Is there anything specific to getting it to work? I always seem unable to do anything with that. Then again, I don't really know the proper timing of Dorm's spell charging. Guess I'll have to mess with it, thanks.
It's really just learning the timing on Dark Spells and knowing when Dormammu recovers from Stalking Flare. I've only recently gotten the timing down to where I can do it in a match if I need to. It's especially difficult because knowing the timing on Dark Spells in the neutral is not the same as knowing them mid-combo, since the hitstop in the game will trip you up. It's really best to just practice doing something like Reverb Shock, Fireworks, Million Dollars, Stalking Flare over and over.
Whenever I messed with Dorm, I would just Flame Carpet + Jam Session, Dark Matter, Dark Hole L. I tend to do Dorm's wall bounce jump loops in and out of the corner, so I never have a reason to relaunch.
Gotcha. Personally, I don't like doing c.L, s.H as my blockstring since it whiffs on some characters, so I don't go for jump loops unless it's off of Dark Matter or an assist.
I forget who it was or what stream it was(might have actually been Zak Bennett), but I saw a Dorm superjump confirm that let him combo. It was j.H, fly, j.LS, land, j.LHS. It's kind of tight, but not too hard.
The hardest part of this is linking the j.L after flying. You pretty much have to cancel j.H into flight right as j.H hits. You're a Dante player, though, so I'm sure it'll come quick to you.
If I find anything else when labbing it up, I'll post about it. I did find a way to build about 80% bar off MD > Astral Vision DHC. Soul Drain + Jam Session, fly, j.H, Shadow Blade H. I'm trying to figure out a way to get two Soul Drains post DHC, but they're always floating too high for the second volley, or they flip out before they hit. It feels possible, but I have yet to land it. :/
Morrigan is the queen of "feels possible", haha.
I just worked it out, and it's really tight timing, but the following seems to work:
Million Dollars, Astral Vision, Jam Session, Soul Drain, fly-cancel, Soul Drain.
You need to cancel Million Dollars ASAP after the penultimate bullet hits.