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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


EMD is everybody's best assist! ^_^
It's fast, it shuts down other people's assists, you can use it for teleport shenanigans, and it barely scales combos...

If only I could play magneto.

Then I have to use Doom, whom I hate, and learn Magneto, who I can't do anything more with than MMHS combos and EMD spam (which I still somehow win with...). I might end up doing this, but it sounds unattractive to me. I might do Magneto just because EMD is likely Dormammu's best assist.
Between this and our identical feelings about dlc. I have to ask, Karst, are you me from the future? Lol. We both hate doom and can't use magneto...
I love blocking so much that I only use teleport characters and flyers back by hidden missiles. In fact, I love blocking so much I might just start playing Viper again.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I'll admit, absolutely no random Joe I run into scares me after playing Beef so much.

It's like, the fuck are they going to do? Box dash S? Oooooooo so scared.
I only wish I could've taken a game off of kbeast with Joe when I played him at Southtown. Instead I took a game off of him with Team Armor. I still don't know how that happened.

Azure J

Pizza slicers in general are OP. So many active frames. @_@

I had a few matches last night with my old Dante/Amaterasu/Strider team playing with all of the knowledge and experience I've gotten since I moved on from that team (about 3 months) and Jesus the difference in tactics, aggression and setups were like night and day. For instance, I finally see that the anything/Ammy THC is full on retarded and having two of the best solo mix-up artists going in under that cover leads to some hilarious shit. Corner resets were amazing where I'd do full Dante BnB, end with a corner Volcano - Beehive, reset them with s.M while calling Cold Shots and get a scaled followup, only to reset them again instantly for the finish. Learning so many meter building and optimized damage combos with Dante meant that if I hit one solid time with anything, you're dead and I'm sitting on 2.5 meters or so with a character incoming into the madness.

Amaterasu is also looking quite fun again if only because somewhere along the way breaking the limits of my sanity learning everything Viper, my execution leveled up and now mid combo weapon switches are a real thing for me. I can move her better thanks to getting plink/kara dashing down and I have a better understanding of neutral control and playing footsies with her. Zero May Cry doesn't feel as hopeless to fight as it did (the main reason why this team got demoted in a sense for Viper/Dante/Strider). I also can legitimately deal with Derpeye (Triple arrows and slides all day) and Hawkeye (Lots more devious, poison tip blockstrings, and more use of Piercing/Speed Shots) with reflector counter guesses.

The best part of this team as of now though, is easily whenever I get the chance to do Veil of Mist - Legion, XF2 Strider and Ammy and go NUTS. Oh my God, I really feel like okizeme and resets are more fun than combo monstering sometimes. Mastering Strider tick throws is some euphoric shit, especially against down back monsters like my brother.

I also managed to land the Veiled Volcano loops with a DHC glitch-esque setup. (Basically standard beginning Dante combo to S - Clay Pigeon - Stinger - BC Grapple - Devil Trigger - DHC Veil of Mist - Hard Tag Dante - [Volcano - j.S] x N). That was the first time I've done it to a real opponent. My brother was just there watching the character get destroy like "how the hell do you switch a team and know this much about it after so long?"

Put simply, this might very well be a team I go back and explore very heavily later on.


GB admitted to me that he hates blocking. It also doesn't help that Joe's jS hits overhead all three times, and more often than not tricks people into blocking low when I do it close to the ground.

Haha this sounds like the time Saty blew up Latif because he said he had to block after the Viper change in AE.
That stealth lobby win-loss ratio brag!
Hahaha, that's not what I meant. I meant that I only play in Player Matches, so I never get to see other GAF members face off.

I generally avoid lobbies because I hate waiting my turn. And I tend to excel in long sets, so doing 1 match and then moving on irritates me.


I generally avoid lobbies because I hate waiting my turn...
Agreed, any lobby over 4 people is too many. 3 is ideal, you get to play a variety of opponents and don't spend more time waiting than playing.

I'm glad panda didn't quite get that perfect on me... That was kind of depressing...
Advice for you all from stuff I'm seeing:

If Hulk does double Gamma Crush, just poke out with c.L with Magneto - it's much safer than c.H.

A Pretty Panda
In Sentinel vs. Wolverine, use Sentinel Force H a lot. It's a really good anti-rushdown move. If Wolverine tries to divekick from superjump height, cancel into Hyper Sentinel Force. He'll hit Sentinel, and the drones will hit him, giving you a full combo.

Felicia can combo after her level 3 via Toy Touch.
Mash out those dp.Ls in XF3 with Felicia! You could have chipped Strider out this way.
You should do something during Chris' level 1 hyper, haha.

mr. puppy

damn i can't figure out if these Spencer/Frank teams are worth fooling with or not.

Spencer has great life for a point character and is really good at getting in, and I can nuke the crap out of assists. Furthermore, if I screw up most likely I'm not dying in 1 combo and I'll get a second chance to get Frank some hits.

However, Spencer dies and then I have Frank/X. Damn does that suck, even with Jam Session in the back. Jam Session is a lot like Cold Star unfortunately....your anchor has a spell that has strong control of a portion of the screen where Frank is not gonna get a lot of out it (either directly above him or directly in front of him), neither really get you in on the guy.

Maybe I'll do Spencer/Frank/Chris and see what I can get.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
GGs Everyone!

Karst I hope you had fun watching

My favorite moment was when I did a stray j.S with Ryu and kicked Rapid Slashing Vergil in the face. That shit was great.


Good games to both Solune and Panda. It was a lot of fun.

Solune: I was hoping I could get back in the lobby but it looks like you're offline now.


GGs guys, and LOL Karst, when I lost to that guy and I switched teams if you heard him he muttered something like "Oh now it's his real team" under his breath or to his friend. Yeah I left because I didn't know if you were coming back or not, sorry.
Good games to both Solune and Panda. It was a lot of fun.

Solune: I was hoping I could get back in the lobby but it looks like you're offline now.
Let me know if you guys start back up. It's nice to have something interesting to do while reading student papers.

GGs guys, and LOL Karst, when I lost to that guy and I switched teams if you heard him he muttered something like "Oh now it's his real team" under his breath or to his friend. Yeah I left because I didn't know if you were coming back or not, sorry.
You should have lost the Akuma vs. Strider one, too, but he was such a damn noob! Every time he hit you I thought "Oh man, Solune must be hitting himself". It's hilarious how advanced players can lose to someone who does a bunch of unsafe stuff all over the place because we just don't expect it.


GGs guys, and LOL Karst, when I lost to that guy and I switched teams if you heard him he muttered something like "Oh now it's his real team" under his breath or to his friend. Yeah I left because I didn't know if you were coming back or not, sorry.
I'm up for more if you are..
If not I'll just play some Megaman 2.

You should have lost the Akuma vs. Strider one, too, but he was such a damn noob! Every time he hit you I thought "Oh man, Solune must be hitting himself". It's hilarious how advanced players can lose to someone who does a bunch of unsafe stuff all over the place because we just don't expect it.
I know this feeling perfectly well. Especially when playing someone who does alot of unsafe stuff and has a bad connection.. Which is why I don't play randoms online anymore, just you folks who are good, honest competition and have good connections.


Let me know if you guys start back up. It's nice to have something interesting to do while reading student papers.

You should have lost the Akuma vs. Strider one, too, but he was such a damn noob! Every time he hit you I thought "Oh man, Solune must be hitting himself". It's hilarious how advanced players can lose to someone who does a bunch of unsafe stuff all over the place because we just don't expect it.
And yah I think you mean Ammy vs Strider but i happy bded him lol.
I'm up for more if you are..
If not I'll just play some Megaman 2.

I'll be up for more later or another time, switched to Playing dota.
I'm up for more if you are..
If not I'll just play some Megaman 2.
Such a great game...*shakes fist at Capcom*

I know this feeling perfectly well. Especially when playing someone who does alot of unsafe stuff and has a bad connection.. Which is why I don't play randoms online anymore, just you folks who are good, honest competition and have good connections.
That's my policy as well.

What's your avatar from anyway?

I'm not you from the future because I don't like Thor, so there!


Such a great game...*shakes fist at Capcom*
Its a masterpiece, I could practically play it in my sleep at this point. (Except the disappearing block in heat mans stage, I always use item 2 for that.).

What's your avatar from anyway?
I'm not you from the future because I don't like Thor, so there!
Apparently this is an actual character called throg from some monstrosity marvel created called the pet avengers...
Link here:
(I just took the pic from google on one of the weeks when I was playing thor religiously in umvc3.)
Its a pretty cool pic though...
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