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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

You should be familiar with my favorite one of them, teleport behind->throw->XF->level 3 with the Raccoon :p

Honorable mention to Frank's AA super.

Throws into Level 3s are busted as shit


@Karst: I'm cool with it, but I do get what you're saying. As the son of an old fashioned Jamaican English teacher, I'd be killed before I could get away with saying as much as I do online in a regular conversation. Leads to some fun moments where you catch yourself slipping between casual speak and "formal English" when you're talking with people.
Throws into Level 3s are busted as shit


@Karst: I'm cool with it, but I do get what you're saying. As the son of an old fashioned Jamaican English teacher, I'd be killed before I could get away with saying as much as I do online in a regular conversation. Leads to some fun moments where you catch yourself slipping between casual speak and "formal English" when you're talking with people.
Jamaican a fool of your father!
I just wanted to use the pun.
Spider-Man Phoenix kills never get old when you land em. Pure catharsis for Vanilla.

Best level 3 is Iron Avenger, too bad the rest of him doesn't match it :3 If Final Justice had any kind of weight to it, it'd be up there. ShinSho because it's Shinsho. And the Byakuya special is good even though Vergil is a bad person and anyone who plays him should feel bad.

@Azure: looking forward to Dante even more now because he's a sword guy with guns. Will pretend they're PPK's because SKYFALL WAS SOME AWESOME SHIT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Azure J

Jamaican a fool of your father!
I just wanted to use the pun.

Mother, but lol anyways.

Sasa is making me REALLY want to go see Skyfall, and the movie's been under my radar (sadly) forever now. I'm also sad that I have zero video editing chops because I've been aching to try and do something like a Spy May Stride combo video with a Skyfall theme (song and overall tone/presentation).


Random thought, what are the most satisfying ways to end a match/get a character KO with the three characters on your main team (or if you don't have a main currently, your three favorites)?

- Viper: EX Seismo. It's like a one meter NOPE.gif and ending things with it is just wrong to the point of making me laugh while hoping the other party joins in with me. :lol

- Dante: Million Carats. There is something so catartic about playing around, moving like a champ frustrating someone until they want to take advantage of super jump or dive tactics only for them to get counter launched out of that nonsense.

- Strider: Bird Bombs all day. I think I use this one special more than anything else with Strider.
Gonna use the Chris Team as my "main" team, Been settling for Vergil/Hulk/Nova with Vergil on point lately. Anyways
  • Chris: Gunfire H. Nothing says BRING THE PAIN like the magnum.
  • Dante: Hammer. That feel when you bash your opponent's brain in with your fists. Good.
    Bonus: Crazy Dance, if you manage to kill your opponent with this, props to you because it is stylish as fuck.
  • Strider: Any Excalibur hitconfirm. My favorite combo to style with is S > j.H xx Excalibur H loops.
  • Bonus Vergil: Landing a perfectly spaced Judgement Cut to win a game. Also my way of finishing a game is cancelling said Judgement Cut into SS xx Sword Storm. Then timing a taunt after victory so that the whole Sword Storm hits the opponent's dead body. I wish juggling a dead body was still a remnant carried over into MvC3

Is saying 'sheeeeit' against the rules? I cannot give that up.

I say it all the time... And I'm asian so whatevs!

If we're talking about level 3s, Magneto has the best level 3 hands down. NEVER FORGET. Sasa has a good list of level 3s but the ones that get me the most hype are Chris, Magneto, Phoenix Wright and Iron Fist.


Dr. Strange for life.
I wonder if my Zero/Strange/Vergil team...instead of doing lightning loop, if I have more than 1 bar, if I could DHC to Strange's counter super, do a flame loop, and gain much more meter out of it?


Random thought, what are the most satisfying ways to end a match/get a character KO with the three characters on your main team (or if you don't have a main currently, your three favorites)?

Current team is what I call team lazy, which is Nemesis/Frank West/Spencer.

Nemesis - XF3 comeback after my opponent snapped him out and took out the rest of my team. He's not the greatest x-factor character if they zone, but speed boost + j.M catches a lot of people.

Frank West - anti-air hyper of course

Spencer - Bionic Arm XF cancel upgrapple his ass back down BIONIC ARRRRRRRRRRM

Honorable mention - getting the KO with the OTG grapple without actually picking them up. It is so weak looking that it's hilarious.
Can you even do any of your characters' infinites reliably GB?
Trish and Dante's, and Magneto's getting better. Akuma is... impossible. I don't have my guide with me, how many active frames does his jH have?

Thor actually makes a lot of sense. Dorm beats Magneto though and that helps.
I still think Nova destroys Dorm.

And why do i want to try Strange, now, ugh.
Eh, I'm not ready to claim either way for Nova. I'm just so bad at handling him that it seems much more likely that I suck at the matchup right now.

Trish and Dante's, and Magneto's getting better. Akuma is... impossible. I don't have my guide with me, how many active frames does his jH have?

Thor actually makes a lot of sense. Dorm beats Magneto though and that helps.
I have had problems with some Thor players, but I mop most of them up. Probably because most Thor players don't even have a projectile assist for him for some reason.


Thor beats Dorm? That's the first I have heard of that. Someone needs to explain that a bit more. Also Deadpool beats Dorm cleanly.

Holy shit @ that Strange combo. I told you guys he is top 3 in the game when it comes to damage output. Well I didn't include Deadpool's glitched combo in that list.
Pretty much, though I feel Strider should get a mention. His assist is hell for Dorm, and he's a teleporting sword guy on point.
I think, with ideal play, Strider is absolute hell for Dormammu. However, his health is super low, and that leaves him open to getting out-yomi'd via Chaotic Flame. Since his damage is also super low, Dormammu gets a lot of chances to say "you messed up!" that help balance everything out. Vergil and Dante...not the case.

Thor beats Dorm? That's the first I have heard of that. Someone needs to explain that a bit more. Also Deadpool beats Dorm cleanly.
Deadpool is like a slightly less scary Hawkeye to me. So, scary, but there are generally answers if Dormammu has patience. Basically, stay in the air and try to get 3D0C charged, and now the matchup is slightly in Dormammu's favor.

Mighty Strike goes through all of Dormammu's projectiles. It's quite frustrating. I'm not sure I'm with Champ on it being a bad matchup, because I've only ever faced one decent Thor, but there's some grounds for it.


I think, with ideal play, Strider is absolute hell for Dormammu. However, his health is super low, and that leaves him open to getting out-yomi'd via Chaotic Flame. Since his damage is also super low, Dormammu gets a lot of chances to say "you messed up!" that help balance everything out. Vergil and Dante...not the case.
I'll give you that, but that's more to do with unoptimal Strider play than anything. :p True optimal Strider play would never give Dorm a chance to breathe.


I'll give you that, but that's more to do with unoptimal Strider play than anything. :p True optimal Strider play would never give Dorm a chance to breathe.

I have never ever ever ever seen optimal play aside from Chou playing or Darksim's combo vids.
Been enjoying my new team Nova/Strange/Doom & Nova/Doom/Strider (Team Hard Knockdown). I just wish I could do combos better but enjoy how much synergy this team has.


I have never ever ever ever seen optimal play aside from Chou playing or Darksim's combo vids.
It's because no one is there yet. He takes work to do well with, and no one has really invested the time into him on point. Doesn't help that you can get away with just using him for his assist and anchor derpage. Even then, most of the Striders I see on anchor are terrible, anyways. Only one that doesn't physically pain me to watch is Drew Grimey's.
I'll give you that, but that's more to do with unoptimal Strider play than anything. :p True optimal Strider play would never give Dorm a chance to breathe.
I have never ever ever ever seen optimal play aside from Chou playing or Darksim's combo vids.
It's because no one is there yet. He takes work to do well with, and no one has really invested the time into him on point. Doesn't help that you can get away with just using him for his assist and anchor derpage. Even then, most of the Striders I see on anchor are terrible, anyways. Only one that doesn't physically pain me to watch is Drew Grimey's.
Agreed entirely.

At some point I might make a point Strider team just because he's so goddamn fun to play, and it's a shame that people don't use him because his damage is low. I wish Firebrand was compensated for his low damage like this...

Azure J

It's because no one is there yet. He takes work to do well with, and no one has really invested the time into him on point. Doesn't help that you can get away with just using him for his assist and anchor derpage. Even then, most of the Striders I see on anchor are terrible, anyways. Only one that doesn't physically pain me to watch is Drew Grimey's.

Reading this makes me a little sad on the inside, but at the same time, I've kinda started picking up on a lot of Grimey-isms with Strider lately. That being said, Clockwork needs to play more. That'd solve everyone's problems in understanding how to Stride properly. :p

And yeah, I miss Chou's Strider/Mag/Vergil stuff. That shit was frantic as fuck to watch. (No pun intended.)


At some point I might make a point Strider team just because he's so goddamn fun to play, and it's a shame that people don't use him because his damage is low. I wish Firebrand was compensated for his low damage like this...
I like my main team in reverse order(Strider/Trish/Dante), even though it's not the most optimal Strider team. Does good damage via Round Harvest DHC + Raw Tagging Dante in, it's got an easy TAC infinite, and I like their assists with Strider.

Of course, I'm a little biased since it is my team. :p

Reading this makes me a little sad on the inside, but at the same time, I've kinda started picking up on a lot of Grimey-isms with Strider lately. That being said, Clockwork needs to play more. That'd solve everyone's problems in understanding how to Stride properly. :p
I was mainly referring to Striders I see on stream. Padtrick's Strider, for example, is so bad for how long he's been playing him that it just hurts. I guess that's what happens when 95% of your playtime is with Vergil and you end up burning XF1 with him.

But yeah, clockw0rk needs to play more.
Ah yes that's right, how could I forget. Still even with that I don't think this is in Thor's favor.. .he just has tools to deal with Dorm.

Super armor and projectile invulnerability on mighty strike make it difficult for Dorm at mid range, and he out prioritizes Dorm at close range with the threat of air to air command grabs. Since dorm has no real ground movement he has to be really clever with teleports and assist calls just to avoid Thor. Not to mention that having the highest health in the game makes Dorm's amazing chip game much more difficult. But like Karst said, there aren't a lot of good thors so it tends to not matter so much.

If Thor's H had super armor(which I highly suspect it did at one point) or some sort of run instead of his miserable wavedash, he's be able to compete more. He's just not a complete character.
Exploring Thor/Strange/Wesker right now. Hurricance DHC into Strange counter lets him do his crazy business.

It's goes through all kinds of stuff! It's awesome!
I've used it to get through Jam Session assist and a point character's projectile! If charged you can get a full combo off of it too.

uncharged Air Mighty Strike M and H can link into a full combo. It causes enough hitstun to link into H, which if cancelled into Mighty Smash M bounces them higher than normal so you can link 2H afterwards. Huge starter, you can get like 900k off of one bar with the right setup.

Azure J

The taste in women card got played? Shots fired. :lol

I'd also like to take a moment to say I want to put a fork in the eye of the designer personally responsible for Nova.

- Another jump/super jump stall then ambiguous approach type character? Check.
- Has an armored rush move, full screen crumple and multiple bounce moves? Check.
- Assist that creates ambiguous assed setups and starts up fast? You got it!
- Grab range that would pull Jesus off his seat from fucking Wisconsin? That also happens to option select from a move with an ambiguous ass attack that starts slow enough to cause misjudgements in positioning/spacing? That also gives the player initiating the grab enough time to make a sandwich, eat said sandwich, have fun with their significant other, witness childbirth, file a tax return, photograph Hailey's Comet and then comeback to pick them up for a full combo? Check.
- The single most abusive slide attack in the game and it chains? FROM THAT FUCKING j.H?! SURE!

It's like babby's first flight character with Hulk levels of lolderp. You can tell I'm salty but dammit, I get to complain too, especially when I have to work hard as fuck for some of the stuff he gets free. Even worse still was right after this, I had to fight a Hawkeye who had the j.M - Poison Tip blockstring down and wouldn't let me go forward or breathe at all. This game is too oppressive. :lol
I'd also like to take a moment to say I want to put a fork in the eye of the designer personally responsible for Nova.

- Another jump/super jump stall then ambiguous approach type character? Check.
- Has an armored rush move, full screen crumple and multiple bounce moves? Check.
- Assist that creates ambiguous assed setups and starts up fast? You got it!
- Grab range that would pull Jesus off his seat from fucking Wisconsin? That also happens to option select from a move with an ambiguous ass attack that starts slow enough to cause misjudgements in positioning/spacing? That also gives the player initiating the grab enough time to make a sandwich, eat said sandwich, have fun with their significant other, witness childbirth, file a tax return, photograph Hailey's Comet and then comeback to pick them up for a full combo? Check.
- The single most abusive slide attack in the game and it chains? FROM THAT FUCKING j.H?! SURE!

It's like babby's first flight character with Hulk levels of lolderp. You can tell I'm salty but dammit, I get to complain too, especially when I have to work hard as fuck for some of the stuff he gets free. Even worse still was right after this, I had to fight a Hawkeye who had the j.M - Poison Tip blockstring down and wouldn't let me go forward or breathe at all. This game is too oppressive. :lol
Now you know how everyone else felt about Dante in Vanilla.

The only problem with Nova is his j.H is way too good. I generally do not think it's a good idea to put a character's best aerial approach on the same button as that character's grab command.

I said I wouldn't practice sword guy, but last tourney of the year is tomorrow, and apparently I'll be snowed in tonight, and BLOPS2 ain't till next week, so bleh. Maybe I'll play some Movie team or work on other IRL stuff tonight too... snow is horawful, don't ever get any guys.
I'm from Michigan. Most of the USA considers Michigan to be part of Canada.

No love for Space Cop around these parts. I like him, especially at high level. So clean yet so disrespectful. Nova Smash especially. Moonz is so pretty.

Also because he sounds/talks like a shithead. VA must've had mad fun doing Nova lines. Him and Taskmaster are top tier shithead VA, followed by Wesker and Chris (Kills 3 guys xx "WHAT'S THE POINT OF ALL THIS FIGHTING?").

I said I wouldn't practice sword guy, but last tourney of the year is tomorrow, and apparently I'll be snowed in tonight, and BLOPS2 ain't till next week, so bleh. Maybe I'll play some Movie team or work on other IRL stuff tonight too... snow is horawful, don't ever get any guys.

Azure J

Now you know how everyone else felt about Dante in Vanilla.

I was about to commit to the "you have to work with x/[my] character" fallacy until you said Vanilla. All in jest of course. :p

The only problem with Nova is his j.H is way too good. I generally do not think it's a good idea to put a character's best aerial approach on the same button as that character's grab command.

To be honest, I'm not as salty as my post suggested about this one, it's really more about how as soon as the flip part of that animation is half over, he can grab again. This pretty much just screwed with my mind hardcore, especially in one match where he grabbed my Strider out of Vajra H during the part where he disappears and is supposed to reappear over your head for the hit. I seen some shit in this game, but that was a new level of "what".

I was pretty much mentally guard crushed and suddenly everything was going wrong with my play.



Relevant and yes that is indeed Tom Cruise.


This pretty much just screwed with my mind hardcore, especially in one match where he grabbed my Strider out of Vajra H during the part where he disappears and is supposed to reappear over your head for the hit. I seen some shit in this game, but that was a new level of "what".
Nova is the only character that has consistently grabbed me out of active Vajra Hs with his auto-pilot airdash j.H. It goes to show how dumb his airthrow range is.

Azure J

I mean I always knew you could anti-air (and even air to air) Vajra with good limbs, but to get complete grabbed out of it without a chicken block... Mystifying.

That being said, anyone for games?
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