This entire thread is an argument for calling someone like you a bigot.akascream said:Like those calling names.. ignorant, bigot, ect.. rather than providing any kind of reasoning or argument?
This entire thread is an argument for calling someone like you a bigot.akascream said:Like those calling names.. ignorant, bigot, ect.. rather than providing any kind of reasoning or argument?
demon said:This entire thread is an argument for calling someone like you a bigot.
I don't know about "built-in"--innate--but it's certainly not something one has control over or is determined by some conscious decision. Just like heterosexuality.gofreak said:I want to address one single point here: the word urge. Talking about people addressing their urges. We're not talking about urges here. We're talking about sexual attraction. Doesn't everyone agree that sexual attraction is something built-in? Like I said before, if it's not, nature is taking an awfully big gamble..
akascream said:This is a two way street.
Is this some kind of a threat? Whats wrong with debating the issue instead of making everything personal anyway.
What a fuckin joke.akascream said:I've made this an issue of fact and speculative perspective
They have been banned for repeatedly using arguments that have no backing in reality, as demonstrated by either direct anecdotal evidence or actual studies. This is why I say that if your goal is to avoid a ban, go the first route or drop the argument. Because as it stands you seem to be going the third route, and it's attracted jinx' attention, and he DOES ban people.
akascream: Stick to the original opinion you expressed and quit baiting them into posting more venemous posts towards you. You had an argument that is not venemous so drop the act.
Shouta said:His statements are not venemous but you guys took it as venemous. You then escalated it and he followed suit. Both sides are being pig-headed morons and you guys need to calm down and look at the arguments again.
Nonsense. What arguments?
akascream said:Thats my whole point though.. the pro-homosexual agenda has about as much basis in fact as the anti-homosexual agenda. But nobody questions the latter.. in fact, questioning it is considered out of line.
If you homosexuals want to be considered equal, then let people call you a faggot without expecting a fit of outrage.
fixed.... I think.akascream said:Thats my whole point though.. the pro-homosexual agenda has about as much basis in fact as the anti-homosexual agenda. But nobody questions the former.. in fact, questioning it is considered out of line.
shouta said:How about his argument that, statistically speaking, homosexuality is not normal within the entirety of the human population?
gofreak said:I'm really kind of ignoring most of the posts here. All I'll say is, I'm 100% sure I was either a) born gay, or b) had my sexuality programmed at an exceptionally early age. Like at 1 or 2, before I had any concept of what sexuality was. Either way, it certainly was not a choice. If I had a choice, I would gladly be heterosexual. I've struggled with my sexuality all my life, and continue to to this day. Don't tell me it's a choice. I'm proof it's not, as are 99% of gay people out there.
Explain to me how I *really* liked He-Man as a 3 year old kid when I had absolutely no understanding or concept of what sex was? That might seem funny, but it is the truth, and the first sexual memory I have. I didn't know what I was feeling was sexual at the time, but in hindsight it was. How could that be if it wasn't something determined pre-birth or very shortly after birth? I can trace this right through my childhood. I didn't realise at the time that I was gay, but I definitely was. And what a horrid day it was when I discovered what "gay" was, and how unacceptable it was. Cue 10+ years of exceptional, verging on suicidal struggle. You have no idea what it's like. Stop telling me what I am isn't natural, or was something I chose - it is an insult of the highest order.
If I *chose* to be homosexual, then that suggests that at one point I was heterosexual, right? If that's the case, then I still am heterosexual. But somehow I'm just suppressing all that and generating a different kind of sexuality? How? How the fuck does that work? It doesn't. Nature didn't leave sexuality up to chance or choice. It has to be something preprogrammed. If it wasn't, it'd place the survival of the species in question. Sexuality is an something innate and primal which you have no control over.
Finally, why do I have to prove anything to you in order to receive equal treatment? You don't have to prove anything, why should I? I'm sick of justifiying my sexuality to both myself and to others. I'm sick of it.
Which begs the question, why wouldn't you respect a homosexual person? I'd like to know what is the criteria for receiving your respect, and how a homosexual person, based solely on the fact that he/she is homosexual, conflicts with that in any rational way, and do you ask for someone's sexual orientation upon first meeting them so as to ascertain the validity of their worthiness of your respect.
Yeah but left-handed behaviour isn't called aberrant, evil anymore. Gay behaviour is.Shouta said:Correct shoplifter. Statistically, left-handedness is not normal.
akascream said:I will take Shouta's advice and leave my argument where it started. Homosexuality is not statistically normal behavior.
Shouta said:akascream did not say that in this thread Azih.
Shouta said:akascream did not say that in this thread Azih.
Yeah, and my IQ is several standard deviations above the norm. Does that mean that we ought to start discriminating against smart people?Shouta said:Correct shoplifter. Statistically, left-handedness is not normal.
akascream said:If you homosexuals want to be considered equal, then let people call you a faggot without expecting a fit of outrage.
akascream said:If you homosexuals want to be considered equal, then let people call you a faggot without expecting a fit of outrage.
If you homosexuals want to be considered equal, then let people call you a faggot without expecting a fit of outrage
Gorey said:The sad thing here is, this thread did well for a while considering its subject matter. The long post by Iceman a few pages back caused me to seriously re-think my ideas about dialogue with christians over gay marriage, in a positive manner.
But the last few pages, it has just degenerated into trolling and refusal to provide empirical evidence.
Nice try zaptruder, while it lasted.
gofreak said:Even with this thread setting on a slightly different course, I just came across something I had never heard before, which may have some relevance to the argument over the origins of homosexuality. Feel free to ignore, or look up, or consider..
..all people start off as female. Foeti start off as female before a wash of hormonal changes produce physiological alterations that lead to a male in some (roughly half) of all cases. It was news to me, so maybe it'll get other people thinking too.
Seth C said:Why do women try to force themselves in to all male organizations (clubs) where they are not wanted? Does it make sense? No. Does it happen anyway? Oh yeah. I'm not sayin git would happen, but be realistic, if someone thinks they can force the issue, at some point someone WILL force the issue, just to prove they can.
BigGreenMat said:First off I want to say that I am completely fine with gay marriage, civil unions, or whatever else sort of dohicky term people want to come up with. Also I think that Homosexuality is an environmentally influenced or triggered genetic predisposition. People can choose to participate in homosexual acts, but in general it is not a choice to have your general internal state of being be homosexual in nature.
After that I just wanted to put in probably the most sane argument I have heard in defense of marriage as a social secular institution that is between a man and a woman. First, everyone must get it out of their heads that marriage has anything to do with love. Marriage has never been about love. Marriages were often arranged as business transactions and as a tool for unification.
We can adopt. And of course there is the issue of fairness.With this out of the way then what is marriage for? Well it was essentially a binding formation of the basic need for child birth and rearing. Marriage's purpose was simply to create a more ideal situation for offspring. Government has a vested interest in its people continuing to procreate in the best most efficient way in order to produce the best offspring. Therefore government has a vested interest in preserving the ideal of marriage. And in order for procreation to occur there has to be a man and a woman involved and the strongest link to that offspring will be formed by its biological parents, so therefore marriage is between a man and a woman. Homosexual marriage doesn't fit this as the partners have no chance of procreating within the structure of marriage, and even if one partner does procreate it is outside the boundaries of said marriage and hence the interlocking bonds will be weakened and what results is not ideal. This is why gay marriage in a sense doesn't work under the idea of marriage. Therefore there is little reason for government to endorse such a union between 2 individuals with certain benefits if there is not going to be some sort of benefit for the government or country itself.
Ok does that make sense to everyone? I am sure homosexuals would love such benefits and I would too, but they aren't necessarily mandated under what marriage is. This makes gay marriage a grab for 'greater rights' not 'equal rights'. Any homosexual has the same rights as any straight person the difference being a homosexual chooses not to take advantage of the existing setup and is now demanding his own clause in a pre-existing arrangement. I personally respect that. Grab all and everything that you can, but don't claim it is an issue of 'equal rights'. I do agree though that the measures being passed in many states are not an example of fairhandedness in the area of personal rights. It is a direct judgement on acts and states of being that a majority (or so it would seem) find unsatisfactory and wish to stop.
Iceman said:Again, if something goes wrong with an XY fetus' ability to generate testosterone, or utilize it, etc.. then the fetus will become a female anatomically. What else happens in the development of an XY fetus deficient in testosterone signaling is beyond me right now (I don't know if I ever even learned that).
Akascream knows well what he's doing. He claims his intended meaning is that it's not a common occurence. He could easily just say that. Instead he is crafting his words to cut.
Yeah, and my IQ is several standard deviations above the norm. Does that mean that we ought to start discriminating against smart people?
(Oh, wait...)
"Different" does not imply "better" or "worse." The CLEAR implication by continuing to point out that something is not "normal" is that we ought to be placing a value judgment.
Even more to the point -- since when does "normal" only have one meaning? "Normal" means -- and more commonly so -- that something is typical, usual, commonplace, ACCEPTED.
His peppering of his posts with the word "deviant," knowing full well the connotations of the word within the context of this discussion says otherwise.
Akascream thinks that, as of now, we don't deserve equal rights and respect. Refer to his remarks on gay parades and the word "faggot".
Certainly reasonable. I guess I just get annoyed with the parades ect, that I'm expected to respect homosexuals.
Iceman said:2) YET, to call it a marriage ABSOLUTELY equates it with a religious marriage. HERE's the big problem: The concept of marriage between and man and a woman and recognized under God is so incredibly fundamental to core Christian beliefs and teaching that allowing homosexual unions to be considered the same as our religious marriages.. ordained and blessed by God.. WEAKENS the definition of marriage. As has been understood for thousands of years by those who hold to judeo-christian beliefs homosexuality (the behavior) has been listed numerous times among behaviors that are not acceptable. Allowing homosexual marriages would FOR US then appear to be quite the paradox.
The bible speaks very clearly about homosexuality being an abomination. It is equated with other depraved behaviors.. like adultery. Sexual misbehavior exists outside of the bounds of marriage, according to our beliefs. Perhaps it can be accepted by the church that sex between homosexual partners is acceptable if it is within the bounds of a God based marriage. Now, homosexuals intending on getting married would still have to be counseled (as do any couples intent on getting married within the church) by a minister of the church. For a church that has kept the same core beliefs for two thousand years (although the history of the church is VERY complex) to accept such a thing will be very difficult. This is not, cannot be an overnight decision. The church itself has to debate over this issue for a while.
What is happening with the current homosexual movement is that it is pushing EVERYONE to accept everything they want RIGHT NOW. They're not leaving any decisions for anyone else to make. They are trying to force all kinds of things all over the map to people who have learned all their lives (and if you hadnt notice, there are a lot of us) to have only a fairly fuzzy understanding of homosexuality. That "pushing" is only provoking defensive attitudes. We're trying to protect our church... one that is set in a world that we believe is falling constantly into depravity and away from God. They're not allowing us to get together and figure out how homosexuality fits within our faith.. they're forcing us to get together and figure out how to slow down this movement.
If you want to continue to drive a wedge between homosexuals and the body of the church and keep the focus away from resolving the apparent logical paradox then the current movement will do it. They want their cake, they want to eat it, and they want to eat it now. But they are fighting against two thousand years. They equate their plight to that of blacks in the 50s-60s... but blacks had been in this country for 300 years... the homosexual population has only been recognized within the last two generations.
Do you understand the fundamental problem yet?
And I have to say this cuz this irritates me to no end: the label "homophobe" has been waved around my face for as long as I remember. People, EVERYWHERE I HAVE LIVED, have tried to intimidate me from having any opinion that dissents from total and complete acceptance of homosexual behavior by throwing that label at me. How frikken unfair is that? To declare that I am afraid of homosexuals.. to insinuate that I don't have the ability to communicate with a homosexual, to stand in the same room with one, etc... they not only unfairly branded me but imprinted a hostility in any potential relationship I might ever have with a homosexual... I've always had to struggle with the notion that this person is going to HATE me if it is learned that I'm a christian, that I'm a conservative... you know how damaging that is to us.. all of us? You've been driving a wedge between the two populations for years with that single word.
Shouta said:He said he doesn't have a problem with gays having rights and in this case, marital rights which he said he supported in the thread earlier. His usage of "faggot" was in a questioning manner. Not as a discriminatory remark towards others (although that one about equal rights might cross the line ;p)
He's annoyed at the thought of being expected to respect someone just because they're gay. I frankly agree with this idea. I'm not going to respect just because you're gay. I'll respect you for the person you are and not because of your sexual orientation or race or whatever it may be.
Is he somehow so dense not to realize how offensive that word is? It's like using the "c*nt" word around certain women.
Uh it's not our fault that he doesn't understand gay parades. It's not about being proud of our "gayness" despite what the slogans say. It's about acceptance of who we are as people, despite our differences. It's like saying that our "gayness" is just another part of our identity as people.