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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!

I forgot a very important Haggar change:
+Final Haggar Buster now causes a crumple.

If all other committee members would voice their support for this change ASAP, I would greatly appreciate it. This is an oversight on our part.
Annotations for the feature changes; feedback and corrections are welcome:

This is the annotated version of the NeoGAF Marvel Patch Suggestion List. Here, changes will be elaborated on to help others understand why we made the suggestions we did. At times, we will also list and discuss changes that were considered, but were eventually rejected. Before criticizing our list, we hope that people will take the time to read the thinking that went into these changes to understand where we are coming from. We love this game just like you do, and we did our best to improve it. These suggestions were prompted by a request from Ono for the community to discuss wanted changes.

First, it needs to be said that we recognize every change in this list is not realistic for a patch. However, we also feel that it is important to let Capcom know what we are unsatisfied with. So while a patch will certainly not improve the netcode, it is important that Capcom knows the fighting game community is entirely unsatisfied with the current state of things. After all, you never know if we will get an update or MvC4 in the future, so this feedback counts.

*Improved Netcode.
The netcode in this game may be roughly on par with Street Fighter IV, but this game is not Street Fighter IV. Marvel is a fast-paced game where high execution is an expected minimum to get by. Anyone who plays this game both offline and online knows that the netcode restricts play to such a degree that you are playing a different game. Instead of reaction time, prediction is emphasized due to input delay. The timing for inputs generally damages one’s combos when switching between online and offline play due to the change in delay, and many characters are simply not possible to play at a reasonable level in the current netcode, such as Chun-li. This leads players to increasingly gravitate toward characters who are low execution and have simple setups that can be abused in an online setting – most notably, teleporters.

It is important for Japanese developers to understand two things: first, Japan is a relatively small nation with an excellent infrastructure. Other nations, such as the United States, are considerably larger, and lack this excellent infrastructure. Many individuals who play this game are in isolated, small regions where offline competitive play is simply not feasible. For the growth of fighting games in the west, it is essential for Capcom to invest in researching better netcode opportunities. Other fighting game companies such as Lab Zero and Arc System Works have shown that it is entirely possible for a fighting game to have excellent online playability through proper netcode implementation. I respect that this is a substantial challenge, but I hope that Capcom will rise up and set the industry standard as it has in so many other ways.

*Replay Mode.
Evo 2013 broke 100,000 viewers during Marvel play. Clearly, fighting game fans enjoy watching high level play, and we enjoy sharing tips, tricks, and advice with one another as well. However, recording devices are expensive, and the technological know-how necessary to operate them prevents many individuals from sharing their gameplay with the world. Having Replay Mode, or any recording mode at all, would be a welcome addition to the game so players can show off their stuff to the world.

*Hitbox Viewer (Training Mode).
When Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was announced, Seth Killian was asked how expansive the training mode features would be. He said it had “everything you could ever want”. Imagine our surprise when training mode had neither a hitbox viewer nor frame data listings, both of which are highly desired features. Hitbox viewers help players learn the game by showing what is actually going on in a match. While we understand the value of experimentation and organic learning, we do not feel as though these are conflicting values. In Skullgirls, for example, a hitbox viewer is provided, yet the game still flourishes in creative exploration just as Marvel does. It is simply done with more concision, because players can know what they are fighting against and what their toolset is.

*PS3 system parity.
The PS3 is universally acknowledged to be the inferior system for UMvC3. It experiences slowdown at random intervals due to screen activity and has an inherent 2 frame delay according to those who have tested it. Simply put, both systems should be on equal grounds. No one wants to play an inferior version of a game.

*Player Match, Lobbies, and offline play for H&H mode.
Heroes and Heralds mode was a fun idea. Online forums lit up with discussion and play when it was released, but the excitement died within a month. It died because H&H mode limited players to engaging in the online structured environment where you had to play random individuals of the opposing side. There should never be a fighting game mode where two friends cannot simply get together and play. We are confident that H&H mode would still have a small yet dedicated scene if it were more fully implemented.

*”Kick” function added to Lobbies.
We understand that there is controversy about this feature at Capcom. The concern is that a good player will be kicked after beating the host, which is unfair. However, in practice this is a non-issue, because without a “kick” function, hosts simply leave rooms and play elsewhere. The end result is the same: the better player remains alone in the room without an opponent. Whether he was kicked or abandoned is a minor point.

What does harm lobby play is the inability to kick opponents. There are two situations where this is especially noteworthy: first, when a player with an especially bad connection joins the lobby, and second, when a player joins and then neglects to play, taking up space for no apparent reason. Imagine a scenario where 4 friends want to play, but they also want to open the lobby up to others for fun. This is a 6-player lobby. Two random individuals join, but they never actually play – they just spectate. After a few rounds, a 5th friend wants to join the lobby. However, he is prevented from doing so because the 2 additional players are not paying attention, and there is no way to remove them. The 4 friends are inconvenienced by having to re-create a lobby for the 5th friend.

Additionally, there are individuals who enjoy streaming lobbies throughout the day for a passive yet enjoyable activity. FGTV frequently does this, for example, as does Kadey on NeoGAF. Over time, however, individuals join these lobbies and then simply observe. This activity accumulates until often only 2-3 people are actually playing, and the rest are observers. The ability for lobby hosts to kick players would go a long way toward a healthier online scene.

*Include the full UMvC3 trailer video.
This is a minor point, but the full trailer is not present in the console version of UMvC3. It might as well be added in, since it was nice looking and the team put a lot of effort into it.

*List ping time for online opponents.
The colored bar connection standard is not accurate enough. We live in a modern, digital age, and consumers are perfectly capable of understanding what a ping time is. This needs to be changed to ensure players are better able to understand the risks involved in playing their selected opponent. Presently, a 5-bar connection can be anything from low to moderate lag, making the bar system moot.

*When a Lobby creator leaves, the Lobby retains its properties (stays private).
A small yet important change. Presently, when a lobby creator leaves the lobby, there is a “default” setting it changes to. If 4 friends meet in a private lobby, it should stay a private lobby when the host leaves. Presently, the remaining 3 friends are inconvenienced by non-invited players joining after the host leaves, usually resulting in the room being reformed to regain privacy.


tagged by Blackace
Replay mode should specify local saving functionality, or else you'll get that piece of shit stuff in SF4 where you can only save online games and only to the cloud.


Replay mode should specify local saving functionality, or else you'll get that piece of shit stuff in SF4 where you can only save online games and only to the cloud.
We'll need another character change.

-Remove Deadpool's win quote about the player not recording the match. Possibly replace it with one about Capcom hating Mega Man.
Replay mode should specify local saving functionality, or else you'll get that piece of shit stuff in SF4 where you can only save online games and only to the cloud.

*Replay Mode.
Evo 2013 broke 100,000 viewers during Marvel play. Clearly, fighting game fans enjoy watching high level play, and we enjoy sharing tips, tricks, and advice with one another as well. However, recording devices are expensive, and the technological know-how necessary to operate them prevents many individuals from sharing their gameplay with the world. Having Replay Mode, or any recording mode at all, would be a welcome addition to the game so players can show off their stuff to the world. Preferably, we would like to be able to save replays on to our console rather than online, with the option to also load them online at a time of our choosing.


I typed up about 6 pages worth of explanations - I am going to take a break and visit family. I am about half done with the system changes.


tagged by Blackace
*Replay Mode.
Evo 2013 broke 100,000 viewers during Marvel play. Clearly, fighting game fans enjoy watching high level play, and we enjoy sharing tips, tricks, and advice with one another as well. However, recording devices are expensive, and the technological know-how necessary to operate them prevents many individuals from sharing their gameplay with the world. Having Replay Mode, or any recording mode at all, would be a welcome addition to the game so players can show off their stuff to the world. Preferably, we would like to be able to save replays on to our console rather than online, with the option to also load them online at a time of our choosing.


I typed up about 6 pages worth of explanations - I am going to take a break and visit family. I am about half done with the system changes.
Hahaha, thank you.

Here are the annotated system changes - get reading, gentlemen!

There are really three kinds of system changes here:
1) The removal of glitches or excessively poor game mechanics.
2) Gameplay enhancers (which we define as encouraging thoughtful play).
3) Flow enhancement

The first is easy to defend; no one wants poor game mechanics, such as the current TAC system to remain in place. For the second, it is important to distinguish between two kinds of “good” in a fighting game. There is the good which is strong, yet thoughtful, and when players use it they feel good about themselves for making a good choice (Bionic Lancer, for example), and then there is the good which requires very little thought, is useful in many situations, and has negligible consequences (mashing s.L with Magneto for an anti-air). This second type is detrimental to the general enjoyment of the game. The players who use it do not feel any strong sense of enjoyment, and the opponent does not particularly respect his loss. We would like for patch balance to move the game more toward thoughtful play, and this is a recurring theme for changes we have made throughout the list.

The third point is flow enhancement, and this is difficult to define precisely. It may be enough to give examples of poor flow in this game:
1) Long periods where only one player is playing, whether because a combo is excessively long (Zero combos, TAC infinites) or because they are given no choice but to block for an extended period of time (Vergil with Hidden Missiles and a large meter stock).

2) The general “winning makes you stronger” ethos of Marvel. Whoever gets the first hit in UMvC3 tends to win, because the pressure gained from the first hit generally leads to more mix-ups and then a dead character. Then, the incoming character must survive a series of difficult mix-ups and pressure without any assists, creating a 2v1 environment. X-Factor was designed to combat these problems, but it is simultaneously too much and not enough, as it puts all of the potential to re-establish yourself on one input per match. Losing a character is more than losing 1/3 of your health – you have lost tools to be competitive in the game. It is for the benefit of the game to reduce the landslide win tendency the game has.

We ask that you keep an open mind to our suggestions, and remember that the thought behind the suggestion is more important than the suggestion itself. We have done our best to address the symptoms of problems in this game, but there are always other approaches that are worth looking at.

TAC Changes:
*Costs 1 bar, always a guaranteed exchange in one of three directions.
*Meter gain/loss from directional choice removed.
*Hitstun deterioration returns to 0 after a TAC and builds normally from there; returns to pre-TAC hitstun levels combined with post-TAC hitstun levels when either character touches the ground.
*The TAC user cannot gain meter after a TAC until the opponent enters recovery (exception: Soul Drain, meter gain assists).
This is likely the most controversial change on our list. We would like for TACs to become completely non-random and adjusted based on that alteration. The meter cost, combined with an inability to build meter post-TAC, ensures that they are usable but not abuseable. Hitstun should be reset for the simple reason that players have created a lot of creative combos in the current system. While it is not desirable for all of these combos to remain (infinites, etc.), combo creativity is a major aspect of this game, and some facet of TAC combo fluidity should remain.

Meter gain/loss is removed because, most obviously, a downward TAC would be free in this system. Secondly, meter loss/gain is a poor mechanic because it deemphasizes one of Marvel’s most important gameplay aspects, which is meter management. Several characters are especially affected by a new TAC system, such as Phoenix and Frank West. We have taken these changes into account when balancing these characters.

It is popular to suggest that TACs simply be removed from the game. We are united in opposition to this suggestion. While TACs are not enjoyable in their current form, they are an intriguing idea. As a team game, adding new and interesting ways for team members to interact is a boon. We hope that with this system, players may TAC to teammates for high-damage follow-ups, such as the combo enders characters like Iron Man and Chris are capable of creating due to their moveset. Knowing that this will happen, we also recognize how important it is that post-TAC combos do not build meter for the player using the TAC, as this might lead to team infinites.

As an alternative to these TAC changes, another option we strongly considered was extending the counter period and having the TAC coloration show up on the same frame the input was entered. This is a distant second place option for us, however, as it leaves several problems intact still: meter management disruption, the TAC XFC exploit, infinites, and the still essentially random nature of TACs. In the words of Viscant, “TACs are only a mindgame in the same way Twilight is literature”. TACs are a poor and frustrating mechanic when players are left to guess, and unless one is looking at the opponent’s joystick, an increasingly distasteful ye common practice, TAC counters are simply a guess. There is the additional concern of whether TACs would become useless if the counter window were too large and noticeable. This would render TACs useless, which is not desirable because it is an interesting aspect of team construction.

Throw Changes:
*Throw tech window increased by 3 frames (from 7 to 10).
The current throw tech window is too small, and this is widely agreed upon amongst competitive players. Throw tech periods should be balanced between having to predict the throw and being able to tech a throw on reaction. The former is too little time, and the latter is too much time. We feel as though a 3 frame increase would make throw techs a little more reasonable.

*You cannot be grabbed during tech recovery.
This is a highly situational change for characters such as Wolverine who, when spread up to maximum speed through Berserker Charge and XF3, can air throw characters during their tech recovery.

*Ground throw techs put more distance between the two teching characters (slightly out of most characters’ s.L ranges).
Throw tech mashes are an eyesore. When an air throw is teched, the characters are pushed back into a neutral position, but in melee range on the ground, characters will often tech throws 2-3 times before entering a neutral position. This is especially irritating when one character has significantly longer grab ranges than another. A slight distance increase after ground throw techs removes what is presently an irritating gameplay experience.

*Throws can only be initiated with f.H and b.H.
This is a change that goes under the “thoughtful play” category. Option select throws are too good right now, and a character like Wolverine can simultaneously block, dive kick, and throw option select all with one button push. Tridashers typically use j.H even over their better aerial normals to catch chicken blockers with an air throw, which gives them a strong advantage over characters with fewer aerial mobility options. This change still provides powerful option selects available, such as Dante’s j.H box dash, without providing three whole options within the single input.

X-Factor Changes:
*X-Factor sum values changed to: XF1 – 40%; XF2 – 60%; XF3 – 80% (from 40/70/100).
Even after being reduced from Vanilla Marvel, X-Factor values are simply too high still. It is still too often that a character uses X-Factor 3 and proceeds to stomp an entire team through 2 successful 50/50 mix-ups after XFCing blockstun to kill the first (or something similar). We believe that X-Factor, like TACs, is a conceptually good mechanic, but it is too strong in its current state. We recognize that when a character dies, a tool is lost, and comebacks in Marvel are far more difficult than in any other fighting game due to this fact.

Two other approaches to comebacks were discussed, and they are both worth mentioning for future iterations of the series:
1) When the last remaining character on a team comes into play, they receive an automatic buff that allows them to be competitive without team assistance. For example, Wolverine could receive a passive speed and health regeneration buff, or Arthur could receive a new level of armor with even stronger projectiles. This change was rejected because it would involve introducing an entirely new system, which is a better fit for a sequel or substantial update than a balance patch.

2) When a character is the last remaining character on a team, the A1 becomes a solo assist button. Each character would have a character or ability that could be called in from his/her respective source material to assist them in a solo setting. This would ensure that every character has a team-esque option when alone. Each character’s solo assist would be something especially beneficial to that character’s playstyle. For example, Shuma-Gorath could call in a tracking extradimensional tentacle that attempts to swipe at the opponent, and Viewtiful Joe could call in Sylvia to fire her gun from Viewtiful Joe 2 (not Desperado).

*X-Factor now prevents time outs while active.
We were a little uneasy about this change, but with the universal health buff and universal X-Factor damage nerf, there is an increased risk of time-outs. Allowing X-Factor to prevent time-outs during its active period would create some substantially exciting moments and would help prevent time-out situations. This is likely the least essential change we have suggested, but it is one we all agreed on.

*X-Factor buffs now stack additively with install hypers, not multiplicatively.
This is an important change for characters who are regularly anchored and stack their installs with X-Factor values, such as Vergil. The current system provides stat bonuses far out of what is reasonable. This change will ensure install hypers are still beneficial during X-Factor while toning them down somewhat.

Damage Changes:
*All character health increased by 20% (individually changed character health does not factor this in).
To state it again: if a character has a health buff in the patch notes, that number is before the universal 20% increase. Felicia, for example, does not have 900,000 health in our version of the game, but 1,080,000 (900,000 x 1.2).

That being said, there are three considerable reasons for this change:
1) Right now, the first touch on an opponent for many teams still leads to a dead character. The Marvel team recognized this was problematic in Vanilla MvC3, because damage was generally toned down a bit, and X-Factor valued were reduced. Dying from a single hit at the start of the match skewers the game toward characters with strong early games, such as Wolverine.

2) In theory, there are two kinds of rushdown characters in UMvC3: reset-based, and damage-based. In practice, there is only one kind: damage-based. There is absolutely no reason to pick a character with good resets when you can choose to kill your opponent’s character instead. This is why, despite having a lot of interesting options, Felicia is nigh unpicked in the current tournament scene. It is not worthwhile to have to reset an opponent twice successfully to kill when you can just kill off of the first hit.

The most common criticism we have heard in response to this change is that the high damage characters will still be preferred because they are high damage, while Felicia will be even worse off because now she will need 3 resets to kill. This is untrue because, first of all, requiring a reset on a high damage character strongly impacts their offerings on a team. Second, we have also tweaked individual character damage across the board to reduce the damage disparity somewhat.

3) We strongly feel that a symbiotic team structure system is more appealing than the present Point/Support/Anchor system. That is, presently the vast majority of teams are ordered to have a point character with a strong ability to KO entire teams backed by his/her best assist, and the third character exists solely for comeback potential. The most common example of this team formulation is Zero May Cry (Zero/Dante/Vergil), which places Vergil on a team where his assist (Rapid Slash) is of only marginal usefulness to his teammates. The team’s goal is to either KO the entire team with Zero using Jam Session mix-ups, or to use XF3 Vergil with Devil Trigger to win after Zero (and probably Dante, since he’s poorly supported) dies.

This current formulation is prominent solely because of the high damage nature of this game. If Zero is killed, then it is entirely necessary to have a strong anchor waiting to make a comeback. And if Zero is hit, he will be killed, necessitating this structure. In the interest of greater team variety, we would like the game to move toward teams which function with any of the three characters on point. While MvC2 still had the unfortunate philosophy of “assist tier” characters, it was superior in that teams were considered from a wider variety of orders due to the lower damage levels present. As Yipes said early on in MvC3’s life, “In Marvel 2, if your opponent had one full-health character and you had three characters at 1/3 health, that was a good place for you to be. In this game, it’s the opposite.” In addition, a universal health buff encourages players to use underused game mechanics such as snapbacks and alpha counters (to save a point character). Presently, snapbacks are rarely used because one is in a position to choose between killing the character presently being hit, or having an opportunity to mix up another character. If the choice is between having an opportunity to mix up another character or having the opportunity to mix up the present character, a snapback becomes more appealing.

*Chip damage increased by 5% (to 35%).
The simple motivator behind this change is that we do not want keepaway to suffer too much from the universal health buff. It is already much more work to chip opponents down than it is to do highly damaging combos, so some chip increase is necessary to ease the change for characters like Hawkeye.

Combo Changes:
*Light attacks which chain into themselves may only do so on hit or block.
This is primarily a universal s.L anti-air nerf in the name of thoughtful play. Presently, characters such as Magneto and Nova will simply stand under opponents and mash s.L into an anti-air combo. While their s.L moves are very fair in terms of frame data and hitboxes, anti-airing an opponent should be a thoughtful and well-timed option.

Assist Changes:
*Assists depart with invulnerability frames if the point character is hit before the assist appears on the screen.
This is simply returning assist calls to MvC2 status when the point character is hit. Certain combinations are very strong right now because the current system encourages reckless, thoughtless play with assists covering you. The characters who are the most reckless tend to be the strongest. The most iconic example is Wolverine backed by Plasma Beam. Wolverine can charge forth and do as he pleases when Plasma Beam is called, because it is guaranteed to protect him from nearly any mistake he makes. We feel that a system which encourages intelligent use of assists is more beneficial to the game.

*Assists cannot be called during recovery frames or rolls.
When your opponent finishes a combo and sets up a proper reset opportunity, that is a time for you to be blocking. Allowing assist calls during recovery rolls forces certain teams into a defensive position when they have earned offensive ground. The clearly best example is Double Lariat, which can be called on top of one’s opponent while rolling under him/her, creating an invincible cross-up that leaves you with frame advantage and pressure on wake up. Once an opponent has completed the recovery animation (standing), assists may be called as normal.

*Assists can no longer be called after recovering from a hit after having entered a superjump state.
Superjumping is a powerful tool in this game, and it locks out assist calls for a good reason. Right now, it is not always bad to be hit after superjumping, and that should not be the case. For example, a Sentinel player may superjump toward Morrigan backed by Hidden Missiles to get in. If the Sentinel player allows himself to get hit by the missiles, he/she will recover and be able to call an offensive assist to pin Morrigan, who is underneath him in this scenario. Getting hit should not provide a free offensive opportunity.

*When an assist begins recovery from knockdown, it is invincible until it exits the stage.
Punishing and juggling assists is fine and excellent. However, at times an assist will land, enter recovery, and then be hit still. We take this to be an unintended glitch, and feel that it is best changed.

*Crossover counter now always give you full control of the character after the crossover counter is initiated.
Crossover counters are the most underused mechanic in the game presently, and this is the case for two reasons:
1) Crossover counters are generally not strong neutral assists.
2) Crossover counters often do not allow post-counter follow-ups even when they hit (Viewtiful Uppercut).

While the first of these is difficult to change, and is probably best left as-is, the second point can be fixed. The successful expenditure of a bar of meter into a move that hits should allow for post-hit combos in all situations where that move would normally be able to do so.

Other Changes:
*Guard Breaks removed (1 frame untechable/unblockable setups; glitch).
To be clear, what we are not changing is this situation: player 1 blocks an assist on incoming, and, having blocked, is now command grabbed by Super Skrull. This is a legitimate setup that took thought to do, and the incoming player had an option to get out of the situation (getting hit by the assist, or pushblocking to increase guardstun time). What we are talking about is the 1 frame unblockable that is possible in certain situations due to the player simultaneously being hit and thrown. This results in the throw being untechable. While it takes a great deal of skill to do this, and it is rarely done, we feel that untechable, unblockable situations should be removed as much as possible in the game for improved gameplay flow.

*Ground neutral tech recovery is now 5 frames slower and more deliberately visualized.
This is a small change, but presently neutral wake-ups recover significantly faster than roll recoveries, and this leads to mash-happy situations. This is primarily due to a lack of visualization in the wakeup. A slightly greater visual indicator would be beneficial.

*Character deaths do not cause inputs to drop when there are multiple characters being hit simultaneously.
When a character dies, all inputs are negated for a small period of time. While this can be helpful to aid a player in saving unnecessary meter expenditure, it is more problematic than helpful, and it is fine to hold players accountable for their inputs. In situations where two characters are being comboed, it is frustrating to have input drops that lead to combos ending prematurely. This is most notably in high-execution settings or multi-button inputs such as Dante’s Volcano into Bee Hive.

*Input reading changed: holding forward/back is no longer a forward/back input in terms of moves. Example: holding back, and then doing qcb, currently gives one a reverse dragon punch motion. In general, directional input buffering is toned down a bit.
Easy mode inputs may be fine for Street Fighter, but they are very harmful in Marvel. Presently, if two qcf.AA inputs are made to DHC, the second qcf input is read as a dragon punch input. This can be solved by making a hcf input instead of a qcf input, but the better solution is to tone down input buffering. Marvel is already a very input lenient game; the present input reading causes more problems than it solves. An example familiar to Dormammu players: 2D1C is charged, and Vergil does s.H x Round Trip. There is a brief gap here where you try to let 2D1C loose as a counter, but because you have gone from holding back to block to a qcb motion, you instead teleport above Vergil. Of all the fighting games we play, Marvel is the only one that has input buffering so lenient that it causes problems.

*Raw tags no longer hit overhead.
Safely tagging out a character on the defensive normally costs 1-2 bars, depending on your options. Raw tags are too likely to succeed, and in many circumstances lead to full combos on success. Allowing players to block raw tags in a crouching position would make them a less appealing choice.

*Attack cancelation does not change when in X-Factor (currently, you cannot cancel Morrigan’s s.H in certain X-Factor levels).
A simple change. Anything that works in a character’s normal state should function properly in X-Factor. There does not seem to be a reason to prevent Morrigan from fly-canceling s.H after the first hit in XF3 when she can do it in XF1.

*All snapbacks universalized to be 2 frames and +1 on block; attack travel speed instantaneous for all characters; active and recovery frames universalized on snapbacks.
Presently, some characters have great defensive options, and others do not. We feel as though snapbacks should provide a universal 1-bar defensive option against opponents to help balance out poor matchups and strong pressure situations. All frame data for snapbacks needs to be universalized to ensure they can all be used as semi-reversals, and we understand that a few snapbacks, such as Ghost Rider’s, will become exceptionally strong. We find this to be acceptable, as it fits his character archetype.
*Efforts have been made to provide all characters with three strong assist options.
The point vs. support character dichotomy is fundamentally flawed. There will always be a “best assist”, and right now that best assist is Dr. Doom. As a result, the vast majority of teams use Dr. Doom, because there is a stunning lack of compelling assist options in the game despite a massive character count. We feel as though every character should have strong support ability and strong support ability, though they may be better in one position or another.

It is also readily apparent that the game does not wholly obey the point vs. support character dichotomy, as characters such as Vergil, Magneto, and Dante are both strong point characters and have some of the best assists in the game. Meanwhile, Dr. Strange struggles on point in exchange for his excellent assists, and Spider-man has nothing to offer the team. The primary selling point of Marvel was the creativity involved in making a team that you like. It is disheartening to play the game only to find out that your three favorite characters cannot function together because none of them have good assists, and instead you have to pick Dr. Doom or someone similar. Not every character has good moves available for assists, but we have done our best. For characters with weaker options, we hope Capcom will invest in creating more custom assists such as Frank West’s Shopping Cart and Morrigan’s Dark Harmonizer. Command throws have been left out of consideration, as Seth Killian previously expressed that they would cause a number of glitches in the game’s current engine.

*Attacks which require a charged input can no longer be charged during cinematic cutscenes.
This is a small system-wide nerf to characters like Zero and Vergil. Zero is able to Buster x Sougenmu, and then charge Buster again during Sougenmu, while Vergil is able to instantly charge Round Trip. This decays game flow by providing a work-around for the charge time these moves have, and we feel the game is better off without it.

*Hypers that benefit from mashing for more damage now require less mashing to reach maximum damage.
When mashing for more damage was announced, it was universally lauded by Marvel players. Now, it feels as though the player base is roughly split on this issue, and certain characters have had their moves balanced around mash-ability. Rather than revert this change, we simply want it to be easier to reach maximum damage through mashing. This would help appease those who dislike mashing, and would help reach maximum damage on a few hypers which are difficult to max out, such as Doom’s Time.


Walls and walls of text.

Give me a minute to read it all.

I think Marvel at EVO had almost 150K views. Not sure someone can correct me on this but it was way over 100K and it was the highest spectated game there.

Bionic Arm listed as a smart/thoughtful choice... +1 respect.

TAC XFC exploit wouldn't exist in the 2nd option if you are allowed unlimited chances to break TACs. Also since the counter window is increased you would be able to react to both and the TAC XFC exploit would be vastly inferior. You should also specify that while hit stun builds up normally when in the air, when either player reaches the ground the hit stun is set to max. This applies to BOTH the TAC suggestions.

ON the second suggestion, increasing counter window decreases "randomness". If you can react to the changes, they fail to be random. There would no longer be infinites as the hit stun is the same as the first version, starts up at 0 builds up normally and goes to max if either character touches the ground.

We feel as though every character should have strong support ability and strong support ability, though they may be better in one position or another.
You need to fix this sentence.
Walls and walls of text.

Give me a minute to read it all.
Well...that's what annotations are...

I should bolt the topics or something, though, since they don't stand out now.

I'll be gone until this evening, so take your time. We need all committee members to vote on the annotation as well once it is finished.


The point vs. support character dichotomy is fundamentally flawed. There will always be a “best assist”, and right now that best assist is Dr. Doom. As a result, the vast majority of teams use Dr. Doom, because there is a stunning lack of compelling assist options in the game despite a massive character count. We feel as though every character should have strong support ability and strong support ability, though they may be better in one position or another.
Emphasis mine. Seems to be a typo.


Just read it all, most of it sounds good but you need to fix the explanations on the TACs a tad bit more. You didn't really explain how hit stun would work post TACs and you didn't state that in the 2nd option you would have unlimited chances at TAC counters to prevent exploits.

You also need to state under the damage change is that there are two further reasons why we increased health as a percentage rather than decreasing damage:

1) Changing health percentage puts more impact on high health characters who were balanced around their health (like Nemesis, She Hulk, Thor etc). This change benefits high health characters more who already aren't that good in the game compared to the low health characters.

2) Changing health percentage does not alter meter gain whosoever but changing damage values does impact meter gain. Your combos will still do the same exact damage values and same meter gain as before barring there weren't specific character changes on damage/combos.


I just got Jill TAC Infinite'd online!!!
I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

I saw a Jill TAC infinite online and said that I would personally give the person 5 bucks if they performed it in a tourney.

Also FChamp won Lanhammer using Doom Rocks assist and Phoenix. Wolverine and Vergil am cry.


iirc there's a particular infinite that's extremely easy, another cool thing about her TAC infinites is that as long as you stay in Feral Stance after killing one character with an infinite you can do an infinite on an incoming character if you get the hit in, crazy legit. I hope I'm not totally misremembering something.


Just got back from being out of town over the weekend and I'm pretty braindead(and likely will be tomorrow as well). I'll hop back into the patch talk with my thoughts soon. Hopefully.


tagged by Blackace

who has the marvel license now anyway?

Probably the people who made that marvel MMO a few months

I know GAF cares a bit more about the industry and stuff but man, hearing the layman's conceptions of what goes on in the industry sometimes makes me facepalm. Even tidbits you hear on streams like NLBC make you wonder how they came to such conclusions.


Neo Member
I know GAF cares a bit more about the industry and stuff but man, hearing the layman's conceptions of what goes on in the industry sometimes makes me facepalm. Even tidbits you hear on streams like NLBC make you wonder how they came to such conclusions.

The bit you should take away from that is Combofiend saying there is no chance its happening.

I want a patch as much as the next guy but when he says its not happening, its not happening.

They asked twice though. Why would they ask at EVO THEN at SDCC if there wasn't anything in the works? Eh, who knows, probably Ono being Ono. And all I wanted was for Iron Man to be able to cancel his ground dash...
Walls and walls of text.
It just hit me how weird it is to have Dahbomb talk about a wall of text. You have a reputation for writing disserations around here, sir!

I copied all of the feedback into the file for later editing - I'm too tired to do it now. I did fix the support + support typo, though. Thanks for that catch everyone.

The bit you should take away from that is Combofiend saying there is no chance is happening.

I want a patch as much as the next guy but when he says its not happening, its not happening.

They asked twice though. Why would they ask at EVO THEN at SDCC if there wasn't anything in the works? Eh, who knows, probably Ono being Ono. And all I wanted was for Iron Man to be able to cancel his ground dash...
We started this patch discussion before Ono said anything. Whether or not his statement was mistranslated doesn't affect me one way or the other. I'm doing this for the sheer love of the game.


That was a joke, about the wall of text.

No official statement from Combofiend himself, just more of "he said, she said". Guys remember when MarlinPie was worried when S Kill told him his TAC combos are getting nerfed? Or that time the Norcal players claimed a patch was coming? Unsubstantiated stuff is unsubstantiated stuff.

The chance has always been slim to none but that secondhand statement doesn't mean much.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
who has the marvel license now anyway?

Probably the people who made that marvel MMO a few months

There is no "the" Marvel license. Disney has been shopping it around many different games studios over the past years and sadly many a secret concept wars cancelled long before the public knew about it, like that THQ Avengers game. That's why you have the Lego Marvel game, the Marvel Heroes MMO and stuff like the Spider-Man games existing next to each other. Disney licenses on a per game and per genre basis.
I was still confused on what you wanted for the Firebrand changes. Are people voting on both Firebrand changes or are they voting on one or the other?
Right now, we just need to have a discussion over whether we should remove the unblockable, keep it, or create two versions.


I forgot a very important Haggar change:
+Final Haggar Buster now causes a crumple.

If all other committee members would voice their support for this change ASAP, I would greatly appreciate it. This is an oversight on our part.

Forgot to comment, but I vote yes on this. Still considering the Firebrand changes.
hey what's the timing and notation for nova/spencer's bnb? i'm a little stuck on when to call the slant shot after the nova slam.

i'm gonna try out nova/spencer/akuma in the lab for a bit. 1, for the nova/spencer tod and 2 to be able to confirm off midscreen tatsu with a jump loop corner carry that knives does.
Does anyone know if there's other hypers that build meter during the hyper other than Cap's Hyper Charging Star? Not including install hypers.

I also played an All Random set for the first time with some guy last night and damn it was fun.


No one can do what Vergil does. Akuma is a decent anchor and one who provides a very good assist so he is great at that slot.


So I have a question guys. Been learning a new team for fun and was wondering, can Dorm get 3 spell charges in a BnB with the help of Strange's Bolts assist?
Pretty new to Dorm right now and only just started looking at Karst's SRK thread.
So I have a question guys. Been learning a new team for fun and was wondering, can Dorm get 3 spell charges in a BnB with the help of Strange's Bolts assist?
Pretty new to Dorm right now and only just started looking at Karst's SRK thread.
Maybe. Here is a way to get two charges with most assists in corner combos.

S, sj.mmhs, dark spell, assist + flame carpet, dark matter x dark spell, launcher

If you charged 1D1C, you can jump cancel the launcher into it.


Maybe. Here is a way to get two charges with most assists in corner combos.

S, sj.mmhs, dark spell, assist + flame carpet, dark matter x dark spell, launcher

If you charged 1D1C, you can jump cancel the launcher into it.

Yeah, was just curious if there was some practical one I was oblivious to.

And thanks, I'll try that.
What are Doom's best assists outside of Bolts of Balthakk, Sentinel Force, and Vajra?

I'm thinking about running a Doom / Dormammu / X team, or Doom / X / Dormammu. I played DiosX's Doom / Storm / Sentinel team recently, and I realized that I actually really enjoy Dr. Doom so long as I'm not playing him alone. He's a very fun point character. So I might set up an alt team or even replace Firebrand with a new main team.

Here are the assists folks on GFAQs listed:
-Spitfire Twice
-Jam Session
-Rapid Slash

And of course, the big challenge is the assist being good for both Dormammu and Dr. Doom. I'd like to run something like FChamp's team, where I have a point character who greatly benefits Dormammu that I can DHC Dormammu in through and then use the assist.

Right now. Dr. Strange and Sentinel seem like the best choices when I keep that all in mind.
What are Doom's best assists outside of Bolts of Balthakk, Sentinel Force, and Vajra?

I'm thinking about running a Doom / Dormammu / X team, or Doom / X / Dormammu. I played DiosX's Doom / Storm / Sentinel team recently, and I realized that I actually really enjoy Dr. Doom so long as I'm not playing him alone. He's a very fun point character. So I might set up an alt team or even replace Firebrand with a new main team.

Here are the assists folks on GFAQs listed:
-Spitfire Twice
-Jam Session
-Rapid Slash

And of course, the big challenge is the assist being good for both Dormammu and Dr. Doom. I'd like to run something like FChamp's team, where I have a point character who greatly benefits Dormammu that I can DHC Dormammu in through and then use the assist.

Right now. Dr. Strange and Sentinel seem like the best choices when I keep that all in mind.
Doom/Dorm/Sent is a badass team. I don't feel it's my best team but it's the team I get the best results with, outside of Zero/Dante/Vergil


What are Doom's best assists outside of Bolts of Balthakk, Sentinel Force, and Vajra?

I'm thinking about running a Doom / Dormammu / X team, or Doom / X / Dormammu. I played DiosX's Doom / Storm / Sentinel team recently, and I realized that I actually really enjoy Dr. Doom so long as I'm not playing him alone. He's a very fun point character. So I might set up an alt team or even replace Firebrand with a new main team.

Here are the assists folks on GFAQs listed:
-Spitfire Twice
-Jam Session
-Rapid Slash

And of course, the big challenge is the assist being good for both Dormammu and Dr. Doom. I'd like to run something like FChamp's team, where I have a point character who greatly benefits Dormammu that I can DHC Dormammu in through and then use the assist.

Right now. Dr. Strange and Sentinel seem like the best choices when I keep that all in mind.




What are Doom's best assists outside of Bolts of Balthakk, Sentinel Force, and Vajra?

I'm thinking about running a Doom / Dormammu / X team, or Doom / X / Dormammu. I played DiosX's Doom / Storm / Sentinel team recently, and I realized that I actually really enjoy Dr. Doom so long as I'm not playing him alone. He's a very fun point character. So I might set up an alt team or even replace Firebrand with a new main team.

Here are the assists folks on GFAQs listed:
-Spitfire Twice
-Jam Session
-Rapid Slash

And of course, the big challenge is the assist being good for both Dormammu and Dr. Doom. I'd like to run something like FChamp's team, where I have a point character who greatly benefits Dormammu that I can DHC Dormammu in through and then use the assist.

Right now. Dr. Strange and Sentinel seem like the best choices when I keep that all in mind.

Ammy seems like a braindead decision to me. FML is just so good. Magneto is of course also a great choice.
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