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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT4| Nothing Stops This Patch!


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";91315597]Is it even possible to do Acid rain to Hammer multiple times? It's so hard.[/QUOTE]Not sure about with Hammer(doing that is really hard), but with j.S you can do multiple per combo... The random nature of Acid Rain makes it a pain in the ass, though. I don't find it consistent enough to go for it regularly. It's easier to set up Sky Dance > Beehive, imo.


I need to start working grapple resets into my Dante game, but I don't know an easy way to set up a grapple. Advice anyone?

After a hard knockdown: million characters xx devil trigger -> grapple is really really easy and you get double air dash for fake cross-up fun stuff. Otherwise, people usually do lvl2 stinger bc grapple.
After a hard knockdown: million characters xx devil trigger -> grapple is really really easy and you get double air dash for fake cross-up fun stuff. Otherwise, people usually do lvl2 stinger bc grapple.

I can never seem to get the timing for that. It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult, but I miss almost every time. I only practiced briefly though, so maybe I just need to put more time into it.


I can never seem to get the timing for that. It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult, but I miss almost every time. I only practiced briefly though, so maybe I just need to put more time into it.

You've gotta be careful to remember to let the stick go back to neutral after the stinger or you might get jam session accidentally with marvel's dumb input buffer. Just practice over and over in training mode and you'll get the timing!


This Terry Bogard dude on Xbox is really emotional when it comes to marvel, dude is tryna talk mad shit to me lmfao. I'm like dude relax marvel isn't making you money...


Hawkeye/Doom(plasma)/Strider(Vajra) is a fun as fuck team.

Sort of a tangent, but I've always wondered why x/doom/vergil is the de-facto top tier support shell instead of x/doom/strider. Your anchor is slightly weaker, but you can actually put in work with Doom when backed by Strider and you get vajra for your point character too. I'm not complaining though- Doom backed by real assists bodies doom backed just by vergil once you kill their point character, so at peast these people are making my life easier.

x/doom/ammy is also surprisingly underutilized given how strong it is. I guess people don't want to put in the work to learn the dog wnen they can derp it out with easier anchor characters? Even that doesn't make sense given how derpy doom/ammy with meter can be though, and like doom/strider, you get a real assist for Doom which is a million times better/more fun than waiting for Doom to die so you can try to scrub out a win with dark Vergil. Sometimes I don't understand people who play this game!
Sort of a tangent, but I've always wondered why x/doom/vergil is the de-facto top tier support shell instead of x/doom/strider. Your anchor is slightly weaker, but you can actually put in work with Doom when backed by Strider and you get vajra for your point character too. I'm not complaining though- Doom backed by real assists bodies doom backed just by vergil once you kill their point character, so at peast these people are making my life easier.

x/doom/ammy is also surprisingly underutilized given how strong it is. I guess people don't want to put in the work to learn the dog wnen they can derp it out with easier anchor characters? Even that doesn't make sense given how derpy doom/ammy with meter can be though, and like doom/strider, you get a real assist for Doom which is a million times better/more fun than waiting for Doom to die so you can try to scrub out a win with dark Vergil. Sometimes I don't understand people who play this game!
I use Doom/Ammy/Moriggan for supreme "follow my lead" trolling. That meter building assist just let's me do that shit forever
Yeah it's kinda a pain in the ass once Doom dies, but you get the first THC fairly quick and then if you got the hit you can build another meter and then start the cycle again. I like to do the same thing with Strider with orbs. Takes a lot longer to build, but it's fun once you can get a constant stream of orbs going. Constantly having Dante in Devil Trigger is fun as fuck. I wanna try some other install supers backed by Morrigan.


Sort of a tangent, but I've always wondered why x/doom/vergil is the de-facto top tier support shell instead of x/doom/strider. Your anchor is slightly weaker, but you can actually put in work with Doom when backed by Strider and you get vajra for your point character too. I'm not complaining though- Doom backed by real assists bodies doom backed just by vergil once you kill their point character, so at peast these people are making my life easier.
Because at a character gone, you likely have meter for Air Photon Array xx Spiral Swords or Devil Trigger, and Vergil backed with Doom is pretty dumb especially with missiles and Round Trip glitch. Vergil isn't too terrible of an assist with Doom either, can help push them to the corner to go for a high/low/grab mixup with Doom.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";91548817]Nooo that was supposed to be Chaos Dimension :-([/QUOTE]

Haha! Yea I figured that's what it was supposed to be.

Man I've been kinda jonesing to play some Marvel the last couple of days, but I have been stuck with this stupid PSN password reset for days.

Ummm.....reset it? I'd love to try out Spidey against Wright. Trying to learn all the different matchups with Spider-Man. Mags has probably been the most irritating matchup so far.
Ummm.....reset it?

I did. I went through the SEN website and changed my password and then tried to log in on PSN and says that it is incorrect. Now when I try to go back to the SEN website to maybe try to change it again, all I get is an error that says "Sorry we are unable to change your password at this time, try again later." It's been like that for two days now.

I'd love to try out Spidey against Wright. Trying to learn all the different matchups with Spider-Man. Mags has probably been the most irritating matchup so far.

Spidey does so so against him IMO. It really comes down to the player and spidey's assists. Yea Mags can be infuriating. First you actually gotta block that up close high/low shenanigans, push block him to get him off of you so you can get some breathing room and make your move only to be instantly shot down by magnetic blast. That's my experience with him lol.
I did. I went through the SEN website and changed my password and then tried to log in on PSN and says that it is incorrect. Now when I try to go back to the SEN website to maybe try to change it again, all I get is an error that says "Sorry we are unable to change your password at this time, try again later." It's been like that for two days now.

Spidey does so so against him IMO. It really comes down to the player and spidey's assists. Yea Mags can be infuriating. First you actually gotta block that up close high/low shenanigans, push block him to get him off of you so you can get some breathing room and make your move only to be instantly shot down by magnetic blast. That's my experience with him lol.

Ohhhhh. Yeah I forgot that people are having this whole password reset issue. Hmmm....now I'm wondering if I'm affected. I haven't logged on in a few days, so maybe I should check that.

I do fine against Mags normally, but since I've just recently started playing Spidey more, it's kinda difficult. I abuse and just randomly throw out dp's since his is pretty good, but yup that damn magnetic blast won't allow that. I also use a lot of web zip j.H and j.S, but Magneto's L says no to that.


I did. I went through the SEN website and changed my password and then tried to log in on PSN and says that it is incorrect. Now when I try to go back to the SEN website to maybe try to change it again, all I get is an error that says "Sorry we are unable to change your password at this time, try again later." It's been like that for two days now.

Man that sucks. I'm glad I didn't change my password then!
I just removed my saved credit card info so that no one could get into my account and buy copious amounts of FIFA DLC.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";91558228]I'm starting to think that Hawkeye is a really difficult to use point character.[/QUOTE]
He gets wrecked pretty bad by teleporters.
Man that sucks. I'm glad I didn't change my password then!
I just removed my saved credit card info so that no one could get into my account and buy copious amounts of FIFA DLC.

He gets wrecked pretty bad by teleporters.

But Hawkeye back by another projectile is top tier. Then add something like vajra and he's just stupid good.


But Hawkeye back by another projectile is top tier. Then add something like vajra and he's just stupid good.
Oh I don't dispute that. I just don't think God's Beard's point Hawkeye team has him backed by a good AA assist.

And Hawkeye is really fun when the matchup is in his favor. Hawkeye vs Doom is fucking hilarious.
Dashing around like a madman is fun though :(
It is fun, and that's why I play Doom! As a lefty, I think I really like characters who are mobile because it gives my left hand a lot to do. I wish we had a few more characters that are highly mobile and fast in the game. There are really only 5 or so, and most don't go well with Doom/Dormammu. I would totally play Magneto if he weren't far beyond my execution capacity. Then again, Doom was once beyond me, as was Morrigan, so maybe some day...


Sort of a tangent, but I've always wondered why x/doom/vergil is the de-facto top tier support shell instead of x/doom/strider. Your anchor is slightly weaker, but you can actually put in work with Doom when backed by Strider and you get vajra for your point character too. I'm not complaining though- Doom backed by real assists bodies doom backed just by vergil once you kill their point character, so at peast these people are making my life easier.

x/doom/ammy is also surprisingly underutilized given how strong it is. I guess people don't want to put in the work to learn the dog wnen they can derp it out with easier anchor characters? Even that doesn't make sense given how derpy doom/ammy with meter can be though, and like doom/strider, you get a real assist for Doom which is a million times better/more fun than waiting for Doom to die so you can try to scrub out a win with dark Vergil. Sometimes I don't understand people who play this game!

XF3 Vergil is just too tempting to give up. If you're in a 3v1 scenario Strider and Ammy require a lot more effort to make a comeback once X-factor and meter dry up while Vergil still has his safety belt and massive hitboxes.

Plus, he's more dangerous with an assist than either one since Strider needs to burn Xfactor or three meter to get a kill most of the time.


get some go again
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";91558228]I'm starting to think that Hawkeye is a really difficult to use point character.[/QUOTE]who was giving you problems?


It is fun, and that's why I play Doom! As a lefty, I think I really like characters who are mobile because it gives my left hand a lot to do. I wish we had a few more characters that are highly mobile and fast in the game. There are really only 5 or so, and most don't go well with Doom/Dormammu. I would totally play Magneto if he weren't far beyond my execution capacity. Then again, Doom was once beyond me, as was Morrigan, so maybe some day...

Crazy- I'm a lefty as well! I think Morrigan is at least as hard to play as Magneto, no? Seems like team FChamp is your inevitable end-game team. Learning Magneto is rough though- I keep dabbling with him and getting frustrated, only to try using him again like a week later.

XF3 Vergil is just too tempting to give up. If you're in a 3v1 scenario Strider and Ammy require a lot more effort to make a comeback once X-factor and meter dry up while Vergil still has his safety belt and massive hitboxes.

Plus, he's more dangerous with an assist than either one since Strider needs to burn Xfactor or three meter to get a kill most of the time.

I think my hatred of the doom/vergil shell stems from doom being un-fun to play w/o proper assists- he really feels like just a support character in that configuration.
who was giving you problems?

Iron Fist


Every time I push him full screen he's on my ass again! And M/slide are too slow to risk against the fury of his elbows!


Jump back S Jump back S

oh god

someone save me

save me.... sogekingGimlet DHC Spiral Swords!


get some go again
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";91591234]Iron Fist

[/QUOTE]yeah he can rush you down pretty quick if you are jumping and firing arrows. against him i usually use task or haggar and rush him down.
Iron fist has a pretty good matchup against hawkeye depending on assists. Hawkeye needs to be grounded to get anything going and that's the only area iron fist excels in. There was nothing that stopped me from jumping/super jumping towards you when you shut down my dashing options.
How do you do it? It's a matchup I still struggle with, unless he's backed by missiles. Any horizontal assist is still a bitch to deal with though.

It's easier midscreen, since there's an area around Joe's normal jump height that Hawkeye simply cannot aim at. You just frequent that area and fire Voomerangs. It's even easier if you have meter, since Gimlet won't be able to hit you in the air. Plink double air-dashing works to get closer to him too.

Eventually, Hawkeye players get flustered enough that they start to get sloppy with their arrows and you can move in. Other times, they get frustrated and start to rush you down, which is always funny.
It's easier midscreen, since there's an area around Joe's normal jump height that Hawkeye simply cannot aim at. You just frequent that area and fire Voomerangs. It's even easier if you have meter, since Gimlet won't be able to hit you in the air. Plink double air-dashing works to get closer to him too.

Eventually, Hawkeye players get flustered enough that they start to get sloppy with their arrows and you can move in. Other times, they get frustrated and start to rush you down, which is always funny.
I tried this today to some success....still got worked though. At least it's a starting point


Ugh. I wish I could stop myself from drama and meltdowns. Embarrassing.

Switching to stick form pad is a nightmare. I switched mains in every game I played when I switched to stick. I was so bad I stopped play SF, my main game at the time, and played marvel so I could use the "I don't even play this game" excuse when I lost.

Sticking with the grind is worth it though. I could never do anything like Dante combos, long FADC combos, or even some basic fly-unfly stuff as most characters on pad. It just takes a lot of patience and lots of practice for the motion. I still get the wrong supers sometimes.

Maybe try a simpler team while you get accustomed to stick.
Crazy- I'm a lefty as well! I think Morrigan is at least as hard to play as Magneto, no? Seems like team FChamp is your inevitable end-game team. Learning Magneto is rough though- I keep dabbling with him and getting frustrated, only to try using him again like a week later.
Morrigan is roughly on par with Magneto if we are talking about stuff like plink dashed Magnetic Blasts done consistently. Maybe a little less difficult than he is.

I actually like my current team as an endgame team, because I like point Doom. Magneto isn't the best Doom backer.
I think Morrigan is much harder to play than Magneto. With Mags it's mostly the Magnetic Blast hurdle, and even then you can get by if you just simplify your combos. Morrigan is constant flying and unflying and air dashing.

Switching to stick form pad is a nightmare. I switched mains in every game I played when I switched to stick. I was so bad I stopped play SF, my main game at the time, and played marvel so I could use the "I don't even play this game" excuse when I lost.

Sticking with the grind is worth it though. I could never do anything like Dante combos, long FADC combos, or even some basic fly-unfly stuff as most characters on pad. It just takes a lot of patience and lots of practice for the motion. I still get the wrong supers sometimes.

Maybe try a simpler team while you get accustomed to stick.

Why did you switch mains when you switched to stick? Seems....counter productive.

Though I suppose just starting fresh with a character you don't play at all could help.


I think Morrigan is much harder to play than Magneto. With Mags it's mostly the Magnetic Blast hurdle, and even then you can get by if you just simplify your combos. Morrigan is constant flying and unflying and air dashing.

Why did you switch mains when you switched to stick? Seems....counter productive.

Though I suppose just starting fresh with a character you don't play at all could help.

I got too frustrated dropping stuff I could easily do on pad. Also forced me to think about the motions more since I had to memorize movelists for combos again.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";91591234]Iron Fist


Every time I push him full screen he's on my ass again! And M/slide are too slow to risk against the fury of his elbows!



Seriously though, just triple arrow and pushblock and do what you can to stay out of the corner. He's got no jump approaches of note to get in even if they do crossup, no air dash and usually is forced to just go for air throws. He's a completely ground based game so force him to eat as many arrows and chip as possible. If you can mix it up with the occasionally net arrow or other gimmick on the ground power to you, but stuff like the triple arrow just in general make life a pain for him and force him to resort to really predictable and vulnerable jumps. If the dude was using assists to get in on you snap him out at all costs and kill his assists. He's dead without projectiles or some kind of tool to get in. If he gets in just pushblock and expect him to go high after that and remember that his only overhead nerfs his combos so its unlikely he'll use that rekka and if he didn't open with the low kick rekka most of his optimum combos just plain skip it for the corner carry of the rest of his stuff so they dont have to resort to the jump cancels so heavily. In other words almost always block him standing cause the dude's got no decent lows and be aware that if he is midscreen or closer you are vulnerable.

He's not really worth making any major changes for. You just got to get used to how fast he can move in and block him with multiple hit shots and things with high stun as often as possible. I dont really think jump back S is as good as that. Just whittle away and if he gets too close try and force him to jump and gold arrow. It probably wont take much to get an Ironfist to attempt a jump in on you if you are filling the horizontal with shots.

If you want to be a dick though just counter pick the hell out of him with your Rocket Raccoon. Dig, shots, skates and that springboard super all RUIN his day.
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