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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass

I feel like 12, while beautiful is the most frustratingly paced chapter in the game. You could have cut out half the platforming nonsense with Sam and I would have felt satisfied.

I admit that it isn't that great for replays(at least you know where to go though), but my first time through I was pretty engrossed in the story and scenery. It helps that in a game with many great looking areas, I think it ranks near the top. It's also sequenced after the wonderfully frantic chapter 11. The only thing that annoys me about it is that
puzzle. It's so simple, that it makes you wonder why it's even there at all. Yeah, I know all the puzzles are simple, but that was one of the worst offenders.

I can totally see why you feel that way though.
I was one death away on Lazarevic from hating Uncharted 2 forever. Fortunately I beat the game at the last possible moment and avoided a Killzone 2 situation, where I actually did end up resenting the game and just ruined my entire experience.

If I was a game reviewing guy I would take a full star off the grade for that. Any game can be forgiven for one bad/frustrating/broken sequence but this was the finale here. It absolutely soured me on the game and I've never even briefly considered playing it again. I'm not saying it's the worst final boss battle I've ever seen in a video game but I'm having trouble thinking of one worse.
This game is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING I can play it all night long but my fingers would fall off LOL..I have been told that this game auto saves, do I actually see some kind of saving taking place or will I not see it. I had to stop at the part(Im in the beginning just started playing today) where he is in the prison and he is being walked through the prison handcuffed(After he had the fight with those nasty ol prisoners) did it auto save..? I did not go to save game because I figured that the game auto saves..Thanks
This game is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING I can play it all night long but my fingers would fall off LOL..I have been told that this game auto saves, do I actually see some kind of saving taking place or will I not see it. I had to stop at the part(Im in the beginning just started playing today) where he is in the prison and he is being walked through the prison handcuffed(After he had the fight with those nasty ol prisoners) did it auto save..? I did not go to save game because I figured that the game auto saves..Thanks

It seems to auto-save every couple minutes. It even saves in the middle of combat encounters.
The accuracy exploit didn't work for me. When I start a new game my accuracy stat carries over from my original save. Am I missing a step? The speed run worked.

Try it again but select a different difficult than the one you beat it on. PM me if you still have issues, maybe I can help.


Did anyone have the problem of the sound effects being way too loud. I had to turn down sfx down to like 15 due to how loud the gunshots and explosions are in this game. I was playing with a surround headset and don't remember this being a problem in tlou. Bad sound mix for headphone audio profile?

I had to pop my ears and heard ringing later after that damn
booby trap


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Is anybody else experiencing a weird glitch where the camera spazzes the fuck out whenever Nate either looks at something with L3 or finds an ally by pressing down on the D-pad?


Finished the game today. OMG! Will not say anything else than extreme glad the game lived up to my enorms expectations. It's the best game I have ever played.

But the clock is 05:40 I feel emptiness for knowing we will not get a other Uncharted
(Nathan & Elena)
story. This is a end of era, thanks Naughty Dog.


Did anyone have the problem of the sound effects being way too loud. I had to turn down sfx down to like 15 due to how loud the gunshots and explosions are in this game. I was playing with a surround headset and don't remember this being a problem in tlou. Bad sound mix for headphone audio profile?

I had to pop my ears and heard ringing later after that damn
booby trap

I also played some parts of the game with headphones and I also had to turn down the effects because I found the shooting too loud. Then again, I do have incredibly sensitive ears (have to always cover my ears when I'm near fireworks and stuff, too).


Great so when I turn back on the game I just go to load game and it will continue where I left off..good thing I did not press save game, if it auto saves how come that option is there?

Saving the game doesnt hurt anything, it might save extra statistics at the moment you save it as opposed to autosaving. Dont worry about it.
Try it again but select a different difficult than the one you beat it on. PM me if you still have issues, maybe I can help.
Thanks. I've tried it a few times selecting different difficulties but I always start the prologue with the same stats. If I quit to the menu during the prologue and do chapter or encounter select, it resets the stat but after that I lose access to chapter/encounter select and can only resume from as far as I've progressed with the new game files.
The founders fought and overthrew the colonists similarly to Les Miserables, except with the bad guys winning and then proceeded to flood the rest... Then obviously you saw how Tew and Avery poisoned the rest of the founders so it was just the two of them left and their army forces. There is very clearly no supernatural elements involved... Ever.

There's very little suggestion if there is any. I didn't notice anything specific.

There is the "greed" that figuratively and literally poisons all the pirates in the end, but that's it, it's pretty grounded, there is a civil war among the people who feel cheated versus the pirates, the among the pirates themselves

The extreme greed that turn into deep mistrust to the point of murdering their whole civilization that they built, that's pretty "supernatural" if you paint it like that

It's mostly a commentary on the life choices of Drake and Sam themselves though more than anything and what their motivation than something supernatural but just IMO

the story keeps implying that Sam and Drake both essentially admire the lifestyle of the pirate, but they don't admire it enough to kill their families which is probably the difference

That all really ties into the themes at play. Makes me appreciate the plot even more.

Inspector Q

LOL, that's embarrassing. Someone told me you couldn't so I never actually went ahead and tried it. Sorry, I take it all back then :p.

As far as I can tell, you cannot play as different characters, even after beating the game. The unlockable skins for characters like Sam and Elena only affect those character's skins/models during the game, not your own. So from what I can tell, you can only play as Nate.

Actually kind of upset about that, to be honest. Awesome game, but that kind of bummed me out. Hopefully they can add it in at a later date?
I wish when you turn off Hint your companions didn't still give you the big fat HINT with a voice line.

If you turn off Hint they should stand around looking somewhere boring and saying: "what the hell do we do now, Nate". Or.. "Hey Nate, I have an idea, lemme know if you want to hear it".
I feel like 12, while beautiful is the most frustratingly paced chapter in the game. You could have cut out half the platforming nonsense with Sam and I would have felt satisfied.

14-16 wouldn't have been so frustrating if we didn't just have 12. So I think they both worked to together to piss me off but I though 16 was completely unnessecary gameplay and narrative wise unless the end o the game convinces me otherwise.


Did anyone else feel that Nate was
talking to the player when telling Sam how he has to grow up and move on. In fact I felt Sam represented the player throughout the game, constantly getting Nate back into the game and always out for more adventure. Always wanting more when all the other characters just want to go home and move on.
I could be reading too much into it.
Thanks. I've tried it a few times selecting different difficulties but I always start the prologue with the same stats. If I quit to the menu during the prologue and do chapter or encounter select, it resets the stat but after that I lose access to chapter/encounter select and can only resume from as far as I've progressed with the new game files.

Are you manually saving during the encounter? Also, you can choose the
final encounter and then just finished the boss fight and epilogue.
It will take a little longer but nothing like 10+ hours hoping you achieve 70%.


Just beat Chapter 11, that was goddamn amazing.

Loved the cutscene with Elena afterwards. You could see it coming from a mile away but the acting, writing, and everything were just so well done.

I started Chapter 12 and it looks gorgeous. Gonna play more tomorrow.
Gosh the first combat encounter in 18 made me so mad cause it's soooo good.
Ha, stealth underwater, takin out dudes then jumping off high dive into water, grenade blasts vertically.
I want more Naughty Dog. More dammit! With the graphics and animations and verticality the combat is some of the most rewarding I've ever played but it's about 20% of the game so far and platformin is about 60%. Bummer.
Did anyone else feel that Nate was
talking to the player when telling Sam how he has to grow up and move on. In fact I felt Sam represented the player throughout the game, constantly getting Nate back into the game and always out for more adventure. Always wanting more when all the other characters just want to go home and move on.
I could be reading too much into it.

Definitely. It made me sad :(


Just finished my crushing play through! Just incredible. No doubt a classic. Enjoyed it just as much this time around, if not more as I wasn't constantly taking screenshots, and because I sort of knew the flow of things, the pacing felt a lot better. Only really annoying part of it was the ship graveyard, but it was quite a euphoric moment finally besting it.

Also, because you die so quickly from blows from the final boss on crushing (1-2 hits), after so many deaths it finally clicked, a matrix like moment where it finally just ended up being second nature blocking the right blows etc. Was a super satisfying feeling knowing victory was soon to be in my grasp. Also, as I said last time, I don't think the ending could have been better. Beautiful.

Can anyone instruct me on how to do the speed run and sharpshooter cheeses? Can you even do both?
Gosh the first combat encounter in 18 made me so mad cause it's soooo good.
Ha, stealth underwater, takin out dudes then jumping off high dive into water, grenade blasts vertically.
I want more Naughty Dog. More dammit! With the graphics and animations and verticality the combat is some of the most rewarding I've ever played but it's about 20% of the game so far and platformin is about 60%. Bummer.

Yeah. Really disappointed that they improve the combat but the number of encounters in this is laughable compare to the first 3 games. Guess that murder joke got to their head :(


After sitting on it even more and replaying a bit of the game, I'm disappointed this game isn't better. The pacing is just so bad in certain portions and it definitely doesn't feel nearly as good to play through again. I've played through U2 and TLOU plenty of times, so it's just upsetting. I'm hoping Naughty Dog's next game realizes that slowing the pace to benefit the story doesn't mean that the game itself has to suffer in that result.

Also multiplayer just makes me wish that it went back to U2 style.
For those of you who are trophy hunters, want platinum, but don't feel like playing through the game multiple times. There are exploits for speed run, 70% accuracy and if you have a physical copy, crushing...Each of which will take you about 5 minutes to achieve.

I'm going to do it for the speed run trophy I think, hate speed runs. But the others I'll do legit.

Whats the exploit?


Done. Great game even though I felt that the ending was forced a bit by their desire to get rid of the series. There are some other obvious issues as well which puts the game below UC2 for me as a result. A great game nevertheless.
Finally was able to start the game and The Easter egg may be the greatest Easter egg of all time as soon as
the ps1 booted up, I thought Crash Bandicoot.
And they did it! Fucking amazing
Wondering if anyone can help me?

I was attempting the speed run glitch. Started a new game, carried over my stats, but now all my chapter progress is missing (tho, my stats did carry over).

Could this be because I restarted the game twice (I wanted to try Crushing mode, after initially restarting at moderate)?

Am I screwed out of chapter select?

(I'm realizing I over-wrote my original save file - which I'm guessing is also bad)
Wondering if anyone can help me?

I was attempting the speed run glitch. Started a new game, carried over my stats, but now all my chapter progress is missing (tho, my stats did carry over).

Could this be because I restarted the game twice (I wanted to try Crushing mode, after initially restarting at moderate)?

Am I screwed out of chapter select?

(I'm realizing I over-wrote my original save file - which I'm guessing is also bad)

Try starting new games again, using different difficulties, making new saves, and choosing to carry stats over. You might be able recover it, try it at least a few times. Crazy for not making a back up and saving over your original save though, lol.


Finally completed it.
Story and visuals were incredible and loved it dearly.
But alas nothing is perfect,the combat in this game is fucking atrocious it's worse than Uncharted 3 prior to the fix.
The aiming is floaty as fuck and most the time it's like playing whack a mole with guns.
And the dreaded "1 button has multiple uses" Pisses me off in most games but this.. fucking vile.
Press O to go in cover when right by cover, rolls and hangs of ledge and then gets shot by rockets, Happened so many times :(
And that fight against the armoured minigun guy.. was close to snapping the disk.

When not shooting, this game is 10/10 when in combat, I'd give it about 1/10.
Encounter design is just awful.
After completing the game and playing a lot of Multiplayer I just cannot understand how someone could think this.

I'd claim it's the best 3rd person shooter in terms of reponsiveness, accuracy and mechanics ever. Hyperbolic yeah but I've played all the Gears, All the Uncharted, TLOU, Vanquish, The Division, etc.. Pretty much all the notable, reputable third person shooters
except Max Payne 3 + The New Tomb Raider
and I can't think of any that'd hold a candle to this.

I think I jumped off the wrong ledge to my death once throughout the game, a couple times off the rope in MP but that's it. Never have trouble with the cover system.
Try starting new games again, using different difficulties, making new saves, and choosing to carry stats over. You might be able recover it, try it at least a few times. Crazy for not making a back up and saving over your original save though, lol.

Yup, totally crazy not to back up. I was so excited to get that glitch, j totally jumped into it. Will try making a new game.
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