But even if he doesn't do a whole helluva lot because of obstructionism there are still a few things set up already. According to economists we're likely going to create about 12 million new jobs over the next 4 years by doing nothing. He'll be seen as the guy that got us out of two wars. The republicans won't or even can't really block much with that. And Obamacare will continue, so in the future when people realize the benefits he'll be seen as the guy that did that, too. So he'll have a recovery from a large recession, healthcare, and ending of wars on his record. And that's along with any judicial appointments he might make. On top of him being the first African American president all that added on top of it and yes he could be seen as one of the better presidents in history.
But, yes there are some things that could go wrong. A European collapse that drags the US down with it could be one, and not getting a deal for the sequestration could be another. Still, there's potential there.
Meh. I'm a bit more of an Obama fan than a Clinton one, really. And, Clinton didn't really seem to lead to an entire shift in ideology of the left's electorate like I think Obama has the potential for and like Reagan did for the right.