Isn't it possible that somebody would fuck anything? Would that person be considered a homosexual because they happen to also fuck members of the same sex?
I can have sex with a woman....that doesn't make me heterosexual.
Isn't it possible that somebody would fuck anything? Would that person be considered a homosexual because they happen to also fuck members of the same sex?
I can have sex with a woman....that doesn't make me heterosexual.
akascream said:Don't you think it's important to be open minded and not spoonfed agendas?
brooklyngooner said:Here's a clue as to why you constantly get insulted, in here and the other political thread:
What you offer aren't arguments. "Homosexuals are deviants" isn't an argument, it's an assertion based on fear and ignorance rather than education and contemplation. Especially since that's the only "argument" you offer, nothing else. A one-word reply of "statistics" is likewise not an argument, it's a soft attempt at using some sort of majority-uber-alles psychology to mask what, in the absence of any elaboration of any of your points, seems like naked ignorance, ignorance you and others like you want to codify with law.
If you have science and so-called "statistics" to back up your arguments, then fine. But one-word replies and, as in the other thread, one-pic replies to complex political arguments make the problem yours and not others. You strike me as high-school age, and if you go to college making these sorts of arguments you will fail out, unless you go to Fucktard State or are, say, our president.
What you offer aren't arguments. "Homosexuals are deviants" isn't an argument, it's an assertion based on fear and ignorance rather than education and contemplation. Especially since that's the only "argument" you offer, nothing else. A one-word reply of "statistics" is likewise not an argument, it's a soft attempt at using some sort of majority-uber-alles psychology to mask what, in the absence of any elaboration of any of your points, seems like naked ignorance, ignorance you and others like you want to codify with law.
Main Entry: 1de·vi·ate
Pronunciation: 'dE-vE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Late Latin deviatus, past participle of deviare, from Latin de- + via way -- more at WAY
intransitive senses
1 : to stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic
2 : to depart from an established course or norm
If you have science and so-called "statistics" to back up your arguments, then fine. But one-word replies and, as in the other thread, one-pic replies to complex political arguments make the problem yours and not others. You strike me as high-school age, and if you go to college making these sorts of arguments you will fail out, unless you go to Fucktard State or are, say, our president.
akascream said:I don't recall any big hispanic movement.
That's your own ignorance then.
akascream said:Wouldn't you consider somebody that has sex with animals, or with members of the same sex to be more prone to participate in other forms of unusual sexual behavior?
OK, someone notify me when people start being born with a natural, innate urge for beastiality
akascream said:Fucktard, nice. I'm beginning to think all I'm going to get are insults because I want to talk about the issue rather than be assimilated into the spoonfed, liberal majority.
akascream said:IMO there are 2 gross assumptions being made here. First, that homosexuals don't have a choice. And second, that because they don't have a choice, they are the same as any minority and have rights as a group.
akascream said:You will have to excuse me for not responding to everything in this thread.
Fear and ignorance? Perhaps you would be wise to do some research into the english language. Reading your reply you haven't really said anything but I'm wrong because I'm ignorant. Well homosexuality is deviant behavior.
Not really that complicated dude.
Fucktard, nice. I'm beginning to think all I'm going to get are insults because I want to talk about the issue rather than be assimilated into the spoonfed, liberal majority.
Are you saying homosexuals aren't a minority? Do you really need me to provide you with statistics?
Then say something substantial, ad hominem attacks like "deviants" aren't getting you very far.
Straight people don't have any fetishes, straight people don't participate in "deviant" sexual behavior? Do you believe these things?"
I see 6 question marks....please answer them.
akascream said:Sounds like it. I'd of course be interested in any information you have to offer. Still doesn't change that hispanics are born hispanic. Are we sure homosexuals are born homosexuals?
IMO there are 2 gross assumptions being made here. First, that homosexuals don't have a choice. And second, that because they don't have a choice, they are the same as any minority and have rights as a group.
You missed one. That rights are granted only on the basis of things that are not a choice. I suppose you wouldn't mind freedom of religion being removed. Clearly, since people can choose to be christian, Jews should not be allowed to marry each other without conversion.
Actually that second assumption that you listed isn't being made. Homosexual's aren't asking for rights as a group, they are asking for the same rights that any of us have as human beings and as Americans. Not too much to ask.
akascream said:And again, notify me when people start being born with natural, innate urge for homosexuality? Aren't we making a big assumption here?
Dude, you're veering dangerously into the territory of "trying to provoke a shitstorm just for the sake of watching all hell break loose." If not, then are setting records for being accidentally inflamatory.akascream said:IMO there are 2 gross assumptions being made here. First, that homosexuals don't have a choice. And second, that because they don't have a choice, they are the same as any minority and have rights as a group.
Has it ever been proven that homosexuality is not a choice?
akascream said:You want to start counting unanswered questions? I am not obligated to address your entire post, or your post at all. But I'm still waiting on proof that homosexuality is genetic.
akascream said:The point I'm making is that some people really do consider homosexual behavior to be destructive to society. Specifically whether or not individuals that indulge themselves with members of the same sex are more prone to indulge themselves in other ways, such as pedophilia or beastiality.
akascream said:Certainly reasonable. I guess I just get annoyed with the parades ect, that I'm expected to respect homosexuals. I have no problem with them having rights.
DarkAngyl said:The thing is, marriage is not an inherently religious institution, and it certainly isnt an inherently Christian institution. People of all faiths, and those without faith have been getting married for centuries. You are not required to have a religious ceremony to get married, but you are (at least in the US) required to register at the court house to get married. Marriage is a government sponsored institution that grants certain rights and privileges to those joined by in that union. Who are we, as Christians, to take those rights away from people because we disagree with, or dont like their lifestyle?
If you dont want gays in your church, or dont want them to marry in your church, that is fine. That is your right. It is not your right to say they cant attend, or cant marry in the church down the road. Or in a synagogue, or a mosque, or in front of the Justice of the Peace, or hell even in Vegas. It is not your right to say they cannot have the same rights that you have. Which is why as a Christian I felt it was my duty to vote against that amendment. I dont understand why we as a group feel we can take these rights away from people and think that it is Gods will. It makes no sense to me.
Love is love is love. If a man loves another man, I may not understand it, but it doesnt change what it is. If they want to marry and spend the rest of their lives together, more power to them! Marriage is a beautiful thing and should not be hoarded and kept away from those that we deem different. If you want to sit back and say that a gay marriage isnt recognized by the church or by God, well that is your right. You shouldnt be able to say that it cannot be recognized by the government. Thats discrimination and should not happen in this day and age.
-jinx- said:Second, and more importantly, whether or not homosexuality is a choice has NOTHING TO DO with protecting their rights. There are a lot of protected groups in this country which owe nothing to any kind of genetic component. For example, you cannot discriminate against someone based on religious preference, and there is no way in hell that you can show that people are "born Christian" or "born Buddhist."
The measure of any society is how well it protects the rights of its minorities, and the United States hasn't done a perfect job over its history. How many times do we have to go through these struggles until we finally "get it?"
If you want anyone to take you seriously, back this up with statistics. I'm guessing you can't. Because they don't exist.
akascream said:How can anyone take the opposing side of this argument seriously without statistics then? If we don't have numbers, sexual deviancy isn't destructive behavior?
Oh, and to the person that said homosexuals don't expect special treatment. How about we use the religious comparison made earlier. On this forum, religion is made fun of from every angle, with a venom unmatched. But if I were to say to all the homosexuals in this thread: "HEY, YOU ARE ALL SEXUALLY DEVIANT, POOP DICKED FAGGOTS", I'd be banned. How is that not expecting special treatment?
You can control your religion, it's not an innate part of your being
It happens... remember the xtian guy?
akascream said:If this is indeed the case, and it can be proven that homosexuals are a danger, be it through the spread of AIDS, or the molestation of children. Could we lock you up because you were an uncurable danger to others?
maharg said:The problem is, neither has been, to my knowledge, proven. If it has, please linkorize it. Surely if this was the case, it would not be hard to find. If it hasn't been proven, does that mean your whole argument falls apart? Because this seems to be your primary foundation.
Jesus you're a bigoted idiot.akascream said:Are you saying you can't control your urge to be sexually deviant? If this is indeed the case, and it can be proven that homosexuals are a danger, be it through the spread of AIDS, or the molestation of children. Could we lock you up because you were an uncurable danger to others?
One guy? How about every person that ever uttered the word faggot?
akascream said:Are you saying you can't control your urge to be sexually deviant? If this is indeed the case, and it can be proven that homosexuals are a danger, be it through the spread of AIDS, or the molestation of children.
so stop being a chicken and claim it as your own and back it up with reasoned arguments.
So please, just try to make an argument that you have any conscious control over who you're sexually attracted to.
Look -- people are REALLY trying to be civil in this thread, but this line of "questioning" is extremely close to the line. Without evidence, you are raising one hell of a strawman...and quite frankly, I suspect that your question is meant to be rhetorical so you get to say absolutely outrageous things under a "protected" guise. I'm not going to stand for that.akascream said:Are you saying you can't control your urge to be sexually deviant? If this is indeed the case, and it can be proven that homosexuals are a danger, be it through the spread of AIDS, or the molestation of children. Could we lock you up because you were an uncurable danger to others?
akascream said:And be banned. Lets at least be honest about what opinions are valid at GA, and those which aren't.
Either start proving some of these outrageous claims, or knock it off.
I think you're more likely to be banned playing this game of chicken with that argument than you are if you can actually back it up with something.
akascream said:Are you saying you can't control your urge to be sexually deviant? If this is indeed the case, and it can be proven that homosexuals are a danger, be it through the spread of AIDS, or the molestation of children. Could we lock you up because you were an uncurable danger to others?
One guy? How about every person that ever uttered the word faggot?
akascream said:This is a two way street.
The opinions you are going to get banned for are the ones for which you provide no evidence for, especially after spending so much time dogging everyone else for "lack of evidence."akascream said:And be banned. Lets at least be honest about what opinions are valid at GA, and those which aren't.
I feel utterly offended right now.
What IS it with you people on this board using that as a cop-out to not providing any kind of reasoning or argument? It's exactly the morons who can't back up their opinions and instead keep spewing out the same outrageous claim over and over again who get banned.akascream said:And be banned. Lets at least be honest about what opinions are valid at GA, and those which aren't.
There are many individuals that get psychological help for thier urges. You just don't hear about them because they don't have parades.
What IS it with you people on this board using that as a cop-out to not providing any kind of reasoning or argument?
akascream said:Maybe the religious members of this board should throw some parades.
akascream said:Maybe the religious members of this board should throw some parades.