Saw this on a public phone in downtown Pittsburgh:
Didn't see it posted anywhere this thread and I guess it relates.
But really the most important part of this video is at 1:56
Saw this on a public phone in downtown Pittsburgh:
For the rest of your life, remember that there was a moment where a bunch of billionaires sat in a room and watched TVs while drinking cocktails, and had a moment of realization as all the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars they gave to Karl Rove went up in smoke
I don't understand why Trump keeps blathering on about the electoral college being a sham. Am I not up to date or something? Obama won the popular vote too did he not?
Yeah, Nate Silver did great on the presidential level, but he had a few issues in the Senate races. Indeed, he blew two of those calls, one badly -- he said there was a 91% chance Heitkamp would lose in ND, but she won. He also put the odds at Tester losing at 65%, and he won too.http://gawker.com/5958260/americas-...ection-night-of-anybody-and-heres-why-a-guide
"...Silver gave Obama a 91 percent chance of winning on election day, and correctly forecast every state outcome as well."
There is one other country that polled towards Romney, but it wasn't in that poll -- Israel. But they were the only two.On behalf of the world (except Pakistan); Thank you for doing the right thing Americans.
lol @ republican tears and Fox news
How could anyone actually watch that stuff? Seriously...
am i reading the news wrong? florida is still in a gridlock?
It really is. With a lot of news stories you can't know which side is 'biased' because you don't know the actual truth unless you were at the event in a news story.Not sure how Hannity and other Reps can be so delusional.
1. Ignore the negative campaign Romney ran and pretend it's all Obama
2. Act like the rest of the media is biased when Fox is is quite clearly the most biased of all
3. Be so delusional about facts and figures
a.) Completely disregard all of Obama camps claims about Romney, suggesting they're all false, when so many were true
b.) Pretend the fact checkers were partisan and were just picking on Romney
c.) Act surprised that they were so off on the election predictions
d.) Completely disregard Bush and his policies and act like everything started with socialist Obama
It's mind numbingly idiotic.
All you guys expecting the republicans to recover their lost sanity, are in it for a shock.
Internally this election will be read as: voter disenfranchisement and electoral circunscription tamepring almost did the job. Double down on the crazy and double down on the "legal" electoral fraud.
sweet! record years of Democratic governing to come!
The wealthy right is furious with Karl rove and the super pacs, billions spent and they won nothing.
There is one other country that polled towards Romney, but it wasn't in that poll -- Israel. But they were the only two.
35% chances happen 35% of the time. My main criticism of him would be how cautious he was.Yeah, Nate Silver did great on the presidential level, but he had a few issues in the Senate races. Indeed, he blew two of those calls, one badly -- he said there was a 91% chance Heitkamp would lose in ND, but she won. He also put the odds at Tester losing at 65%, and he won too.
Stop talkin shit bout mah vidya games, Hannity!
The wealthy right is furious with Karl rove and the super pacs, billions spent and they won nothing.
I'm surprised the far right hasn't embraced games like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Seems like their ideal glorification of war.
O'Reilly was on Fox News last night lamenting that the whites have lost the country. What a racist.
All you guys expecting the republicans to recover their lost sanity, are in it for a shock.
Internally this election will be read as: voter disenfranchisement and electoral circunscription tamepring almost did the job. Double down on the crazy and double down on the "legal" electoral fraud.
Stop talkin shit bout mah vidya games, Hannity!
Fuck is he saying?
He keeps saying the GOP are the responsible parents who watch what their kids do while Obama/Dems are the parents who let their kids gorge on junk food and play video games all day.
He's seriously made this comparison like 50 times in an hour.
The wealthy right is furious with Karl rove and the super pacs, billions spent and they won nothing.
35% chances happen 35% of the time. My main criticism of him would be how cautious he was.
True. And of course Netanyahu was a definite Romney supporter, too, that has to have been a factor.Of course Israel likes GOP candidates for the opposite reason GOP supporters like GOP candidates . . . socialism. Israel is more likely to get bigger loans (that will be forgiven) and more military toys from GOP leaders.
I'd say that that was more because of gerrymandering than money...New talking point "We kept the house"
According to the BBCs numbers only 2000 more people voted thrid party compared to 2008? Such momentum.
I'm surprised the far right hasn't embraced games like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Seems like their ideal glorification of war.
The wealthy right is furious with Karl rove and the super pacs, billions spent and they won nothing.
The only viable option for Republican to win in 2016 is to get Jeb Bush and tap Rubio as VP and court Latino voters hardcore.
If the GOP continues to be the party of old white males... they are through.
Coulter/Hannity is getting hilarious. She's having a meltdown defending Romney