Gary Whitta
Fuck him, BLOCKED.10/10
yeah, cmon gary
Fuck him, BLOCKED.10/10
yeah, cmon gary
I agree with this. I think the Republicans can survive with socially CONSERVATIVE policies -- limited abortions but not wholly illegal, immigration reform, continuing to subsidize the family unit. It's the socially REACTIONARY positions that they're getting beat on, and those should be left to the American Heritage Party.
Should wait until votes have actually been counted until such rankings. Also if you take the reported margins of error seriously, ranking based on a single poll is completely meaninglessranks
internet polls (ipsos, yougov) on the come up?
Watch this for the tears
"Mature" language
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Can't believe I listened to all 24 minutes of that drivel.
Can't believe I listened to all 24 minutes of that drivel.
Me too.Im so sad that the comment section is disable...![]()
How could you not? It's amazing.Can't believe I listened to all 24 minutes of that drivel.
CHEEZMO;44094185 said:pctx I got your avatars bro. Yes plural because I'm pro-choice haw haw
Bonus choice
Feel free to choose as you wish.
Here's the Karl Rove meltdown on FOX:,0,911700.story
The biggest problem with the GOP is that they bully their own candidates and force them into a mold. I know a lot of Mitt's stances were adopted simply because he absolutely had to adopt them simply because he's on the Repubican ticket. If they'd let their candidates be individuals, things would be much better. 2008 Romney would have had a much, much better chance of winning last night and very well could have.
The GOP is way too stubborn. It's the same reason Huntsman got wrecked in the primaries. He's too willing to actually work across the aisle, and not just say that he's willing to.
Wouldn't be surprised if PD snagged that.that Hillary avatar is bad ass.
The Obama one has "u mad?" or "deal with it" written all over it.that Hillary avatar is bad ass.
The trolling from Nate and PPP was great.So happy that Gallup/Rasmussen's credibility just went in the shitter. PPP fucking nailed it and offered up brilliant snark and trolls along the way =D
Watch this for the tears
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To the drunk thread?
Me too.
How could you not? It's amazing.
Everyone needs to take in the Rush salt right now.
"GOOGLE IS A LEFT-WING TOOL! USE IT AGAINST THEM!"This is god damned hilarious.
lol, Mary Matalin was on CNN just now being salty as fuck about the election. Amazing.
Do any of the folks saying they are now moving to Canada realize that Canada is more liberal than the US? Gay marriage, Legalized marijuana, Universal healthcare is already the norm there. If its so much better to live there then what sort of statement are they making about the direction the country voted to move?
Did they even check the facts on Canada's government before yelling these things and saying they'd rather live there? Wouldn't it be like conservative hell for them?
So confused by these people this morning.
Watch this for the tears
"Mature" language
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So many reputations in the trash this morning, it's great. But at the end of the day hacks like Dick Morris and Michael Barone will just keep on ticking even after this devastating demonstration of their cluelessness because at the end of the day they do not trade on accuracy, they trade on telling their base what they want to hear. Although it certainly seems as though Morris is seeing a LOT of backlash from his followers who this morning feel totally betrayed by him. I'd love to believe this is the end of that fucking man-slug. Rove too.
Only if the government gives it to me for free!Chips, dip, butterscotch schnaps for dinner everyone!
now if someone would call out CNN for pandering to the "too close to call" election cycle they tried to perpetuate.
So Obama could've lost OH, FL, and VA and still win the election, right? All he really needed was NM, CO, and NV.
So Obama could've lost OH, FL, and VA and still win the election, right? All he really needed was NM, CO, and NV.
With 100% of ND precincts reporting, Heitkamp leads Berg 160,752 to 157,758 - 50.25% to 49.31%. Not sure where Berg finds 3000 votes in ND.
So Obama could've lost OH, FL, and VA and still win the election, right? All he really needed was NM, CO, and NV.