What... What? EGM exists again?Ryu Hayabusa said:
What... What? EGM exists again?Ryu Hayabusa said:
BannedEpisode said:It's certainly nice when a game you are anticipating gets a 10.
Ryu Hayabusa said:
Vampire Baseball said:I love how everyone is loving the IGN review. I guess IGN dosent suck shit when it gives your game a 10, eh?
jim-jam bongs said:The only 10/10 you should care about is yours.
I really wish people will stop doing this.Nert said:Only a 9? This game must be a complete disaster.
Well when I have a 60 dollar game preordered its reassuring to see that people are greatly enjoying it. I don't know how else to phrase that.jim-jam bongs said:The only 10/10 you should care about is yours.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:lol Sessler gave it a 4/5? Not really excited for this game (not a big fan of Uncharted and I thought the demo was bad), but I thought for sure Sessler would give it a perfect score. His talks about Uncharted 2 made it seem like he thought that was the greatest game of all time...
They actually posted their review before the embargo was up.UnluckyKate said:Haven't seen jeuxvideo.com in the list :
9/10 http://www.jeuxvideo.com/articles/0001/00015885-uncharted-3-l-illusion-de-drake-test.htm
To Far Away Times said:This thread is a warzone, I'll be backing out slowly.
Meisadragon said:They actually posted their review before the embargo was up.
Way to step on my landmine I setup earlier. *TFAW blows up right leg*To Far Away Times said:This thread is a warzone, I'll be backing out slowly.
kaioshade said:Oh, i don't mean here, i mean on eurogamer itself. I know gaf is just fooling around.
darkwing said:don't worry, Bruce will save us
The Good
Lots of exciting tactics in combat
Expertly designed levels reward experimentation
Great pacing
Excellent presentation including visuals, voice acting, and music
Exciting competitive and cooperative play.
The Bad
Slight AI flaws
Stiff platforming limits creativity.
http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/uncharted-3-drakes-deception/review.htmlAll of these different modes and gameplay types look phenomenal, thanks to impressive technology and strong artistic design. A stirring soundtrack beautifully complements your journey, drifting between hard-edged riffs and delicate acoustics, depending on the situation. Everything that Drake's Deception attempts, it pulls off with flying colors. This is a beautiful, cohesive, and, most importantly, fun adventure that cements the Uncharted franchise as one of the best around. More of a good thing is welcome here. You'll laugh with joy, yelp with excitement, and, above all else, be thankful that you're playing something as expertly crafted as Drake's Deception.
Tricky I Shadow said:Indeed. Its good that this thread gets rid of most of the crap and acts as a toilet before the OT goes up.
24FrameDaVinci said:Back up to 94 on Metacritic for those of you on suicide watch.
They have nothing more productive to do about a game that hasn't even been released yet.EloquentM said:Are you guys still mocking?
Loudninja said:
Lots of exciting tactics in combat
Expertly designed levels reward experimentation
Yeah the gamespot review is really good, this is the type of details I want to hear!darkwing said:really like this one, i'm going to try and stealth the stealthable levels
.The beauty of Uncharted's combat is that you can dispatch foes in a variety of ways, and all of them feel incredibly empowering. The key is the expertly designed levels. Drake's Deception is a cover-based, third-person shooter; thus, chest-high walls populate many of your encounters. But those familiar structures aren't used as a crutch here. Verticality gives you the option to climb around like a gun-toting monkey if you prefer, getting the drop on lackadaisical foes. If a man with a rocket launcher is forcing you to hunker behind a piece of debris, fear not; you can smoothly leap from cover, shimmy up a nearby wall, and sprint pell-mell across a rooftop. Grab a sniper rifle on the way if you want to handle him from afar or a shotgun if you'd like to pop him right in the head. Toss grenades at the group of enemies hiding by that well, man the turret once you finish off its previous operator, or sprint past everyone until you make it to the door that marks your safety. Versatile level design lets you choose how to go about killing your pesky foes in Drake's Deception, and rock-solid controls ensure every action you want to perform can be pulled off without any hesitation.
I hope you will be as outspoken in the Zelda thread, when or if shit hits the fan.Mama Robotnik said:We were the tallest Pillar of Dignity in the industry until this great shame. Now we're a laughing stock stripped of our honour.
Now is the time for sombre and mature reflection.until Gamespot drops their 8.8 bomb
Loudninja said:U3 mutiplayer mode is packed full of content, 3 different co-op modes and 5 competitive modes with 10 maps.
There's 11Loudninja said:U3 mutiplayer mode is packed full of content, 3 different co-op modes and 5 competitive modes with 10 maps.
It's not content that makes a multiplayer mode good. Uncharted 3's MP is an utter disappointment.Loudninja said:U3 mutiplayer mode is packed full of content, 3 different co-op modes and 5 competitive modes with 10 maps.
Hydrogen Bluebird said:LOL
I think reviews/metascore aren't as high as Uncharted 2's because people had no clue how batshit insane 2 was gonna be. In Uncharted 3, people were expecting things to be batshit insane.
It's really not that bad anymore when was the last time you played it?MuseManMike said:It's not content that makes a multiplayer mode good. Uncharted 3's MP is an utter disappointment.
kokujin said:I take it the SP is better than 2's?