This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!
More votes equals a loss...revolution!
Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.
my cable just went out.
I don't get it.
He is the friend of a friend.
Don't know him personally.
Will not know him now.
I think he's half white
Yes! A thousand times yes!
Nice one America
MSNBC says that Romney is contesting the networks calling Ohio
guys, im scared now Its 2012, we have an african president...and the movies said a meteor is coming! hold me.
What's the arguments for why Voter Fraud pervention via Votera ID is useless? Is it the wrong kind of fraud to target? It's prevention scope limited? Where does the most fraud take place?
Fox has Obama at 290 but wondering if Ohio might have an effect on things. Ohio is 18 votes. What does 290 minus 18 equal, Fox?
Lol nice
I'd be pretty excited to add Puerto Rico as state #51.
Also, I've always wanted to get a job in Seattle. Legal marijuana is just added incentive; it'd be nice to try marijuana for the very first time and have that first time also be legal.
Voter fraud doesn't exist. It simply doesn't happen. Instead, we have voter suppression, which is mainly Republicans preventing people from voting on the chance they lean Democratic.What's the arguments for why Voter Fraud pervention via Votera ID is useless? Is it the wrong kind of fraud to target? It's prevention scope limited? Where does the most fraud take place?
This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!
More votes equals a loss...revolution!
Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.
Is Deep Impact on Netflix?guys, im scared now Its 2012, we have an african president...and the movies said a meteor is coming! hold me.
Rich guy pissed and sad.I don't get it.