Incoming House.
And the Senate decides the VP. We'd be likely looking at a Romney Biden administration.
Incoming House.
And the Senate decides the VP. We'd be likely looking at a Romney Biden administration.
Even better. Blue gets all of the cities and the rural parts that just feed off the wealth blue areas generate can have their shitty third world theocracy they want so bad.
Even better. Blue gets all of the cities and the rural parts that just feed off the wealth blue areas generate can have their shitty third world theocracy they want so bad.
Bluntly, yes. It's been a pretty steady trend of back and forth for the last few decades when seeing what Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush 2 had to deal with in terms of partisan opposition. There is a spike of Republican opposition this time around, but in the context of the high degree of Conservative backlash towards Obama's policies and philosophies, it doesnt strike me as out of place. Especially since that sentiment was also reflected by voters in 2010. I dont have much reason to think why the Democrats would have acted significantly differently had the roles been reversed.Bluntly, have you being paying attention for the last four years? Republicans are far, far worse at partisan bickering. I think the Republican party are going to go nuts if they get a majority in both houses.
If 502 passes I'll move there.
I will pack up everything and move.
I suppose all the farmers should stop feeding the cities. Woah. Haha.
Like a few of Bush's other legacies, Obama took the bar of polariztion that the Bush administration set, and extended it.
If 502 passes I'll move there.
I will pack up everything and move.
"My number one priority is making sure President Obama's a one-term president."
have we forgotten this already?
You mean the ones not already fucked over by Agribusiness?
Like the rest of that paragraph said, my point wasnt to put the blame squarely on Obama, as I tried to clarify my previous sentence. In other words, just as Bush was a polarizing figure, justly or unjustly, Obama was also viewed as a polarizing figure as well. The notion of the end of racial and partisan bickering was as pie in the sky as the notion that the seas would stop rising.wat.
"My number one priority is making sure President Obama's a one-term president."
have we forgotten this already?
Although not explicitly said, the priority of all opposition is to try to make sure the other side's leader is a one termer.
The second is the fact that, however awkward it may be for the traditional press and nonpartisan analysts to acknowledge, one of the two major parties, the Republican Party, has become an insurgent outlier — ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence, and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. When one party moves this far from the center of American politics, it is extremely difficult to enact policies responsive to the country's most pressing challenges.
If the GOP were to get away with that kind of shit, it would have incredibly disturbing implications.But that's really awful. The priority of the opposition should be to try and make sure they themselves aren't a one termer... by helping out the American people and doing good legislation.
The second we give a party a pass for throwing the American people under the bus in order to make the opposition look bad so they could install their own leader, is the second our entire democracy is at risk.
Seattle has your back.I voted last week in Washington, and voted for Marijuana and Gay Marriage. Considering I live in a very very red part of the state, I worry about either passing, but hopefully the big cities will push us over.
So I have heard that there is a chance (though unlikely) that there could be an electoral tie, which would probably result in a Romney victory since the house gets to vote on the president. But the senate votes on the VP.
Could a Romney/Biden White House be as funny as it sounds?
If it's that black. And white to you, then our democracy has been at risk for a long time. But we seem to be chugging along well enough.But that's really awful. The priority of the opposition should be to try and make sure they themselves aren't a one termer... by helping out the American people and doing good legislation.
The second we give a party a pass for throwing the American people under the bus in order to make the opposition look bad so they could install their own leader, is the second our entire democracy is at risk.
Yea, worried about it as well. The polling has it pretty much even, which is worrisome...
If it's that black. And white to you, then our democracy has been at risk for a long time. But we seem to be chugging along well enough.
What complicates things is that one party's notion of throwing the people under the bus is the other party's notion of a really good policy.
The House decides the Pres if that where to happen. So in that case the 2010 election would have ultimately determined the outcome.
I voted last week in Washington, and voted for Marijuana and Gay Marriage. Considering I live in a very very red part of the state, I worry about either passing, but hopefully the big cities will push us over.
The "Vote Yes" camp has gotten pretty aggressive. A couple of my friends have had their "vote no" signs torn down this week. Mine is still safe, but I have a spare just in case.
I really want Minnesota to reject this shit.
LOL, don't be.
I-502: 56% Yes
R74: 52% Yes
R74 has tighted up a little bit, but that is waaaaay too big of a mountain for the opposition to overcome in time. They're both going to pass.
The governor's race is what's going to be a doozy.
If the GOP were to get away with that kind of shit, it would have incredibly disturbing implications.
We'll start to see the equivalent of "I'll kill your country unless you concede {*insert policy point*}" whenever a vital piece of legislation comes-up. The Democrats never had the gall to try that level of shit, and anyone claiming "both sides suck" on this is holding a very disingenuous, or willfully ignorant, or really, really dim-witted stance.
So Ohio has two issues on the ballot...
Issue 2 is on making redistricting the job of a non-partisan, independent panel.
I never understood the whole "electoral" votes in the US, is it like that in other countries? It just seems weird that Al Gore got more votes than Bush and lost, how is that democracy?
What is the chance of neither Romney or Obama winning an undecided state?
Might perhaps a third-party presidential candidate have a chance?
We've actually had presidents that lost both the electoral and the popular votes but still won the presidency, oddly enough.
I never understood the whole "electoral" votes in the US, is it like that in other countries? It just seems weird that Al Gore got more votes than Bush and lost, how is that democracy?
edit: here in PR we have election day the same day as US
What is the chance of neither Romney or Obama winning an undecided state?
Might perhaps a third-party presidential candidate have a chance?
What is the chance of neither Romney or Obama winning an undecided state?
Might perhaps a third-party presidential candidate have a chance?
What is the chance of neither Romney or Obama winning an undecided state?
Might perhaps a third-party presidential candidate have a chance?
I never understood the whole "electoral" votes in the US, is it like that in other countries? It just seems weird that Al Gore got more votes than Bush and lost, how is that democracy?
I'll give you an example of why the electoral college isn't really that bad (or as bad as it sounds). Take the hurricane situation. If that depresses turnout drastically in those states, which are very populous, it could totally change the outcome of the election if we based it totally on popular vote.
Still, the electoral college isn't totally based on population either. Some states are agricultural centers or have other important national resources but smaller populations, so their local concerns might be more important to the nation than their population size would suggest.
Also, the culture in a country as big as the USA can vary drastically from one region to another, but if popular vote ruled, the majority in the big cities would have a tyranny of sorts on policy.
There are reasons for it. They might not be great reasons, and the arguments against it are more compelling than they once were, but I doubt if it will ever change.
I think it's supposed to reduce the chance of any single state being able to manipulate the election too much. That's how I've always thought of it, at least.
What is the chance of neither Romney or Obama winning an undecided state?
Might perhaps a third-party presidential candidate have a chance?
So long as you pay for your weed and don't grow it on your own, come on over. If we want weed legalized, it needs to be fairly taxed.
Oh, and don't carry more than an ounce at a time
I was listening to NPR a few days ago and they had on some guests to discuss the issue. Basically the yes guy's reason for why this amendment is important (its already illegal), is that the people of Minnesota should decide this important issue, not judges or the legislature
I face-palmed right there. Apparently discrimination is okay so long as a majority of people agree with you.
No chance at all.
You guys #ethered me.A third parties party candidate will be doing good to get just 5% in any state.
really? Damn, like who?
really? Damn, like who?
I never understood the whole "electoral" votes in the US, is it like that in other countries? It just seems weird that Al Gore got more votes than Bush and lost, how is that democracy?
edit: here in PR we have election day the same day as US