Yep. All the super PAC money did was keep them from losing ground.
MSNBC is so smug right now, I love it (and Alex...). Her response to a Republican wondering what the party has to do to win more support: "And maybe stop talking about rape?".
Links? I want to see the denial.
RT @jonathanchait: Final Gallup projected whites at 78.5% of the electorate. Actual result: 72%. Enormous difference, total Gallup fail.
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Watch this for the tears
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Berg is making an announcement in ~45 mins.I wonder when they call Heitkamp and Referendum 74. Just a matter of time...
This is glorious:
Well Ryan was only half-defeated, but I can take that.
Holy shit, I thought the "Some girls rape easy" thing was internet satire.This is glorious:
[IMG ][/IMG]
Well Ryan was only half-defeated, but I can take that.
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Watch this for the tears
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The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following statement Tuesday:
We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.
After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.
We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process, which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service. We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors.
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This is glorious:
Well Ryan was only half-defeated, but I can take that.
3 minutes in
Well, the stock market is already falling today and there is already concerns around. So let me ask this. obama's campaign was all about defaming ROmney and it worked. I still have no clue what Obama is actually GOING to do to turn our country around. Tell me then at least 4 things Obama is going to do that is going to have a positive effect on this country. Be civil please.
That is A LOT of chance for a party in 4 years time. How does one rebrand like that when the last 8 years has seen the exact oppostive being shoved down everyone throats. I mean ... the republican you just described sounds like a right leaning dem and someone I would vote for.
EDIT: also ... you said Latino have common ground with Republicans, but most of those are social issues you just suggested they drop.
Sorry if posted, but here's the LDS church statement congratulating President Obama.
It is really hard to even even imagine a republican thought process.
Romney was: morman, rich, uncool, flip flopper, and was manufactured by the GOP
yet half of america voted for him. Why?
Race plays a large roleWell, the south voted for him. They aren't exactly the brightest bunch. (from south)
Couldn't resist.
If the president get 2 judges picks... or 3....
What do you think are the chances of reverting citizens united?
Time to fire up Sirius XM Patriot and bathe in some bitter tears...
Couldn't resist.
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Well, the stock market is already falling today and there is already concerns around. So let me ask this. obama's campaign was all about defaming ROmney and it worked. I still have no clue what Obama is actually GOING to do to turn our country around. Tell me then at least 4 things Obama is going to do that is going to have a positive effect on this country. Be civil please.
Time to fire up Sirius XM Patriot and bathe in some bitter tears...
Well, the stock market is already falling today and there is already concerns around. So let me ask this. obama's campaign was all about defaming ROmney and it worked. I still have no clue what Obama is actually GOING to do to turn our country around. Tell me then at least 4 things Obama is going to do that is going to have a positive effect on this country. Be civil please.
Couldn't resist.
Couldn't resist.
Rush is amazing today.
Well, the stock market is already falling today and there is already concerns around. So let me ask this. obama's campaign was all about defaming ROmney and it worked. I still have no clue what Obama is actually GOING to do to turn our country around. Tell me then at least 4 things Obama is going to do that is going to have a positive effect on this country. Be civil please.
The Republicans are just going to have to get on board and shift left....I still hold they need to drop the social issues. However, the immigration issues and the support of the family unit (that is just always going to be a part of the Republican platform for awhile to come...not my idea) is something that will resonate with latino voters.
Edit: And Divvy is right...It was very important that these people lost. There is no room for them in politics any longer. If the Republicans want a say going forward, they will need to irraditate this ignorance out of the party.
Couldn't resist.
Christopher ‏@XenoNexxus
@garywhitta @DickMorrisTwee Gary, your guy won, and you still need to act like an asshole?
For all the ridicule directed towards pre-election polling, the final poll estimates were not far off from the actual nationwide vote shares for the two candidates," said Dr. Panagopoulos.
On average, pre-election polls from 28 public polling organizations projected a Democratic advantage of 1.07 percentage points on Election Day, which is only about 0.63 percentage points away from the current estimate of a 1.7-point Obama margin in the national popular vote. [...]
1. PPP (D)
1. Daily Kos/SEIU/PPP
3. YouGov
4. Ipsos/Reuters
5. Purple Strategies
6. YouGov/Economist
11. Angus-Reid
12. ABC/WP
13. Pew Research
13. Hartford Courant/UConn
15. Monmouth/SurveyUSA
15. Politico/GWU/Battleground
15. FOX News
15. Washington Times/JZ Analytics
15. Newsmax/JZ Analytics
15. American Research Group
15. Gravis Marketing
23. Democracy Corps (D)
24. Rasmussen
24. Gallup
26. NPR
27. National Journal
28. AP/GfK
The Republicans are just going to have to get on board and shift left....I still hold they need to drop the social issues. However, the immigration issues and the support of the family unit (that is just always going to be a part of the Republican platform for awhile to come...not my idea) is something that will resonate with latino voters.
Edit: And Divvy is right...It was very important that these people lost. There is no room for them in politics any longer. If the Republicans want a say going forward, they will need to irraditate this ignorance out of the party.
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