good on you, i would've thought they would've done more soul searching after the beating they recieved in '08 but I guess the success they had in '10 silenced any reform talk
No joke! '08 was when Republicans really needed to do this, but '10 set them back. They mis-read what they thought was a true "conservative" movement back to the right, when it was merely a fiscal move to the right. (IMO). (This was obvious to anyone with half a brain and a nose for politics).
Maybe...just maybe...there will be some real leadership from the Republicans, and get their platform out of the 1980's and into a workable platform for the 2010's.
Here, I will start right now free of charge constultant!
Drop the social stuff: This country is now center...Bible thumping will no longer win you a general election. Shoot, Republicans can take the easy way out and say its merely states rights.
Give fiscal responsibility a new flavor: (And yes, this does mean tax increases, ala, Bush, Sr.)
Sell their soul to the devil to win the Latino vote. Of all the minority groups (minority being used broadly), the latinos in general share many ideas with the Republicans. Republicans can gain ground here.
IF (if), they do this, then maybe I will consider voting Republican again.
All that matters at the end of the day.
Absolutely! And to all those "conservatives" saying they are moving...Shut up. This is 'Merica. Don't take your ball and go home. Work to change things.
So how much did the conservative super PACs blow this election? And what if anything can they say it achieved?
About as much as the Democrat ones did. And no, nothing really changed. (But I sure hope it does)
This is the logical conclusion, but it's also been the logical conclusion for years now and the party has only become increasingly steeped in its craziness.
I wish the Republicans would try logic for once....An honest realization of what is going on. My hope anyway.
In the ideal world people would be as reasonable and thoughtful as you (and pctx) about this. All I ask from those in charge is cooperation, and policies that benefit every level of society. Policies that aren't based in a slanted world-view...
Know what I mean?
It was nice to see this post.
We hope for the same things. Why there is a vocal portion of the Republicans that just can't get on board that America is changing is beyond me. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. hell, it just takes the internet. The Republicans didn't used to be this way...
This is a great post and you are a true American, Tex.
Thanks! And Im not just saying that stuff to gain some sympathy. I truly believe all this. Naive? Maybe, but thats my right.