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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Wow, Shun Goku Satsu is so good. Since it has 40 active frames, if it hits at ANY time during those 40 frames, it hits.

In other words, I can put an opponent in blockstun from Dark Hole, go into Shun Goku Satsu, and the moment my opponent leaves blockstun he gets rocked. How ridiculous is that?!
This game keeps on developing in ways I never would have expected. Remember the double TAC glitch that Zero, Spiderman, Morrigan etc. could do? Seems like it also had another application once it became understood...

I just thought this was Spider-Man exclusive, knew about double dashing since close to launch. I just never ran an assist cheap enough to make good use of it.


Also, I have a feeling I'm going to opt for Nova instead of Dante. Far less work, more derp, funnier VA and TAC stupidity. Hilarious anti-PHX at some point in this vid too. Can she block after transform?


Wow, Shun Goku Satsu is so good. Since it has 40 active frames, if it hits at ANY time during those 40 frames, it hits.

In other words, I can put an opponent in blockstun from Dark Hole, go into Shun Goku Satsu, and the moment my opponent leaves blockstun he gets rocked. How ridiculous is that?!

Aren't prejump not throwable? So if someone's holding up they just lol?
Probably different for every game so I don't know how it works in this.
Ah, you're right Sasa. Damn. I set the AI to jump, and I've SGSed like 20 times to no effect.

The same has happened to me APP. I blame online!


Ahh, the heavens have parted. I finally got a couple of games off Smurfx! Ggs sir. I feel like my Vergil/Magneto team is better equipped to deal with Haggar than a lot of other teams I've played. I was surprised I was able to pull off a Hulk/Dorm/Doom win as well, considering how ass I am with the latter two. I was mad because I missed a guaranteed 900,000+ damage off Hulk air throws at least twice :(.


get some go again
Ahh, the heavens have parted. I finally got a couple of games off Smurfx! Ggs sir. I feel like my Vergil/Magneto team is better equipped to deal with Haggar than a lot of other teams I've played. I was surprised I was able to pull off a Hulk/Dorm/Doom win as well, considering how ass I am with the latter two. I was mad because I missed a guaranteed 900,000+ damage off Hulk air throws at least twice :(.
ggs you have really improved. although i didn't even know you were using vergil. man playing against vergil is both annoying and funny at the same time. i can block all the mixups and then be done in by some auto correct crap. -_-
Weird, Dormammu can't get multiple air dashes after Mass Change M with that new tech. :(

New Dormammu blockstring that works on everyone but Amaterasu and Rocket Raccoon (even Wolverine):
c.LH, Dark Matter, Dark Hole M.

It has small gaps that allow for frame traps and pushes my opponent back a good deal.

If I do this instead:
c.LH, Tatsu call, Dark Matter, Dark Hole H,

my opponent is pushed back to 3/4ths screen, and this does a little over 100K chip damage as far as I can tell. I am left at +7 frame advantage instead of the +4 from Flame Carpet.

Also, if I really want to deal chip and go all out, c.LH, tatsu call, Dark Matter, Dark Hole H, Stalking Flare, XF1C, Dark Hole H, Chaotic Flame does around 600K in chip damage.


ggs you have really improved. although i didn't even know you were using vergil. man playing against vergil is both annoying and funny at the same time. i can block all the mixups and then be done in by some auto correct crap. -_-

Haggar needs the Hulkster equivalent of Devil Trigger where he hulks up and gets extra abilities like the ability to shoot prayers, veggies and vitamins with hyper armor against punches.

Waitaminute...he was based off of Jesse Ventura though wasn't he? Well there goes that idea.

I just figured out that Dark Matter's hitbox gets smaller as it travels.

Dark Matter against Strider about 1/3 of the screen away always hits. Beyond that it always misses. o_O

Why is SRK such an unreliable piece of shit? Guh.

Also. Performed properly, c.H, Dark Matter is a true blockstring. I just tested it against a Strider mashing f.H in a corner.

I have a list of all characters who can evade c.H, Dark Matter, Dark Hole M. There are 5 total. :)


Because his command grabs are slow enough to avoid those frames and his low can trip them catching the upback. Wesker usually whiffs because his grab is too fast ie either they are in block stun or they are in those pre jump frames. Plus Spencer has the anti air grapple that beats up back as well.

I get furious at SRK forum monsters saying Spencer has limited mix ups and his command grabs aren't that great because they aren't 1 frame...
Some good Thor play:

Because Akuma has alot more approaches in his starters. Vergil basically has two combo paths.
That's not it. I just did the same Akuma combo like 50 times in a row (no joke) and it was fun each time.

I think it's because Vergil's combos are SO GODDAMN LONG.

3 longest combo characters that I hate watching:

Dante wouldn't be too bad if Million Dollars didn't last 5 whole seconds. Sometimes I think Million Dollars is the real reason I can't stand using Dante.
Nah, it's the hair that covers one of his eyes.


Dante at least has a good amount of variety. Vergil/Zero are one trick combo ponies. Dante is a rarer character to see as well, and when you do him on stream, there's an 80% chance they'll drop the combo before the million dollars ender anyway.


Someone explain to me Strange's B&B's? FoF loops seem odd..

very spacing dependent, its better if the palm hits below the opponent, it also help if you set some of the traps below so that the flame travels down a bit, it helps with the loop. the longer the flame takes to hit, the better for the loop.
Dante at least has a good amount of variety. Vergil/Zero are one trick combo ponies. Dante is a rarer character to see as well, and when you do him on stream, there's an 80% chance they'll drop the combo before the million dollars ender anyway.

70% if the person is Richard Nguyen.
Dante at least has a good amount of variety. Vergil/Zero are one trick combo ponies. Dante is a rarer character to see as well, and when you do him on stream, there's an 80% chance they'll drop the combo before the million dollars ender anyway.

Sounds like my Dante. I used to be like Azure where I would actually spend time in training mode for Dante trying to figure out the highest damaging combos. Then it hit me... I'll never NOT drop that combo in an actual match. So even though I love to style it's useless for me outside of training mode. God I have such a love/hate relationship with this mofo.

Playing Vergil with Dante solves all the style problems though because you can just tell yourself "I"m just save the wall/ground bounces for Vergil, so now I can do the easiest Dante combo and not feel bad." Or you can go the hard route and learn all those ground bounce reset combos...


That's not it. I just did the same Akuma combo like 50 times in a row (no joke) and it was fun each time.

I think it's because Vergil's combos are SO GODDAMN LONG.

3 longest combo characters that I hate watching:

Dante wouldn't be too bad if Million Dollars didn't last 5 whole seconds. Sometimes I think Million Dollars is the real reason I can't stand using Dante.
Nah, it's the hair that covers one of his eyes.

Akuma combos can get pretty long... especially if you add both supers. I think if you have more fun doing Akuma combos, it's the way that he flows. I mean I love doing Wesker combos, don't get tired of them even if I do them all the time. But the dude moves buttery smooth. Iron Man has cool combos too, but if I didn't drop them all the time because of bad hitboxes and strict timing maybe I'd use him. It's ironic that a character with insanely good hitboxes also has shit movement and other crappy tools to offset them.

Azure J

I only go scientist with Dante because its a side effect of my days playing Smash where I liked knowing everything possible about my character on the off chance that something wild happens and I can capitalize off it. Nowadays, I'm more about that neutral and movement. I still have some wild looking shit to fall back on with Dante though, he's the reason I picked up the game, so you can be damn sure I'm going to make him look beastly.

Reminds me, I got a 14 day one from Halo 4. AzureJericho, you on 360, haven't played you yet.

Yeah, I'm on 360. Handle's the same as my GAF name. I hope I'm good enough, just got through a spell of bad execution getting back into things with Viper's Seismo game. Just send a message if you ever see me idling on the game.

In other news, I think I'm going to enjoy this Strider video when it's finished if the first combo is anything to go by. I'm surprised that the dash up after a Formation B shot has such a good window for a relaunch. Strider's HSD is so strange to me.


Highest is Nova Prime. Which Richard Rider is.

I'm going on the record to say that I was on the Nova bandwagon before all this poppycock happened. I only just now got around to using him. >_>

In other news, I got Felicia jump loops somewhat down! Bar none, the hardest thing I've ever had to do in a fighting game. Because midscreen, you have to dash for them to connect, then go from a diagonal to another diagonal without hitting the cardinal directions either time, then perform MMHS quick enough for all to connect. The S after that for the launch is extremely timing dependent. Too early and your aerial combo won't connect, too late and you won't combo. Then, when you're in the air, you have to start CHARGING back right after the S. Then cancel into QCF Super, but not before Sand Splash comes out, and after all that, pray to GOD that the game doesn't read Charge back + forward, QCF Super as SRK Super.

I worked on Nova's BNBs after Felicia. Five minutes later I'm just sitting there looking at the large numbers going, ARE YOU KIDDING ME.


It's actually a good thing that 90% of everything is bad. Since there isn't enough time for one person to experience even the 10% that is good, you're missing out on less!


tagged by Blackace
It's actually a good thing that 90% of everything is bad. Since there isn't enough time for one person to experience even the 10% that is good, you're missing out on less!
I agree entirely. It's why the IGN scale works so well. I have more degrees and ways to characterize my disappointment than my satisfaction.

Azure J

What a weird series of posts... :lol

Meanwhile, have some video to try and edit (yay dabbling with Sony Vegas for the first time ever) showing off the highest damage I've squeezed from Dante/Strider yet. Would like to also compile some more theory combos for the squad solo and all together, but my current camera is low tier. It can't even hold decent charge for me to get some good footage to edit. =/

That being said, I think I have the stupidest team synergies to explore.

Starting with Viper:

s.MH - Thunder Knuckle M - s.H - Thunder Knuckle M - EX Thunder Knuckle - Hard Tag Dante - Volcano - j.H - Air Play - j.H + Strider assist - dash up s.S - TK Million Carats - [s.S - Clay Pigeon (2 Bullets)] x 3 - Stinger - Bold Move - Sky Dance whiff - Hard Tag Strider - Slide - XFC - Ragnarok

I have this in mind for a team combo here but fuuuuuuck me if the Dante beginning isn't hard as shit. Sad part is I actually got up to the second j.H with everything still comboing but dropped it so now I don't know if all this works.
What are all the assists that have positive recovery(can call another assist during its active frames)?

So far I know:

Chris - Grenade
Doctor Strange - Eye of Agamotto
MODOK - Balloon Bomb
MODOK - Barrier
Nova - Gravimetric Pulse
Rocket Raccoon - Claymore
Trish - Hopscotch
Trish - Peekaboo

These assists all have fascinating defensive properties in that they can actually protect other assists or be recalled while active, and they can even be comboed into themselves! This means you can have potentially 3 assist calls per combo!

I happen to think that Balloon Bomb is one of the most undervalued assists around.

Azure J

Reporting in on that raw tag setup I'm working on:

- Turns out that if you just go s.MH - Thunder Knuckle M - EX Thunder Knuckle, you get way more leeway to hard tag and follow up with Dante's portion of the combo.

- 650K+ before meter, ground bounce or wall bounce, good lord. Based Viper helping boost the damage to absurd levels.

Edit: IT LIIIIIIVES! Sadly, it requires the corner since the midscreen links for this one was insane to even consider viable in a match. Here's what I've got so far:

[Viper] s.MH - Thunder Knuckle M - s.H - Thunder Knuckle M - EX Thunder Knuckle - Raw Tag [Dante] - Volcano - j.H - Air Play - j.H+Call Strider - s.S - TK'd Million Carats

This serves as the core of this combo. From here, all divergence is based on preferences and personal ability. As of now, the only extension (out of 4) that I've tried and can verify works is:

...backstep/dash - s.S - Clay Pigeon (2 bullets) - Stinger - Bold Move - Sky Dance (whiff) - Acid Rain - Volcano - j.S - Call Viper (Burn Kick) - delayed Volcano - TK'd Million Carats - Reverb Shock - Fireworks - Million Dollars.

This combo does ~920K and builds 1.8 meters. As in it makes up the meter used initially for the EX Thunder Knuckle, almost builds another, and I haven't tested a full Clay Pigeon rep or Sky Dance resets yet. I love my fucking team.
I'm making huge strides with my Magneto movement. I can swap between joker/ray ray-style Mag Blast rushdown and auto-correct airdash crossups pretty freely. My Magneto speed has close to doubled in the past week. I'm still cleaning up my grounded plink dashes(damn you Beef!), but once I've got the timing for that figured out I'll be 100% confident in my mobility. Like Southtown confident. Phoenix/X-23/Magneto is looking more and more like my main team now, and I'm leaning towards anchor Magneto with everything.

Auto correct is making me want to revisit an old friend, though...
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