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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Wow that villain on the left looks dumb as fuck.
He gon' steal yer easter aeggs!

Morrigan combo:
j.S, s.LM, f.M + Dark Hole, Soul Drain, walk forward, s.S, sj.MMHS, Soul Drain, dp.AA

Simple but steals 2/3rds of a bar.

Edit: If I DHC from Shadow Servant to Round Harvest, raw tag Morrigan, superjump, Soul Drain, that connects as well.


i was banned during all of the ridiculous Dr. Strange hype for trolling poligaf, but lemme just say that the people who think he is amazing are only looking at his ability to TOD, SoV and his Beams. If you he is actually on the screen, and you're playing against Zero, Magneto, Wolverine or Vergil, he is complete and utter crap (unless you have Lariat or something).

Hes basically Dorm with crappier point capabilities but better Support. Its just too many other characters in the game can do similar things but are better than him on point.

Here's a thought, but wouldn't Chun Li and Dr. Strange work pretty good? Her air dash should let her capitolize of the Bolts lockdown and setup stuff off the gap between them, and her kicks should keep the Dr. Safe long enough to do something. Its just a theory, but I think it could work. Maybe get someone with good pushback on their assist for your third like maybe Storm, Hulk or Frank assist.

Anyone want to weigh in on thoughts on what a Chun/Strange team would need to tie it together. I'm looking to do a new team now since all thats really left for my Iron Fist is grinding. I love playing Chun so I'd be up for trying this if someone can help me pick out a decent 3rd.


A Chun Li Spencer Strange team might work. Chun Li gets the hit, does a crumple stun using Spencer assist if needed then raw tag into Strange for the kill. Chun Li's low damage suddenly becomes less of an issue and Bolts allows her to get in and do her mix up.

IF/Spencer/Strange is probably the best IF team available. Too bad IFs mix ups are worse than Chun Li's so even if he gets you to block Bolts you can probably get out of it.


A Chun Li Spencer Strange team might work. Chun Li gets the hit, does a crumple stun using Spencer assist if needed then raw tag into Strange for the kill. Chun Li's low damage suddenly becomes less of an issue and Bolts allows her to get in and do her mix up.

IF/Spencer/Strange is probably the best IF team available.

I like the idea of Chun/Strange/Spencer. Great comeback potential should things go to hell, crumples, lockdown, extensions via slant shot for better damage. Heck you could probably time an assist in their somewhere near her stomp OTG to give Chun better combo potential given the two assists you have look like they might either buy her time to setup for something other than bird kick into normal stuff. I'll give this team a shot since I already know 2 of them fair enough to go in on it. Strange is a new beast though.

I wouldn't put too much faith in IF/Spencer/Strange though. They'll snap in Strange and good luck using either of the other two as an assist to keep them off of him once he's snapped in early. No Strange means your pretty much riding on Spencer to pull this one out. Iron Fist gets good stuff off of his beam, but from a LOOOONG time of playing Iron Fist I got to say that even though Spencer assist turns everything for Iron Fist into an easy one touch kill its not worth it. Your team becomes entirely based on keeping your beam user alive and Iron Fist on point eats a ton of chip. Strange should keep you safe on a lot of the chip problem but it becomes super predictable.

The best I've found is to put Iron Fist on second and put someone with a LOT of corner carry on their combos on point to set him up for his frame trap game at no risk. You also need a beam of course which will help get Iron Fist in or act as a lockdown for his frame traps once he's there. I'm running Taskmaster/Iron Fist/Arthur because anchor Arthur is scary as hell and his daggers are honestly the best assist for Iron Fist. Strange Bolts are good, but Arthur is a way better anchor and both Tasky and Arthur do well with Rising Dragon assist to help intensify their zoning game. I also like MODOK on point or Hawkeye on Point with this team since both also benefit in the same ways, but Hawkeye is purely zoning and doesn't have enough corner carry. MODOK and Tasky are his best Point guys IMO. Haven't tried Storm or Magnus though and they have potential on point for good corner carry and assists, but Storm assist only works as a get off me and doesn't help Iron Fist much since it pushes them away from him.

Thats my final verdict really on the way of the fist. Corner Carry expert/Fist once corner is achieved/Anchor with strong comeback and zoning

I'll try to mess with Chun/Strange/Spencer. Its sounds like a pretty decent team in my eyes since it should cover all the weaknesses of damage and getting people off you that the first two have. If it doesn't work out though it'll be because Strange's backup is running on point. I may have to screw with team order or do a lot of tac/crumple based stuff to make the most out of this team.

EDIT: Any other ideas besides Spencer for this team? I'm pretty much looking for a good alt team and I'd like to explore this Chun/Strange combo for awhile to give me something new to do with this game.
I'm "eh" on Chun-li / Strange. It really works best if there's a command grab threat. Thor, Wesker, Spencer are the best Bolts users IMO. Then you are scared to duck, scared to stand, and scared to do either even more.

Shocking Discovery time:
Last night I discovered something new about Trish, and today I discovered that Training Mode has a typo. In the Dummy Options, under the Guard options, you can set the training dummy to "All Guard (High, Low Only)", but the dummy actually blocks mid and low only. All this time I wondered why they didn't have that option in training mode...


Well if Strange gets snapped in on that Chun Li team it's a done deal too.

Yeah this team does have a lot of the same problem as the Iron Fist team though her footsies are better. Maybe the same mentality should be applied to this by making the anchor another beam. Magneto might be nice for that.

I'm "eh" on Chun-li / Strange. It really works best if there's a command grab threat. Thor, Wesker, Spencer are the best Bolts users IMO. Then you are scared to duck, scared to stand, and scared to do either even more.

Good point about the grab because when I used bolts experimenting with Fist all they did was jump and even though Chun has mad air mobility its not like she beats anything. She's just fast with her air dash. I wonder if Magneto's Reverse Polarity could screw people over with Strange bolts. His Disruptor would add a secondary beam for Chun so that they don't just snap in Strange and kill the team's corner stone. I dunno...Chun would be easier to keep Strange from getting predictable though than Iron Fist given her mobility and short projectiles, but I wont know if she'll stay safe without him. I'd like to use Chun and Strange to some extend though to see if I can't use crumples for Impact palm setups and for her kicks to be tested as a way to keep him safe. If she doesn't work then I dunno, maybe Thor on point.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

I remember Thor
Anyone know how Trish can combo into Round Harvest solo?

Even if you land on the ground at the same time as your opponent(like doing jM2H xx hopscotch, jMS), there isn't even enough time to Round Harvest X-factor tiger knee air million volts.

edit: got an idea

2H xx Peekaboo xx Round Harvest works lol
Even if you land on the ground at the same time as your opponent(like doing jM2H xx hopscotch, jMS), there isn't even enough time to Round Harvest X-factor tiger knee air million volts.

edit: got an idea

2H xx Peekaboo xx Round Harvest works lol
Actually, you can Round Harvest XFC TK Million Volts. I just saw it on a video today.

And yeah, I know that works. -_- I was hoping for more. Why is Trish the most awful character in the game at comboing into her hypers?


She might be able to combo into it in the corner.

At least it's much better than in Vanilla where she couldn't even hit her hyper OTG.
Playing Dante/X-23/Morrigan.

Dante builds 5 via resets and Morrigan. 1st char dead, X comes in and SilentHills 2nd and builds another bar with morrigan and xfactor, then does the same with character 3.

Dante isn't great with AS assist, except when going for grapple resets. Thinking of switching out morrigan for strange, but no really good way to build that 1 meter after silent hill.

Playing Dante/X-23/Morrigan.

Dante builds 5 via resets and Morrigan. 1st char dead, X comes in and SilentHills 2nd and builds another bar with morrigan and xfactor, then does the same with character 3.

Dante isn't great with AS assist, except when going for grapple resets. Thinking of switching out morrigan for strange, but no really good way to build that 1 meter after silent hill.

At first I thought you mistyped Silent Kill, then I saw the H a second time.

Are you sure you're doing X-23's optimal post-hyper combo to build as much meter as possible?

One thought is that if you learn to do a longer combo with your new third, you might not miss Dark Harmonizer very much.
Yeah, Dark Harmonizer isn't going to help a Dirt nap team much.
Actually, you can Round Harvest XFC TK Million Volts. I just saw it on a video today.
Really? Huh, guess I just gotta be faster. Anyway, I even tried lvl 3 x-factor S sjc hopscotch xx Round Harvest, no dice. There's one x-factor combo where you can get people to fall into a peekaboo, but I still don't think it's enough time.


And yeah, I know that works. -_- I was hoping for more. Why is Trish the most awful character in the game at comboing into her hypers?
I've been trying forever to get solo Round Harvests, just so I could raw tag Dante in, but I've never found a way to do it more than just an early Peekaboo. It's pretty sad.

I just want OTG Hopscotch. :(


I'm "eh" on Chun-li / Strange. It really works best if there's a command grab threat. Thor, Wesker, Spencer are the best Bolts users IMO. Then you are scared to duck, scared to stand, and scared to do either even more.
I played a Jill/Wesker/Strange team. I could deal with Jill, but Wesker was a nightmare with bolts.
Really? Huh, guess I just gotta be faster. Anyway, I even tried lvl 3 x-factor S sjc hopscotch xx Round Harvest, no dice. There's one x-factor combo where you can get people to fall into a peekaboo, but I still don't think it's enough time.
What about using Dark Hole? I tried with Purification, but the assist is used too close to Round Harvest, and I can't raw tag Morrigan in fast enough.

I'm sure I can use Dark Hole in a manner similar to this video:

But after I get Round Trip out, it doesn't seem like there's a way to get Round Harvest out. -_-


Okay I just got out of the lab and from messing around against the computer with Chun Li/ Strange/Spencer

It can work, but I can already tell that I wont use this team. Chun really does keep Strange safe, and his double beam helps set her up for a lot of dash behinds and other stuff, but it just feels like I have to constantly be pushing and working some kind of angle with every character except Spencer and without Chun Strange falls apart.

The team works at the things I wanted to check, but it just feels like so much planning or reactionary stuff to keep Chun safe for me to want to use this as an alt team to mess with. Strange on point with Chun is sort of cool, but again Strange is just to hard to keep alive for it to matter and if either character dies the other is screwed (though Chun to a FAR lesser degree but she loses a lot of mixups). It just falls apart too quickly after anyone falls. Strange feels like he needs both characters built around keeping people off him as rough as his game felt for me and Chun is still...well...Chun.

She doesn't get a lot off of her combos, but she's fun to combo with. I think I'll keep trying to build a better Chun team because I enjoy using her, but Strange just seems like too rough of a ride for me. Doesn't look like I'll invest in the Strange hype. Too much work involved. I'm considering going back to Haggar for fun though. I still like using him a lot. I don't think him and Chun would offer each other anything though. I should probably start looking toward top tier guys more though. My alt shouldn't be harder than my main team to play.


He can't use his Force Edge moves which is the sword he tosses. Like you can't do Round Trip then Stinger, Helm Breaker or Hightime. This applies for both Marvel 3 and DMC3. He can still use his Yamato moves though because he doesn't throw that sword.

Picture for reference:

He can't use his Force Edge moves which is the sword he tosses. Like you can't do Round Trip then Stinger, Helm Breaker or Hightime. This applies for both Marvel 3 and DMC3. He can still use his Yamato moves though because he doesn't throw that sword.
You are such a wonderful, helpful person Dahbomb. I am joking about not knowing this stuff.

Why can't Dante just add fire to all of his attacks like he does in his qcf.H (air) and qcb.H moves?


Different moves that are done with the Agni and Rudra weapon (Sky Dance and Jet Stream) which is fire/wind based. It's like how he can't use ice or electricity with his other weapons because they are attached to the Cerberus.


I like how Dante was the original character with Round Trip, but he's the only DMC character that doesn't get it. I guess it'd be too much work having to come up with a completely new moveset for his normals.
And I suppose 'canonically' speaking Vergil was the first character with Round Trip since Dante only had Sword Pierce in DMC3.

I would still like to see a completely accurate DMC3 Dante in a fighting game, though. Would be hilariously broken and hilariously convoluted/confusing.

You are such a wonderful, helpful person Dahbomb. I am joking about not knowing this stuff.


I am still surprised they forgot about Spiral. Yeah it looked generic as fuck but the two moves it had (Trick Shot and Ricochet) were bad ass. I guess Trick Shot in Marvel would work like Energy Javelin.

Azure J

I like how Dante was the original character with Round Trip, but he's the only DMC character that doesn't get it. I guess it'd be too much work having to come up with a completely new moveset for his normals.
And I suppose 'canonically' speaking Vergil was the first character with Round Trip since Dante only had Sword Pierce in DMC3.

I would still like to see a completely accurate DMC3 Dante in a fighting game, though. Would be hilariously broken and hilariously convoluted/confusing.


To be fair Marvel 3 Dante has a ridiculous attention to detail already. If they wanted to go even further beyond, they could have done wild things like make the QCB moves have Just Frame Cancels that weren't Crazy Dance but instead the uber attacks of the weapon used (like Revolver would become Sattelite [lol Dante with a Haggar lariat...], Reverb becomes Distortion, Jet Stream becomes that rapid battering attack with A&R, the name escapes me right now), RDPs become a thing and you'd add Zodiac, Real Impact and Trick Shot/Ricochet while making his level 3 Dance Macabre instead of Devil Must Die.

Or maybe you could do something with the QCB moves where the idea above is when you Just Frame with S and map a crazy happening to L, M & H like H is Fireworks as it is now, L cancel would be Trick Shot and M cancel would be Ricochet.

There's really no way to implement Doppleganger or Quicksilver in a satisfying non-power up super method without making the entire cast irrelevant unless you balance around Dante at which point the development team would have a tall order on their hands. :lol


To be fair Marvel 3 Dante has a ridiculous attention to detail already. If they wanted to go even further beyond, they could have done wild things like make the QCB moves have Just Frame Cancels that weren't Crazy Dance but instead the uber attacks of the weapon used (like Revolver would become Sattelite [lol Dante with a Haggar lariat...], Reverb becomes Distortion, Jet Stream becomes that rapid battering attack with A&R, the name escapes me right now), RDPs become a thing and you'd add Zodiac, Real Impact and Trick Shot/Ricochet while making his level 3 Dance Macabre instead of Devil Must Die.

Or maybe you could do something with the QCB moves where the idea above is when you Just Frame with S and map a crazy happening to L, M & H like H is Fireworks as it is now, L cancel would be Trick Shot and M cancel would be Ricochet.

There's really no way to implement Doppleganger or Quicksilver in a satisfying non-power up super method without making the entire cast irrelevant unless you balance around Dante at which point the development team would have a tall order on their hands. :lol
Way I was thinking it would be, remove Crazy Dance, turn S into unique specials for each of his QCB moves. Reverb would become Feedback/Crazy Roll and would hard knockdown or something. Revolver would cancel into either Satellite or Flicker. Satellite would probably be better, and it could cause a wall bounce or something. Jet Stream would go into Million Slashes.

RDPs would be Beast Uppercut that can be charged into Rising Dragon like in the games, or further charged into Real Impact which may or may not be an unblockable. Would have the Tornado followup for Real Impact. Then there'd be Trick Shot, which could be style canceled into Ricochet or Sniper. Not sure how they'd work, but I would want it there. Then there'd be Crawler, which I see working like Gamma Wave/Whirlwind in that it's multiple projectiles that come out one after the other and would OTG. Then there'd be RDP + Special, which would be his Royal Guard Ultimate, and it'd probably reflect projectiles or something.

I'd also make DP + Special a thing, and it'd probably be Straight. It'd be kinda like Stinger, except a lot shorter, and maybe make it crumple or stagger. Could be style canceled into Zodiac.

I'd also have air QCBs. One would be an aerial version of Volcano, second would be Nevan's aerial scythe slashes. Either soft-knockdown or hard-knockdown on hit. Maybe soft for first, hard for second? Dunno. Third one would be A&R's cross slash. Would cause a wallbounce.

Devil Trigger would improve some of his moves. Namely Stinger, Reverb Shock, Revolver, and Jet Stream, since those all have 'Level 2' versions of themselves in the games. Stinger would just be faster. Reverb Shock would fire Air Play projectiles like in the games, Revolver would spin more/spin faster, and Jet Stream would come out on block. Also, Beehive would become Hyper Fist in DT. :p

Koryuu Dante right there. :p


DMC1 Dante wins because he has unlocked Sparda sword in his arsenal. Say hello to sword normals extending past the limit of the TV screen.


tagged by Blackace
He can't use his Force Edge moves which is the sword he tosses. Like you can't do Round Trip then Stinger, Helm Breaker or Hightime. This applies for both Marvel 3 and DMC3. He can still use his Yamato moves though because he doesn't throw that sword.

Picture for reference:

Koryu edition needs double helm-breakers. Zero clone style to make you safe if the first whiffs.
Yo give us an X-23 with a heal hyper. YEAH!

And give She Hulk hyper armor on her range grab. And a teleport.

And Jean a full screen mind poke that stuns the opponent.
Who wants to help test my wired connection on PSN?
Not tonight, but I'd love to get a FT50 in with you later this week.

I can on Wednesday. Found the game for cheap and should be here by then.
Looking forward to destroying all you Marvel peasants with Trish.
Your name looks familiar. Did you play She-Hulk in Vanilla, and claim that Sentinel was overpowered on point? Or am I thinking of someone else?
As much as I love DMC3 and DMC4 Dante, DMC1 Dante is best Dante. Good balance of seriousness and cheese (although his cheese needs work).

DMC2 can burn in a fire for all I care.

And DMC DMC Dante can be laughed at for generations to come.


Not tonight, but I'd love to get a FT50 in with you later this week.

Your name looks familiar. Did you play She-Hulk in Vanilla, and claim that Sentinel was overpowered on point? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Yes, that was me. I think I claimed Sentinel was overpowered in general.
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