WOW - don't think I could ever pull that off. lol
Maybe one day I will be able to...but no time soon, that's for sure! The easier combo to do with Strange is the jump loop I did against you once:
c.LMH, f.H, s.S, sj.MMH, wait, f.H, j.MMH, f.H, j.MMH, f.H, s.H, f.H, s.S, sj.MMH, f.H, wait, s.S, qcf.M, qcf.AA
This is all going to be very helpful. I really do need mixups for Trish.
Excellent! Also, I think you are a bit too happy with the random Trish hypers. It worked a bit for you, but I caught on and started trying to bait them and teleporting to punish. Personally, I LOVE random hypers, but that's why I run Dark Harmonizer. Pewpewpew!
GGs earlier Karsticles. I didn't notice any lag on my end at all. I don't know. Do you usually get lag when playing me. I've never really had any complaints.
It was pretty normal, but the more people you play, the more standards change. I played someone named Glenn220, and it felt like offline. Sayah was pretty close to that. So, connections that felt good before are feeling just "bearable" now.
Anyway I thought Akuma was doing great for you. Some good zoning and I can't really zone back. You were building the meter pretty fast, so you could throw out some Shinku Hadokeuns as much as you wanted.
As a character, he fits really well. He pewpewpews a lot, and it hurts. I think I'm going a little soft in the pants about him not being able to beam hyper XFC beam hyper in the air, and he spends most of his time in the air. That's like...the dream! I want to do that! Haha. He definitely functions well, though.
The tatsu,'s just not doing enough for me. It gets caught too much by better normals from characters like Wesker, and it doesn't affect the field for an extended period of time, which is kind of what I need it to do. I really hate playing Dormammu naked unless it's Dark Harmonizer, and then Dark Harmonizer is building me up for emergency hypers to keep Dormammu safe.
This was even more pronounced when I used Magneto, because while EMD usually kicked Wesker away, Dormammu just had to sit there and try to survive alone until EMD was back up, and that's usually when I got bopped. Since I keep having to call EMD, I don't get to build my bars. Undoubtedly, EMD is not a bad assist, but it might just not be the assist I need for this team. Plus Magneto/Morrigan had like no synergy at all, haha. I usually killed a character with Magneto just because he's Magneto, and fricken awesome.
As for Wesker on point I pretty much had too. Wright and Hulk don't do so well against Dorm. Plus any pressure on Dorm is a good thing. I felt it was best to X-Factor him as fast as possible because even though XF3 Morrigan Bullet Hell was giving me much trouble I still felt 5 bar any XF Dorm was pure hell.
I think X-Factoring to kill Dormammu at the start is generally smart. He's my best character, and once he gets started he tends not to stop. Especially against your team.
Highlight for me is when we double X-Factored at the same spit sec and got a quick slowmo activation.
Highlight for me was the various Morrigan comebacks I made. It really made me feel confident in my play with her. Like...I used XF3 because time is limited, but I felt (no disrespect) like I could have run away chipping you down forever and it would have been fine until I had an input error. I feel like my Morrigan has really matured in the last two weeks. I still need to get better at nailing her combos, but in the neutral I do a lot of different things and make decisions that keep my opponent uncomfortable, which isn't always easy with a character with such limited options.
Next, I'm going to try Amaterasu!