Been out of the loop for a while. Always used ghetto ass combos for my team. I think I realized that the optimal team for me is gonna be Nova/Doom/Ammy. Thing is, my doom is ass. I also can't hit h fly combos with nova. Any primers or advice on hitting those? Also, what's that notation for those awesome air tac doom combos? GONNA LEVEL UP.
That's what I'm planning to do when I get home. I'm at work now. It's basic bnb, land, call Ammy, centurion rush l, centurion rush m, then centurion rush h, right?
Also, I need to watch curleh mustache 5. Archives up yet?
Archives for Curleh are up at
If your doom is ass, you might want to wait to spend time on the tac swag combos since being able to play point doom well will be pretty important to that team's success. The tac combos have a billion variations- almost no players use the exact same ones. I figured out the basic ones I do just messing around in training mode. It's important that before activating flight, you let j.M hit twice so the opponent is in hitstun long enough for you to continue the combo afterwards. After the exhange (up or down), I usually do j.M, j.M, fwd.H, cancel with air dash fwd, j.M, j.M, activate flight and do M&Ms. Off of side exchange in the corner, after the intitial hit Doom does post-TAC, air dash down back, activate flight, and then go straight into M&Ms.
When your flight time runs out, after the last M&M do butter gun, and then as you fall, do j.M j.M light plasma beam. Your opponent needs to be at the correct height for butter gun to allow you to continue to combo afterwards, and you just have to figure out how to adjust the timing on the M&Ms through trial and error so that they're consistently at the right butter gun height.
After this, depending on your height, you'll need one or two more j.Ms and maybe another light plasma beam to work your way back to the ground. On the ground, do light rocks into sphere flame or blender.