Shouta said:You're quite right. It's his fault he wasn't clear. I also said that he has a bad habit if baiting people and then going with their train of logic without sticking to his own However, at the same time he wasn't using the word to imply socially unacceptable behavior but merely behavior that deviates from the norm. The other folks associated "deviant" with its meaning that implies social acceptance. So in this case, both parties are wrong. It's more than enough reason to get off each other's back.
And akascream says they should be discriminated against? I don't see it.
He is NOT implying that it is better or worse but that it is not commonplace. You're implying that his opinion is that homosexuality is unacceptable or aberrant behavior when on the contrary he has not said so or implied it. Sure, you can say that he was implying we make a value judgment by repeating his point but that doesn't mean he's stated his opinion explicitly or implicitly.
Sure, normal has multiple meaning but so does many words. How do we decide what the word means? By reading it in the context of what was said. He said statistically, homosexuality is not normal. Normal means "commonplace" in this instance.
However, I do see where the confusion point is. akascream never stated what he meant by "statistically." He could mean statistics on opinions or, what I interpreted it to be, was statistics of the human population. Only akascream can clear that up and that is his fault.
Again, the connotations of deviant that you're thinking of doesn't apply because of the context in which he used it. I agree that he's being one hell of an ass (both in his attitude and how he's stating his attitude) but his original intent of the word has no venom.
He said he doesn't have a problem with gays having rights and in this case, marital rights which he said he supported in the thread earlier. His usage of "faggot" was in a questioning manner. Not as a discriminatory remark towards others (although that one about equal rights might cross the line ;p)
As for the first part of the quote.
He's annoyed at the thought of being expected to respect someone just because they're gay. I frankly agree with this idea. I'm not going to respect just because you're gay. I'll respect you for the person you are and not because of your sexual orientation or race or whatever it may be.
Again, I agree with both sides. You're all reading into his words so that it makes it seem like he's being flamatory when in reality he isn't. That's your bad. His bad is not being clear with what he said and how he said it which happens all the time, even to the best people. I do think he's being a troll but you're egging him on and reading his posts wrong as well.
You're giving him waaaaaayyyyyyy too much credit. He failed to back up one, ONE of his many posts in this thread with any sort of fact. I can't believe he hasn't been banned yet because EVERY post can be considered a troll. The whole discussion has degenerated and the same things have been repeated for a while now. He chose to come into this thread and fuck it up, no one invited him.