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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!


Somebody help me! I have a list of shit I can't deal with and would appreciate any thoughts on these matters. Stuff I know I don't have a great gameplan for with my Doom/Dante/Strider team:

Rocket Raccoon: For a long time I thought that Rocket Raccoon vs. point Doom would be terrible for RR due to his inability to do anything to Doom at SJ height where he can just chuck finger lasers for days. Playing against good raccoons has shown that not to be the case at all. As he can burrow under you, he can mess up inputs and go for cross-up/fake cross-up log traps and such as I come down from the sky. Dante's box jump stuff is hard to land because the character is so small and his normals are slow as hell if Raccoon manages to get in. I suspect the answer to Raccoon is rushing him down, so I need to practice safer ways to get in and do that.

Point Vergil: I say point Vergil specifically because I have plans against Vergil down in the order, but when he's first, I find it quite difficult. You can't keep him away and if you go for rushdown you're one helm breaker away from losing the match. At least when he's second or third, if you're doing well, you can engage him with momentum on your side.

Log Trap assist: a separate but related issue to point Raccoon is assist Raccoon. Log trap is a pain to deal with in general.

Point Strange: He seems very underrated and it feels like a terrible match for Doom. Dante has better tools to deal with him, so I suspect point Dante is the way to go in this match-up.


start strider vs. all 3 of those guys and use plasma beam and jam to put them in strong mixups/pressure

only decent matchup there for doom or dante is dante vs. strange because stinger eats eye and strange is really fucking tall + has no movement

tac to doom for the kill + incoming mixup


start strider vs. all 3 of those guys and use plasma beam and jam to put them in strong mixups/pressure

only decent matchup there for doom or dante is dante vs. strange because stinger eats eye and strange is really fucking tall + has no movement

tac to doom for the kill + incoming mixup

I need a legit point Strider T_T

Random aside: me vs. a friend. Watch and critique if you are bored


Rocket Raccoon: For a long time I thought that Rocket Raccoon vs. point Doom would be terrible for RR due to his inability to do anything to Doom at SJ height where he can just chuck finger lasers for days. Playing against good raccoons has shown that not to be the case at all. As he can burrow under you, he can mess up inputs and go for cross-up/fake cross-up log traps and such as I come down from the sky. Dante's box jump stuff is hard to land because the character is so small and his normals are slow as hell if Raccoon manages to get in. I suspect the answer to Raccoon is rushing him down, so I need to practice safer ways to get in and do that.
Have no help for Doom v Raccoon, but if you run Dante vs him the key is to be lame. Air Play and Drive are the primary tools you want to use - Air Play has an arc that'll generally go through Log Trap, and it recovers fast enough where you're generally safe(and Dante can maneuver into the 'blind spots' of Log Trap fairly easily). Drive, on the other hand, will eat through both Log Trap and both shots of his gun and punish preemptive and reaction teleports due to its large backwards hitbox. Moderate usage of Hysterics and Crystal are good too, depending on Raccoon's assist choices.

Can't provide a whole lot of other advice, besides just be patient and pick your spots. It's a slooow matchup between the two, so it can be easy to crack and get bopped by something stupid.

If you run Strider point, just go ham with Jam Session and use easy baby combos so he doesn't drop out.

Point Vergil: I say point Vergil specifically because I have plans against Vergil down in the order, but when he's first, I find it quite difficult. You can't keep him away and if you go for rushdown you're one helm breaker away from losing the match. At least when he's second or third, if you're doing well, you can engage him with momentum on your side.
I second Strider point against Vergil point. Easily the best matchup of the three - Dante vs Vergil is relatively even, but it's far easier to fuck up with Dante than it is to fuck up with Vergil.

Log Trap assist: a separate but related issue to point Raccoon is assist Raccoon. Log trap is a pain to deal with in general.
Learn its arc, and the spots where you can avoid it. After that, it's just a matter of staying in those spots and working your offense into that range. It's difficult, but after a while of practice is becomes easier to do.

Point Strange: He seems very underrated and it feels like a terrible match for Doom. Dante has better tools to deal with him, so I suspect point Dante is the way to go in this match-up.
Stay on the ground and Stinger > Reverb Shock/Drive a lot, and throw out s.H into Weasel Shot at times. Only thing you have to watch out for, really, is random SoV and random teleports.


I was looking at the online rankings in UMVC through someone else' account and the teams in the top 10 were most peculiar, not what you would expect.

The top ranked online player has the team Ghost Rider/Morrigan/Dante. After that you have a bunch of Hulk/Sentinel teams, some Joe teams, SmurfX's team, Viscant's super top tier team and stuff in the middle.

Very few if any Magnetos and a distinct lack of Wolverine as well. I would think that Wolverine would be exceptional strong online.

Have you guys played these guys in the top 10?


I was looking at the online rankings in UMVC through someone else' account and the teams in the top 10 were most peculiar, not what you would expect.

The top ranked online player has the team Ghost Rider/Morrigan/Dante. After that you have a bunch of Hulk/Sentinel teams, some Joe teams, SmurfX's team, Viscant's super top tier team and stuff in the middle.

Very few if any Magnetos and a distinct lack of Wolverine as well. I would think that Wolverine would be exceptional strong online.

Have you guys played these guys in the top 10?

Magneto is hard as shit to play online. Air dashes, flight cancels, magnetic blasts, wave dashing are necessities for the character imo and they are hard to pull off in a laggy environment.


Yeah I know why Magneto is not that popular online but it was surprising to not see many Wolverines in top 10 either.

Although I don't think anything trumps a Ghost Rider team as #1.


IMO, all the best players I've played against online use Magneto... they just don't play ranked, and are usually super low ranked because they only play in Player Matches. They also have really good connections, from my experience. In general though, I think most of the good players don't really play ranked. They tend to either play in Player Matches, or play in Lobbies. There are some that are really good that play both, but they don't grind to the top of the leaderboards and are under the top ten.

And then you have smurf, who's reached Cosmic Lord like 5 times in this game's lifespan. lol

Also, I think I played the Ghost Rider player a long time ago. He was pretty good, but there was some 'online-only' stuff in there, iirc.


My next fighter is GGXrd. Will be going in on that game bare back (no knowledge of the current game, superficial knowledge of the older games).


Off topic: So which of my Marvel brethren are going to get the new Super Smash Bros.? That's gonna be my next "fighter" game to play.
I'm getting the 3DS version for sure.

I also want to get the Wii U version, but then I'll need to buy a Wii U and that's kinda expensive. Hopefully I'll be able to afford it around Christmas. (And hopefully Smash Bros' netcode on Wii U isn't shit)
My next fighter is GGXrd. Will be going in on that game bare back (no knowledge of the current game, superficial knowledge of the older games).
I'm getting Xrd as long as the PS3 version is good. Probably import digitally at the Lemstar price if there is no simultaneous worldwide release.
I was looking at the online rankings in UMVC through someone else' account and the teams in the top 10 were most peculiar, not what you would expect.

The top ranked online player has the team Ghost Rider/Morrigan/Dante. After that you have a bunch of Hulk/Sentinel teams, some Joe teams, SmurfX's team, Viscant's super top tier team and stuff in the middle.

Very few if any Magnetos and a distinct lack of Wolverine as well. I would think that Wolverine would be exceptional strong online.

Have you guys played these guys in the top 10?
The best players dont play ranked. The Ghost Rider player is undoubtedly a booster.

Off topic: So which of my Marvel brethren are going to get the new Super Smash Bros.? That's gonna be my next "fighter" game to play.
You know it. I plan to pick up P4AU and GG Xrd, too. Not sure what system to get GG on, though. I would need a new fight stick just for it. Not bothering with the 3DS version.


What does booster mean?

it's someone who trades something for in exchange free wins in a competitive ranking mode

in call of duty it'd be exchanging kills to level up faster or letting themselves get killed a certain way to get an achievement or whatever

and yeah online sucks butts and isnt indicative of any skill at all

you can use it to build a base level understanding of your team and setups but for true high level tournament play you're shit out of luck

idk what the leaderboard is but i've probably fought two or three of the guys while farting around online and they're all same-y

the term 'online style player' is a very true one and you can very easily tell people who mostly play online in marvel when you're fighting them offline


Have no help for Doom v Raccoon, but if you run Dante vs him the key is to be lame. Air Play and Drive are the primary tools you want to use - Air Play has an arc that'll generally go through Log Trap, and it recovers fast enough where you're generally safe(and Dante can maneuver into the 'blind spots' of Log Trap fairly easily). Drive, on the other hand, will eat through both Log Trap and both shots of his gun and punish preemptive and reaction teleports due to its large backwards hitbox. Moderate usage of Hysterics and Crystal are good too, depending on Raccoon's assist choices.

Can't provide a whole lot of other advice, besides just be patient and pick your spots. It's a slooow matchup between the two, so it can be easy to crack and get bopped by something stupid.

If you run Strider point, just go ham with Jam Session and use easy baby combos so he doesn't drop out.

I second Strider point against Vergil point. Easily the best matchup of the three - Dante vs Vergil is relatively even, but it's far easier to fuck up with Dante than it is to fuck up with Vergil.

Learn its arc, and the spots where you can avoid it. After that, it's just a matter of staying in those spots and working your offense into that range. It's difficult, but after a while of practice is becomes easier to do.

Stay on the ground and Stinger > Reverb Shock/Drive a lot, and throw out s.H into Weasel Shot at times. Only thing you have to watch out for, really, is random SoV and random teleports.

Thanks for the advice! Starting Strider is so scary though, haha. I need to work on him in general, so maybe I'll start him for a while just to get used to it. What are your thoughts on the Dante vs. Nova match-up? Doom struggles terribly so I've been starting Dante, but all I've got is air play to stuff box dashes, drive to go under bolts and hit Strange (I play a lot against a team Nemo player), and stinger+assist to destroy grav pulses and apply pressure.

My next fighter is GGXrd. Will be going in on that game bare back (no knowledge of the current game, superficial knowledge of the older games).

I'm planning on making Xrd my second main game alongside marvel. I wish the console version would come out already! Though I have a PC copy of reload and I can honestly figure out a lot of stuff in that since Xrd is so similar. All the Faust stuff is pretty much the same anyway.


it's someone who trades something for in exchange free wins in a competitive ranking mode

in call of duty it'd be exchanging kills to level up faster or letting themselves get killed a certain way to get an achievement or whatever

and yeah online sucks butts and isnt indicative of any skill at all

you can use it to build a base level understanding of your team and setups but for true high level tournament play you're shit out of luck

idk what the leaderboard is but i've probably fought two or three of the guys while farting around online and they're all same-y

the term 'online style player' is a very true one and you can very easily tell people who mostly play online in marvel when you're fighting them offline

Someone who illigimately raises his/her score by playing a friend who throws them wins over and over. Usually abuses the matchmaking settings to ensure they meet up, and they ragequit all their losses outside of boosting matches.

Oh that's disappointing to hear then. Oh well, I guess that sort of thing is expected in an online environment.
The Vita version is full of boosters/ragequitters. I've seen a lot of people with 300 wins and 30something losses and they always proved to be mediocre at best, following with a ragequit.


I can't get myself to believe that the dudes who are top 5 or whatever boost to get there... Pretty sure they've played hardbody and some still do.


The Vita version is full of boosters/ragequitters. I've seen a lot of people with 300 wins and 30something losses and they always proved to be mediocre at best, following with a ragequit.

Yeah for some reason since the Vita version's so easy to quit, plus there's no benefit to ragequitting, people do it constantly.

Vita online is terrible outside of that because of WiFi.
Just newly activated and wanted to join this community. I wanna practice this and KI for evo next year.
I took a break for a while but I'm ready to come back and grind it out. I main Team Nemo.
Been trying to find new teams to use with Magneto probably going to go with RayRay's team Mag/Doom/Sentinel. Also use Skrull/Dormammu/Strange.
PSN: Datdudeiceman191


Yesterday I made a matchup guide/my opinion list of what haggar's hardest matchups are, I would just want your guys opinion on it, and see if you have any of the same ideas about it or if I miss any hard matchups at all that haggar has trouble with: http://www.reddit.com/r/MvC3/comments/2fhq1l/my_haggar_hardest_matchup_guideopinion/

Disagree with Doom- I think it's a fairly even but very assist dependent match-up. Dante stomps Haggar- crystal fucks him up.


I feel like Strider bodies Haggar pretty hard. If Strider throws out a Formation C, he can keep throwing them out and Haggar's only real option is to super jump over them(trying to upforward>upback through them will just result in a lot of chip, and if he tries to cr.H >roll through them, the explosion will catch him before he's invincible). Formation C will eat up almost all projectile assists, Strider can call his own assist in between each Formation C, and I'm pretty sure Formation C's animation goes under Bolts. Not 100% sure, but I think it does. Either way, Haggar's only option is to super jump forward, and in that space of a jump, Strider can dash back or dash under to full screen and throw out another by the time he lands. His speed combined with the range of his normals also means Haggar is pretty much boned even without Formation C spamming, and if Strider has Formation B, he can throw it out if Haggar jumps as an anti-air that he can confirm off or get the hell out of dodge with.

Really, unassisted or assisted, Strider should basically always beat Haggar. Unless Haggar has the life lead and there's only ten seconds left on the clock, in which case Strider's baby damage will bite him, but still.


Neo Member
I have come to the conclusion that point Ryu needs his assist to do the 5 following:
1)Anti-Air (by this I mean cover his SRK area and higher for neutral game)

2) Convert off of air grabs (I air grab with Ryu as an OS so I usually try to call assist before or after I do it that will allow me to convert into a combo.

3)Combo off of SRK medium. Now I only really use SRK L for invinciblity and it doesn't leave you really open but if I SRK L an air borne opponent then they go to the SRK M height. I want to be able to both cover my attack if I whiff while being able to combo off my attack if I successfully punish.

4) An assist that helps my projectile game. Ryu has a fair to weak fire ball but with correct timing or the use of Denjin cancelling you can have 2-3 of them on the screen at once and be able to plink behind them. The problem is they have low durability so I like an assist to help back them up. (Ie RR spitfire put another 5 durability fire balls to help me get past beams.)

5) Lockdown. Ryu is a ground based fighter and has little air game (which is why I need the anti air assist to help cover that weakness) so I have to try and lock my opponents on the ground to get Fuzzy or Denjin mix ups in.

These are the shells I am currently looking at:


Doom beats Haggar free solo fight. Assisted it's closer but still Doom favor.

Storm also has a very good match up against Haggar due to Magneto's level of movement, fair/foul wind trolling and Float.

Viewtiful Joe and Firebrand are also terrible match ups for Haggar.

Other bad match ups of Haggar to consider:

Nova (actually this is a terrible match up for Haggar)
Dr Strange
Turnabout Phoenix Wright
Rocket Raccoon

TL:DR Haggar has a ton of bad match ups.


get some go again
Doom beats Haggar free solo fight. Assisted it's closer but still Doom favor.

Storm also has a very good match up against Haggar due to Magneto's level of movement, fair/foul wind trolling and Float.

Viewtiful Joe and Firebrand are also terrible match ups for Haggar.

Other bad match ups of Haggar to consider:

Nova (actually this is a terrible match up for Haggar)
Dr Strange
Turnabout Phoenix Wright
Rocket Raccoon

TL:DR Haggar has a ton of bad match ups.
you forgot super skrull.
I have come to the conclusion that point Ryu needs his assist to do the 5 following:
1)Anti-Air (by this I mean cover his SRK area and higher for neutral game)

2) Convert off of air grabs (I air grab with Ryu as an OS so I usually try to call assist before or after I do it that will allow me to convert into a combo.

3)Combo off of SRK medium. Now I only really use SRK L for invinciblity and it doesn't leave you really open but if I SRK L an air borne opponent then they go to the SRK M height. I want to be able to both cover my attack if I whiff while being able to combo off my attack if I successfully punish.

4) An assist that helps my projectile game. Ryu has a fair to weak fire ball but with correct timing or the use of Denjin cancelling you can have 2-3 of them on the screen at once and be able to plink behind them. The problem is they have low durability so I like an assist to help back them up. (Ie RR spitfire put another 5 durability fire balls to help me get past beams.)

5) Lockdown. Ryu is a ground based fighter and has little air game (which is why I need the anti air assist to help cover that weakness) so I have to try and lock my opponents on the ground to get Fuzzy or Denjin mix ups in.

These are the shells I am currently looking at:
Which of these let you combo off of SRK M?

Also, just forget a team like Ryu/GR/Shuma. You are killing no one with that.


Neo Member
Which of these let you combo off of SRK M?

Also, just forget a team like Ryu/GR/Shuma. You are killing no one with that.

In all shells that contain IF, Rising Fang allows it. Ironman b lets you combo off of it, Deadpool a, GR y and Chun y also let you combo off of it.


Probably would be easier to list match ups that Haggar goes even against or wins.

Any character that has to get in at melee range to do significant damage is a character who Haggar can fight. This includes characters like Wolverine, Spencer, Iron Fist, X23, Jill, Felicia, She Hulk. I would also include characters like Chun Li, Ryu, Thor, Hulk, Shuma, Hsien Ko and Tron who even though have basic projectiles, it's not a source of big damage for them and if they try to zone out Haggar it would take them forever to chip him and in that time Haggar can easily get in and open them up because their projectiles are usually slow and very unsafe on whiff (unlike stuff like Magnetic Blasts or Soul Fists which even if those characters whiff by a mile against Haggar they are still in good position).

So list of decent match ups for Haggar are:

Iron Fist
She Hulk
Chun Li
Hsien Ko

I would say Akuma is on the cusp. He has a superior fireball angle and much better recovery on his fireballs than Ryu meaning he can more easily zone out Haggar. Plus he has better mobility options as well. Ryu would be an even match up against.

Spider Man technically gets all of his damage from rushing down but his ridiculous mobility and ability to confirm from long range with his capture projectiles allows him to very easily beat . Captain America also has an advantage because his zoning can lead into full combo against Haggar.


The Ryu/Iron Fist/ Arthur team is actually a lot of fun, but if Arthur gets killed you're dead where you stand. DHC for days though. Sadly the Crescent heel gives Ryu the best combos because what the two need is better space control and for that Rising Fang is your go to. If you feel you got the footsies though...this is a fun team to learn.


Neo Member
The Ryu/Iron Fist/ Arthur team is actually a lot of fun, but if Arthur gets killed you're dead where you stand. DHC for days though. Sadly the Crescent heel gives Ryu the best combos because what the two need is better space control and for that Rising Fang is your go to. If you feel you got the footsies though...this is a fun team to learn.
Thank you for the advice. I'll play around with it a bit in the lab. I hate living in China for the sole reason that PSN is crap here.

Also I think the Haggar Ryu MU is in Ryu's favor though probably only 5.6-4.5 or 6-4. Whenever I face Haggar like when I face Hulk I like to use Ren Hadokens as they come out in a wave of 5 and controls the space in front of me, I can also Denjin cancel it before the last fireball hits in a block string and go for a mix up. Also SRK beats pipe for days when he does jump in. But when Haggar is in it's much harder for Ryu to deal with him.


Neo Member
Here is my feelings on the shells:

IF/Akuma- Weeberman uses this shell and it has proven effective. As with all of these shells that contain IF rising fang allows air control, combos off of SRK while making the light one safe and can convert an air throw into a combo. Akuma offers an assist that can allow Ryu to use fire ball pressure while destroying opposing projectiles in front of Ryu also a great lockdown.

IF/Cap- This shell is very similar to the previous shell and as I have been playing it I see how this one should be crossed off the list.

IF/Arthur- Daggers is a great assist for both of these characters, the only problem is that Arthur has a higher chance of being snapped in but daggers plus Rising Fang is amazing coverage and space control for Ryu.

IF/Trish- With this shell Trish will be using Low Voltage. This quick projectile makes a wall in front of both these characters and moves very quickly. IF can move with it as Ryu can fire Hadokens and Denjin cancel them for great lockdown and pressure similar to Daggars. Trish is also a serviceable and underrated anchor.

IF/Ironman- Unibeam is a great beam that cover the horizontal plane which helps against teleport character at the cost of damage but safety is really more important. Unibeam also is a great lockdown tool for both of these characters.

IF/Strange- This shell is weak to characters who are small or can make themselves small ie Zero and Morrigan and I have also been thinking of crossing this off the list.

Ironman/Akuma- For this shell I'll be using IM's Replusor Blast. Since Akuma can allow me to convert air throws, lockdown and help apply pressure. Replusor Blast allows me to control air space close to the ground and can Combo off of SRK. I liken it to a poor mans Lariat. This can also eat fire balls as well and Akuma allows Ironman the basic pressure set ups similar to how J.Wong does with Storm.

Storm/Akuma- I am removing this one from my list. Storm and Ryu both waste meter so the other one can't have any.

Tron/Ironman- This shell is being taken off the list.

Ironman/Shuma- IM is using Replusor Blast again and Shuma is Mystic Ray. This shell controls a ton of space for Ryu to play his game and he can play it like Street Fighter as I find this shell keeps people honest as both Shuma and IM assists can cover against teleporters. Also Shuma helps IM control space allowing Ryu's assist to help him with combos.

Deadpool/Shuma- This shell is removed.

GR/Shuma- Again this shell is removed.

Chun/Shuma- Finally, Chun's lightning legs is a great lock down assist allowing Ryu to have safe and combo able SRKs while allowing grab conversion. Mystic Ray also allows her to charge SBK into full combos and her speed allows her to move Shuma off screen so MR is harder to see coming.


I actually like the Haggar match-up when I'm She-hulk. He practically can't jump if you have meter for her anti-air hyper.
What's a good way to combo after an OTG wiregrapple with Spencer (both diagonal and vertical)? I feel like he's the weak party of my team right now, because I can't reliably do combos with him.
Here is my feelings on the shells:

IF/Akuma- Weeberman uses this shell and it has proven effective. As with all of these shells that contain IF rising fang allows air control, combos off of SRK while making the light one safe and can convert an air throw into a combo. Akuma offers an assist that can allow Ryu to use fire ball pressure while destroying opposing projectiles in front of Ryu also a great lockdown.

IF/Cap- This shell is very similar to the previous shell and as I have been playing it I see how this one should be crossed off the list.

IF/Arthur- Daggers is a great assist for both of these characters, the only problem is that Arthur has a higher chance of being snapped in but daggers plus Rising Fang is amazing coverage and space control for Ryu.

IF/Trish- With this shell Trish will be using Low Voltage. This quick projectile makes a wall in front of both these characters and moves very quickly. IF can move with it as Ryu can fire Hadokens and Denjin cancel them for great lockdown and pressure similar to Daggars. Trish is also a serviceable and underrated anchor.

IF/Ironman- Unibeam is a great beam that cover the horizontal plane which helps against teleport character at the cost of damage but safety is really more important. Unibeam also is a great lockdown tool for both of these characters.

IF/Strange- This shell is weak to characters who are small or can make themselves small ie Zero and Morrigan and I have also been thinking of crossing this off the list.

Ironman/Akuma- For this shell I'll be using IM's Replusor Blast. Since Akuma can allow me to convert air throws, lockdown and help apply pressure. Replusor Blast allows me to control air space close to the ground and can Combo off of SRK. I liken it to a poor mans Lariat. This can also eat fire balls as well and Akuma allows Ironman the basic pressure set ups similar to how J.Wong does with Storm.

Storm/Akuma- I am removing this one from my list. Storm and Ryu both waste meter so the other one can't have any.

Tron/Ironman- This shell is being taken off the list.

Ironman/Shuma- IM is using Replusor Blast again and Shuma is Mystic Ray. This shell controls a ton of space for Ryu to play his game and he can play it like Street Fighter as I find this shell keeps people honest as both Shuma and IM assists can cover against teleporters. Also Shuma helps IM control space allowing Ryu's assist to help him with combos.

Deadpool/Shuma- This shell is removed.

GR/Shuma- Again this shell is removed.

Chun/Shuma- Finally, Chun's lightning legs is a great lock down assist allowing Ryu to have safe and combo able SRKs while allowing grab conversion. Mystic Ray also allows her to charge SBK into full combos and her speed allows her to move Shuma off screen so MR is harder to see coming.
Consider things like X-Factor comebacks, and half of those will be eliminated.

What's a good way to combo after an OTG wiregrapple with Spencer (both diagonal and vertical)? I feel like he's the weak party of my team right now, because I can't reliably do combos with him.
In the corner, or what?


Weeberman's team is what I'd say you should use. Ryu or Iron Fist + Akuma is fantastic, though he tends to start Akuma against the more top tier characters thanks to his better mobility.


Neo Member
I've been playing with Ryu(Hadoken)/IM(Replusor Blast)/Shuma(MR).
I think this team allows Ryu to play his own game. Replusor Blast helps people honest (teleport characters) while being able to lockdown in the corner where Ryu loves to be. Even if I hard knockdown it stops people from getting an advantage if the forward roll because it covers the space behind me. Also with both RB and MR I can control the air space around Ryu which is one of his glaring weaknesses. MR is a good OTG and a beam that helps clean the screen of opposing projectiles. Allowing Ryu to throw his own. This shell makes Ryu feel more that his SF self and I'm really enjoying that. Denjin stuff will be soon to follow.
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