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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End |OT| You're gonna miss this ass


Ship loses points due to that whole part of game having no purpose to exist. I admit it cool especially when on chandelier

I absolutely love the ship sequence, one of the series highlights. But I fully agree in terms of story it made no sense whatsoever (or at least, it was very poorly justified). Still, I could play that section over and over again.


You don't feel like it outdoes UC3 on everything that UC3 tried to do in regards to the story?

In regards to the story? I dunno. I think UC4 is fairly well put together thematically but I'm just not a fan of having super integral characters in a characters past show up/be introduced in what is supposed to be "the last chapter". It makes the 'finality' of it feel less earned because of it. I think it's a solid story overall but I never felt invested in Sam, Raif, or Nadine as characters. Rafe was alright but Lazarevic was fantastically evil and sadistic while Marlowe/Talbot at least had cunning going for them. Rafe was just... a thief? I mean it fits with the themes but Rafe didn't do much for me.

UC3's story stumbled for different reasons (mainly just not feeling fleshed out enough). It had a decent set up but didn't follow through enough with "Drake's Deception" and his story arc in that regard is definitely not very well fleshed out. But I love UC3 mostly for its combat scenarios (which I still think are the best in the series), I love the desert setting and thought it was really cool foil to UC2's snow environments. People threw flak at UC3 for just "redoing" some of UC2's set pieces but the horse ride is just a straight up better and more intense version of the jeep/truck chase in 2. And while isolated, the ship graveyard levels in UC3 are still the best damn TPS environments that give you the most freedom and movement and let you exercise that freedom and movement to great degrees.

(end spoilers for UC4)
Also I loved the supernatural elements of UC2 and 3, I just think they work really well in the Indiana Jones style story, and I would have liked something in UC4.


Oh yea, the art form is dead cuz you don't like this one game. Uh huh.

It's because lots of people like it that's the problem. It'll just encourage other devs to aim for great writing, emotionally involving characters and at least an attempt to do something different with what is basically an Indiana Jones theme park ride genre story.

It'll kill the art form, for sure.


Neighbours from Hell
Beat it and loved it. The only minor complaint I'd have short of calling the game perfect is I didn't like the gun battle sections much. To me they hurt the pacing. To be honest, I would have been perfectly fine if the game had like one gun battle part in the entire game. I enjoyed the story, experience, climbing, exploring, etc that much.

I realize I'm probably in the minority, but I've just never really been a fan of duck and cover shooters in general. I'm glad Uncharted is so much more than that, as those parts are by far my least favorite of all the entries. But those are very minor gripes, as I didn't hate those parts, I just enjoyed them the least of everything Uncharted 4 offered.

Most graphically impressive game I've ever played. Best voice acting I've ever experienced in a game. Great writing, witty dialogue, humor, etc. Had it all. Just top notch production values across the board. What an experience. Naughty Dog is king.
Finished the game. I expected a sort of bittersweet ending, and I even thought they were hinting at something else, but they went a completely different unexpected route for me with the epilogue. It was definitely a good way to wrap things up and tug at the heart strings.

All in all I was definitely more intrigued with the first half of the game. All the chapters that took place in Madagascar were pretty much the highlight of the game for me. The
whole island segment
wasn't really bad per-se but it was definitely a feeling of been there done that. I also feel like the graphics took a dive in all the jungle and mountain environments.

Took me about 15 and half hours but it didn't really feel as long. At least I got cool body count of 555. Will definitely be playing through the story again.

Beat it and loved it. The only minor complaint I'd have short of calling the game perfect is I didn't like the gun battle sections much. To me they hurt the pacing. To be honest, I would have been perfectly fine if the game had like one gun battle part in the entire game. I enjoyed the story, experience, climbing, exploring, etc that much.

I realize I'm probably in the minority, but I've just never really been a fan of duck and cover shooters in general. I'm glad Uncharted is so much more than that, as those parts are by far my least favorite of all the entries. But those are very minor gripes, as I didn't hate those parts, I just enjoyed them the least of everything Uncharted 4 offered.

I can definitely agree with this sentiment which is why the new stealth mechanics were such a welcome feature in this game. It pretty much allowed me to play totally different from the rest of the series.
Beat it and loved it. The only minor complaint I'd have short of calling the game perfect is I didn't like the gun battle sections much. To me they hurt the pacing. To be honest, I would have been perfectly fine if the game had like one gun battle part in the entire game. I enjoyed the story, experience, climbing, exploring, etc that much.

I realize I'm probably in the minority, but I've just never really been a fan of duck and cover shooters in general. I'm glad Uncharted is so much more than that, as those parts are by far my least favorite of all the entries. But those are very minor gripes, as I didn't hate those parts, I just enjoyed them the least of everything Uncharted 4 offered.

Most graphically impressive game I've ever played. Best voice acting I've ever experienced in a game. Great writing, witty dialogue, humor, etc. Had it all. Just top notch production values across the board. What an experience. Naughty Dog is king.

To me they are the highlights as the gameplay really shines in those sections, especially on higher difficulties. It's so much fun to be constantly on the move, swinging, climbing, jumping, sliding, shooting. I just love how vertical and open the design of the combat bowls is, it's Resi 4's village or UC3's ship graveyard spread out over an entire game.

Probably my favorite TPS out there in that regard, though it's much more than just a TPS, simply because the game has less combat than the others and mixes things up wel with navigation, puzzles, exploration and storytelling.


Neighbours from Hell
I agree, I liked they allowed you to be stealthy. I mean, it wasn't Hitman or anything, but it was nice to have another element. When I have the choice in games, I always take the stealth approach over action.

Btw I don't think this is a spoiler or anything, but just in case I'll mark it. This is the 3rd thing in 2016 I've experienced so far that got into
pirates. I just beat Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, watched the latest season of Black Sails recently, and then this. I guess 2016 for me is the year of the pirates. All 3 of them using the key names like Ann Bonney.


I absolutely love the ship sequence, one of the series highlights. But I fully agree in terms of story it made no sense whatsoever (or at least, it was very poorly justified). Still, I could play that section over and over again.

Fully agree, for me it was the hardest part of the game and to find it was all for nothing was a big 'fuck you' moment and really soured me on it. That chandelier tho..... I'll never forget seeing the water through the glass as your climbing.


Just beat it.


It is hands down one of the best games I have ever played. Such a fantastic journey that overshadows everything Naughty Dog as done to date. Such a awesome way to end the series. I can tell now that if I had never played any of the previous games then the emotional impact would not be the same, but thanks to the fact that I did it made me appreciate the game a lot more.

Just about everything is perfect. Combat, story, characters, visuals, level design, soundtrack (albeit one of the weaker aspects), and everything else. The biggest complaint is literally there are too much of those Last of Us segments of pushing a crate to get up to somewhere. Not sure why they would have that when this game is about climbing.

Every single chapter is exhilarating. It is astonishing how much detail and variety each place was given. Not one area looks the same. Not one area is a bore to go through. Everything is perfectly crafted and it is astonishing how most of it can be explored in big open areas or even the fact that it's one long linear stage that never gets boring.

I've seen some few complaints about there not being a lot of combat but that's one of the things I loved about the game. Every encounter was unique and had a flair to it that I can remember each one of the top of my head (yes I know I just beat it so it's a lot fresher) which is not something I can for the other games apart from a few encounters. The flow of it all is smooth. Going from stealth to a shootout back to stealth back to swinging around. This is not a cover based shooter anymore.

Then you have the graphics. My god the graphics. You have no idea how many pics I saved onto my system. Like how in the hell did ND get away with this. But to be fair, I've noticed a lot more framerate issues compared to the previous games. Still, ND should be awarded for the amount of effort they put into this.

The story had me gripped from the second it started all the way to the end. Much more thought is put into the overall plot and the way characters are handled and fitted into the story. You got the best villains with Rafe and Nadine out of the entire series. Sam is pretty much up there with the other main characters. It honestly doesn't feel like he was introduced in this game. Troy Baker did an awesome performance which is saying something cause I've been getting tired of hearing him in everything. Every character grows in ways that make sense and it's such fantastic way to end it all.

The ending
left me satisfied and emotional. I'm really glad they didn't do a dark ending with having Sam or Elena or Sully dying. This series isn't about that. That wasn't a theme that needed to be explored imo. There were already mature themes that was being explored while keeping the adventure motif. It's a great end for Nathan Drake, but I wouldn't mind seeing another story with his daughter, but let's give it a few years.

While not a complaint but a disappointment (ending spoilers)
I'm a little sad that we didn't get any supernatural stuff. I wouldn't say the story or last chapters suffer from it but there was no real big ending fight. I did like the ending fight with Rafe, but I did think we needed a little more because otherwise it's a repeat of the Talbot fight in UC3 although Talbot is a shitty as character.

So overall, I think this is a game that is going to be hard to beat. I loved the Last of Us but I never put it in a high ass pedestal as a lot of people do, so imo this is their actual magnum opus. Bravo Naughty Dog. Now I have to decide whether what is my favorite of this gen so far, this or the Witcher 3, then I also got Persona 5 and FFXV coming this year too, by god what an amazing year.
All of the set pieces you mentioned are great too and better than the ones in UC4

the plane sequence for me was jaw doping and very memorable. when I think of the word Uncharted I straight away think about it.

I disagree here. UC4's
E3 demo blows away any set-piece in the game, the design of that jeep escape is insane, I can't even begin to imagine how much work that must have been and the collapsing building in Libertalia is better than the one in UC2 as well for me.

It has less set-pieces but the ones that are there are better. Never really got the love for the plane bit. It's really short and ultimately boils down to a little steering and pressing a few buttons.

In fact, I'm glad they have less set-pieces and more of those wide linear combat sections, as they are much more involving from a gameplay perspective.
That's my issue as well. Will we ever get a console game that looks as amazing as uc4 in the near future? It really hurts my hype for other games knowing they can't compete on that level.

I really need a ND panel to fully explain how they got this game looking this great.


That's my issue as well. Will we ever get a console game that looks as amazing as uc4 in the near future? It really hurts my hype for other games knowing they can't compete on that level.

I really need a ND panel to fully explain how they got this game looking this great.

God of War maybe?


I disagree here. UC4's
E3 demo blows away any set-piece in the game, the design of that jeep escape is insane, I can't even begin to imagine how much work that must have been and the collapsing building in Libertalia is better than the one in UC2 as well for me.

It has less set-pieces but the ones that are there are better. Never really got the love for the plane bit. It's really short and ultimately boils down to a little steering and pressing a few buttons.

In fact, I'm glad they have less set-pieces and more of those wide linear combat sections, as they are much more involving from a gameplay perspective.

Fair enough :D

regardless of which ones I prefer the
E3 car chase
is still brilliantly mind blowing and amazing.

That's my issue as well. Will we ever get a console game that looks as amazing as uc4 in the near future? It really hurts my hype for other games knowing they can't compete on that level.

I really need a ND panel to fully explain how they got this game looking this great.

well, Horizon looks as good and it's an open world wish makes it even more impressive visually


God of War maybe?

that too

I honestly think GoW3 looks better even than TLOU

GoW4 will blow me away

also maybe Detroit?
Are the people complaining about the lack of combat stealthing every encounter?

Because I'm playing the game with a "fuck it, just shoot them" attitude and there is pretty much the same amount of fights there is in the other games in this one.

Im at chapter 13 and unless this seriously ramps down, it might even have a bit more encounters than UC2.

Personally, the stealth option is great, but there is far to much fun playing to be had playing homicidal treasure hunter.


Just did Ch.8-9, it's not anymore only about amazing graphics, but the way you transition from gameplay to cutscene to setpiece-like moments and then again to gameplay and cutscene, this is beyond impressive.


Just finished the game finally. The story ended perfectly I think. And I love the (fairly obvious) parallels between Avery and the Pirates obsession over the treasure with the main casts.

All in all I've really enjoyed it and am looking forward to playing through again with modifiers. I still think the game could use more combat encounters but what's there is so sublime. It's a shame because so many locations I was thinking "this place would be so cool to fight in, I bet we need to get back through later" but then you never did. I find it hard to disagree with people complaining about the balance of scenarios, and can't help but think Naughty Dog misfired abit in that respect. Maybe they took complaints of previous games too much to heart.

If they can add a horde/challenge mode then it'll be gravy.

Highlight for me was chapter 20. Just balls to the wall action with a great soundtrack and high stakes.
God of War, assuming it's more like the other games in the series, has the benefit of smaller levels and a cinematic camera that controls what you see. It'll look amazing no doubt.

Really curious about Dead Don't Ride's look as well.
Just finished the game finally. The story ended perfectly I think. And I love the (fairly obvious) parallels between Avery and the Pirates obsession over the treasure with the main casts.

All in all I've really enjoyed it and am looking forward to playing through again with modifiers. I still think the game could use more combat encounters but what's there is so sublime. It's a shame because so many locations I was thinking "this place would be so cool to fight in, I bet we need to get back through later" but then you never did. I find it hard to disagree with people complaining about the balance of scenarios, and can't help but think Naughty Dog misfired abit in that respect. Maybe they took complaints of previous games too much to heart.

If they can add a horde/challenge mode then it'll be gravy.

Highlight for me was chapter 20. Just balls to the wall action with a great soundtrack and high stakes.

shipyard battle
is my favorite encounter in the whole series, absolute blast to play in.


could never
Yeah loved the Jeep, felt great. Could have sounded a bit more meaty imo, but I iirc Sully does say actually something about renting a cheap pos lol.


Hmm I dunno, playing it a second time. I can't put it above Uncharted 2.

I just feel like the non-action parts are longer than I want, where Uncharted 2 is literally action to action and extremely tight sequences.

Maybe just a matter of preference, but Uncharted 2 is still the best.
Hmm I dunno, playing it a second time. I can't put it above Uncharted 2.

I just feel like the non-action parts are longer than I want, where Uncharted 2 is literally action to action and extremely tight sequences.

Maybe just a matter of preference, but Uncharted 2 is still the best.

yup, U2 is the best overall.


Just finished it yesterday on Hard, 20 hours on the clock.

Absolutely amazing game! It's telling that I don't usually go out of my way to publicly share my experience with a game I just finished. For this game I will make an exception though.

To me this is the best game in the series and it beats out all the other entries on all fronts. The game is a masterclass in pacing, perfectly interweaving quiet moments with action sequences. Almost every chapter introduces something new mechanically, or existing mechanics are changed around.

Loved the traversal, loved the combat, loved the stealth, loved just walking around and exploring. Everything controls really well. It's not mechanically complex and doesn't have much depth, but the flow is simply wonderful and it allows for lots of different ways to tackle the obstacles in your way. The combat (melee) and stealth in particular are very dynamic and interweave perfectly.

Lots of great and memorable set pieces. Possibly the best collection of set pieces in the series. Several of them feel a bit like retreads of previous games, but they are still amazing in their own right.

Really liked the more open environments too, both for combat and exploration. In regards to exploration, the world feels more natural and the overall adventure more grand. Regarding combat (and stealth), the open environments make the gameplay way more dynamic and emergent. It also allows for the very strong AI to shine through. Because of this, you can never stay in one place for long, which makes the action very frantic.

Storywise, it's the best of the series, though I wonder how your experience would be without having played the previous entries. Experience with the rest of the series notwithstanding though; the writing, acting, direction are all top notch and the stunning facial animations really sell it.

I won't comment much about the visuals here. I think more than enough has been said about them already. All I will say is that, even as an avid pc gamer, this was hands down the most beautiful looking game I have ever played.

Things I didn't like:
- snapping to cover while you were intending to do a dodge roll instead. This has been an issue ever since the first game, and it has certainly improved, but it can still get hairy now and then.
- maybe a little bit too much gun combat toward the end, while it was more subdued before that.
- the game overall didn't seem to be as funny and witty as before,
though it improves when Elena joins you on the island.
- didn't like the villains very much. Especially
just seemed to be really angry and brooding all the time for no apparent reason.
- in the last chapter
I was kinda torn on the final battle with Rafe, because on one hand I liked the small, intimate scale of the fight; but on the other hand they did a sudden 180 on the melee combat mechanics, which started to frustrate me.

WaterAstro said:
Hmm I dunno, playing it a second time. I can't put it above Uncharted 2.

I just feel like the non-action parts are longer than I want, where Uncharted 2 is literally action to action and extremely tight sequences.

Maybe just a matter of preference, but Uncharted 2 is still the best.

This is interesting actually. U2 had really good pacing too, but I personally prefer the larger amount of quiet time that U4 offers. I think it balances out the action better. It's a great example of the good pacing model where quiet time and action sequences are constantly interchanged with each other so it doesn't turn into one big blur of action, which lessens the impact of the action overall.

What's interesting though is that for replays, this might not work very well and the quiet moments are just in the way.


Looking through the encounter select screen after finishing it, there's a fairly meaty shootout in almost every chapter. They're just broken up by too much quiet time, but I think they really wanted to highlight the adventure aspect in this one.

I wouldn't be shocked if the time spent fighting here is not much shorter than in previous games it's just that we have a lot more splitting this up. Whether you enjoy that or not is subjective, but I think the game could have trimmed a bit here and there to give the encounters a more even flow in the middle section of the game.

Like, when you have chapters like At Sea you don't need to have so much splitting the action packed moments up because those chapters achieve that by themselves.

That said the "platforming" in this game is the best it's ever been and I really like the addition of the rope and the sliding mechanics. Not only do they make the quiet bits fun (if not particularly challenging), they elevate the combat to the best TPS combat ever created.

Edit: people asking for more "mechanics" such as crafting and RPG style upgrades just don't get it. Those would ruin the game long before they provide meaning to the exploration. The rope singlehandedly improves the classic Uncharted gameplay without needing any stupid menu driven numbers sub systems.


This is interesting actually. U2 had really good pacing too, but I personally prefer the larger amount of quiet time that U4 offers. I think it balances out the action better. It's a great example of the good pacing model where quiet time and action sequences are constantly interchanged with each other so it doesn't turn into one big blur of action, which lessens the impact of the action overall.

What's interesting though is that for replays, this might not work very well and the quiet moments are just in the way.

I think for the exploration moments, the timing can be different depending on how much you explore, so it could end up feeling longer for some people. I know I was exploring on the jeep, and I'm slightly frustrated when I stop to look at a building that had nothing but treasure collectibles. Well, exploration is supposed to be like that, so what I felt is what they intended.

But sometimes it's just one too many times, especially with some puzzles that have too many layers.
Well that was a PS4 first for me...

Playing Chapter 19 and during a heavy-ish action sequence the game completely froze. PS4 wouldn't respond to anything and I had to hard reboot the console.

Don't feel like I'm having the wow experience many here are reporting. Did I go in with expectations too high after playing previous Uncharted games and TLoU?

I feel the game is guiding my actions too much and not enough of the world is interactive. I feel more on a ride with this game than previous rather than being an active participant in the action.

When it's good, it's good, I'm really enjoying it, but I'm not happy with the idea that this is being considered the PS4's flagship game.


So I reached chaper 18 or so last night, and when trying to start the game today it won't load past the initial, system level load screen (the boxart picture). The actual game never starts. The only other boxed PS4 game I have starts with no issues.
Has anyone experienced something similar with their PS4 or with this specific game? Any solutions at hand? I've even deleted the save data, even though that probably should cause issues even starting the game.

Edit: Apparently going into Rest mode from this screen and then waking the system up solved the issue.


Just finished chapter 6 I think.

Now I really want ND to do a heist or James Bond game next

That had me grinning from ear to ear throughout.


before the game came out no other game could hold my attention..i completed the game and now i dont care about any other game

i am fucked


So I finished this last night around 6pm or so.

Great finish to the series I think its the best one so far for multiple reasons. They never force you into gun fights outside of a few areas so if you want to sneak instead charge in guns blazing you can and I think that is awesome.

I do think the last act was padded a little bit with a bit too much filler however boy that last chapter. Out of all of the things I expected to happen that is the one thing I didn't expect to happen and the reveal was done in the most amazing way.

Might fiddle around with it a bit more this week before Overwatch comes out and dominates my life for the forseeable future.


Finally got the platinum trophy, now it's time to put away the game for a bit, except for some multiplayer. Although it's a good game, it isn't great for me, nor do I feel this is GOTY material.
Did they put a date on the SP DLC or not? Any chance it comes out in 2016?

No date.

There's a chance for it, but Neil said that they've only started thinking about what it'll be after the development of the main game has wrapped up.

Left Behind went through a lot of takes/rewrites/changes. It took longer than whatever their original internal timeline was, but they didn't have a fixed deadline to that.


God of War maybe?

Well, if there is one thing I am certain about it thay GoW will have some insane over the top setpiece moments.

I think Quantic Dream and Santa Monica will come close or even surpass ND in some ways. But both won't be as interactive and open (in terms of animations) as UC4 I think. Guerilla as well, but they went open world offcourse. And I also expect the next Sucker Punch game to be a looker for open world titles. Second Son still looks amazing in many aspects.

As for third parties, it's too bad Fox engine is sealed within Konami, as I feel that engine could do miracles if a dev went 30 fps on regular ps4. And a single player title on 30 fps with the graphics of Battlefront could be amazing as well. I am also anticipating Rocksteady's next title, because Arkham Knight was extremely impressive to me, running on an old unreal engine I think.


Just finished the game. What a ride.
Such a great game and a great series as a whole. Will miss Nathan and the rest of the characters.


Reading through the last pages holy shit lmfao at Jobbs "death of an art form " post.

Not even sure I want to play ghost song anymore. Jesus...
Welp, slightly OT, butI've self-requested ban so I don't have to go on GAF until I've finished my exams on 24th June. Will help get rid of procrastination (I hope! :p) and help reduce the risk of getting spoiled!

Can't wait until I get hands on!
Just finished it up.
Kinda unbelievably good. Still had issue with a few of the gun fight encounters, but less so than the other Uncharted titles.

The visual quality, the characters and the spectacle were all insanely well executed. Just wow.


Clearing through the rest of the achievements now. That 70% accuracy achievement is the devil.

It really isn't. If you're playing on crushing having played the other Uncharted games you should easily have it. I finished my first moderate run with around 58% and it was only that low because of blind fire for the trophy. Just take good shots only. Not difficult. Don't aim for the head aim for the body, isn't like ammo is sparse.
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