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Ummm... GIANT HORNETS have killed 41 People in China since July

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Technically cazadors do exist and they have the most painful sting in the insect world.


Even their name is terrifying... Tarantula Hawk Wasp. WTF!?


Gabriel Knight
Ummm found this in related articles


Asian hornets 'heading for Britain'

6 September 2013 Last updated at 11:29 Help
Swarms of vicious Asian hornets may soon be heading across the Channel to attack the UK's bee colonies.

Defra said it feared the species had already, or was about to, spread to Britain during its peak season of September.

Speaking to the Today programme, Tim Lovett, of the British Beekeepers Association, explains why the Asian hornets could have a negative impact on our bee population.

He said: "The hornets are interested in honey, and they want to get in there as it's an easy source of nourishment. But of course, in getting in there they have to pass the guard bees at the hive entrance, there's a right royal punch-up takes place.

And generally speaking, because the hornet can sting without it losing its life, whereas when the honey bee stings that's it."
It doesn't end at the stinging and biting, oh no. Nature isn't that fucking nice.

They spit acid, too. That's not where the fun begins though -- that acid? Not only does it melt your skin, it releases pheromones that calls other wasps to fuck you up. And when they get the signal, they're pissed.

The sound they make is horrible, too. A friend of mine saw one in Japan when he first moved there. He thought it was a hummingbird. His friend knew what it was though and ran the fuck out, and told him to run away too.

This is some video game boss bullshit. I'm using my teleport scroll back to town...

Huh. My mom never liked cats because when she was living in the rural areas of china (required for school) for a semester, their cat was scared of the mice... i can see why.


One of these flew by my head while I was in Japan. It sounded like a jet flew by. I noped out of there like a little girl.
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