So.. I'm reading that Mittens is behind is Michigan and Mass., his birth state and the state where he served as Governor. Losing both hasn't happened since 1844. I didn't realize it was normally such a lock.
So.. I'm reading that Mittens is behind is Michigan and Mass., his birth state and the state where he served as Governor. Losing both hasn't happened since 1844. I didn't realize it was normally such a lock.
I hope to live to see the day when third parties aren't referred to as third parties, but just another party. Standing with the other candidates in the debates. Can you imagine if the likes of Johnson, or hell, Goode were televised with Obama and Romney? Suddenly the two primary candidates would look and sound very cautious and actorly in comparison.
The US is not a democracy, it's a republic.
I hope to live to see the day when third parties aren't referred to as third parties, but just another party. Standing with the other candidates in the debates. Can you imagine if the likes of Johnson, or hell, Goode were televised with Obama and Romney? Suddenly the two primary candidates would look and sound very cautious and actorly in comparison.
So.. I'm reading that Mittens is behind is Michigan and Mass., his birth state and the state where he served as Governor. Losing both hasn't happened since 1844. I didn't realize it was normally such a lock.
I never understood the whole "electoral" votes in the US, is it like that in other countries? It just seems weird that Al Gore got more votes than Bush and lost, how is that democracy?
Theodore Roosevelt and Alton Parker both ran with the home state of New York (1904). Parker was born in New York. Roosevelt won New York. Parker wasn't a governor, but he was a Judge in New York. So the governor thing might be unduly skewing the statistics in a sort of meaningless way. Likewise, McGovern lost South Dakota in 72 (born and ran from) but was a Senator, not a Governor.
Unless you live to see the day where the US becomes a parliamentary democracy with some form of proportional representation, you won't live to see that day. There could possibly be a new national party, but it'd only compete at the expense of one of the current two collapsing, and so you'd still see the "third party" scenario.
Yeah, something is up with that stat. I read it on cnn but in the same article they have a picture off to the side that says it happened to Thomas Dewey in 1944 so they seem to be contradicting themselves. It still doesn't happen often.
Behold...the infamous electoral tie.[IMG]
The scary thing about this is that it seems realistic...Obama might snag another 2/3 states from Romney's side though. Here's the link if you want to play around with the possibilities: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
No way Romney wins Nevada, if the Republicans couldn't oust Harry Reid there is no way they can beat Obama.
People don't seem to understand what third parties are and why they don't work in US politics. There's only two kinds in reality - Single-issue Parties and No Compromise Parties (which are just the regular D and R parties, but extreme versions that don't compromise on any issues). Single Issue parties can influence politics by getting the major parties to incorporate them and No Compromise parties just sap votes from the party they share the most ideological similarity.
Ross Perot, I think, was a really unique case - a rich eccentric with a host of wild ideas.
People don't seem to understand what third parties are and why they don't work in US politics. There's only two kinds in reality - Single-issue Parties and No Compromise Parties (which are just the regular D and R parties, but extreme versions that don't compromise on any issues). Single Issue parties can influence politics by getting the major parties to incorporate them and No Compromise parties just sap votes from the party they share the most ideological similarity.
Behold...the infamous electoral tie.
The scary thing about this is that it seems realistic...Obama might snag another 2/3 states from Romney's side though. Here's the link if you want to play around with the possibilities:
No way Romney wins Nevada, if the Republicans couldn't oust Harry Reid there is no way they can beat Obama.
His run was what encouraged the narrative of balancing the budget.
Ross Perot, I think, was a really unique case - a rich eccentric with a host of wild ideas.
The problem with our two parties is that they tightly bind the social and fiscal spectrums and don't give people options that more closely resemble their views. You have to sacrifice on one or the other. If, for example, you are a social conservative and fiscal liberal, you have no place to go. It's not quite the same reality for fiscal conservatives and social liberals, as there is the lolbertarian party, weak though it may be. I imagine if people were given more options, they might be surprised at what they truly want, politically speaking.
Ehhh.. Nevada is as good as done though. The early voting numbers are looking like Romney winning there is a remarkable improbability. Even the GOP's analysts are admitting this.Behold...
The scary thing about this is that it seems realistic...Obama might snag another 2/3 states from Romney's side though.
Ehhh.. Nevada is as good as done though. The early voting numbers are looking like Romney winning there is a remarkable improbability. Even the GOP's analysts are admitting this.
And Ohio is right behind it. Assuming similar turnout to 2008 - which is not that difficult, considering Obama's Extreme Ground Machine and the fact that the state's been campaign-bombarded for almost all year at this point - then Romney would have to beat Obama among remaining voters by at least 8%.. and even then, he'd only be even!
The last chance for a trajectory change was on Friday morning when jobs numbers came out, and now the nation is in "don't-bug-me-I'm-watching-football" mode. Sandy killed any time left that Romney had to close, and Christie - along with some very touching post-storm footage where the President comforted victims - might've even widened the gap such that Obama may well end-up winning with 303EVs instead of just 281EVs.
This race is all over but the crying. Pick out your champagne, clean the house, go shopping for some primo junk food, and get ready for a fun, fun Tuesday night!
I really wonder if turnout is actually going to be lower in OH than 2008. Practically the entire media narrative focuses on the state.Ehhh.. Nevada is as good as done though. The early voting numbers are looking like Romney winning there is a remarkable improbability. Even the GOP's analysts are admitting this.
And Ohio is right behind it. Assuming similar turnout to 2008 - which is not that difficult, considering Obama's Extreme Ground Machine and the fact that the state's been campaign-bombarded for almost all year at this point - then Romney would have to beat Obama among remaining voters by at least 8%.. and even then, he'd only be even!
The last chance for a trajectory change was on Friday morning when jobs numbers came out, and now the nation is in "don't-bug-me-I'm-watching-football" mode. Sandy killed any time left that Romney had to close, and Christie - along with some very touching post-storm footage where the President comforted victims - might've even widened the gap such that Obama may well end-up winning with 303EVs instead of just 281EVs.
This race is all over but the crying. Pick out your champagne, clean the house, go shopping for some primo junk food, and get ready for a fun, fun Tuesday night!
I think his method of communicating was particularly effective as well. Charts? Graphs? Excellent. He leveled with the American people, talking to us like adults. A lot of people responded well to this. If he had not jumped in and out of the race several times, he might've done much, much better.Even then, Ross Perot became popular due to the fact he brought up a lot of fiscal issues that people thought weren't being addressed by the GOP
It should really tell you something about him...
Also they'll likely lose Wisconsin, too, Paul Ryan's home state.
The problem is that people aren't entitled to get everything they want - voters need to compromise as much as parties do; even if you separated social and fiscal issues like that, you'd end up with candidates winning elections with 25% of the vote.
I really wonder if turnout is actually going to be lower in OH than 2008. Practically the entire media narrative focuses on the state.
Ehhh.. Nevada is as good as done though. The early voting numbers are looking like Romney winning there is a remarkable improbability. Even the GOP's analysts are admitting this.
And Ohio is right behind it. Assuming similar turnout to 2008 - which is not that difficult, considering Obama's Extreme Ground Machine and the fact that the state's been campaign-bombarded for almost all year at this point - then Romney would have to beat Obama among remaining voters by at least 8%.. and even then, he'd only be even!
The last chance for a trajectory change was on Friday morning when jobs numbers came out, and now the nation is in "don't-bug-me-I'm-watching-football" mode. Sandy killed any time left that Romney had to close, and Christie - along with some very touching post-storm footage where the President comforted victims - might've even widened the gap such that Obama may well end-up winning with 303EVs instead of just 281EVs.
This race is all over but the crying. Pick out your champagne, clean the house, go shopping for some primo junk food, and get ready for a fun, fun Tuesday night!
So what did it tell you when Gore lost Tennesee? I think Romney winning the Governor seat of Mass if far more telling than him losing in a extremely blue state.
The Democrats never had the gall to try that level of shit, and anyone claiming "both sides suck" on this is holding a very disingenuous, or willfully ignorant, or really, really dim-witted stance.
In January, 2004, George W. Bush announced his intention to take the next steps of space exploration: human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond. It was an occasion that might have presented a moment of bipartisan unity: a Republican President was proposing to spend billions of dollars on a public project to further John F. Kennedys dream of venturing deep into the cosmos. As Frances Lee, now a professor at the University of Maryland, recalls, That wasnt a partisan issue at all. Democrats had no position on sending a mission to Mars. But, she says, they suddenly began to develop one. They began to believe it was a waste of money. Congressional Democrats pushed the argument in press releases, public statements, and television appearances. In response, the White House, which had hinted that the Mars mission would feature prominently in the State of the Union address, dropped it from the speech.
The experience helped to crystallize something that Lee had been thinking about. Most of the work on the relationship between the President and Congress was about the President as the agenda setter, she says. I was coming at it from the perspective of the increase in partisanship, and so I looked at Presidents not as legislative leaders but as party leaders. That changes things dramatically. As Lee writes in her book Beyond Ideology (2009), there are inherent zero-sum conflicts between the two parties political interests as they seek to win elections. Put more simply, the Presidents party cant win unless the other party loses. And both parties know it. This, Lee decided, is the true nature of our political system.
To test her theory, she created a database of eighty-six hundred Senate votes between 1981 and 2004. She found that a Presidents powers of persuasion were strong, but only within his own party. Nearly four thousand of the votes were of the mission-to-Mars varietythey should have found support among both Democrats and Republicans. Absent a Presidents involvement, these votes fell along party lines just a third of the time, but when a President took a stand that number rose to more than half. The same thing happened with votes on more partisan issues, such as bills that raised taxes; they typically split along party lines, but when a President intervened the divide was even sharper.
One way of interpreting this is that party members let their opinion of the President influence their evaluation of the issues. Thats not entirely unreasonable. A Democrat might have supported an intervention in Iraq but questioned George W. Bushs ability to manage it effectively. Another interpretation is that party members let their political incentives influence how they evaluate policy. Whatever people think about raw policy issues, theyre aware that Presidential successes will help the Presidents party and hurt the opposing party, Lee says. Its not to say theyre entirely cynical, but the fact that success is useful to the Presidents party is going to have an effect on how members respond. Or, to paraphrase Upton Sinclair, its difficult to get a man to support something if his reëlection depends on his not supporting it.
Both parties are guilty of this practice. Karl Rove, President Bushs deputy chief of staff, recalls discussing the Social Security privatization plan with a sympathetic Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee. He says that the representative told him, You wouldnt get everything you want and I wouldnt get everything I want, but we could solve the problem. But I cant do it because my leadership wont let me. Rove says, It was less about Social Security than it was about George W. Bush. At various times during the nineteen-nineties, Clinton and other Democrats had been open to adding some form of private accounts to Social Security, and in 1997 there were, reportedly, quiet discussions between Democrats and Republicans about doing exactly that. In theory, this background might have led to a compromise in 2005, but Bushs aggressive sales pitch had polarized the issue.
On virtually all of the major slips this White House has made in the past year, there have been unnoticed Democrats putting down the banana peels. One of the best examplesand certainly the issue that sent Bushs poll numbers southwardwas the Dubai port deal. The little-noticed administration decision to contract with a United Arab Emirate-owned company to run terminals at six ports around the United States mushroomed into a public relations disaster for which the Bush administration was uncharacteristically unprepared. Within a week of the story breaking, congressional Republicans had vowed to pass legislation undoing the deal, Bush angrily declared he would veto such legislation, and polls showed that three-quarters of Americans were concerned the deal would jeopardize American security. Even more damaging, the issue shifted public opinion about who can best protect the country from future acts of terrorism. For the first time since 9/11, Democrats pulled even with Republicans on this question.
If you read the press coverage of the story, you would have thought the issue surfaced on its own. In fact, however, the story was a little grenade rolled into the White House bunker by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). No one was aware of the port deal until Schumerwho had been tipped off by a source in the shipping industryheld a press conference, and another, and another until the press corps finally paid attention. As for Schumer, he popped up in news reports about the deal, but almost always as a critic of the administration, not as the initiator of the entire episode.
This is not a lone example. In the winter of 2005, Bush unveiled his Social Security privatization plan, the domestic centerpiece of his second term. The president invested a tremendous amount of personal political capital in the effort, featuring it in his 2005 State of the Union address and holding carefully choreographed town meetings to simulate public support for the idea.
Most of the press corps expected the debate to be a painful defeat for Democrats. Not only were moderates predicted to jump ship and join with Republicans to support the presidents plan, but Social Securityone of the foundational blocks of the New Deal social compactwould be irrevocably changed. But then a funny thing happened. Reid and Pelosi managed to keep the members of their caucuses united in opposition. Day after day they launched coordinated attacks on Bushs risky proposal. Without a single Democrat willing to sign on and give a bipartisanship veneer of credibility, the private accounts plan slowly came to be seen by voters for what it was: another piece of GOP flimflam.
As the privatization ship began sinking, Republicans challenged Democrats to develop their own plan, and when none was forthcoming, pundits whacked the minority party for being without ideas. But not putting forth a plan was the plan. It meant that once the bottom fell out on public support for Bushs effortwhich it did by early summerDemocrats couldnt be pressured to work with Republicans to form a compromise proposal. It was a brilliant tactical maneuver that resulted in a defeat at least as decisive as the Republicans successful effort to kill Clintons health-care plan.
The problem is that people aren't entitled to get everything they want - voters need to compromise as much as parties do; even if you separated social and fiscal issues like that, you'd end up with candidates winning elections with 25% of the vote.
All 50 states should have this.
The parties have us so far pinned into camps that we can't even breathe the word compromise. Particularly on the right. That's the point and the problem. It's frankly my opinion that there are far too many people along for the ride. It would frankly be very liberating if people could actually vote their conscience, and not be so bound to dogma that they perhaps haven't even considered whether or not they believe in.
On the national level, yes, we need compromise. We need people that can work together. But since so much of our national politics are bound in litmus tests and signed pledges, and since the radicals control the primary process, we're stuck with the mess we have, and it seems to only be getting worse.
I disagree... voters need to voice their ideals. Too many issues are being ignored by the two party system that there must be voter support for other candidates to show they won't always have our support. You vote for a lesser of two evils, you don't get to complain when they do stupid/lame shit. You approved them with your vote.
I'm not sure what we're supposed to get out of this. I didn't remember the Mars episode, and that definitely reflects poorly on the Dems if that's how it went down. But what's the issue with the other two? One guy brought the press's attention to the Dubai thing, and of course the Dems opposed the destruction of Social Security.Let's not pretend we're all four years old:
If I were living in Pakistan I would probably consider president Obama a butcher and would be praying for anyone to replace him's that international poll that showed only Pakistan would prefer Romney over Obama, I can't find it right now.
The key phrase in my sentence was "that level of shit." It's predictable that we'd get more "but.. but.. both sides do it" thought. Shocking.Let's not pretend we're all four years old:
I thought we were discussing how awful such a philosophy was, how awful such actions are. Not compiling a tally. My mistake, rail on.
Agreed. And we have a strong reason, too. Try to find the Ohio 9th District on the map in the OP.
Did you give up?
The green strip of land along Lake Erie. Gerrymandered to hell in order to force Kaptur and Kucinich into a primary fight. :-\
We were. You presented essentially one example as evidence that the Dems had held to the same philosophy during Bush's presidency.
One wonders how he ever managed the war in Iraq and all those tax cuts, what with the Dems opposing every single thing he tried to do.
We just need third parties allowed in the deabtes. I mean seriously why is this accepted by the public?
Your response indicates you refuse to read and understand the articles I posted. Your loss.
Your response indicates you refuse to read and understand the articles I posted. Your loss.
Oh, wow, you sure showed him.