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UNCHARTED |OT| The Master Thief Collection


Completed Drake's Fortune. Loved it. Really is Indiana Jones in game form.

The very last boss fight even on Hard was pretty infuriating though. Must have died countless times just there. Kept running out of ammo or getting one shotted by the boss for even peeking out at the wrong time. A lot of my deaths throughout the game were more because I was figuring out if a certain jump could be made or pulled off, or something along those lines (Eg trial and error), than anything else, so that's another negative.

But I enjoyed the setting, the characters, story, pacing, combat (though the enemies are definitely slippery and harder to hit than most games), quality of enemy AI, even the platforming. Great start to the trilogy. Now on to the sequel!


Completed Drake's Fortune. Loved it. Really is Indiana Jones in game form.

The very last boss fight even on Hard was pretty infuriating though. Must have died countless times just there. Kept running out of ammo or getting one shotted by the boss for even peeking out at the wrong time. A lot of my deaths throughout the game were more because I was figuring out if a certain jump could be made or pulled off, or something along those lines (Eg trial and error), than anything else, so that's another negative.

But I enjoyed the setting, the characters, story, pacing, combat, enemy AI, even the platforming. Great start to the trilogy. Now on to the sequel!
So you never play the series? :0
Finished Uncharted 1 again. Missing 5 treasure, I'll get that when I replay it after I beat Uncharted 3. Tomorrow it's Uncharted 2 time, on crushing of course. The best way to play Uncharted in my opinion.

leng jai

Finished Uncharted 1 again. Missing 5 treasure, I'll get that when I replay it after I beat Uncharted 3. Tomorrow it's Uncharted 2 time, on crushing of course. The best way to play Uncharted in my opinion.

Only UC2. Playing the first and third on crushing is a terrible experience.


Only UC2. Playing the first and third on crushing is a terrible experience.
I'm on the last chapter of U1 on Crushing now and I agree; So many bullshit deaths. One-hit kills, accurate-as-hell enemies (even .5 seconds after being shot), enemies that dance around when they know your crosshair is nearby, enemies spawning from behind with no warning, etc. It wouldn't be so bad if the checkpointing was generous but some sequences towards the end are ridiculously long.


Gold Member
I'm most of the way through DF now, and do I still love this game. UC2 is a massive improvement in just about every way of course, and I can't wait to experience the remastered version of that (beyond what I played in the demo), but I'll always enjoy a jolly romp through the original.

The remaster is very well done. Haven't actually gone back to the PS3 version to compare (think I might quickly do that just to even further appreciate what has been done), but the 1080p60 without screen tearing (the absolute worst aspect of the original's visuals) is of course immediately noticeable, as is the upgraded Drake model. I've noticed some camera and animation glitches that I don't remember being in the original, but maybe they were.

Only UC2. Playing the first and third on crushing is a terrible experience.

Yeah, especially DF is a bitch to complete on crushing. I've done it in the PS3 version, and it's my proudest platinum trophy, but for my sanity's sake I decided to do the remasters on hard. I'll probably go back to do crushing again once I've beaten 2 and 3, but for my first playthrough of them I want fun and challenge, not frustration. I might try brutal down the line too, but I doubt I'll complete the games on that. There's no trophy for it, right? EDIT: Ok, there is, but it's not required for the platinum. Is this the first game where you can get the platinum without getting all other trophies (not counting DLC trophies, of course)? I don't remember seeing it before.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Yeah, especially DF is a bitch to complete on crushing. I've done it in the PS3 version, and it's my proudest platinum trophy, but for my sanity's sake I decided to do the remasters on hard. I'll probably go back to do crushing again once I've beaten 2 and 3, but for my first playthrough of them I want fun and challenge, not frustration. I might try brutal down the line too, but I doubt I'll complete the games on that. There's no trophy for it, right?

There is a trophy for it, but it's in a separate trophy set so it's not required for the platinum.
Every single fucking enemy is a fucking bullet sponge, now I remember why I hate playing these fucking games.

Jesus fucking christ. Its so annoying and frustrating.

Hmmm, so much to say, lmao. First, you remember "hating playing these games." Why the fuck would you play the remasters thinking it would be some totally different experience?

Lastly.. and I would be one of the last people on the planet to say this, but "get good?" They're no more bullet sponge enemies (if anything, they take less hits then they did in the originals). Deal with it. The AI in all 3 of these games is laughable anyways, not hard at all to kill these idiots. Practice and get better. Otherwise, don't sit here and bitch about a game that you hated in the past at original release. Not sure why the hell you thought it was gonna be much different on a remaster that mostly focused on increasing the graphics/framerates.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished UC1 on Hard. Great game. I love the way it reintroduces you to old areas from different perspectives. It doesn't get enough credit for that!

I'm looking forward to UC2. I played it a lot, but I don't quite have every encounter kind of mapped in my brain like I do in UC1.



Had a great time with DF but now it's time for GOAT - Among Thieves.
So, how are you going about in this collection?

Finished Uncharted 1 on Thursday (only took me 6 hours on hard. shorter and easyer than I remember).

I really want to Platinum (100% TBH, but not sure I'm up to the chalenge of Brutal) all 3, so I'm not sure if I ´shuld finish U1 first and then move on or play U2/U3 and platinum them all thereafter.
So, how are you going about in this collection?

Finished Uncharted 1 on Thursday (only took me 6 hours on hard. shorter and easyer than I remember).

I really want to Platinum (100% TBH, but not sure I'm up to the chalenge of Brutal) all 3, so I'm not sure if I ´shuld finish U1 first and then move on or play U2/U3 and platinum them all thereafter.

Platinumed UC1 yesterday, currently working on UC2. Doing one playthrough per game on Crushing with a handy treasure guide, then going back and cleaning up misc. trophies.
Platinumed UC1 yesterday, currently working on UC2. Doing one playthrough per game on Crushing with a handy treasure guide, then going back and cleaning up misc. trophies.

I'mma do a playthrough on Hard first. Enjoying the upgrades and stuff. Next one on Crushing and one on easy for the treasures and misc.

Just not sure about platinum and move on or play all and go back to platinum.
Is it me or is there something wrong with the gamma in this game?? I'm having trouble seeing in some parts as it's REALLY dark. My PS4 is on limited RGB and my TV I'm sure doesn't support FULL. I crank the brightness up and there's some scenes that's just impossible to make out. Specifically the later chapters where you're in the monastery and later. I literally feel like I'm running in the dark.

I own two games that i need to adjust my tv settings for, one is the last of us remastered(fixing the washed out gamma at night) and the other is uncharted collection, I've only tested drakes fortune but i'm in the same boat as you.
I'm not getting crushed blacks or anything but the gamma seems ridiculously low, i've had to turn up my tv's gamma and the in-game brightness in order to help fix the issue.
Very odd but it now looks similar to the ps3 version. If you've turned up the brightness it should have fixed the issue though.
Drake's Fortune Platinum get! Time for some UC2.

No way am I gonna try for that Brutal trophy thoe. Even on Crushing there are way too many deaths because of wonky cover system and stuff.

Didn't platinum any of the originals so I'll rectify that with the remaster.
Some of you guys are whizzing through these games. For my first play through on the collection, I'm going slow and savouring it, then I'm gonna platinum all 3 games all over again.

I haven't played these three before as I never had a ps3 but I'm playing them the same way I played golden obyss and tomb raider 2013. First play through on normal and just enjoy the story, collect some of the things that are more obvious. Later I will play them all again but on hardest setting and trying to find everything.

I find that if I search every nook and cranny on a first play through it ruins the pacing of the story and action.

I think so far DF took just under 6 hours (still found half the treasures though) and AT took about 8 (30ish treasures).

Starting DD today.


Finished up DF on Friday and nabbed the Platinum.

I still to this day enjoy the first game more than 2 or 3. Quite an unpopular opinion but the story in the sequel and third just didn't really grab me as much as the first.

Started UC2 over the weekend and it still looks fantastic for a 6 year old game.


The Uncharted 4 PSX demo was the ship graveyard done right. I can never agree that the graveyard in UC3 is the best encounter in the series so far because the base mechanics and enemy interaction in UC3 feel so off. On paper it's a fantastic concept, in practice it's everything wrong with UC3 combat concentrated into one bowl of carnage. Well that and the
ship ballroom, and the sandstorm, and the run up to the end of the game.

The Last of Us is the best thing to happen to Uncharted.

Yer, I can agree with all of this.

That stage needs fewer but smarter enemies, Better hit reactions/gun feedback and more fluid platforming to be truly amazing.


DF on Crushing is still bullshit mostly due to the lack of checkpoint. Some of the level design are also mind-bogging annoying. Who actually thought going against the current on Jet-ski while avoiding exploding barrel (which is one hit kill even on easy so don't worry Crushing players, it's still shit even for easy players) and accurate shooters is actually fun?!

Having said that, whatever Bluepoint did for the remake does make Crushing far more bearable. Either that or I'm used to the ridiculous waves.
Nearly done with U3. At this point, as a newcomer to the series, i'm happy with this remaster and i can say that U4 will be day 1 for me :p
Really hope that Sony will continue the franchise and give it to the suitable developer if ND don't want to work on sequels or reboots.


Gold Member
I'mma do a playthrough on Hard first. Enjoying the upgrades and stuff. Next one on Crushing and one on easy for the treasures and misc.

Just not sure about platinum and move on or play all and go back to platinum.

I'm doing 1-2-3 hard, 1-2-3 crushing, and finally I'll go back and finish up what's left in all of them. I'm pretty sure that mixing it up like this will be a better experince for me than burning myself out on 1 before I even start the others.


Enjoying the second half of U3 a lot more than the first. The whole shipyard/boat section is great and quite the challenge on Crushing, the pirates seem to have better ai than earlier in the game, maybe those guys in suits are just dumb. It looks fantastic too.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
UC3 definitely has more shaky performance, I'm in the room with the braziers you need to light with the spiders and it's noticeably less responsive and clearly not at 60. There have been a few areas like this so far. Overall still good but noticeably worse than the first two.


I beat Uncharted on Crushing last night and the game held up decently. I don't know that I've played it since obtaining the Platinum not terribly long after it was released. The jumping is floaty, environments lackluster, voice acting spotty, writing iffy, collectibles basically in plain sight, and QTE's poor. I loved the game when it released; I liked it now.

Then I began Uncharted 2 for the first time since its release.

Oh. My. God. It looks like a PS4 game. It looks better than a contemporary PS4 game. I forgot how spacious and colorful the environments were. I forgot how numerous and involved the collectibles were. I forgot the sharp, sharp increase in writing and gunplay and sheer amount of new characters and weapons and environments and new orchestral content and oh god.

I remember Uncharted 3 the most fondly. I love the desert environments and the backstory exploration and all of it. But playing Unchated 2, it's clear that 3 is disjointed by comparison, even if I prefer the insight it offered into the characters. Anyways, my thoughts.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
UC3 definitely has more shaky performance, I'm in the room with the braziers you need to light with the spiders and it's noticeably less responsive and clearly not at 60. There have been a few areas like this so far. Overall still good but noticeably worse than the first two.
Weird as DF said U3 actually performs better then U2
Anyway just started U2 and I forgot how much of a jump it was graphically. Game looks nearly current gen if not better then most current gen games lol.


On Chapter 16 of my first playthrough do Drake's Fortune and this game is awesome. I'm really impressed by the graphics. Weren't expecting a game from 2007 to look this good. Must have been making mouths drool when it first came out. I now know what people mean when the enemies were bullet sponges. Takes quite a few shots to drop them with most weapons unless you get a lucky headshot. Sometimes I think an enemy is dead and he get's right back up. I hear Uncharted 2 is the best in the series, so if DF is this good, looks like I'm in for a real treat with U2.
Ya, it was mind blowing for 2007, but it still had that plastic look to the skin shaders that made character models hard to take seriously. Very typical of early-last gen games, in that regard.


Gradually working my way through UC1, enjoying it. I'd forgotten vast amounts of it from when I played the original, so its nice to be reminded.

Its not aged too badly, still looks quite smart on occasion. Some of the platforming is a bit vague and the shooting feels fairly stodgy, but its still enjoyable.

I'm struck again by just how much shooting there is in this first one though, its fairly constant and is a bit of an annoyance after a while, especially given how often the bad guys have found an obvious back door to the ancient tomb/whatever you've just had to puzzle your way into from one end.

I've also got stuck in
the old WW2 sub base turning on the generators and fighting off waves of those demon spaniards
- I remember being stuck here originally too; you have to turn
the generator handle then flip the two switches to either side whilst a load of demons run at you
, but it won't checkpoint after hitting switches, so if you're careless like me and keep dying you keep having to re-do the switch run. Just have to pay more attention I guess.

Looking forward to getting on to UC2 soon.


Damn, you did a 100% run(s) before even moving onto AT? I'll be going through them all in order once first I think, and then go back and plat them.
I'm not really interested in speed runs so I will not try to get any of those additionals trophies at least for now. Maybe when I'll be done with all three then I will come back.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Weird as DF said U3 actually performs better then U2
Anyway just started U2 and I forgot how much of a jump it was graphically. Game looks nearly current gen if not better then most current gen games lol.

Maybe overall, but I never noticed anything as choppy as this area in the earlier games. The DF video doesn't show either of the areas that felt the worst to me which is a shame, I would have been interested to see the numbers.


Junior Member
All three games' framerates have been super solid for me. Don't know if running from SSD makes any difference with the games originally being stream-heavy.

With curvier environment geometry, Uncharted 3 could easily pass as a AAA current-gen game. As it is, it's much more visually pleasing than most 30fps current-gen titles.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Well first thing I've noticed in Photo Mode is U2 has better DOF then U1, in fact U1 was barely noticeable.
I'm half way through U1. Hoping to finish it up tonight. I'd forgotten a lot of the small environmental set pieces in the first game, like traversing the waterfall before getting to the fortress. It's cool to play through sequences like that knowing how far ND end up taking those kinds of moments in the next 2 games. Small beginnings.


The Uncharted 4 PSX demo was the ship graveyard done right. I can never agree that the graveyard in UC3 is the best encounter in the series so far because the base mechanics and enemy interaction in UC3 feel so off. On paper it's a fantastic concept, in practice it's everything wrong with UC3 combat concentrated into one bowl of carnage. Well that and the
ship ballroom, and the sandstorm, and the run up to the end of the game.

The Last of Us is the best thing to happen to Uncharted.

When people mention the ship graveyard, they're talking about the level design independently, it was one of the best (if not the best) designed levels last gen in a shooter, & it was probably the catalyst for Uncharted 4's apparent inspiration from that level.

I played many shooters last gen, but I don't remember a level as well designed as that. If you played that level at launch before they fixed the aiming, you probably would be pretty jaded towards it.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Well I'm bugged, I'm doing the bit where you put the cogs on the wall but I can't pick it up, it's flush against the wall and the game won't let me pick it up.
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