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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Huh...he actually used to use Ghost Rider/Sent/Phoenix early on. His tactic was popping fires up to eat certain assists so he could call drones and then going nuts with the chain. He was taking on a Wesker team when I saw it and I think it might have been Mine, but it got him safe drones. Course he kind of got stomped using it though and took a beating to chain a man. I'm kind of shocked he wasn't using Drones since thats what most people use Doom for. Was he jump chaining the guy during plasma beam the whole time?

He only did okay with Ghost Rider. He was mostly just proving that he could win the tournament with one cannon fodder character + Dormammu and Doom.


He only did okay with Ghost Rider. He was mostly just proving that he could win the tournament with one cannon fodder character + Dormammu and Doom.

So basically he saw an opportunity to not only troll but win with a low tier he likes because the matchup he was in allowed for it? Yeah that sounds like F Champ. Sadly the best I saw anyone do with Ghost Rider was just Combofiend trolling online using GR on point with Gold Hsienko assist to eat up space. It was a pretty douchebag team, but it had both Hsien Ko and GR so it had to be.

It'd be cool to see someone actually make a scary Ghost Rider team.

Azure J

Strider on point might work if you want to get Dorm in ASAP. His start of the round options are pretty strong, simply because he has a very fast walk speed, fast normals, strong throw option selects, and ways to escape pressure with Excalibur. If you get a hit, you could guarantee a full bar with your team, and then Legion > Stalking Flare DHC combos even at full screen(at least against mid-size characters. No idea about small characters).

I use that strategy sometimes when I can't escape the start of the round with Dante. Strider has a better chance of escaping than Dante, which allows me to play the neutral, get two bars, Legion > Round Harvest > raw tag Dante in and start Dante's game when they're locked down.

Oh good, I'm not the only one who'll just say fuck it and run Strider point just until either first character KO or whenever I can do Bird Bomb - Hard Tag. Sometimes, it doesn't even feel like I get to play when tagged at the start and I'm just befuddled when I have to come up with an explanation. Especially when I'm "playing top tier" which excuses me from any mercy talking with folks. :lol

shits awesome son.

Shut up ground bouncing s.H/DAS PAIPU f.H option select! :p


Karsticles, I am pretty sure you hate Doom but if you want to build a Dorm-centric team that has Morrigan on it, it's hard to pick a character with more assist synergy with those two characters than Victor and missiles. Sometimes if you a just play a character for the sake of synergy, you start to enjoy it...


Karsticles, I am pretty sure you hate Doom but if you want to build a Dorm-centric team that has Morrigan on it, it's hard to pick a character with more assist synergy with those two characters than Victor and missiles. Sometimes if you a just play a character for the sake of synergy, you start to enjoy it...

Me and Arthur once I found out Daggers could be wave dashed inside of by Iron Fist and their durability ate everything you could throw at him. After learning that he just kept growing on me. I don't think it'll be long before we start seeing some Arthur's cropping up given how good he is at Anchor and with his assists. I can see him putting in a lot for a lot of teams and we had one climbing the ranks at EVO this past year too. I'd love to see Justin Wong mess around with him on teams since he could likely run Iron Fist again if he used him, but I know J Wong ain't going for it.

Azure J

Just a quick copy-paste and a concept and then I'm off to bed:

- Question for the thread, with one assist, what is the absolute highest optimized damage you have ever done with Dante? I'm sitting on something over here that does 835K (j.H - s.MH... confirm - 1.9 meters built)/863K (Hammer confirm - 1.75 meters built) with one Vajra assist call and I'm pretty much about to start advocating that people learn how to do dash up mid screen stuff. It adds a layer of flexibility that shouldn't be understated.

(For some context, I was messing with my Dante/Felicia/Strider team here and checking to see what the max damage potential for the team would be like without Burn Kick shenanigans. Using all I've learned from Day 1 to now though, this team is looking mighty ferocious even if it's outside my expertise. I can't RTSD well and this is pretty much one of the best RTSD builds for Dante around.)

- For the Strider players here, anyone want to experiment with something that might have potential as a new combo path? The idea is to do the usual confirm:

[With Formation B out] (j.H/j.S) - s.M - s.H - c.H - f.H - Gram L - Formation B Shot

But to kara/plink dash behind the Formation B and meet the opponent as they're OTG'd. I feel like there's some potential here, but I can't think of anything good to go after that segment. Most I came up with was:

s.S - j.H - Gram L - [land] - Form B - Form B Shot - usual Wall Cling extension

But I didn't get beyond the Form B summon on time. I blame tiredness. What do you think thread?


Karsticles, I am pretty sure you hate Doom but if you want to build a Dorm-centric team that has Morrigan on it, it's hard to pick a character with more assist synergy with those two characters than Victor and missiles. Sometimes if you a just play a character for the sake of synergy, you start to enjoy it...

I know that feel. My current team is made up entirely of characters I initially picked for their assist/support ability who grew on me as point characters over time.

mr. puppy

I think this thread should have a discussion about sniping Doom during his missiles call and what exactly can be done to stop it with a broad range of characters. That really is the overriding problem in the game right now, and I think it can be stopped.

All I've got is those really nice assist sniping teams like Bee's spencer/frank/dante, and a bunch of those characters that have beams at the start of round (but don't kill assists well with them, just do heavy damage like nova/modok/akuma)
not worst in the game but he's bottom 5 free. He is to Fchamp what IF is Justin Wong.... A character that he legitimately likes and has fun with plus also plays the character at a high enough level but can't succeed with it on a consistent basis. That grand final Ghost Rider showing was ass, he was getting worked by fucking Haggar. At least Justin won the entire tournament with IF, Fchamp busted it out against a Haggar team at the end to say he won a tournament with Ghost Rider.
Champ was making a lot of mistakes against Haggar. If I were to compare Champ's play to something, I would compare it to a newer Dormammu player.

Newer Dormammu players are addicted to Purification spam. They'll keep guessing with the Purification even when it's not wise, and end up leaving Dormammu open to die.

Wise Dormammu players use Dark Matter a lot, and then use the brief moment between Dark Matter's startup and release to judge the Purification. It deals chip much more slowly, but it's the best thing to do because it's safer.

Champ went for things like dp.M and dp.L randomly, trying to get a little chip in, and it was just not the smart thing to do with the character against Haggar. He wasn't ever outplayed, he just failed to make good decisions. If Champ took Ghost Rider seriously, I think people would be saying different things about him. Champ was even dropping his bnbs and doing the wrong bnbs. Ghost Rider died twice IIRC because Champ messed up his combo. That has nothing to do with matchups.

I think everyone on this forum who has played my Ghost Rider would resent you saying he's "bottom 5 free". Solune especially is a very solid player and goes roughly even against my Ghost Rider team.

At least Champ used Plasma Beam for him instead of Hidden Missiles. If he would take him seriously enough to give Ghost Rider Vajra, you'd see Ghost Rider wreck some teams.

I still think GR is a pretty crappy character overall, but he does have a couple unique advantages. He's got the best snapback in the game, and doesn't his TAC have a huge hitbox as well? I don't know if you could really make a tournament worthy team that exploits those advantages well enough, though.
Best snapback in the game, one of the best level 3s in the game, huge range on his normals that shut down assist usage, one of the best crossover counters in the game, and a fantastic assist.

Karsticles, I am pretty sure you hate Doom but if you want to build a Dorm-centric team that has Morrigan on it, it's hard to pick a character with more assist synergy with those two characters than Victor and missiles. Sometimes if you a just play a character for the sake of synergy, you start to enjoy it...
Doom was actually a launch character of mine (Sentinel/Dormammu/Doom). I had a little under 2000 matches played with Doom in Vanilla, so I'm well past the point of him growing on me, haha. I hated every single match I had to use him in. Also, I think Dormammu/Hidden Missiles is generally overrated and loses to a lot of teams. It's definitely a good combination, but notice that Champ tends to use Dormammu/Plasma Beam more, because even though it's not as scary, it's functionally superior.


The Swords, teleports and Helm Breaker are BACK!

Now comes with Doppelganger style!!!
You're part of the problem if you buy this!

I think this thread should have a discussion about sniping Doom during his missiles call and what exactly can be done to stop it with a broad range of characters. That really is the overriding problem in the game right now, and I think it can be stopped.

All I've got is those really nice assist sniping teams like Bee's spencer/frank/dante, and a bunch of those characters that have beams at the start of round (but don't kill assists well with them, just do heavy damage like nova/modok/akuma)
If I can THC, Chaotic Flame comes out in 11 frames and burns Doom while Finishing Shower's missiles go high enough to destroy the Hidden Missiles. Usually I'm just willing to eat some missiles as Dormammu to burn Dr. Doom down. Or, I'll Chaotic Flame and DHC to Spiral Swords or Astral Vision before the missiles hit so I can block still. It's well worth the expenditure because once Doom gets to half health people don't want to call him, so he's effectively "dead" for a while.
But what if I pre-order from Gamestop to get it for free?

Will wait for the PC version that will probably include all content.
Buying the game at all is being part of the problem Dahbomb! Buying the DHC is like...after you murder a guy, you seduce his wife. That's the level of sin being committed sir.
I will get the PC version unless it ends up being horrendous.

I like DMC too much not to play the game.
IMO, that should be:
"I like DMC too much to play the game."

What's the trick to TACing after Ryu's aerial Shinkuu Hadoken in a combo? It keeps whiffing for me.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I'm seriously doing s.S, sj.H, qcf.L, qcf.AA, d+S, and it's not working. -_-

Trying now myself.

I don't know what's wrong lol it used to work for me.

edit- well now it's working some of the time. also you're supposed to angle it down after doing the horizontal beam. the times when the tac does work is when the opponent sort of moves a bit downwards during the shinku.


I'm seriously doing s.S, sj.H, qcf.L, qcf.AA, d+S, and it's not working. -_-
There's a weird property where they have to be above the active hitbox after the super starts up, and then fall into the super right where Ryu's hands are. If they just get blasted by the super from the start, the TAC will whiff. I'm not sure the trick to doing it consistently, but visually you should know when the TAC will work.


Any one up for a FT10 online on Wednesday? Xbox Live or PSN?

I mean, I can hype it up or something if that's what you're into...

Like, I can post "Oh INSERT_GAF_USERNAME_HERE, you so trash. YOU FREE, SON. #KAPPA". In the forums, so everyone can see it. Or something like that.


Maybe just a lobby?


I don't want to play Ranked anymore. And I want as much practice as possible. :(


Any one up for a FT10 online on Wednesday? Xbox Live or PSN?

I mean, I can hype it up or something if that's what you're into...

Like, I can post "Oh INSERT_GAF_USERNAME_HERE, you so trash. YOU FREE, SON. #KAPPA". In the forums, so everyone can see it. Or something like that.


Maybe just a lobby?


I don't want to play Ranked anymore. And I want as much practice as possible. :(
What is FT10?
Any one up for a FT10 online on Wednesday? Xbox Live or PSN?

I mean, I can hype it up or something if that's what you're into...

Like, I can post "Oh INSERT_GAF_USERNAME_HERE, you so trash. YOU FREE, SON. #KAPPA". In the forums, so everyone can see it. Or something like that.


Maybe just a lobby?


I don't want to play Ranked anymore. And I want as much practice as possible. :(

I have class wednesday, but if you don't mind waiting until the evening, then we can try.

I'm also available all day today, so if anyone wants to play let me know.
Any one up for a FT10 online on Wednesday? Xbox Live or PSN?

I mean, I can hype it up or something if that's what you're into...

Like, I can post "Oh INSERT_GAF_USERNAME_HERE, you so trash. YOU FREE, SON. #KAPPA". In the forums, so everyone can see it. Or something like that.


Maybe just a lobby?


I don't want to play Ranked anymore. And I want as much practice as possible. :(
What happened to your ban?

What is FT10?
FT10 = First to 10 wins.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
If 3 tatsus you mean LMH Tatsu I don't think that should count. Ryu I counted air and ground Tatsu cause those are different.

Then again I counted his st.M and j.L which are more of knees.

edit- Akuma has a bunch of kicking normals so he may qualify anyways.


I feel like it's just a fact that it works, though. Why can't Akuma, but everyone else can? I swear I've seen players do this with anchor Akuma... *going crazy*

Don't think you can Karst, Believe he's limited to ONE fireball super in the air, that's why you see alot of Akuma players fall down and do the ground fireball super midscreen. In the corner you can do a second one because you j.S them for the hard knockdown.

Azure J


Saw this elsewhere. Couldn't help but be amused. :lol
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