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United States Election: Nov 6, 2012 |OT| - Barack Obama Re-elected

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As someone who used to live in Ohio, I don't trust those motherfuckers with anything...then again I'm the one who moved to Florida.

I'm off work at 7:00. I think I'll take a couple Sandman comics and spend the next few hours at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the election results.
Holy crap, playing with that electoral map is really instructive. Romney can win FL, OH *and* PA and STILL need at least one other state. Silver's numbers are making more and more sense.


I have a new, and slightly more expensive than normal, bottle of scotch ready and waiting for about 5pm EST tomorrow. Given the current outlook this doesn't look like it's going too too late, but I guess you never know.

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
We're gonna get cries of voter fraud no matter who wins.

If Obama wins, I wonder if Fox and the rest of the right-wing media will ease off or double down on crazy. It will also be amusing to see Republicans cry of voter fraud after a bunch of Republican-led states enacted laws that were supposedly written to stop that kind of thing.

If Romney wins, I wonder if any of the mainstream media will immediately investigate the discrepancies between polls and results or if they'll just let it slide. I wonder if they are monitoring that stuff behind the scenes or just presenting the polls and results as they come out.


When he has the room to breath better than his peers. But who knows who he would be appealing to in a presidential election.

Yeah, that's problem there. Christie, Bloomberg, etc... all seem like good enough guys, but let that GOP machine take over and you won't recognize them anymore. I thought pre-candidate McCain seemed like an ok guy, but what was spat out once the machine chewed him up was unrecognizable. There's no way Palin was his decision.

And of course Mitt... a conservative governor of Massafuckingchusetts. There's no way he wouldn't appeal to everyone. And yet, once the machine got a hold of him...
We're gonna get cries of voter fraud no matter who wins.

If Obama wins, I wonder if Fox and the rest of the right-wing media will ease off or double down on crazy. It will also be amusing to see Republicans cry of voter fraud after a bunch of Republican-led states enacted laws that were supposedly written to stop that kind of thing.

If Romney wins, I wonder if any of the mainstream media will immediately investigate the discrepancies between polls and results or if they'll just let it slide. I wonder if they are monitoring that stuff behind the scenes or just presenting the polls and results as they come out.
Well there has already been a bunch of voter suppression by the Republicans that we have hard evidence of..


Any estimates on when we'll know it's done and over with, I don't want this to be a Gore/Bush affair

Its hard to actually say. It could end early if VA or FL go Obama. If it all comes down to Ohio then there could be lots of wrangling to drag it out
The only state that matters to me is Ohio. If Obama secures that this race is over if he doesn't he still has a good chance but it's going to be tense until CO, IA, and NV are called. I don't think anyone should count on FL because A) They don't know how to count so it will be one of the last states to be called B)It's run by republican assholes so if its a very close race they will throw it for Romney and C) There are alot of really dumb people here and Romney spent alot of money here so the expectation is he will have a good showing.
The first thing I did when playing with the 512 gadget is give FL to Romney and start from there, I'll be really surprised if it goes for Obama.


Man I typed up that long response and you didn't address a thing :(

I'm not saying you can't have a legitimate claim to supporting him because, er, you believe taxes and regulations are bad or something. I was saying that the actual reason you support him OVER the opposition is just empty. It's based on nothing.

Level with me for a moment, Pctx. It's pretty impossible to deny that Mitt Romney has changed positions on virtually every subject known to man sometimes three or four times this campaign cycle. All politicians do this to some degree; but I can say the false equivalency would be to suggest all politicians do it equally. Mitt Romney's level of shifting is unprecedented in modern politics. I charted it once, and Mitt Romney (or his campaign) on one particular night changed his position 4 times in the span of 6 hours.

So, how do you feel comfortable knowing who you will get on November 6? Will you get Mr. "Massachusetts Moderate"? Will you get the SEVERE CONSERVATIVE? Will you get the guy who is a weak knuckled limpwrister who has buckled to every whim of his party hardliners? How can you tell?

I am asking this question genuinely, because I am wondering if there is some clue you guys pick up on that allows you to narrow it down. Maybe it would help me understand your perspective a little more.

To be fair, I was responding on my iPad so I couldn't type a decent response.

To your point....
It's pretty impossible to deny that Mitt Romney has changed positions on virtually every subject known to man sometimes three or four times this campaign cycle.
Yes, however when you have a POTUS lie or tell half truths, which is worse? Seriously. I think for me I figured out why I'm pissing off LiberalGAF; I don't defend the topic at hand, I defend the "best" ideal of what the "best" of Romney "could" potentially bring to the table. (I actually had that realization a couple of days ago and had to reconcile that but I think that's it.)

Yes, all politicians do it. Period. End of story. Obama does it. Biden does it. Barney Frank does it and F'ning John Boener does it. I personally hate it because I hate being lied to or only told what I "think I need to be told" by those who think they are superior in intelligence. To your point, is changing or in this case "flip flopping" on a position identify most with: A) Who Mitt Romney is or B) The state of the Republican party? To me its the latter of the two. Again I go back to what Mitt values; He values me, he values you, he values people working again--- How we get there is two different ways. Call it trickle down politics or trickle up economics, both are amazingly shitty and to most Americans its which one smells the least worst on a daily basis and that is what people are fundamentally voting on. Not party slogans, not hope and change, not believe in America.

The American people get that the people in Washington cannot change things within unless but contrast, you have a super majority and then move bills and/or sign executive orders into law like Obama has had and done. Now before you start jumping down my throat about Bush and what his henchmen did, I get it... he did the exact same thing... stop and think... you voted for hope and change in the way politics were handled; or did you simply vote in who you thought would do the most good for what your political world view is? I'm guessing again its the latter. How am I any different is the question I'm asking LiberalGAF.

To your last point, which Romney will we get; We will get business leader Romney that sole focus will be getting the states and the Government to kick start this economy. Sure there will be bumps in the road and sure we need to (IMO) still address Libya and who is responsible for that shit storm, sure we need to figure out taxes, corporations and medical coverage of people but the root cause of the systemic issues we have at hand today are because we have people who do not have an income and/or that people are using monies that come from Government welfare. This issue to me at least is about who takes responsibility for where America goes. When I say Obama wants to take us on an express elevator to Euro style health care, can you defend that or is that genuinely what you want? If people want total assistance from the Government and do not want to work for what they want, for their education or even free thought then I truly do not recognize the country I grew up in.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
To be fair, I was responding on my iPad so I couldn't type a decent response.

To your point....

Yes, however when you have a POTUS lie or tell half truths, which is worse? Seriously. I think for me I figured out why I'm pissing off LiberalGAF; I don't defend the topic at hand, I defend the "best" ideal of what the "best" of Romney "could" potentially bring to the table. (I actually had that realization a couple of days ago and had to reconcile that but I think that's it.)

Yes, all politicians do it. Period. End of story. Obama does it. Biden does it. Barney Frank does it and F'ning John Boener does it. I personally hate it because I hate being lied to or only told what I "think I need to be told" by those who think they are superior in intelligence. To your point, is changing or in this case "flip flopping" on a position identify most with: A) Who Mitt Romney is or B) The state of the Republican party? To me its the latter of the two. Again I go back to what Mitt values; He values me, he values you, he values people working again--- How we get there is two different ways. Call it trickle down politics or trickle up economics, both are amazingly shitty and to most Americans its which one smells the least worst on a daily basis and that is what people are fundamentally voting on. Not party slogans, not hope and change, not believe in America.

The American people get that the people in Washington cannot change things within unless but contrast, you have a super majority and then move bills and/or sign executive orders into law like Obama has had and done. Now before you start jumping down my throat about Bush and what his henchmen did, I get it... he did the exact same thing... stop and think... you voted for hope and change in the way politics were handled; or did you simply vote in who you thought would do the most good for what your political world view is? I'm guessing again its the latter. How am I any different is the question I'm asking LiberalGAF.

To your last point, which Romney will we get; We will get business leader Romney that sole focus will be getting the states and the Government to kick start this economy. Sure there will be bumps in the road and sure we need to (IMO) still address Libya and who is responsible for that shit storm, sure we need to figure out taxes, corporations and medical coverage of people but the root cause of the systemic issues we have at hand today are because we have people who do not have an income and/or that people are using monies that come from Government welfare. This issue to me at least is about who takes responsibility for where America goes. When I say Obama wants to take us on an express elevator to Euro style health care, can you defend that or is that genuinely what you want? If people want total assistance from the Government and do not want to work for what they want, for their education or even free thought then I truly do not recognize the country I grew up in.
Literally nothing about your response explains anything about why you like Romney. Honestly, how often can you reply with "Obama is a liar" without explaining what you're talking about?

The last paragraph is instructive - the guy just asked you which Romney will we get and you didn't even answer - You just immediately punted to Libya.


listen to the mad man
the root cause of the systemic issues we have at hand today are because we have people who do not have an income and/or that people are using monies that come from Government welfare. This issue to me at least is about who takes responsibility for where America goes. When I say Obama wants to take us on an express elevator to Euro style health care, can you defend that or is that genuinely what you want? If people want total assistance from the Government and do not want to work for what they want, for their education or even free thought then I truly do not recognize the country I grew up in.

makers and takers


rollin' in the gutter
To be fair, I was responding on my iPad so I couldn't type a decent response.

To your point....

Yes, however when you have a POTUS lie or tell half truths, which is worse? Seriously. I think for me I figured out why I'm pissing off LiberalGAF; I don't defend the topic at hand, I defend the "best" ideal of what the "best" of Romney "could" potentially bring to the table. (I actually had that realization a couple of days ago and had to reconcile that but I think that's it.)

Yes, all politicians do it. Period. End of story. Obama does it. Biden does it. Barney Frank does it and F'ning John Boener does it. I personally hate it because I hate being lied to or only told what I "think I need to be told" by those who think they are superior in intelligence. To your point, is changing or in this case "flip flopping" on a position identify most with: A) Who Mitt Romney is or B) The state of the Republican party? To me its the latter of the two. Again I go back to what Mitt values; He values me, he values you, he values people working again--- How we get there is two different ways. Call it trickle down politics or trickle up economics, both are amazingly shitty and to most Americans its which one smells the least worst on a daily basis and that is what people are fundamentally voting on. Not party slogans, not hope and change, not believe in America.

The American people get that the people in Washington cannot change things within unless but contrast, you have a super majority and then move bills and/or sign executive orders into law like Obama has had and done. Now before you start jumping down my throat about Bush and what his henchmen did, I get it... he did the exact same thing... stop and think... you voted for hope and change in the way politics were handled; or did you simply vote in who you thought would do the most good for what your political world view is? I'm guessing again its the latter. How am I any different is the question I'm asking LiberalGAF.

To your last point, which Romney will we get; We will get business leader Romney that sole focus will be getting the states and the Government to kick start this economy. Sure there will be bumps in the road and sure we need to (IMO) still address Libya and who is responsible for that shit storm, sure we need to figure out taxes, corporations and medical coverage of people but the root cause of the systemic issues we have at hand today are because we have people who do not have an income and/or that people are using monies that come from Government welfare. This issue to me at least is about who takes responsibility for where America goes. When I say Obama wants to take us on an express elevator to Euro style health care, can you defend that or is that genuinely what you want? If people want total assistance from the Government and do not want to work for what they want, for their education or even free thought then I truly do not recognize the country I grew up in.

Hell fucking yeah I want free healthcare and free education. I see absolutely no problem with this.
The UK, where I grew up, has "Euro style health care" and also no shortage of honest hard-working people. This right-wing false equivalency between a compassionate state and a nation of people who don't want to work for a living makes me sick.

Oh and most western European nations have better health stats, better literacy, and better overall standard of living than the US, the right-wing boogeyman of Europe as some kind of nightmare scenario is a joke that needs to be challenged and exposed more often.
First thing tomorrow, almost right as the polls open here in PA, I will be voting. I'll try to not follow the election closely until late evening but I doubt I'll have the restraint.
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