haha Nate silver
Nutty thought: If Obama is serious about a Secretary of Business, how about offering it to Romney? Might be the one thing he's actually good at, plus a big bipartisan fig leaf post-election to set the tone. Or maybe I've just been watching too many episodes of The West Wing.
He may be an asshole but I agree with him. After sinking a lot of money and time into a race, I think he should see if there was a miscount or some absentee ballots uncounted. I would if it was that close.
Bush's Spanish did make me chuckle, but hey he wasn't that bad at it really.
Indeed, but hey, at least he tried. I think that says alot.
Oh shit! Anyone got live streams of Fox News?
Where are people talking about the Dow drop? I don't see that on GAF anywhere. On my phone.
I hear ya
It's nothing surprising or concerning. Listening to APMs Marketplace tonight.
"I didn't think that ladies and negroes would vote!!" http://www.dickmorris.com/why-i-was-wrong/
I am soooo depressed. PRAY for America. We are officially now a country which is for MURDER and Homosexual marriage.
I just heard about it from friends and don't know much else. Why is it not concerning?
Ive got egg on my face. I predicted a Romney landslide and, instead, we ended up with an Obama squeaker.
Hannity acting like he's not bothered LOL - it's all okay because Thanksgiving is coming up!
Hannity acting like he's not bothered LOL - it's all okay because Thanksgiving is coming up!
Obama 213 - 325 Romney = landslideLOL at Dick Morris saying the election was a "squeaker."
Trash Tier:
The Cycle - seriously, WTF
Hannity is officially the last person in America still talking about Jeremiah Wright.
Is that picture serious lol? Our prime minister is a female atheist lol
Ann Coulter coming up on Hannity.
That frigid bitch hasn't felt anything in a decade...doubt she acts too butthurt.
Oh man... is there a link for Hannity?
Somebody posted a tuneIn link on the previous page.
WTF, I've used two separate links here, about five mins ago, and ads are still playing. WTF
All this shit is 90% ads and 10% bullshit.
I think that America is becoming a "sectarian" country. There's the normal people and the crazies who are racist, religious freaks, rednecks and who live in an alternate reality where Obama is a socialist, muslim, atheist, Kenyan, anti-colonial world view, gonna take away all our guns, baby killer, worst president in history, rape is ok, etc.
Let them bloviate all they want. It's an echo chamber, changes nothing in the real world.The thing with Rush and Hannity recently is that they've been able to set the talking points for Republicans for the rest of the week. They may be getting it from somewhere else first, but publicly they are a pretty good bellweather for where the rest of the talking heads will go.
Already Hannity is talking about the next 'Debt Ceiling'
Let them bloviate all they want. It's an echo chamber, changes nothing in the real world.