More women in the senate is only a Democrat cause? (Its not).
Did you know that using "Democrat" as an adjective like that is
kind of a pejorative? It's been around since the '40s. It may just be ingrained in you and not intentional at this point, but if you have an interest in public debate at all, it always puts me on edge to hear someone open an argument that way.
Of course more women in the senate isn't only a cause for the Democratic party. But it was
a cause of the Democrats, and the reason the new record was set in this election was because of seats being filled by female Democrats (which is the way it was always destined to happen). That's why it was a point on my list.
Openly gay senator is fine by me. Don't care.
I don't know if you meant that your apathy about the issue demonstrates that you support gay rights, but surely you understand that it being "fine by you" puts you at odds with a majority of the Repubilcan party for the moment. Plenty of them are pretty disgusted right now.
I suppose I also "don't care" in a sort of postmodern sense, in that I don't think being gay or straight or whatever else has anything to do with your ability to govern. But I care a lot in that it was a significant victory for LGBT rights; maybe the most prestigious elected office besides the Presidency. That cause is championed by the Democratic Party and abhorred by the right.
Marijuana will be shot down by the Democratic federal government. Don't kid yourself. (I think this should be legalized, but thats not the point for right now).
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but:
1) When you say "shot down," I'm not sure what you think the federal government will do. Cannabis is still a controlled substance according to the DEA and this won't do anything to change that. But it's a lot more complicated than just "illegal" for the citizens of Colorado, and more specifically, for the citizens of cities that had previously passed decriminalization laws but whose users were still at risk of breaking state law.
2) I mentioned it on this list because the votes were referenda on the will of the people of those two states, and, increasingly the will of the American public at large. These things take time and this was a step in that direction. Again, this is a cause championed by the Democrats (although they sure agree with Libertarians on this one) and vehemently opposed by the Republican platform.
Scott Brown losing is sad...A true moderate. We need more of them in Washington not less. (But it also happened in a deep blue state so, big whoop...should be blue).
He supports DOMA, the death penalty, and torture, but otherwise he is what passes as a moderate these days I suppose. But this is Massachusetts and that was Ted Kennedy's seat, and the party was not happy with him in it- thus reclaiming the seat was a victory for them. Elizabeth Warren is also awesome.
Obama winning every battleground is a big one...and THE big one. No getting around that. Though keep in mind that of all the votes cast nationally Obama only won by around 3 million or so votes...hell even make it 5 million. Thats not ZOMG the Republicans are dead! In other words, its not like the Republicans will never recover (if they actually read the writing on the wall...more below on this).
He lost NC! But yes, it is big, and no, it doesn't mean the Republicans are anywhere close to dead or unable to recover. They hopefully will adapt.
Really, the big one and why its not DEVESTATING is that the Republicans still control the House. To me, that means there are parts of the Republican message that still resonates with voters. (Im going to hope its the fiscal convervatism and not the crazy social policy).
That's a pretty damn idealistic hope. You can't possibly know what motivated the voters to elect Republicans throughout the country, and demographically speaking it has a lot more to do with "crazy social policy" in some parts of the country than others.
2008 was devestating, but just a mere two years later, the Republicans took back the house, and if they were not totally retarded with gawd awful candidites this time, may have had a better chance at the Senate.
I think 2010 represented a reactionary dissatisfaction with having a Democratic president in a still-horrid, lurching economy. Job growth has continued steadily since. I expect the 2014 midterms to be far more competitive and interesting.
That said, I think the Republicans have a golden opportunity right now...And I do mean GOLDEN. It is clear...apparent...obvious...that the demographics of this country has shifted and the Republicans are caught playing catch up. Its time to get with it. If they drop the social agenda crap, Re-brand fiscal conservatism as more "helping" and less hurting, and get the right people leading (which hasn't happened for awhile), while selling their soul to win the Latino vote (which is sitll up for grabs). They can do this all while holding onto the House. I think you will see a much more potent Republican party.
Will they read the writing? I have no idea. Maybe.
Can't disagree with a word of this. Thumbs up.