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Under the Skin - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Under the Skin is built mostly on novelty, but all its quirky pieces don't really add up to a particularly compelling title. It has style, attitude, and even some interesting concepts, but rather than putting some work into making a gameplay experience that has variety and lasting appeal, its developers apparently tried to get by on weird charm alone. This weird charm may be enough to keep a person amused for the duration of a rental, but the game certainly won't hold up any longer than that."

Another Capbomb


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It suddenly feels like 2003 all over again...


I can't believe Capcom even bothered with this game. They could have spent the resources finishing up Killer7 and biohazard 4. ::sigh::
Yeah, Capcom has been going through some rough times review wise lately. I'd like to try both Monster Hunter, and Under the Skin, despire reviews. Viewtiful Joe 2 and Resident Evil 4 should get Capcom back on the right track review wise.


seismologist said:
not sure if I can trust GS on this. They gave Monster Hunter a 5.7

Yeah, but some people gave Monster Hunter really good scores. We've seen nothing but sub-par ratings for UtS. That's not to say it doesn't have any redeeming qualities, but I don't think it's a love it/hate it kinda thing with MH. More just a tepid feeling.


And even i am moderately surprised
"not sure if I can trust GS on this. They gave Monster Hunter a 5.7"

that score is too high.

The game is just too fircken boring, it's not in the same galaxy as Katamari.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
DCharlie said:
The game is just too fircken boring, it's not in the same galaxy as Katamari.

I agree with you 100%. Under The Skin SUCKS people...it's not even worth bothering with, even when it (probably quickly) drops to $20. I don't know what the hell happened, but Capcom has produced one of the most boring games I have ever played. Worst game this year for me by far.
DCharlie said:
that score is too high.

The game is just too fircken boring, it's not in the same galaxy as Katamari.

??? is this sarcasm? I thought you were a Monster Hunter superfan?! or do you mean Under the Skin's score is too high, not Monster Hunter's? :)
JackFrost2012 said:
??? is this sarcasm? I thought you were a Monster Hunter superfan?! or do you mean Under the Skin's score is too high, not Monster Hunter's? :)

I think he means UtS, who would compare Katamari to Monster Hunter?


Dammit I loved this game at E3. I refuse to believe it's as bad as the reviews say... refuse! :( I'll probably wait until it drops in price though since I just have too much crap on my plate as is.


And even i am moderately surprised
"??? is this sarcasm? I thought you were a Monster Hunter superfan?! or do you mean Under the Skin's score is too high, not Monster Hunter's? :)"

i was talking about Under the Skin...

i bought it in a drunken haze.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Meier said:
Dammit I loved this game at E3. I refuse to believe it's as bad as the reviews say... refuse! :( I'll probably wait until it drops in price though since I just have too much crap on my plate as is.

You LIKED running around shooting people with random objects? I fell asleep after 10 minutes. :p
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