We ration our democracy much the way you ration your healthcare.
What are you talking about? There are secure ATMs everywhere you look, so it only takes moments to access my bank ac--How is it possible that you guys have 6 hour lines to vote?
As a Canadian... that is mind boggling.
Yes, except a few states (Maine and Nebraska?) will split their electoral votes based on the split of the vote in that state. But for the majority, you're correct.Someone please help me understand the Electoral College. I always thought that electoral votes depended on which candidate won each state, (ie: Obama gets the most votes in Ohio and would get all the electoral votes as a result).
Williamette Week Newspaper said:The Willamette Week newspaper reported the election worker filled in Republican bubbles on ballots where preferences had been left empty by voters in the county, which primarily comprises Portland suburbs.
Someone please help me understand the Electoral College. I always thought that electoral votes depended on which candidate won each state, (ie: Obama gets the most votes in Ohio and would get all the electoral votes as a result).
He was here yesterday. Please man. :-/Are there any recent polls that favor Obama in FL? All the ones I've been seeing favor Romney. The fact that Obama didn't really campaign there in the final days seems to suggest their internals are telling them it's gone.
NebraskaThat's exactly it, except for Maine.
That's exactly it, except for Maine.
How is it possible that you guys have 6 hour lines to vote?
As a Canadian... that is mind boggling.
You got it.Someone please help me understand the Electoral College. I always thought that electoral votes depended on which candidate won each state, (ie: Obama gets the most votes in Ohio and would get all the electoral votes as a result).
Yes, except a few states (Maine and Nebraska?) will split their electoral votes based on the split of the vote in that state. But for the majority, you're correct.
What don't you understand?
How is it possible that you guys have 6 hour lines to vote?
As a Canadian... that is mind boggling.
The 6 hour lines are mostly in Broward/Miami-Dade counties in South Florida. Both counties have well over 500k+ voters.
This year they cut early voting days and also cut the amount of polling places.
I honestly dont understand why population matters. Just add more voting places. Simple
Well, there more than 6 times as many people in the US than Canada (almost 10 times actually, and metro Miami has more than a million more people than metro Montreal... say that 5 times fast...).
How is it possible that you guys have 6 hour lines to vote?
As a Canadian... that is mind boggling.
That's exactly it, except for Maine.
Please don't get me started.How is it possible that you guys have 6 hour lines to vote?
As a Canadian... that is mind boggling.
So... have more polling stations? Have more people work the polling stations?
That's not exactly an impossible task.
I don't think I've ever had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote.
tnr said:For the second time in eight years, the Buckeye State is poised to offer the decisive electoral votes to reelect an incumbent president. The polls show Obama with a lead of around 2 or 3 points, enough to make him a favorite but not enough to assure victory, especially since he remains beneath 49 percent of the vote. At first glance, Obama’s resilience in the Buckeye State seems to defy partisan history and demographics. It’s about the only state where Obama is doing so well where his chances depend on maintaining gains among white working-class voters who voted for Bush in 2004. But Obama’s success among African Americans and postgraduates has shifted the state toward Democrats, forcing Romney to compensate with white working class Kerry voters. And although there are clear opportunities for Romney to make gains in southern and southeastern Ohio, the Obama campaign’s strategy is perfectly suited to deny him the gains he needs.
In the coal-mining country of Southeastern Ohio, half an hour from the West Virginia border, I expected to find a potent stew of anti-Obama sentiment. This area is the home of the downtrodden Appalachian whites who've never much trusted the president -- but now, thanks to cultural resentments and the coal industry's decline, they're practically in open revolt. Just look at the results of the West Virginia presidential primary: rather than pull the lever for Obama, nearly 40 percent of the state's Democrats cast votes instead for an unknown Texas prison inmate, Keith Judd, who'd managed to get his name on the ballot. As one Democratic elected official told me darkly, this part of the state is "the northernmost extension of the Confederacy."
But in the day I spent criscrossing this rolling green landscape, it wasn't that simple.
I found Fred Chafin in his driveway, leaning against a red pickup truck and sipping a can of Budweiser under a "Dale Earnhardt Jr. Boulevard" sign. "I wish there was somebody else to vote for -- maybe Hillary," the 51-year-old maintenance man said with a laugh. "I'm not really a Republican or a Democrat. I don't know too much about Romney. But if he's for the rich to get richer, I'm not for that."
Forgive the dramatic turn of phrase, but it is one of the most overt, blatant subversions of democracy I have witnessed in my lifetime or even read about in this country's history. We have 29 electoral votes. We have a population of millions and the margin of victory could (and has) come down to a sub-1000 vote tally. Any attempts to make it any more difficult for anyone to vote are absolutely inexcuable.The Republicans in power of Florida know that Broward/Miami-Dade are the key to Obama winning Florida.
That's exactly why they cut voting places and days/hours.
We need an |OT| Republican Voter Fraud
This shit is getting ridiculous.
Polls close: 7:30 pm ET
Pundits say:
Early voting: Despite the best efforts of everybody's favorite boogeyman, John Husted, early voting in Ohio began on October 2nd, and closed today at 2 pm. Ohio doesn't have party affiliation in the traditional sense, so it's tough to judge how big the Democrat lead is -- but early voting totals in the traditional Democratic stronghold of Cuyahoga County, home to Cleveland, were right on pace with 2008 yesterday, if not a little bit higher. There's no obvious reason to think from the votes cast so far that the results will be radically different from the projections or from 2008. (Don't listen to anybody talking about partisan identification in Ohio -- with no Democratic primary in 2012, every Dem voter registered after 2008 is currently listed as unaffiliated.)
Voter ID: Ohio's voter ID law, new since 2010, requires a photo ID or bill to be presented to vote, even if you cast a provisional ballot. There is some controversy over a Husted directive that might disqualify some provisional ballots -- but I suspect the courts will step in before the provisionals ever get counted.
Polls say: 538 gives Obama an 87% chance to win Ohio with a projected lead of 3.2 points -- despite the spin, it's less close in Nate's view than the majority of swing states. The RealClearPolitics average also clocks in with a whopping 3 point lead for the President.
Watch for: The whole enchilada. Despite Romney's heavy polling deficit, he needs Ohio to have any shot at the Presidency -- there are other paths for him, but he hasn't dedicated much time to campaigning in them in the last few days, preferring to stay in the Rust Belt that has been so inhospitable to him. If Obama holds onto a lead in Ohio, Romney doesn't have a chance; if Romney wins it, it's an indication that his theory of the electorate has legs. So Ohio's call will probably tell you what'll happen in the rest of the country. Hopefully it won't take too long -- in 2008, Ohio was called after two hours with a five-point margin; in 2004, it took five for a two-point margin.
No, that's basically it. Each state has N number of votes based on population, and they basically just count up all those to determine the winner.I just couldn't understand why some people say voting doesn't matter. I thought there was more to the college than just counting up state votes.
No, that's basically it. Each state has N number of votes, and they basically just count up all those to determine the winner.
I'm not sure what you mean about people saying voting doesn't matter, but imo it doesn't matter. The election will go the same way whether you vote one way, the other, or not at all. It's kind of cynical, but whatever.
I disagree about votes mattering more in swing states, though. Emotionally sure, people feel like their vote is more important in an election outcome that is expected to be narrow. But really it still doesn't matter there either.
Currently listening to The Sean Hannity Show. It's been a long time since I've listened to conservative radio, and the amount of spin on display, not just in the show (Karl Rove was the guest!) but in the ads, is mind-blowing.
It's full-on denial mode in right-wing radio talkland right now. If Obama wins I'll be tuned into it all the next day just to enjoy their meltdowns.Currently listening to The Sean Hannity Show. It's been a long time since I've listened to conservative radio, and the amount of spin on display, not just in the show (Karl Rove was the guest!) but in the ads, is mind-blowing.
This is the reason I suspected for the significant number of unaffiliated voters residing in Ohio compared to other states. Does this also apply to the initiatives promoted by the Obama campaign to get people registered to vote early?(Don't listen to anybody talking about partisan identification in Ohio -- with no Democratic primary in 2012, every Dem voter registered after 2008 is currently listed as unaffiliated.)
The way the electoral college is set up, with the majority vote-getter in each state receiving all the votes, is the thing that doesn't make sense to me. With this system, you could have 49.9% of a state's population voting for a candidate, and that candidate receiving the equivalent of zero votes. Those voices aren't getting heard, and it leads to the current situation where candidates just focus on swing states.
States that split their votes instantly become less important to the candidates. There isn't a lot of incentive to do it unless a large number of the states do it together.
It's full-on denial mode in right-wing radio talkland right now. If Obama wins I'll be tuned into it all the next day just to enjoy their meltdowns.
This was my first time voting and paying close attention to politics and I'm amazed at the level of hate mongering that comes from ultra righties. I never thought it was like this but it's insane at times.
It might be possible this was really a gamble on the part of the GOP predicated on the hope that it would help force Obama to be a one-term president, and failing that outcome will be a colossal miscalculation.Also, I'd like to point out that if Romney wins, that means that the strategy of obstructing everything and never compromising works, and that'd be why the democrats would largely copy that strategy.
Whoa, where have you been? Welcome back. I actually mean that even though I disagree with pretty much everything you say![]()
The level of delusion that radiates from the Drudge Report main page today is nothing short of HI-FUCKING-LARIOUS.
The way the electoral college is set up, with the majority vote-getter in each state receiving all the votes, is the thing that doesn't make sense to me. With this system, you could have 49.9% of a state's population voting for a candidate, and that candidate receiving the equivalent of zero votes. Those voices aren't getting heard, and it leads to the current situation where candidates just focus on swing states.
Let them have their delusion. The reactions will be all that much more delectable.![]()
You are a damned fine human being. I had not played High Speed until a few weeks ago at the Dory Hill Annual Tournament. It seriously kicked my ass; great game though.
Holy shit I just went over there, lasted about 30 seconds. I think it's the combination of utter stupidity and early 90s GeoCities web design.The level of delusion that radiates from the Drudge Report main page today is nothing short of HI-FUCKING-LARIOUS.
Seems fitting that they'd act that way when looking at evidence clearly marked "Obama determined to win election in the United States".Let them have their delusion. The reactions will be all that much more delectable.![]()
So Drudge's top story is that Romney's own internal polling shows him ahead. FUCKING MEGATON!
Ha! It's funny, there's a huge pinball arcade right near me, and despite High Speed being a lifelong favorite, it's one of the games I play the least there. Reason being exactly what you said, it's a brutal quarter eater. Walking away from a machine 90 seconds after putting your token in is a little rough on the ego.
*tries to tie this back into the topic*
...um, ah, a feeling Mitt Ronmey will know all too well tomorrow!