games, I noticed. My WoW guild was like 50% Canadian.

I think you like pressing buttons too much, sir! There's no reason to keep getting hit by Ghost Rider's whip as an incoming character - I do it every time!

I can always notice the difference. Wireless is always going to have more lost packets and blips. I have an up-to-date router from Comcast with good internet, and my wife and I can notice the difference in Netflix loading times between her laptop and the PS3.

Since Slasher mentioned Ouroboros, I'll bring that up too: sometimes you are overzealous in your button pressing while the orbs are up, and you create true blockstrings while teleporting. I'm not amazing at blocking your teleports, you just had a habit of keeping me in blockstun so the teleports weren't actually mix-ups.

I don't like Strider too much happens in X-Factor 3 + Ouroboros. I really just put him in for Vajra and to press buttons if I can Ouroboros.

I noticed you had a tendency to always throw me if I was too high for you to convert into a combo. Is there some way to do that trap thing or whatever that FChamp does with Magneto or is it only Magneto specific?

If there's any character that could go well Firebrand/Dante instead of Strider, I'm all ears.
Cool X-23 statue.

Does he have a decent BNB or anything with/without X-Factor? The most I've seen are people using Ouroboros and just teleporting everywhere.
c.LMHS, sj.MMH, qcf.L, j.MHS, qcf.AA

That's the most complex thing I do, haha. Strider's damage is awful outside of X-Factor.

GGs I liked your Phoenix Wright but I hate that shield thing.
Go for throws or zone when the shield is up.

I noticed you had a tendency to always throw me if I was too high for you to convert into a combo. Is there some way to do that trap thing or whatever that FChamp does with Magneto or is it only Magneto specific?
Any character can do something like it. He's just waiting and doing a j.H late to reset someone.

If there's any character that could go well Firebrand/Dante instead of Strider, I'm all ears.
You have tons of options, really. Jam Session is a fantastic assist that can move worlds. Assuming you want a team order of Firebrand/Dante/XXX, you could try Hawkeye.

A meaning Light?
A = any normal. So qcb.AA = Ouroboros.

I haven't played in years. Would anyone like to play let's just have fun kay?

Oh yeah only got like 20 min btw
Get more stamina!
That statue is nice kadey but X-23 looks a little too kawaii. Man what I would kill for an awesome Wright statue.

I wouldn't give up on Strider just yet. He can still be very useful. He can do a lot in non-Xfactord play. I got a guy on my friends list who does extremely well with a regular Strider. Strider is a high risk/reward character. If that and Vajra are worth it too you I'd say stick with him. If you don't like the learning curve, I guess you'd call it, maybe you should switch. Look at Maxamillion's video's on youtube if you wanna see some decent Strider stuff, there everywhere. If you want Firebrand tips Karsticles has a good one.


Vergil doesn't have any particularly good ways of landing overhead hits on standing opponents, does he? I know Helm Breaker does not hit overhead, but I'm not sure about j.S (Starfall). I guess he is pretty much a left/right mixup and counterhit character with his giant normals, but sometimes I see people on streams doing jumping attacks, looking like they are trying to hit high.

A prize for the next GAF Mahvel tourney? I think so.

I wouldn't give up on Strider just yet. He can still be very useful. He can do a lot in non-Xfactord play. I got a guy on my friends list who does extremely well with a regular Strider. Strider is a high risk/reward character. If that and Vajra are worth it too you I'd say stick with him. If you don't like the learning curve, I guess you'd call it, maybe you should switch. Look at Maxamillion's video's on youtube if you wanna see some decent Strider stuff, there everywhere. If you want Firebrand tips Karsticles has a good one.

I recommend running Strider on anchor and saving X-Factor and meter for him whenever possible. When he's super saiyan is the only time he's super dangerous. His assist is so good that it should be used as much as possible anyway, and Strider's inclusion on a squad demands teammates who can combo off a Vajra hit (Dante, Vergil, Doom, C. Viper, etc.).


Neo Member
That statue is nice kadey but X-23 looks a little too kawaii. Man what I would kill for an awesome Wright statue.

I wouldn't give up on Strider just yet. He can still be very useful. He can do a lot in non-Xfactord play. I got a guy on my friends list who does extremely well with a regular Strider. Strider is a high risk/reward character. If that and Vajra are worth it too you I'd say stick with him. If you don't like the learning curve, I guess you'd call it, maybe you should switch. Look at Maxamillion's video's on youtube if you wanna see some decent Strider stuff, there everywhere. If you want Firebrand tips Karsticles has a good one.

Thanks, I'll look into Strider a bit more.

Yeah, he did that unblockable setup with Dorm tons on me :(
Vergil doesn't have any particularly good ways of landing overhead hits on standing opponents, does he? I know Helm Breaker does not hit overhead, but I'm not sure about j.S (Starfall). I guess he is pretty much a left/right mixup and counterhit character with his giant normals, but sometimes I see people on streams doing jumping attacks, looking like they are trying to hit high.
Delayed j.H can cross-up and hits overhead. Starfall crosses up sometimes, too.

The only overhead he has is Devil Trigger stuff. j.L hits overhead fast enough, but only during a pinning assist.

Thanks, I'll look into Strider a bit more.

Yeah, he did that unblockable setup with Dorm tons on me :(
I messed it up a lot, too. And sometimes the game doesn't raw tag Firebrand back in...I don't get it! :p

Firebrand/Dormammu/Dante is a good team.


Met a couple guys from BC, unfortunately only name I remember is Stabbotsford, and maybe a Steve? Cool guys. Stab did say how small his scene was, and how it was dwindling even more so they're looking to find more peeps always. Made me realize that we do have a pretty good scene in WPG even if it is spread across pretty much every game.

Also, I like Canada against a good chunk of America, but basically everything you said when it comes to the tippity top. Also, poise -- we don't get as much of a chance to get on big streams and I think that hurts when it comes to the bigger moments. Jjjjjitters. Gotta work with what ya got though -- not a real excuse.
Yup, I mean you went toe to toe with the EVO Champ, and like Dahbomb said alot of those matches you had during the tournament were closer than the numbers said.

When Rayray came up with some arbitrary number like you have to play 40 matches to gauge how good someone is, I don't think that's necessarily true. Unfamiliarity or lack of knowledge on a player or matchup is always a factor but; adapting, executing your gameplan, and like you said, finishing your combos are what separates the good and great players.
Canadians like to stay inside and play games, I noticed. My WoW guild was like 50% Canadian.
It's why I didn't head out to Canada Cup! Kappa.
And I think everyone that I know or play games with have played WoW at some point.
If there's any character that could go well Firebrand/Dante instead of Strider, I'm all ears.


Vergil doesn't have any particularly good ways of landing overhead hits on standing opponents, does he? I know Helm Breaker does not hit overhead, but I'm not sure about j.S (Starfall). I guess he is pretty much a left/right mixup and counterhit character with his giant normals, but sometimes I see people on streams doing jumping attacks, looking like they are trying to hit high.
Pretty much only Round Trip > Trick H or Blistering Swords setup.


Vergil has no real high low game. Can't even instant overhead Sentinel unless you have SS on. He has an overhead using a super jump cancel with Blistering Swords and he has a fuzzy guard set up using DT. That basically covers the entirety of his high low game.
LOL. I'll take that as a compliment.

Be glad I don't use Skrull or Amaterasu. Then you'd have a lot to complain about regarding Firebrand!

Skrull is the most frustrating character in the game, I'd say even more than Zero or Vergil only because all he has to do is command throw from half screen and teleport punch into any hyper and is flat out stupid in XF3. He is the biggest Herp Derp character. At least with Zero and Vergil I know skill and planning was involved.
Skrull is the most frustrating character in the game, I'd say even more than Zero or Vergil only because all he has to do is command throw from half screen and teleport punch into any hyper and is flat out stupid in XF3. He is the biggest Herp Derp character. At least with Zero and Vergil I know skill and planning was involved.
Skrull drives me nuts, but I find him manageable. My "utlimate herp derp" character is Captain America, and I'm entirely biased in this because I play Dormammu.

Flame Carpet? CHARGING STAR!
Purification? CHARGING STAR!

I can literally do nothing but hope Captain America does something dumb. Luckily, most of them seem to think I'm about to use my specials at any moment and CHARGING STAR! out of nowhere without assist support. It's maddening to have one move in a character's moveset counter every single thing your own character can do.

On another note, Ghost Rider is now one of my favorite characters to play. I'm enjoying him more than Dormammu, right now.
Is it keep away based?
It's what I had before, except now I have the air covered, and I'm using Dagger Toss instead of Greyhound. So it's like I get full combos off of j.S, and if you block, you're pinned because Dagger Toss takes a while to resolve all three dagger hits.

Ghost Rider (Chain of Rebuttal)
Arthur (Dagger Toss)
Strider (Vajra)

And I will say, Arthur backed by Vajra is some really mean keepaway.

If Arthur isn't doing so hot I Gold Armor him up and DHC Strider in, and run Strider backed by golden Dagger Toss, which is basically the best horizontal assist in the game.
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