not worst in the game but he's bottom 5 free. He is to Fchamp what IF is Justin Wong.... A character that he legitimately likes and has fun with plus also plays the character at a high enough level but can't succeed with it on a consistent basis. That grand final Ghost Rider showing was ass, he was getting worked by fucking Haggar. At least Justin won the entire tournament with IF, Fchamp busted it out against a Haggar team at the end to say he won a tournament with Ghost Rider.
Champ was making a lot of mistakes against Haggar. If I were to compare Champ's play to something, I would compare it to a newer Dormammu player.
Newer Dormammu players are addicted to Purification spam. They'll keep guessing with the Purification even when it's not wise, and end up leaving Dormammu open to die.
Wise Dormammu players use Dark Matter a lot, and then use the brief moment between Dark Matter's startup and release to judge the Purification. It deals chip much more slowly, but it's the best thing to do because it's safer.
Champ went for things like dp.M and dp.L randomly, trying to get a little chip in, and it was just not the smart thing to do with the character against Haggar. He wasn't ever outplayed, he just failed to make good decisions. If Champ took Ghost Rider seriously, I think people would be saying different things about him. Champ was even dropping his bnbs and doing the wrong bnbs. Ghost Rider died twice IIRC because Champ messed up his combo. That has nothing to do with matchups.
I think everyone on this forum who has played my Ghost Rider would resent you saying he's "bottom 5 free". Solune especially is a very solid player and goes roughly even against my Ghost Rider team.
At least Champ used Plasma Beam for him instead of Hidden Missiles. If he would take him seriously enough to give Ghost Rider Vajra, you'd see Ghost Rider wreck some teams.
I still think GR is a pretty crappy character overall, but he does have a couple unique advantages. He's got the best snapback in the game, and doesn't his TAC have a huge hitbox as well? I don't know if you could really make a tournament worthy team that exploits those advantages well enough, though.
Best snapback in the game, one of the best level 3s in the game, huge range on his normals that shut down assist usage, one of the best crossover counters in the game, and a fantastic assist.
Karsticles, I am pretty sure you hate Doom but if you want to build a Dorm-centric team that has Morrigan on it, it's hard to pick a character with more assist synergy with those two characters than Victor and missiles. Sometimes if you a just play a character for the sake of synergy, you start to enjoy it...
Doom was actually a launch character of mine (Sentinel/Dormammu/Doom). I had a little under 2000 matches played with Doom in Vanilla, so I'm well past the point of him growing on me, haha. I hated every single match I had to use him in. Also, I think Dormammu/Hidden Missiles is generally overrated and loses to a lot of teams. It's definitely a good combination, but notice that Champ tends to use Dormammu/Plasma Beam more, because even though it's not as scary, it's functionally superior.
The Swords, teleports and Helm Breaker are BACK!
Now comes with Doppelganger style!!!
You're part of the problem if you buy this!
I think this thread should have a discussion about sniping Doom during his missiles call and what exactly can be done to stop it with a broad range of characters. That really is the overriding problem in the game right now, and I think it can be stopped.
All I've got is those really nice assist sniping teams like Bee's spencer/frank/dante, and a bunch of those characters that have beams at the start of round (but don't kill assists well with them, just do heavy damage like nova/modok/akuma)
If I can THC, Chaotic Flame comes out in 11 frames and burns Doom while Finishing Shower's missiles go high enough to destroy the Hidden Missiles. Usually I'm just willing to eat some missiles as Dormammu to burn Dr. Doom down. Or, I'll Chaotic Flame and DHC to Spiral Swords or Astral Vision before the missiles hit so I can block still. It's well worth the expenditure because once Doom gets to half health people don't want to call him, so he's effectively "dead" for a while.