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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!

I've been playing a lot on psn guys, so if you see me and wanna play, just invite me.

One thing I've noticed on psn vs xbl is that I seem to get better competition on xbl, but I get really creative teams on psn. It's been crazy.
That makes sense, since Xbots don't have minds of their own.

I'll challenge you next time we are both on. Usually, if someone is already on and doesn't PM me, I assume they are playing. :p

I am going to read over the new stuff today when I get the time. I was busy all day long.
No rush. Thanks for being so thorough last time. I believe I corrected all of the mistakes you caught, and I also implemented your original feedback. No matter what, we need Frantic and Zissou to sign off on it, so it might be another month. ;-)


Most of the annotations were really good, they basically said what I also wanted from them or expected from them.

At this point the only real problem with annotations are random grammar/spelling errors or differences in opinion. I think its most important to have the facts straight on some stuff.

BTW I forgot to vote Yes on those Strider annotations, they are perfectly fine. The only factual inaccuracy in it is that it is Dante who has the lowest special damage scaling in the game at 5% compared to Strider's 7%.
Most of the annotations were really good, they basically said what I also wanted from them or expected from them.

At this point the only real problem with annotations are random grammar/spelling errors or differences in opinion. I think its most important to have the facts straight on some stuff.

BTW I forgot to vote Yes on those Strider annotations, they are perfectly fine. The only factual inaccuracy in it is that it is Dante who has the lowest special damage scaling in the game at 5% compared to Strider's 7%.
*gasp* - Frantic got a fact wrong between two of his mains?

Yeah, the annotations have some errors and stylistic issues, but I am sick of looking at them right now. I just need to walk away from it for a bit except for the edits folks want. I'm still good to discuss things, though.

Oh, and on the point about Chun-li's input being hcf instead of qcf, I think hcf makes sense because her fireball is a hcf.


*gasp* - Frantic got a fact wrong between two of his mains?
It's less about me getting a fact wrong and more me tending to add the total damage scaling values up. Strider's overall damage scaling is 10%, tied with Dante, and rather than point that out I just said 'lowest damage scaling values' - because, technically, he does have the lowest in the game at 3% for one of his damage scaling values. Feel free to change it, of course.
That makes sense, since Xbots don't have minds of their own.

I'll challenge you next time we are both on. Usually, if someone is already on and doesn't PM me, I assume they are playing. :p

No rush. Thanks for being so thorough last time. I believe I corrected all of the mistakes you caught, and I also implemented your original feedback. No matter what, we need Frantic and Zissou to sign off on it, so it might be another month. ;-)

Yeah it's been real nice. I think I've only fought two teams with Vergil on them and I've been using psn for the last two days. I've seen more Rocket Raccoons and Spidey's' and other characters than ever before.

But yeah my friend has my xbox copy....indefinitely....so I'll be playing on psn for a while. It's kinda cool since I just happened to leave xbl with a pretty crazy record.

15,000 wins
9999 losses
1 draw
25,000 matches

Happened by complete accident.

It's funny that my psn record is better even though I've been using shit teams.


Going to go through the annotations a bit at a time so I don't end up glazing over them all due to reading fatigue. Started with Dante and Trish, and while I'm fine with Trish's, there are a few changes I'd make to Dante's - bolded the stuff that's changed(except for the second, where I pretty much wrote an entirely new annotation, since the proposed annotation was the lesser half of the reason why this change was requested :p).

+c.L startup reduced to 6 frames and can be chained into from s.L.
Dante has the slowest normals in the game for a non-heavy.  Giving him a faster c.L(Typoed as s.L) helps provide him with an option up close against opponents.  While Dante is a spacing character, he still needs tools to make him somewhat threatening up close since he no longer has The Hammer’s invincibility from Vanilla.  c.L chaining into s.L helps open up c.L chaining into s.L helps open up combo and pressure options for him.

+Fireworks regains piercing ability.
Stinger canceled into Reverb Shock is one of Dante's most commonly used neutral poking tools, and due to Stinger's large hitbox, it is often likely to catch a stray assist call. However, due to Firework's lack of piercing, it's common for one character to fall out. In some cases, if the point character is the one to fall out, they can tech forward and punish the recovery of Fireworks. Giving it piercing reduces this chance. Additionally, using Fireworks in the neutral is a strong – albeit difficult to execute – option that is hindered slightly by its lack of piercing.

+c.M pushback on hit returned to Vanilla levels; active frames increased to 3.
Dante's cr.M is a strong mid-ranged poke that is marred by a lack of active frames and an incredible amount of pushback that makes confirming off it harder than necessary. These changes help to encourage the usage of the move as a neutral poke.

The rest of the annotations are fine. I'll read through some more characters soon.
Yeah it's been real nice. I think I've only fought two teams with Vergil on them and I've been using psn for the last two days. I've seen more Rocket Raccoons and Spidey's' and other characters than ever before.

But yeah my friend has my xbox copy....indefinitely....so I'll be playing on psn for a while. It's kinda cool since I just happened to leave xbl with a pretty crazy record.

15,000 wins
9999 losses
1 draw
25,000 matches

Happened by complete accident.

It's funny that my psn record is better even though I've been using shit teams.
Well, your PSN record will be better if you did a lot of your learning on the 360 and are now playing proficiently on the PS3. Cool ending state, though.

Going to go through the annotations a bit at a time so I don't end up glazing over them all due to reading fatigue. Started with Dante and Trish, and while I'm fine with Trish's, there are a few changes I'd make to Dante's - bolded the stuff that's changed(except for the second, where I pretty much wrote an entirely new annotation, since the proposed annotation was the lesser half of the reason why this change was requested :p).

+c.L startup reduced to 6 frames and can be chained into from s.L.
Dante has the slowest normals in the game for a non-heavy.  Giving him a faster c.L(Typoed as s.L) helps provide him with an option up close against opponents.  While Dante is a spacing character, he still needs tools to make him somewhat threatening up close since he no longer has The Hammer’s invincibility from Vanilla.  c.L chaining into s.L helps open up c.L chaining into s.L helps open up combo and pressure options for him.

+Fireworks regains piercing ability.
Stinger canceled into Reverb Shock is one of Dante's most commonly used neutral poking tools, and due to Stinger's large hitbox, it is often likely to catch a stray assist call. However, due to Firework's lack of piercing, it's common for one character to fall out. In some cases, if the point character is the one to fall out, they can tech forward and punish the recovery of Fireworks. Giving it piercing reduces this chance. Additionally, using Fireworks in the neutral is a strong – albeit difficult to execute – option that is hindered slightly by its lack of piercing.

+c.M pushback on hit returned to Vanilla levels; active frames increased to 3.
Dante's cr.M is a strong mid-ranged poke that is marred by a lack of active frames and an incredible amount of pushback that makes confirming off it harder than necessary. These changes help to encourage the usage of the move as a neutral poke.

The rest of the annotations are fine. I'll read through some more characters soon.
I appreciate you reading them slowly. Feel free to add content where it is needed. Also, do me a favor and both post changes here and PM them to me. The reason I lost track of changes before was that I could not keep track of all the posts we made. Having them PMed for ease of referencd will help me, but I don't want to deprive the group of discussion either.


Reading over the Firebrand annotations about the dash cancelable fireballs.

Is there a limit to this? Like does this dash cancelable ability fall under the 3 special air rule? So in reality the maximum you should be able to do is air Fireball, Hell Dive into one more Hell Dive or a fireball. Also why not make the fireballs dash cancelable into Bon Voyage as well?


Alright so I had some concerns/additions over some of the annotations and changes that required committee input so I want all you guys to chime on in this so we can lock this down. Most of these are assist changes. :


For Chris, if we are extending the time that the Flamethrower is used as an assist (as in the full duration) then we can't give it upper body invincibility. Either its a good get off me tool or its a good lock down assist, it can't be both. Otherwise it would be a much superior Gustaff Flame.

Chun Li

In the assist changes, I disagree with removing her anti air kicks assist for Kikoken L. Mostly because she can combo off of it under the new crossover counter system changes. The reason given to justify Kikoken L as an assist is the same reason for up kicks as an assist only it would be better as a cross over counter. In fact the move itself is one of the fastest reversals in the game at 2 frames meaning it would be among the best CC assists in the game.

Ghost Rider

Basically in the assist changes, Hellfire is being replaced by Judgment Strike. While I do agree that as an OTG assist you are better off using Heartless Spire (which is now also a GTFO assist)... I feel that Hellfire should have utility as a lockdown assist. We improved its frame data as a point move which would carry over to its assist version which included faster start up and more block stun/frame advantage which would mean more lockdown. This is already a much better assist than before and if we wanted to improve it further we can just give the assist version more active frames to be a better lockdown which also OTGs.

Basically my motto for all this patch has been that if a character already has a move that looks like it should be a good assist then that assist should be improved rather than replaced. I think Hellfire qualifies.


Basically we are still in the dilemma that she lacks good assists. She has a CC assist at the minimum plus she has a long range poke like assist that leads into a full combo which we buffed (Arrow Kick). That leaves the Sickle Kick which sucks as an assist. For Jill's Sickle Kick assist, you can make it so that it causes a forced ground bounce while hitting overhead sort of like Nova's Centurion assist. That would give her a decent assist at least. This change is only for the assist version of course not the point version.


Essentially, any move involving a tentacle from Nemesis will now perform life leach for the exact amount of health it removed from the opponent. The logic here is that Nemesis is an armored character who is designed to take damage before grappling, and adding life leach will balance out the sacrifices he has to make to get in. We also considered adding armor to his dashes for command grab setups to complete this picture, but some committee members were concerned that this would be too strong.

Yeah I am not at all sure about this life steal mechanic added in.

+Dark Phoenix feathers now travel 15% farther.
Dark Phoenix’s feathers are just barely too short to make use of them for solo crossups in heated match moments. By slightly increasing their travel distance, she will have more options to open players up as the dedicated comeback character she is. Approaches like j.S x Teleport M will be more effective.

After thinking about this change some more, I don't think this should be implemented. This is mostly because as soon as you started talking about her getting more options to open someone up I was reminded of when S Kill said that Dark Phoenix's feathers used to travel a lot further and they had to tone them down until they were at a an acceptable level. I am certain that they reduced the length of the feathers for a reason. Already the feathers are a huge toolset for the character and Dark Phoenix as a character has no issues opening someone up.

This change risks giving her the ability to throw out a feather and then using that single feather to cross someone up with a solo teleport. That seems ridiculously cheap on a character who can already set up traps and then use them to solo cross up or use fireballs to teleport with.

*+f.M startup reduced to 19 frames.

We already discussed about this change but it was only a 2 person discussion. I wanted other committee members to comment on this overhead change for Phoenix. It would make this overhead the 2nd fastest standing overhead in the game with only Joe's overhead being faster (although that is basically an instant overhead in comparison, can't even be reacted to).

Super Skrull

After some deliberating, I think Tenderizer L assist should be replaced with Tenderizer M assist. This is mostly because Tenderizer L assist would make Cold Shots irrelevant as an assist because Tenderizer will offer similar amount of lockdown at the same angle only it also OTGs making it superior all around. Ammy sort of appears a bit away while using the assist but this is offset by her having way less health than Skrull. IMO for balance sakes the Tenderizer assist should be the M version. It would still provide lockdown but not OTG and it will not result in incoming unblockables because of its angle. Plus this would make Ghost Rider's Hellfire assist pickable especially with the new changes as it would provide a small amount of lockdown while also being an OTG.


X23 has the same problem as Jill in that she lacks a good assist. She now has a decently fast low hitting OTG move as an assist plus she has a very respectable CC assist now. Her 3rd assist sucks and while it was buffed... that was not enough to make it usable.

I made the suggestion that Neck Slice assist comes out instantly as the charged version AND it had projectile invulnerability like Rising Fang assist. It would basically operate like a second Rising Fang assist only instead of a wall bounce it would just cause a lot of hit stun. This is the only way I could figure out to make the assist useful. Of course this is an assist only change, point version is the same as is listed.


I'm not sure on Nemesis life-leech on ANY tentacle related move. His downward air tentacle move is like a weaker version of Ghost Rider's j.S, it's a good pressure and zoning tool and I use it all the time in neutral-game situations.
Yes, Firebrand's fireballs and command dashes count toward his special limit, just like they do in the current game (which really sucks in the current game).

Alright so I had some concerns/additions over some of the annotations and changes that required committee input so I want all you guys to chime on in this so we can lock this down. Most of these are assist changes. :


For Chris, if we are extending the time that the Flamethrower is used as an assist (as in the full duration) then we can't give it upper body invincibility. Either its a good get off me tool or its a good lock down assist, it can't be both. Otherwise it would be a much superior Gustaff Flame.
Gustaff Fire has less startup than Flamethrower, and it has a better vertical hitbox. It also negates all non-hyper projectiles.

Chun Li

In the assist changes, I disagree with removing her anti air kicks assist for Kikoken L. Mostly because she can combo off of it under the new crossover counter system changes. The reason given to justify Kikoken L as an assist is the same reason for up kicks as an assist only it would be better as a cross over counter. In fact the move itself is one of the fastest reversals in the game at 2 frames meaning it would be among the best CC assists in the game.
Kikoken provides her with a generic projectile assist for team play and a great crossover counter. The AA kicks will never, ever be used because EX Spinning Bird Kick is 10x better than it (invincible + comboble on crossover counter).

Ghost Rider

Basically in the assist changes, Hellfire is being replaced by Judgment Strike. While I do agree that as an OTG assist you are better off using Heartless Spire (which is now also a GTFO assist)... I feel that Hellfire should have utility as a lockdown assist. We improved its frame data as a point move which would carry over to its assist version which included faster start up and more block stun/frame advantage which would mean more lockdown. This is already a much better assist than before and if we wanted to improve it further we can just give the assist version more active frames to be a better lockdown which also OTGs.

Basically my motto for all this patch has been that if a character already has a move that looks like it should be a good assist then that assist should be improved rather than replaced. I think Hellfire qualifies.
Hellfire is pure ass. The hitbox on it is way too small to be effective. We're talking about a pinning assist that makes Firebrand's assists look good. No bueno. It will never be picked.


Basically we are still in the dilemma that she lacks good assists. She has a CC assist at the minimum plus she has a long range poke like assist that leads into a full combo which we buffed (Arrow Kick). That leaves the Sickle Kick which sucks as an assist. For Jill's Sickle Kick assist, you can make it so that it causes a forced ground bounce while hitting overhead sort of like Nova's Centurion assist. That would give her a decent assist at least. This change is only for the assist version of course not the point version.
I support this.


Essentially, any move involving a tentacle from Nemesis will now perform life leach for the exact amount of health it removed from the opponent. The logic here is that Nemesis is an armored character who is designed to take damage before grappling, and adding life leach will balance out the sacrifices he has to make to get in. We also considered adding armor to his dashes for command grab setups to complete this picture, but some committee members were concerned that this would be too strong.

Yeah I am not at all sure about this life steal mechanic added in.
I typed it out because I wanted to make an argument for it all to you guys; I know it's not technically in there right now.

+Dark Phoenix feathers now travel 15% farther.
Dark Phoenix’s feathers are just barely too short to make use of them for solo crossups in heated match moments. By slightly increasing their travel distance, she will have more options to open players up as the dedicated comeback character she is. Approaches like j.S x Teleport M will be more effective.

After thinking about this change some more, I don't think this should be implemented. This is mostly because as soon as you started talking about her getting more options to open someone up I was reminded of when S Kill said that Dark Phoenix's feathers used to travel a lot further and they had to tone them down until they were at a an acceptable level. I am certain that they reduced the length of the feathers for a reason. Already the feathers are a huge toolset for the character and Dark Phoenix as a character has no issues opening someone up.

This change risks giving her the ability to throw out a feather and then using that single feather to cross someone up with a solo teleport. That seems ridiculously cheap on a character who can already set up traps and then use them to solo cross up or use fireballs to teleport with.
Again, Phoenix does not do well 1v1 without XF3 as it is (considering her cost). She does need some help when everyone has more health, and XF3 was nerfed. 15% is nothing like full-screen. We're talking about maybe 1/3 of a screen. Phoenix also got some nerfs by proxy, like no longer being able to rapid spam s.L or c.L for feathers. I think that the feathers going farther is a fair trade for her losing the feather spam and having less relative power in general.

*+f.M startup reduced to 19 frames.

We already discussed about this change but it was only a 2 person discussion. I wanted other committee members to comment on this overhead change for Phoenix. It would make this overhead the 2nd fastest standing overhead in the game with only Joe's overhead being faster (although that is basically an instant overhead in comparison, can't even be reacted to).
I've expressed my opinions on this already. 2nd fastest overhead in the game...so what?

Super Skrull

After some deliberating, I think Tenderizer L assist should be replaced with Tenderizer M assist. This is mostly because Tenderizer L assist would make Cold Shots irrelevant as an assist because Tenderizer will offer similar amount of lockdown at the same angle only it also OTGs making it superior all around. Ammy sort of appears a bit away while using the assist but this is offset by her having way less health than Skrull. IMO for balance sakes the Tenderizer assist should be the M version. It would still provide lockdown but not OTG and it will not result in incoming unblockables because of its angle. Plus this would make Ghost Rider's Hellfire assist pickable especially with the new changes as it would provide a small amount of lockdown while also being an OTG.
Tenderizer L will not supercede Cold Stars, and for a few reasons:
1) Tenderizer L has significantly less range than Cold Stars - Cold Stars covers half the screen, while Tenderizer L covers maybe a fourth of it.

2) Amaterasu THCs are incredible for several characters like Dr. Doom and Dr. Strange.

3) Tenderizer uses up your ground bounce in exchange for OTGing, which is not desirable for all characters.

Tenderizer L does just what we're trying to do: it provides an alternative option for characters who have certain needs.


X23 has the same problem as Jill in that she lacks a good assist. She now has a decently fast low hitting OTG move as an assist plus she has a very respectable CC assist now. Her 3rd assist sucks and while it was buffed... that was not enough to make it usable.

I made the suggestion that Neck Slice assist comes out instantly as the charged version AND it had projectile invulnerability like Rising Fang assist. It would basically operate like a second Rising Fang assist only instead of a wall bounce it would just cause a lot of hit stun. This is the only way I could figure out to make the assist useful. Of course this is an assist only change, point version is the same as is listed.
I am on board with making Neck Slice projectile invulnerable. Heck, we could do it with the point version, too...


Phoenix is not supposed to do good 1v1 without XF, if she was supposed to be good she would have higher health and probably higher damage. Capcom even nerfed point Phoenix going from Vanilla to Ultimate and for good reason, Phoenix without bars is supposed to be a gimped character if she wasn't she would be like a Strider with potentially two lives.

Any buff given to her has to examined under a big microscope because she rides the balance of irrelevancy and plain broke. So if you give her a 19 frame overhead as a point buff that spills over to her DP self which in XF3 is going to be even faster. As if DP needs more ways to open you up, this is like Vergil players asking for a overhead so Vergil has some high low because he's a "comeback" character and without meter/XF he is mediocre.

Hellfire is pure ass. The hitbox on it is way too small to be effective. We're talking about a pinning assist that makes Firebrand's assists look good. No bueno. It will never be picked.
Like I said, its only ass right now but with the buffs given to it its more usable. A lockdown assist that also OTGs and doesn't use up your ground bounce? That sounds hella good on paper. The range on it is what makes it fair, we already buffed its start up and block stun which makes it a superior lock down assist than before. And like I suggested you can increase its active frames so that it is even more effective as a lockdown assist.

Gustaff Fire has less startup than Flamethrower, and it has a better vertical hitbox. It also negates all non-hyper projectiles.
And Flamethrower has more horizontal reach, has way more lockdown, is way better for combos and does more damage. The vertical hit box is not a big factor of differentiating between the two as they are both getting upper body invincibility so if someone is attacking from that angle they will get hit by both assists. The lockdown on that assist if it is allowed to fire for full duration would be quite huge and it becomes an assist that is good as both as a GTFO and a lockdown/combo assist which IMO puts it into "too good" territory. The Flamethrower as an assist should only be allowed to fire for half of its max duration if you want to use it as a GTFO assist OR you remove the upper body invincibility if you want full duration.
Phoenix is not supposed to do good 1v1 without XF, if she was supposed to be good she would have higher health and probably higher damage. Capcom even nerfed point Phoenix going from Vanilla to Ultimate and for good reason, Phoenix without bars is supposed to be a gimped character if she wasn't she would be like a Strider with potentially two lives.

Any buff given to her has to examined under a big microscope because she rides the balance of irrelevancy and plain broke. So if you give her a 19 frame overhead as a point buff that spills over to her DP self which in XF3 is going to be even faster. As if DP needs more ways to open you up, this is like Vergil players asking for a overhead so Vergil has some high low because he's a "comeback" character and without meter/XF he is mediocre.
She needs to do well 1v1 without X-Factor because she is not going to be able to run a train on teams anymore. Strider has a lot of stuff Phoenix does not have. He pays 3 bars for a super Dark Phoenix form that is temporary vs. Phoenix's weaker for that is permanent for 5 bars. He has an S tier assist, while Phoenix has mediocrity even in our patch.

And I'm not suggesting that DP has more ways to open someone up, I'm suggesting that one of the ways she has should be improved slightly. You make it sound like I'm completely changing the character. No, this is nothing like giving Vergil an overhead. You are smarter than that, and you know it.

Edit: The range on Hellfire will always be too small to be a pinning assist. It will never get used.

More importantly, Hellfire + Heartless Spire is borderline redundant for assist options. It's better to give Ghost Rider a unique option.


Dark Phoenix's natural XF values are higher than any other character which means yes she will still run a train on teams no doubt about it. Dark Phoenix will always run a train on characters faster than Strider, no doubt about that either. Strider has Orbs but Phoenix has two lives which is what makes her a scary anchor character.

Phoenix as a point character has already received plenty of buffs as a point. Not only that but giving her self Dark activation is already a huge buff for Dark Phoenix. Any other additional buff is excessive on her.

I typed it out because I wanted to make an argument for it all to you guys; I know it's not technically in there right now.
The Nemesis health steal doesn't specify if he is recovering yellow health or red health. That is the main concern, if he recovers just red health that is not so bad but recovering yellow health is pretty insane. We are talking every time he pokes someone with Deadly Reach he is recovering around 100K health!

I will fold on the Chun Li and Skrull assist changes but I will hold on Ghost Rider and Chris assist changes.

I don't see redundancy in Hellfire versus Heartless Spire outside from both being OTG capable. One is supposed to be a combo/lockdown assist, the other is a GTFO assist. If the lockdown is effective then people will use it. I think the main problem with Hellfire now isn't that its range is short its that the lockdown isn't effective. If you make the lockdown very effective (like active for a long time) it becomes way more usable.

Neck Slice (fully charged) being projectile invulnerable as a point move would be pretty useful, maybe even too good although I am not sure. It has a lot of hit stun and frame advantage plus range and will go through projectiles but it has to be charged. Not sure if its too good or just good.
Dark Phoenix's natural XF values are higher than any other character which means yes she will still run a train on teams no doubt about it. Dark Phoenix will always run a train on characters faster than Strider, no doubt about that either. Strider has Orbs but Phoenix has two lives which is what makes her a scary anchor character.

Phoenix as a point character has already received plenty of buffs as a point. Not only that but giving her self Dark activation is already a huge buff for Dark Phoenix. Any other additional buff is excessive on her.
You aren't considering her within the new context of our game - Dark Phoenix was given buffs to compensate for the general nerfs she is receiving in the system changes (outside of TAC changes).

The Nemesis health steal doesn't specify if he is recovering yellow health or red health. That is the main concern, if he recovers just red health that is not so bad but recovering yellow health is pretty insane. We are talking every time he pokes someone with Deadly Reach he is recovering around 100K health!
Yellow health! :-D

I will fold on the Chun Li and Skrull assist changes but I will hold on Ghost Rider and Chris assist changes.
I can be flexible on the Chris change, but not on the Ghost Rider one. I will explain below:

I don't see redundancy in Hellfire versus Heartless Spire outside from both being OTG capable. One is supposed to be a combo/lockdown assist, the other is a GTFO assist. If the lockdown is effective then people will use it. I think the main problem with Hellfire now isn't that its range is short its that the lockdown isn't effective. If you make the lockdown very effective (like active for a long time) it becomes way more usable.
I repeat: Hellfire will never be useful for lockdown. Look at all of the game's lockdown assists, and the best ones have good range or ridiculously high priority on them. Drones, Hidden Missiles, Cold Star, Jam Session, Senpu Bu, and Unibeam are all great examples. An example of a lockdown assist that doesn't have good range or ridiculous priority is Dark Hole, which only gets used for a lack of actually good options. That is what Hellfire would be as an assist: another Dark Hole.

Here's the problem: when you attack players, you usually get pushblocked immediately. When you get pushblocked, your opponent also gets pushed back as well. Thus, pinning assists need good range on them to counteract pushblock, because you cannot use them to get in. Hellfire will never actually get used for its pin because you will get pushblocked out before Ghost Rider arrives on the screen (exception: corners). Pinning assists absolutely need range to be effective. Hellfire would need a sizeable animation change to be useful.

Also, look at the uses for Heartless Spire and Hellfire:

Heartless Spire:
-GTFO assist
-Negates projectiles
-Crossover counter option into full combos (since it is jump cancelable)

-Pinning...if you are lucky

No one is going to choose Hellfire. It is a waste of an assist slot. Now look at Judgment Strike, and all it offers. Your philosophy is "only change assists if we have to". Mine is "give everyone the best assists we can so more team combinations are viable" Judgment Strike is the clear winner in my philosophy.

Neck Slice (fully charged) being projectile invulnerable as a point move would be pretty useful, maybe even too good although I am not sure. It has a lot of hit stun and frame advantage plus range and will go through projectiles but it has to be charged. Not sure if its too good or just good.
It may be too good...


The new Hellfire is like 10 frame start up, pretty damn fast for a lockdown. If people used Tron Gustaff Flame for semi lockdown people can definitely use Hellfire as well. Hellfire is also way better than Spire as a combo assist which is still a very useful attribute to have.

Like I said before, I would much rather have improvements on an assist that exists and can be made to be good rather than ditching it for a new untested and unproven assist.

Other ways you can improve Hellfire as an assist (for brainstorming purposes):

*Hellfire leaves a puddle of fire after the assist call (Flame Carpet like but with less active frames and definitely does not hit low)

*Hellfire's horizontal range as the assist increased (so its like a big ass dragon breath).

*Hellfire absorbs all projectiles it interacts with like Gustaff Flame.

*Hellfire assist version hits low.

And yeah I am not comfortable with X23 having a projectile invincible Neck Slice as a point. As an assist its the least we can do to make it better.

Need more opinions on these assist issues.
The new Hellfire is like 10 frame start up, pretty damn fast for a lockdown. If people used Tron Gustaff Flame for semi lockdown people can definitely use Hellfire as well. Hellfire is also way better than Spire as a combo assist which is still a very useful attribute to have.
It doesn't matter because no one will be in range.

Hellfire is only slightly better than Sprie for an OTG assist.

Gustaff Fire had invincibility - that's a clear exception. Ditto for Double Lariat. Hellfire wll be ass.

Like I said before, I would much rather have improvements on an assist that exists and can be made to be good rather than ditching it for a new untested and unproven assist.
But no one will use the goddamn assist!

Other ways you can improve Hellfire as an assist (for brainstorming purposes):

*Hellfire leaves a puddle of fire after the assist call (Flame Carpet like but with less active frames and definitely does not hit low)

*Hellfire's horizontal range as the assist increased (so its like a big ass dragon breath).

*Hellfire absorbs all projectiles it interacts with like Gustaff Flame.

*Hellfire assist version hits low.
How does it make more sense to completely rework Hellfire than to just sub it out for a skill that is actually good?

And what it would need is a range increase, but that constitutes an animation change.

And yeah I am not comfortable with X23 having a projectile invincible Neck Slice as a point. As an assist its the least we can do to make it better.

Need more opinions on these assist issues.
Justin Wong: "Nova is like...the easiest character to play in this game."

Thank you, sir.

Viscant: "ChrisG is evil, he is not part of the Marvel Holy Trinity. Believe in me, I am God."


And people said that spider man tech was impractical...

That Dr. Strange into x-23 level 3 tech was nasty as fuck.

It's very high execution, you have to triple plink dash with barely any delay... I only got it twice in an hour of training...

Nemos still experimenting with Spiderman, he had a brief exchange with mamespider about using Mag with disruptor but it's too hard to capitalize. Tried some raw tag tech with Spiderman > Spencer after spider bite but the hard knockdown isn't long enough.


I just cracked myself up in training mode. I discovered a way to convert off anti air s.L with Dante in all but the situations where s.L hits characters right above his head... s.L > Beehive. It's just so weird, ridiculous, and requires more effort/risk than should be reasonable that I couldn't help but laugh.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";90635069]I should be getting my best friend's PS3 again tomorrow. At least one person wants me to beat Honzo!

Flocker? The other two are funny.[/QUOTE]
Are you going home to play him?
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";90653347]I'm playing him at Capcom Cup. I live in San Francisco.[/QUOTE]
Oh, you made getting a PS3 sound like it was directly related to playing him.


I've got a question for you guys.In other fighting games I see a lot of things done to try to balance wakeups. In MK9 I think there was a several frame invincibility window to allow folks to get back up with and in Injustice there is a lot of moves that are given armor only on wakeup.

This is all done in an attempt to make it so you can't be put into a situation where you just lose after being knocked down once because your wakeup options are at a disadvantage to the offensive options they designed into the cast without them.

What did they do to make wakeups manageable in Marvel and other fighting games?

I know of delayed wakeups and stuff, but do rolls have invincibility? Im just a bit sketchy on precise frame data on this and just how many options they put in Marvel's wakeup. Feel free to bring up other games you feel have really noteworthy wakeup systems if you want to...I need some more details on this part of fighting game systems for ...reasons.


In Marvel you have rolls but during the rolls you can call an assist so if you have a Haggar assist you can generally avoid a lot of hard knockdown mix ups. In addition quite a few characters have roll into invincible moves which also beats a lot of stuff (like Iron Fist waking up with a super into a DHC to bail him out).

The best wake up options are in Tekken. There are so many wake up options in the game that part of learning the game is learning the various wake up options. You have a wake up option to beat every set up in the game but multiple set ups mean they can beat your particular choice of wake up. Personally speaking the wake up options in Tekken are far more interesting to me than anything in a Capcom game.


In Marvel you have rolls but during the rolls you can call an assist so if you have a Haggar assist you can generally avoid a lot of hard knockdown mix ups. In addition quite a few characters have roll into invincible moves which also beats a lot of stuff (like Iron Fist waking up with a super into a DHC to bail him out).

The best wake up options are in Tekken. There are so many wake up options in the game that part of learning the game is learning the various wake up options. You have a wake up option to beat every set up in the game but multiple set ups mean they can beat your particular choice of wake up. Personally speaking the wake up options in Tekken are far more interesting to me than anything in a Capcom game.

Could I get you to PM me an explanation? I got something Im needing this sort of thing for at the moment.


Could I get you to PM me an explanation? I got something Im needing this sort of thing for at the moment.
I will just post it here, maybe other people can find it interesting too.

For brevity sakes I am just going to cover wake up options in Tekken when your feet are towards the opponent with your body faced towards the ceiling:

*Do nothing. Stay on the ground indefinitely. You will avoid all moves that don't hit on the ground but if you keep staying on the ground you will keep getting hit by OTG moves.

*Tap up. Just rise up, standard wake up option. In this option you are going to be open to most mix up options as you rise up but you will avoid any option that involves them beating out a tech roll (discussed later).

*Press back/forward. This will cause you to roll back/forward and then get back up. You will avoid OTG moves but then you are open to move like a dash up attack as they will follow you for a punish.

Tap 1 while air borne and about to be knocked down. Tech roll towards the back ground. A good method of quick recovering but tech roll can be anticipated and punished by some set ups.

Tap 3 while air borne and about to be knocked down. Tech roll towards the forward ground. Same thing as above only in the opposite direction because it's a 3D plane.

Hold forward while air borne and about to be knocked down. You will immediately spring up and will beat most options if the opponent is right on you. This is very risky if the opponent is not up close because you then eat a mix up or even get punished if they anticipate it early.

On the ground tap 3. You get up at the spot and do a low kick. Usually beats some set ups by interrupting their attack instantly but if they know you are going to do a low kick wake up option then can just block it or they can low parry it for a free combo.

On the ground tap 4. You get up at the spot and do a mid kick. Similar to the low kick only this hits mid. Mid hits like these can be reversed or parried by some characters so you can't do it all the time like down + 3.

On the ground Down + 1. You basically roll while still lying on the floor and you roll so that you are face down to the floor. Basically what you do is change position, then roll back to avoid a bad situation but this wake up option is still susceptible to OTG moves.

On the ground Down + 4: You kick while still lying flat on the ground. You are still open to getting hit by moves that involve the opponent jumping up and hitting you on the ground but you can avoid quite a few moves with this if the opponent is right on you. If you aren't in range and you use this move you will be in a bad position.

On the ground back or forward + 1 + 2. You roll and immediately follow with a diving lunge attack. Useful for rolling back and then counter attacking if you see them doing an attack. Fairly safe on block on too but can be side stepped. If you use it and whiff it the recovery is a lot.

On the ground back back + 3 + 4. This is like the kick version of the above wake up option. IMO this wake up sucks ass and not even sure why its in the game. If it gets blocked its punishable.

This video covers the wake up options well:


There are more wake up options in the game because the options are different when you are in different positions on the ground (feet away from opponent facing down..... feet facing opponent while face down.... feet away from opponent facing up). Some wake up options chain into other wake up options like I am almost positive you can do stuff like Spring up (hold forward while being knocked down) into dive lunge attack.
GGs man, sorry I had to leave suddenly, was running late to pick up my gf from work.

Anyways you weren't free at all. That second team you play is the same as Karst's new team isn't it? That team bodies the hell out of me.
It is the same, but a different order. Sentinel is on anchor. Interestingly, when we mirror matched, we went about even. So it is not clear which order is better. :(
GGs man, sorry I had to leave suddenly, was running late to pick up my gf from work.

Anyways you weren't free at all. That second team you play is the same as Karst's new team isn't it? That team bodies the hell out of me.
Yeah it's the same team, but I think he plays it in a different order.

I totally forgot that you probably play Karst often, otherwise I probably wouldn't have played that team. I generally like to give people teams they probably haven't seen much.
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