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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Is it just me or is the AI worse in 3? They kinda stand around more in the open looking doopy. Everything else though I prefer, it's 1am and I just can't stop.
Am i not remembering things correctly or did they remove the 1rst encounter with the heavy armor guy in UC2 ?
I did notice a lacking of gatling gun use on my run, but then again I was playing Crushing so not the best weapon choice there.

First encounter was at the
train yard, but Elena saves you before you can kill them
, second encounter is
on the train, but you cheese him with the log locks
, third encounter was
at the sanctuary, but I brought 3 RPG shots into that encounter, takes 3 to down one, plus they give you the 6 you would of otherwise needed to take out the two heavy armor units, so kind of breezed past it
, the fourth encounter was in
2 outside outside in Shambala, but again if you brought the power weapon from the last round (golden crossbow) you breeze by it petty fast
, and the fifth and last encounter was in
the Shambala temple, but if you do nothing the guy gets killed by a guardian

None of those encounters felt like the hurdles I remember, perhaps that's why it felt like an encounter was missing?


I've always really enjoyed the Uncharted series but I was heavily debating on waiting for a price drop on the collection. I mean, I've already played and beaten all these games and my backlog isn't getting any shorter. Honestly, my main concern was that I'd realize these games had aged poorly and my experience with the Collection wouldn't come close to my memories. I was so wrong.

As many have said here, UC1 is absolutely gorgeous. I for one loved this game back in the day, and even though UC2 is clearly an improvement over it in pretty much every way, it was still a fantastic experience. Ok, so I somewhat expected the graphics to be beautiful what with the impressions in this OT and Bluepoint's stellar reputation, but what I wasn't expecting was for the gameplay to hold up as well as it does. Yes, there are a ton of shooting galleries but I'm really enjoying my Crushing playthrough (which I'd never done before in any of the games previously). The adventurous Indiana Jones inspired story, the platforming and wall climbing (though a bit clunky admittedly), all combined with the improved aiming and shooting...Kudos to Bluepoint for polishing these gems to an impeccable shine. I'm having an absolute blast and the collection has thus far exceeded my exceptions, and I've not even touched the sequels yet.

Speaking of sequels, this Uncharted lovefest got me thinking about UC4. At the previous UC4 gameplay reveals, I remember thinking "yup, that's Uncharted. Looks real pretty." After UC1 made me remember why I love these games so much, I decided to have a look at those gameplay videos again to see if I noticed any additional changes and improvements...holy shit is UC4 going to be amazing. Graphically it's impeccable but gameplay wise it looks like thye've made some really excellent editions to stealth, gunplay, and interactivity within the set pieces.

I mean seeing stuff like this...


Followed by this...


With a little bit of this...


...has me pretty damn psyched. Naughty Dog...I friggin love yall. I absolutely cannot wait for UC4, and I'll be there day one for whatever else you crazy wizards come up with next. Keep doing what you're doing!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
UC4 does look amazing, but I don't know, it's going to feel fucking weird playing it at 30fps after playing this collection which is just orgasmic. I hope they can do something similar to The Order 1886 to make 30fps feel a little better.
I decided I am going to wait to play this until early 2016 and finish it just in time for Uncharted 4. Instead I am finally going to dig into The Witcher!


This is a bit silly, but one of the things I'm most excited about with Uncharted 4 is that little white dot inside the reticle. That alone is such a huge deal to me, as I really despise the reticle of Uncharted 1 and 2. I've heard 3 has a different reticle than the first two games, but I'm still making my way through U2 at the moment.


UC4 does look amazing, but I don't know, it's going to feel fucking weird playing it at 30fps after playing this collection which is just orgasmic. I hope they can do something similar to The Order 1886 to make 30fps feel a little better.

True, would certainly be sweeter if it was 60fps, but I'm personally cool with having a stable 30fps with The Order level of visuals.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Worst thing about Uncharted 1 is all the incredibly obvious invisible script tripwires. Going back and forth from a vantage point just so that enemies pop up is fairly annoying. Also I'm over halfway through and I'm still not quite sure if there are audio cues that signal the end of a firefight, which I'm positive 2 and 3 did. Sometimes the music stops, sometimes it keeps going... weird. All in all, Crushing can be fun, but the worse chokepoints clearly weren't designed with it in mind.
Yes there is an audio cue - the music changes in a particular way. But you don't need an audio cue. Once Drake stop sprinting around and starts casually jogging at a slower pace instead, that means the fight is over.
Am i not remembering things correctly or did they remove the 1rst encounter with the heavy armor guy in UC2 ?
You might be thinking of the co-op with the skull face in Nepal. It was part of a beta and took place in the same area as the original UC2 demo so it's easy to mix them up.
Playing this franchise, while I absolutely loved the Tomb Raider reboot and cant wait for Rise's PS4 release....man did TR really get alot of its stuff from Uncharted


Playing this franchise, while I absolutely loved the Tomb Raider reboot and cant wait for Rise's PS4 release....man did TR really get alot of its stuff from Uncharted

From the looks of UC 4 they are just copying one another now.

Got past the sewers. Now on one of the hardest sections in the game.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
From the looks of UC 4 they are just copying one another now.

Got past the sewers. Now on one of the hardest sections in the game.

If they keep trying to one up each other on epic set pieces I'm happy with that.


I hope for Uncharted 4 the cover is less sticky; trying to escape by rolling and accidentally get stuck to cover happens way to often in frantic firefights.


I don't know why people still think Tomb Raider plays like Uncharted, it's closer to Gears of War or The Last of Us than Uncharted, Uncharted is an arena shooter with vertical level design, & an agile characte, while the level design in Tomb Raider is more flat like TLOU & Gears, & Lara's agility is useless in combat since you can't really do anything useful while moving, no hipfire or proper melee.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I hope for Uncharted 4 the cover is less sticky; trying to escape by rolling and accidentally get stuck to cover happens way to often in frantic firefights.

Talking of rolling, I just tried rolling to safety but instead I kept pushing an enemy away as you can throw them now in UC3, it definitely felt clunky not being able to roll lol.

Stopping for the night at 43%. So far I really like how Drake feels compared to the other games, and aiming feels nicer but the AI is definitely worse, they often just stand around like deer in headlights which was not happening in 1 nor 2. It seems there just isn't the perfect Uncharted game, they all seem to do something better but no one game can put it all together.


I don't know why people still think Tomb Raider plays like Uncharted, it's closer to Gears of War or The Last of Us than Uncharted, Uncharted is an arena shooter with vertical level design, & an agile characte, while the level design in Tomb Raider is more flat like TLOU & Gears, & Lara's agility is useless in combat since you can't really do anything useful while moving, no hipfire or proper melee.

Must admit replaying ship graveyard, that it is the pinnacle of Uncharted combat like you said. Nonetheless, I still have issues with the AI, hit reactions etc. The whole time I was playing it I was just thinking this would be so much better with Uncharted 4s combat/AI/movement system.


I like the concept of jumping in the water to escape, but I wish there was an option to break line of sight, and then re engage back into combat when I chose. (Like TLOU/UC4)


Must admit replaying ship graveyard, that it is the pinnacle of Uncharted combat like you said. Nonetheless, I still have issues with the AI, hit reactions etc. The whole time I was playing it I was just thinking this would be so much better with Uncharted 4s combat/AI/movement system.


I like the concept of jumping in the water to escape, but I wish there was an option to break line of sight, and then re engage back into combat when I chose. (Like TLOU/UC4)

Definitely, which should expand the combat options in UC4 even more, I'm just puzzled at all this comparison between Uncharted & Tomb Raider, they don't play the same at all, even thematically, Uncharted is light hearted & charming, while Tomb Raider is darker & more serious.

I guess the job description of the main character trumps everything else? Since TR is closer to Gears & TLOU in everything else.


Definitely, which should expand the combat options in UC4 even more, I'm just puzzled at all this comparison between Uncharted & Tomb Raider, they don't play the same at all, even thematically, Uncharted is light hearted & charming, while Tomb Raider is darker & more serious.

I guess the job description of the main character trumps everything else? Since TR is closer to Gears & TLOU in everything else.

If we are strictly talking combat, sure, but tomb raider has puzzles and platforming and set pieces which obviously is something Uncharted does as well. But I agree uncharted combat is fairly unique as far as the TPS market goes.

nice work

Thanks! :)


Video of me playing ship graveyard in Uncharted 3. Even on normal it is still quite hard. First time using share button as well :p


Pretty good stuff, but you could have taken out three of those first couple of guys via stealth (actually, not even just the first three). Though you probably already knew that and wanted to go in rambo lol.

It's funny, the armored guy in the video (the first one you kill) actually has a hit reaction animation when you're breaking his armor and he even stops shooting unlike the normal goons. I wonder why they didn't just reuse at least that for the normal goons, you know?

But man no hit reactions is pretty blatant coming off of UC1 & UC2. UC1's hit reactions are rough but at least they're there!

Imagine if they actually had hit reaction animations, though... the encounter areas would certainly be much better overall (obviously not perfect but much better). Oh well, Bluepoint obviously chose not to make any animation changes for all three games.


Pretty good stuff, but you could have taken out three of those first couple of guys via stealth (actually, not even just the first three). Though you probably already knew that and wanted to go in rambo lol.

Didn't know you could stealth this section, but being rambo is fun anyway :)
Tonight I experienced the true hell that is the water room in UC1 on Crushing difficulty. Christ, this game is giving me plenty of moments to second guess my decision for doing this second playthrough.

But, I keep pressing on so I can get the remaining unlockables behind it. It is nice to play it normally now without looking for missing treasures, though. Just focus on surviving and moving forward


Didn't know you could stealth this section, but being rambo is fun anyway :)

Yeah, you can stealth for a bit if you use the water. If you wait by the first platform, one of the guy's patrol routes is heading towards the ledge you climb onto. You can pull him down. Then, you can go under the platform and swim to one of the holes to climb out and stealth the other guy from behind. The guy on the boat doesn't see you, so you can quickly jump back into the water and get him with another pull down.

Then the other guys on a further platform can be pulled down or stealth killed to my recollection but at a certain point... I think the turret guy, you can't stealth it any further than that. Either that or it's incredibly difficult to stealth it 100%, I've never done it and I know I've attempted it -- there's a certain point where you can't continue the streak unfortunately (which goes for a lot of sections in UC3).

But taking out the first few quietly is very satisfying lol. And extremely useful on higher difficulties like Crushing and almost assuredly Brutal lol.

Not at UC3 yet but that was just something I remembered that I always did, especially on my Crushing run and I don't think it's widely known (given how... infamous the ship graveyard is and how "unfair" or "awful" it is in some people's eyes).
I just blasted through UC2 and started UC3. Not as big of a jump as UC1 to 2 but pretty good. I think the remaster did a good job of keeping similar visuals throughout the series. Can't wait to finish the trilogy but I didn't savor it really lol


Anyone know a good treasure guide for uncharted 2 preferably with a picture and description? and not too much fluff like IGNs.
Is the water room the area early on in the game after the turret? Not really that hard on crushing. Three guys, than three more from the left, run to the left side(you have about 10 seconds) three more on the right, and then two after them. You're given plenty of time to find new cover and such.
This is a bit silly, but one of the things I'm most excited about with Uncharted 4 is that little white dot inside the reticle. That alone is such a huge deal to me, as I really despise the reticle of Uncharted 1 and 2. I've heard 3 has a different reticle than the first two games, but I'm still making my way through U2 at the moment.

I love that it tracks where your shots are hitting.


Just finished the Train chapters in Uncharted 2 for the first time, I hadn't gotten quite that far when I played the game in 2009. That really is about as good as third-person shooters get.

The way they manage to actually combine the platforming mechanics with the combat in Uncharted 2 is pretty impressive. I really liked the part where you have to hop over and around a few signs on a pole during one earlier encounter (where you have to open the door for Elena).
Despite being a PlayStation owner every gen I never got around to playing any of the uncharted games. I'm almost done with UC1 and I definitely didn't see that coming
nazi zombies out of no where
. I'm really enjoying the game except for the
jet ski sequences
Is it me or is there something wrong with the gamma in this game?? I'm having trouble seeing in some parts as it's REALLY dark. My PS4 is on limited RGB and my TV I'm sure doesn't support FULL. I crank the brightness up and there's some scenes that's just impossible to make out. Specifically the later chapters where you're in the monastery and later. I literally feel like I'm running in the dark.


I finished Drake's Fortune, quite liked it once again, aside from there being way too many enemies and spawns veing frustrating.

Eddie Raja had way less screentime then I remember, it sucks because he was awesome. Naughty Dog should have made him appear throughout the trilogy.
Is it me or is there something wrong with the gamma in this game?? I'm having trouble seeing in some parts as it's REALLY dark. My PS4 is on limited RGB and my TV I'm sure doesn't support FULL. I crank the brightness up and there's some scenes that's just impossible to make out. Specifically the later chapters where you're in the monastery and later. I literally feel like I'm running in the dark.

That's interesting because TLOU remaster also had severe gamma issues.

Naughty Dog pls
Despite being a PlayStation owner every gen I never got around to playing any of the uncharted games. I'm almost done with UC1 and I definitely didn't see that coming
nazi zombies out of no where
. I'm really enjoying the game except for the
jet ski sequences

You never got around to playing the PS3's biggest and best exclusive series? Well, better late than never I suppose.
Must admit replaying ship graveyard, that it is the pinnacle of Uncharted combat like you said. Nonetheless, I still have issues with the AI, hit reactions etc. The whole time I was playing it I was just thinking this would be so much better with Uncharted 4s combat/AI/movement system.


I like the concept of jumping in the water to escape, but I wish there was an option to break line of sight, and then re engage back into combat when I chose. (Like TLOU/UC4)

The Uncharted 4 PSX demo was the ship graveyard done right. I can never agree that the graveyard in UC3 is the best encounter in the series so far because the base mechanics and enemy interaction in UC3 feel so off. On paper it's a fantastic concept, in practice it's everything wrong with UC3 combat concentrated into one bowl of carnage. Well that and the
ship ballroom, and the sandstorm, and the run up to the end of the game.

The Last of Us is the best thing to happen to Uncharted.

leng jai

That's interesting because TLOU remaster also had severe gamma issues.

Naughty Dog pls

Only in the first few chapters which for some inexplicable reason wasn't fixed in the remaster. I mean some of the blacks in the underground area were light grey FFS.

I've only played UC1 so far but it does seem to suffer from some black crush.


Finished the whole ship graveyard cruise ship side story in UC3. All the combat scenarios seemed very frustrating on crushing. A lot of trial and error with me killing off a wave, enemies spawning behind me and killing me, me learning the spawns for next time and dealing with it, get killed by another enemy spawn somewhere else, repeat.

Some bad game design in some of these sections in UC3. It really is a mess of a game, still a good game but a real fragmented mess of one. It just doesn't flow well like the first two games do. It feels like instead of learning from their previous entry Naughty Dog took a step back when making this game. I said it at release and it seems most people have also said this, it really is just not as good in 2 in nearly every facet. I'll still go for the platinum but when that's done I think it's safe to say I won't play UC3 ever again. (Unless they rerelease it on a future console with improvements and more trophies of course)

leng jai

Finished the whole ship graveyard cruise ship side story in UC3. All the combat scenarios seemed very frustrating on crushing. A lot of trial and error with me killing off a wave, enemies spawning behind me and killing me, me learning the spawns for next time and dealing with it, get killed by another enemy spawn somewhere else, repeat.

Some bad game design in some of these sections in UC3. It really is a mess of a game, still a good game but a real fragmented mess of one. It just doesn't flow well like the first two games do. It feels like instead of learning from their previous entry Naughty Dog took a step back when making this game. I said it at release and it seems most people have also said this, it really is just not as good in 2 in nearly every facet. I'll still go for the platinum but when that's done I think it's safe to say I won't play UC3 ever again. (Unless they rerelease it on a future console with improvements and more trophies of course)

There's so many nuances in the third game that just make it inferior to Among Thieves. All those people who don't get the "hate" and say is just more of the same simply aren't looking close enough.
Why didn't the pulse elites get the audio profile?

Pulse elites have been treated like shit when it comes to audio profiles and I don't know why. They're the higher end of the two yet almost every audio profile comes to them late, many times months after the golds get them and sometimes not at all. It's a right pissoff

seems like they've stopped supporting that headset altogether for awhile now in favor of the golds? wasn't destiny supposed to get one and they never released it?

It's still supported, they added a a Driveclub profile earlier this year, and Bloodborne got one IIRC

I mean, it would be beyond ridiculous for them to kill support for their premium headset that they are still selling
On Chapter 16 of my first playthrough do Drake's Fortune and this game is awesome. I'm really impressed by the graphics. Weren't expecting a game from 2007 to look this good. Must have been making mouths drool when it first came out. I now know what people mean when the enemies were bullet sponges. Takes quite a few shots to drop them with most weapons unless you get a lucky headshot. Sometimes I think an enemy is dead and he get's right back up. I hear Uncharted 2 is the best in the series, so if DF is this good, looks like I'm in for a real treat with U2.
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