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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Well I'm loving UC3 so far, the new aiming reticle is much better and I like the additions to the melee combat. Treasure is much easier to see as well which is nice. Plus it's just gorgeous, if every game looked and more importantly ran like this on console I'd use my PS4 a lot more. I hope I've found my favourite, so far so good.
Drake's Fortune is not a poor game. Perhaps not as good as Among Thieves or Drake's Deception; but it's no where near being poor.

I think we will have to agree to disagree mate.

I think it is really poor. The first half is devoid of anything particularly memorable and the game feels like a mish-mash of ideas that never come together to form a cohesive whole.

Encounter design is terrible and Drake feels like an absolute chore to handle.

However, having played them all before, I know Among Thieves and Drake's Deception are excellent games and I can't wait to play them.

This franchise is magic but Drake's Fortune doesn't hold up anymore in my opinion.


Well I'm loving UC3 so far, the new aiming reticle is much better and I like the additions to the melee combat. Treasure is much easier to see as well which is nice. Plus it's just gorgeous, if every game looked and more importantly ran like this on console I'd use my PS4 a lot more. I hope I've found my favourite, so far so good.

Tearaway Unfolded has pristine IQ and runs at 60fps.

Pick it up!
Almost done with Crushing myself, but complaints are fair. Until you get access to improved/powerful guns, those early chapters can be really rough unless you really nail headshots(a trial given how frenzied they shift and jeke). Pistol and AK-fire can require half a clip from certain distances if you keep tapping them in the shoulders or chest if just slightly off, especially int he early chapters when you are stuck with crummy guns(outside of the occasional WES or Shotgun).

That said, once acclimated it can be real thrilling to use slight windows of opportunity from bullet stagger, blind fire, and grenade impact to reposition and flank. Took me time to get the feel for this as being exposed usually is instant death otherwise. Even still, enemies can be very spongy if not landing headshots at greater distances than a few yards.

I think it's just a skill issue. I played the entirety of UC1 with the default sensitivity and had no problems getting headshots throughout the entire game. I rocked the starter pistol the majority of the game too.

The real problem with difficulty were how the encounters were designed, with enemies spawning behind you and what not. Enemies behind you plus one or two shots to die equaled a bunch of unnecessary, frustrating deaths on Crushing.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think it is really poor. The first half is devoid of anything particularly memorable and the game feels like a mish-mash of ideas that never come together to form a cohesive whole.

Encounter design is terrible and Drake feels like an absolute chore to handle.
First half has the whole u-boat segment which is probably the most iconic moment in the whole game, (and maybe the best looking too). They've done work to improve drake's aiming and handling in this remaster. I don't think it was bad to begin with, but it all feels snappier now for sure.
PS Gold Headset with Uncharted setting profile...the dialogue sounds crackly...anyone else? I hope my headset isn't coincidentally busted. Rest of the audio is fine.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Excellent OT title and excellent OT in general. Bravo

Assassin's Creed IV is also super crisp on PS4. I don't know about the framerate though..

60fps is bae so I buy all multi plats on PC, but the PS4 version runs at 30fps rock solid without dips which is better than most, but still not comparable to the buttery smooth Uncharted Collection.

Tearaway Unfolded has pristine IQ and runs at 60fps.

Pick it up!

I'm not a snob but it looks like a game for young children, is there anything of value for adults?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Whatever you want to call it, it becomes too frustrating later on. If I wanted to get angry at a video game I'd play on crushing, not normal. Either way I just killed the last boss so it's done.
That's an unusual sentiment that I don't remember anyone echoing about the original games. UC1 is generally considered much more difficult and with difficulty spikes strewn throughout (like the cistern room or the airplane crash scene). In UC2 the difficulty ramps up towards the end like with just about every game, but it never gets anywhere near as difficult as UC1 at some of its points. Maybe you really lucked out on your UC1 play through or got unlucky in UC2. For me personally, UC2 was rather easy on normal difficulty.

I'm not a snob but it looks like a game for young children, is there anything of value for adults?
I'm not sure what value are you looking for, but it's not a game that young children could fully appreciate IMO. If you're looking for some kind of intelectually and emotionally stimulating value, you'll find it there far more than in most M rated games.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
That's an unusual sentiment that I don't remember anyone echoing about the original games. UC1 is generally considered much more difficult and with difficulty spikes strewn throughout (like the cistern room or the airplane crash scene). In UC2 the difficulty ramps up towards the end like with just about every game, but it never gets anywhere near as difficult as UC1 at some of its points. Maybe you really lucked out on your UC1 play through or got unlucky in UC2. For me personally, UC2 was rather easy on normal difficulty.

I honestly didn't have any trouble with UC1, it felt like how I expect games on normal to feel but UC2 took a massive shit on my chest multiple times which really hurt my enjoyment of it.


60fps is bae so I buy all multi plats on PC, but the PS4 version runs at 30fps rock solid without dips which is better than most, but still not comparable to the buttery smooth Uncharted Collection.

I'm not a snob but it looks like a game for young children, is there anything of value for adults?

To be honest, if your first reaction to it is thinking it looks like a game for young children it probably isn't for you, no.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I promised you guys that I would translate the interview I had with Arne from ND, so here it is. It was great actually: after the 'official' talk he kept answering questions or telling us about the studio. He'd been doing interviews for days already, but I didn't feel like I was on a timer or rushed. Plus: he was wearing a Run the Jewels shirt, so he's okay in my book.

There's some technical lingo in the answers, I hope I got everything right because I'm no expert there. The details on the Drake's Fortune missing backups is pretty interesting: they had to go to great lenghts to get the sound effects back. This is also a 'best of', I asked some U4 stuff but nothing in there we didn't already know.

How did you determine the difficulty of the new Brutal mode?
Bluepoint took their best Q&A tester and had him beat the game multiple times. Each time he did, they adjusted different things, until he couldn't finish it anymore. After this they went back to the previous revision that he could finish. So that's Brutal: pretty much the hardest setting the game can be finished at by a very skilled player. It's a way to reward people who are very skilled. It'll force you to think about each combat scenario.

[I had to ask] The Last of Us got a remaster, now the Uncharted games are remastered, there's the Jak HD collection on PS3... You can see where I'm going with this: in theory it's possible to get Crash back from Activision, right?
In theory there's always room for business partnerships, right? (laughs) I can't speak for what Activision wants to do with Crash.

When Uncharted 2 was shown for the first time, everyone noticed a huge graphical leap compared to the first game. When it came out, it was a huge hit that eclipsed the first game a bit. What happened in the years between Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves to make that kind of jump?
Development for Drake's Fortune was really challenging. We were moving on to a new console and had to let go of our own scripting and programming language we used for Jak, and we moved to C++. We created new tools, new pipelines, and we were starting to use middleware for the first time. On top of creating technology and a new engine, there was an actual game to be made too... We were doing a lot of different things at once, and we couldn't really get to everything we wanted to. Plus, at the time, there were a lot of people leaving the studio as well. It was a chaotic time. But by the time we were done with Drake's Fortune, we saw the potential of what we could do. We already had the foundation, then it was time to build on it.

Still, making such a leap in two years worth of development is impressive.
We had the engine set up, so that makes a big difference. But our source code was still very messy. We actually had to 'clean up' a lot after Drake's Fortune. So there were definitely challenges.

So Bluepoint had a tough time remastering Drake's Fortune then?
We didn't create assets in high res during the development of Drake's Fortune, because we weren't thinking about the future in that degree. So for DF there were a lot of assets that needed to be created. We almost lost the mySQL database, which is the overarching roadmap for how development goes, because that wasn't backed up. But luckily we found one pc that still had it! We even had to resurrect middleware licenses that expired.
But getting the sound effects back was a real challenge. They were mastered out of house by Technicolor Sound Services. However, they stopped their game business, so we couldn't work with them anymore. But we never had the masters at Naughty Dog either... And they didn't have anybody there that we used to work with. They could however send us string id's that we could figure out. Then we had to contact their IT department to get those string id's out of their backups. It took us 4 months just to get the masters for the sound effects. So it was very challenging in a lot of ways (laughs). Definitely the hardest of the 3 games.

In the collection, the games have had plenty of graphical upgrades, but what are the other additions or changes? Any small gameplay tweaks?
The aiming is sort of a hybrid of U2 and 3. We were also trying to address the complaint about bullet sponge enemies in DF in particular. We were trying to apply everything we've learned from the 3 games, so Drake's Deception had the least amount of tweaks.

Oh and people who understand Dutch can read my review here. I gave it a 9/10. Ultimately I'm very impressed with the collection, and for me its biggest selling point is the stellar DF upgrade... Out of curiosity I'd like to boot up the PS3 original, must be night and day.


Assassin's Creed IV is also super crisp on PS4. I don't know about the framerate though..

AC4 on PS4 looks like someone ran the entire game through the Bicubic Sharper filter in Photoshop. Whether that's good or bad is a personal preference, but "sharp" is the word I would use to describe Black Flag, where I would say Unity looks "soft" (due to a lack of intense sharpening and a lower resolution).

I just started Black Flag last week and my first thought was "Who misplaced a decimal spot on the sharpness value?"

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Am I crazy or does Drake handle smoother in UC3? He feels more responsive and aiming feels less heavy, I can go from target to target easier. Enemies are dying much quicker as well which feels way better, but it may be because they're unarmoured. One negative is for the first time in the collection I've felt that the frame rate isn't rock solid, I'm talking specifically about the room with lots of fog and lights near the beginning. Hopefully that was just a one off.


Uncharted 3 would honestly looks better than 90% of current gen games if the lighting model wasn't the same as the ps3 version. It makes everything look a little flat compared to modern games.


Finally got to the shooting parts in UC3. Yep, the enemies barely react to getting shot. What a huge travesty after UC2 absolutely nailed it. I think that contributed greatly to UC3 being somewhat disappointing after 2.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Is Drake drunk in 3 lol, he keeps bouncing off of things.


Is Drake drunk in 3 lol, he keeps bouncing off of things.

They thought it was a good idea to have Drake react to touching any wall he's near as he walks by. They talked it up so much pre-release to UC3 iirc. It's really uh... overdone. If they made it so it wasn't frequent then it would be fine.
Damn! I take back what I've been telling everyone ("Just run and gun into melee, don't play it like a cover shooter"). Yeah, that doesn't work with UC1 on crushing. I'm cringing thinking about later encounters.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Am I crazy or does Drake handle smoother in UC3? He feels more responsive and aiming feels less heavy, I can go from target to target easier.
Compared to PS3 version of the game? Absolutely. UC3 on PS3 had the biggest input latency in the series, and in this remaster the reaponsiveness is so much better.


They thought it was a good idea to have Drake react to touching any wall he's near as he walks by. They talked it up so much pre-release to UC3 iirc. It's really uh... overdone. If they made it so it wasn't frequent then it would be fine.

At least they nailed it for The Last of Us. Joel really likes to reach out and touch things as you're walking, but it never looks out of place.
Finally got to the shooting parts in UC3. Yep, the enemies barely react to getting shot. What a huge travesty after UC2 absolutely nailed it. I think that contributed greatly to UC3 being somewhat disappointing after 2.

Just finished 2 and I wouldn't exactly say it nailed the shooting. For a start people can take several shots to the head (even without helmets).

But I really liked 2. Very fun action adventure. Still not a single good boss fight but I figure ND just don't know how to make one. And the
guardian dudes
wernt fun to fight. But apart from that there's a lot to enjoy.

Loved the set prices, fun story, drake girls, visuals. Shooting was mostly decent and platforming suffered less technical issues than 1 did such as not grabbing ledges drake clearly should have.

Look forward to starting 3 tomorrow.
Damn! I take back what I've been telling everyone ("Just run and gun into melee, don't play it like a cover shooter"). Yeah, that doesn't work with UC1 on crushing. I'm cringing thinking about later encounters.

Best tactic for UC1 Crushing is to play super defensively and exploit the fact that bullets come out of the center of the screen and not Drake's gun - allowing you to shoot enemies from behind cover as long as your reticle is on them.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
They added a bunch of new animations to him in 3, too much IMO. He looks comical now just stumbling and bumbling everywhere.

I feel the same, they definitely went one step too far but overall I feel he handles so much better.

Compared to PS3 version of the game? Absolutely. UC3 on PS3 had the biggest input latency in the series, and in this remaster the reaponsiveness is so much better.

Compared to the other remasters, the movement and aiming feels so great IMO.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
At least they nailed it for The Last of Us. Joel really likes to reach out and touch things as you're walking, but it never looks out of place.
It's a game where you don't change movement directions so abruptly. It actually makes sense for Drake to bounce off of things considering how quickly he moves and how abruptly you can change his running direction.

Compared to the other remasters, the movement and aiming feels so great IMO.
The game always had the best animation transitions, and now with low input latency of the remaster it does feel really great. I think aiming is more or less normalized between the three games now, but just moving Drake around feels so good in UC3.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
you can toss back grenades in 3. I'm loving this.


Very nearly at the end of UC1 now.

I've really enjoyed my time with it overall, with the exception of about ~4 encounters that were not enjoyable to get through.

It had been a long time since I last played through the game, and I'm surprised how well it holds up. Doesn't feel as refined as the newer games, but doesn't feel like an early last-gen game to me.

Looking forward to UC2 and 3!
Best tactic for UC1 Crushing is to play super defensively and exploit the fact that bullets come out of the center of the screen and not Drake's gun - allowing you to shoot enemies from behind cover as long as your reticle is on them.
I've actually had success apllying pressure and netting them half. This way here I'm closer for headshots and can take out the guys entering from above before they even drop from their spawn area.

I guess I forgot that running and dodging isn't effective outside of MP haha.


Doesn't feel as refined as the newer games, but doesn't feel like an early last-gen game to me.

I thought it felt like a game that could have came out a year before Gears of War, not a year after. Shit, in many ways Uncharted 1 could still have taken a few more lessons from Kill.Switch on the PS2.


I thought it felt like a game that could have came out a year before Gears of War, not a year after. Shit, in many ways Uncharted 1 could still have taken a few more lessons from Kill.Switch on the PS2.

Can't comment here really because I've never played GoW or Kill.Switch :p


I thought it felt like a game that could have came out a year before Gears of War, not a year after. Shit, in many ways Uncharted 1 could still have taken a few more lessons from Kill.Switch on the PS2.
It certainly could have learned from Gears (like the 2nd & 3rd games) but Kill.Switch... That's a stretch!


Playing UC1 on Brutal and got up to chapter 5. Pray for me. UC1's mechanics are really outdated. I stopped using cover mechanics in order to get past encounters.


UC1 has been a fairly frustrating experience, but 90% of it is the shitty cover mechanics, and when playing on Crushing difficulty, it gets really old really fast. When enemies kill you with 2 bullets, and never miss, and come at you from all angles, you need to have precise control over where and when you take cover, and that just doesn't work properly. I'm confident they fixed it in UC2+3 but it's been so long I can't remember.

Was crushing always this hard? I platinumed UC2 and I don't remember dying nearly as often as I am in UC1.


UC1 has been a fairly frustrating experience, but 90% of it is the shitty cover mechanics, and when playing on Crushing difficulty, it gets really old really fast. When enemies kill you with 2 bullets, and never miss, and come at you from all angles, you need to have precise control over where and when you take cover, and that just doesn't work properly. I'm confident they fixed it in UC2+3 but it's been so long I can't remember.

Was crushing always this hard? I platinumed UC2 and I don't remember dying nearly as often as I am in UC1.

UC1 Crushing was always this hard.

Use corner shooting (stand behind certain walls and aim your reticle just enough that the bullet will go past the wall and enemies can't shoot you) and you will have a much easier time.


It certainly could have learned from Gears (like the 2nd & 3rd games) but Kill.Switch... That's a stretch!
I think Kill.Switch had far better pacing in its combat, enemies were laid out more sporadically across the levels, rather than just coming up to a wide open combat arena and then fighting off waves. That's really the biggest thing. It's to Kill.Switch's gameplay benefit that it didn't have to try to balance cinematic presentation and combat, whereas Uncharted 1 feels a little jarring as it bounces from combat arena to platforming to cutscene and in between. Kill.Switch has consistency going for it, if lacking in variety and flavor.

For such an innovative game, Kill.Switch also did great job balancing the blindfire. Some games make it too accurate (The Order 1886), while others make it almost worthlessly inaccurate (Uncharted). That's a personal preference thing, but I like TPSs with effective, but not overpowered, blindfire.


UC1 Crushing was always this hard.

Use corner shooting (stand behind certain walls and aim your reticle just enough that the bullet will go past the wall and enemies can't shoot you) and you will have a much easier time.

Yes I did start adopting this in the room where you get your first dragon sniper. Took me probably a dozen tries to get through the room, but it was made easier by taking cover behind the corner of the stairs.This game is crazy hard, but I will admit I'm not as skilled as I used to be. Still, generally speaking, I take 2 bullets, I'm dead. Not much room for error.


Junior Member
Finally got to the shooting parts in UC3. Yep, the enemies barely react to getting shot. What a huge travesty after UC2 absolutely nailed it. I think that contributed greatly to UC3 being somewhat disappointing after 2.

NOOOOO can't believe that's still in 😭😭😭


Worst thing about Uncharted 1 is all the incredibly obvious invisible script tripwires. Going back and forth from a vantage point just so that enemies pop up is fairly annoying. Also I'm over halfway through and I'm still not quite sure if there are audio cues that signal the end of a firefight, which I'm positive 2 and 3 did. Sometimes the music stops, sometimes it keeps going... weird. All in all, Crushing can be fun, but the worse chokepoints clearly weren't designed with it in mind.


Got the Uncharted 2 plat. Still a great game, great remaster as well. It looks & plays great. I wish they added in the ability to throw back grenades from U3 into it though.
Worst thing about Uncharted 1 is all the incredibly obvious invisible script tripwires. Going back and forth from a vantage point just so that enemies pop up is fairly annoying. Also I'm over halfway through and I'm still not quite sure if there are audio cues that signal the end of a firefight, which I'm positive 2 and 3 did. Sometimes the music stops, sometimes it keeps going... weird. All in all, Crushing can be fun, but the worse chokepoints clearly weren't designed with it in mind.
Didn't pay attention to audio cues in 1,but in 2 it messed me up many times because the music simply stops playing if a shot hasn't been fired in awhile, but that doesn't necessarily mean all enemies have been eliminated.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I just did the bit where the house is burning down and it was honestly one of the best sequences in any game I've ever played, definitely the best in the series. Shit like that is why I game.


Didn't pay attention to audio cues in 1,but in 2 it messed me up many times because the music simply stops playing if a shot hasn't been fired in awhile, but that doesn't necessarily mean all enemies have been eliminated.

That's probably it, then. Odd that they didn't think of implementing that when they have so many voiced reactions to little things, but hey.
I've seen people complain about UC1 enemies not reacting. That is just WRONG. I've seen guys hop on one foot in pain, grab various parts of their bodies etc... What game did you guys play?
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